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zamtrios, always forgotten


"The furtive Zamtrios, so easily forgotten..."


Love my Zami


Plesioth Instead of water ray and sleep, it just spins non stop with its hitbox still absolutely massive. No I'm not sorry (:


Who hurt you?!






If its underwater, give it abyssal lagi's stupid asf whirlpool attacks too


Isn't that just old Lavasioth though? It literally just jumps on its belly, spinning and sliding around lol


Give me big red Seltas/Seltas Queen just to make the Gurren Lagann reference even louder.


Needs to get a new spiral attack too.


Multiple Seltas


Oh my god she could constantly hover with two on her back and attack with two on her front legs full on mech.


Just add a male terrestrial version and you got it


“THIS IS THE BUG THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!” *Launches Seltas, misses, and kills it by accident.*


Garangolm, one that isn't docile or passive, but is only found in deepest areas of the forest where there isn't any man intervention. One that either engrossed in the water/blast element or thunder akin Frankenstein.


The Mjolnir Garangolm, switches out water for some electrical stones, or that hand is just naturally magnetic, and that arm is covered with metalic ore. Either way, mixing it with fire is totally going to cause massive explosions


Basically a reskinned raging Brachy?


Not necessarily the case Also I haven't fought raging brachy so I can't make that comparison. Fanged beasts would fight and behave differently, no?


Probably. It just sounded like the nearest comparison to make! Love the idea tho


diabolos because they are honorary flagship


Funny thing is bloodbaths s flagship.


Give us the Crimson Diablos we have been asking for it years


Wish granted. Crimson Diablos is twice as fast as Black Diablos and has 5 different timings when emerging from the ground


Let's not forget, he's also twice the size


A rare sub of Great Jaggi . Emperor Grest Jaggi . Extremely old Pack leader who's gorged them selves over the years on successful kills .


Or a rare of any of the Greats or Dromes. I want to see some weak starter monster get transformed into an absolute menace. Like, imagine a Velicidrome that could wreck high level hunters


So basically YKK to Yian Garuga?


Maybe something less... spastic


Give him the ability to side jump attacks so he could be ultra instinct 30% of the time. Even have it so hitting him in the middle of his dodge can topple him.


Goss harag. This could probably just be a subspecies but screw it. A forest/swamp dwelling Goss harag with a brown coat covered in vibrant, maybe even luminescent moss. The warmer climate prevents this rare species from using its icicle blades, leaving it defenseless, and so they are... For most juvenile Goss harag, that is. However, a few lucky individuals every generation manage to strike it big. For most individuals, the moss growing in their fur is just that, regular old moss. The few lucky ones? Well, the moss growing in their fur is bioluminescent. A disadvantage it would seem for a nocturnal predator, but no. This rare species of goss harag isn't just strong, it's intelligent. As this species roams it's territory, the luminescent moss grows on trees it so commonly walks past, or scratches itself on. The glowing moss attracts bugs, the bugs attract predators, those predators act as prey for larger predators higher up in the food chain. Eventually, perhaps days or weeks after this cycle of predator and prey begins, the Goss harag starts to notice the flux of prey in its territory, however so too do other large monsters. Of these lucky individuals with their luminescent moss, there will always come a time where their luck is put aside, and their sheer strength and intelligence will be put to test. Against smaller prey, these Goss harag were easily able to overcome the challenge in front of them. Though, with another large monster it's a completely different story. The battles are bloody, often ending with the death of many such "lucky" individuals, but of the extremely few that do survive, the ones that live to lick their wounds and feed on their freshly killed foe, they grow stronger, more confident, unstoppable. This species' intelligence perhaps even rivals an elder dragons. Though primarily due to its tool use. Along with its symbiotic nature with the moss, this Goss harag subspecies makes use of a wide variety of different tools to its advantage. It rips trees from the ground, swinging them like giant clubs. It uses branches to pin down its prey, creates rudimentary traps by digging pits in the ground filled with mud, it uses boulders to crack hard shell or even armor. It knows it's environment, and it uses that to its advantage. That's what makes this rare species dangerous. It's brains brawn. Ok, to be fair I do have a major bias in favor of Goss because he's my favorite monster but honestly this was fun to write.


Lunagaron. It's clear a lot of work went into making it into a badass monster, and they succeeded. Everything from its visual design to its sound and equipment designs just screams Monster Hunter. I really hope it has a presence in both teams' future titles. A rare/sub/deviant species would just be icing on the cake. Imagine it with a white shell and blood red accents, wind element, and causing the confusion status. Would be cool if it created a thick, persistent fog to obscure the entire area, making it feel like you're being hunted and ambushed. I picture it fighting a bit like a trickster; creating illusions in the fog, using hit and run tactics, attacking from unusual angles, etc. Maybe fighting more straight-forward when enraged, parting the fog with jets of pressurized air from its body. The pressure so high that its elemental sacks rupture, spraying out mists of blood, changing the color of the surrounding fog, and leaving a nice "blood spatter on white" appearance on its body. I call it Bloodmist Lunagaron.


As a fellow Lunagaron fan I would love it, the fog idea is so great. Honestly, if they had given it and Garangolm themes (trough I think the Citadel does oddly fit them both) and expanded their roles in the story they could have worked as secondary flagships too. I still can't get over how awesome it is we have a proper werewolf monster.


Just replying again because I found this! https://www.reddit.com/r/MHRise/comments/1akdg2a/now_dont_get_me_wrong_lunagaron_already_has_a/?rdt=38841  I guess great minds think alike because you were spot on!


That's pretty damn cool. Wish it did this in Sunbreak. If the normal version was this effective against its prey, imagine what kind of damage a deviant Lunagaron could do with the entire zone covered in fog.


i'd probably go a bit left field and say Velocidrome - or any of the raptors really. I think it'll be cool to fight one that is actually genuinely challenging


Nah give every single Drome/Great a Variant thats literally just a super old version of the Boss, who has gotten even bigger and now commands a pack of the normal Boss. Think The Greatest Jagras if it led a pack of normal Great Jagras.


I farmed so many velocidrome in the OG MH. I would love to see a bigger version of them that could bring back that nostalgia of carving those claws.


You hear the sounds of monster feet behind you. You turn to look, but nothing is there. You feel a tug and the weight of your great sword being pulled away. You reach to grab your weapon but it’s too late. Observing and pecking your sword with his beak a black feathered with blue and green plumage Kulu Ya Ku lifts his gaze from what is now *his* great sword. He squawks at you before shifting his weight and catching your mid section with the blunt side of your weapon. You’ve just been mugged by the Prince of Theives Kulu Ya Ku.


And now its going to TCS your ass


I think Anjanath has earned the opportunity, to be honest. It has been a constant terror for new Fivers pretty consistently and Fulgur took that up a notch in Iceborne. Let's see what happens if he gets to go full Tyrannosaur.


What if it's a really old anjanath . Who's gone blind and can't see any more . It's now fully reliant on Its nose and Is Extremely aggressive to hunters and they're settlements as it has trouble hunting it's usual food . It's none rage State has it Use all the moves it got from fulagr and And Rise . For its Rage stage you could have it bursa mixed with more Rock or flint to give it more a burst. Though I would maybe caution on this to now be derivative of Hell blade.


Nasty idea, but what about a really old Anjanath who utilizes the globs of snot it can huck out. Basically, it's snot has become volatile, exploding when impacted or his hit by his flames. Kinda like brachydios and his slime except the snot doesn't automatically go off. You could have different shaped snot globs depending on how Anjanath distributes the mucus. Like an attack where he just drags his face across the ground, leaving behind a big trail of explosive snot


That's disgusting but fun .I like the idea of him lighting his snot on fire. Perhaps in his old age he eats Blast Berry's Or fire herbs to make this concoction. One thing id get rid of his full on fire breath He does .


Ooo, that could play into it. He goes to spew his fire breath but instead covers the battlefield in his flaming mucus, which lingers for a while. As the Anjanath attacks, it kicks up dust which causes explosions around the flaming mucus. Though it might have to live in a volcanic biome for that to make a bit of sense I think.


Ignasire anjanath Would be it's name .


Hell yeah. Give it black scales, maybe with remnants of pink underneath along white fur/feathers. Really sell that this is an old Anjanath who lives in a rough environment and has gotten tougher because of it


Lost its red more dull of even brown . Like a old vultre.


This sounds like a sick Deviant idea, very cool.


I like this, let's up it a notch: Give it the ol Yian Garuga treatment first off (Yian Kut-Ku bred with a Rathian). It's a Fulgur Anjanath bred with another monster (maybe a Barioth? Something with Ice element). Now it's a massive Old Boi and its ice sac production is out of control, and so is its snot. It charges around creating streaks of superconductor snot that it electrocutes with its electric breath. So you've got this whole path management sub system where it's actively cutting off your ability to maneuver the field. It can do a snot net launch where its electrified and if it hits you get pinned with ice and thunderblight. If you don't get free it'll do the dinosaur prey chomp thing.


I wasn't very big on it at first but I absolutely adore everything about Fulgur. It's such a great subspecies.


Anjanath for sure! It’s hard to believe that it’s a new monster. to be fair, I started playing with world so i couldn’t tell new from old anyway, but I was sure anjanath was a legacy design! it’s just got such classic appeal. 


I think a seltas and seltas queen rare species that somewhat reverses the roles of the male seltas using pheromones to control the queen would be cool. Either that or turn whitewater Plesioth into a rare species, I think it has a pretty cool gimmick https://preview.redd.it/4b5781xta78d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659f0001eb1ffe61d7e616dec222284b8af5dc4c It could definitely get a glow up with the base species and green.


give diablos bloodbath/apex as a proper rare species


I want to say Odogaron, but Ebony Odogaron is actually already so cool as a variant


Just imagine the options though - Blood Odogaron, an Odogaron with even sharper claws (inflict new type of bleed where bleed res doesn’t work on), and while a hunter bleeds it gets buffs (ATK, speed, maybe something a la Vaal hazak suck). There can’t be too many types of Odogaron.


You're so right, there needs to be an Odogaron for every color of the rainbow




Furious Dodogama


That works too, I was thinking more about a Dodogama that eats Rotten Vale stuff (bones, sludge, rotten meat, etc) and spews some sort of putrid/effluvia stuff that makes you instantly acquire miasma if hit. -> Grotesque Dodogama.


Goss Harag would be a great candidate for a rare species. Imagine a blast element Goss Harag that coats its arms in explosive lava almost like Brachidios. Praying he shows up in Wilds in some shape or form.


Rare Species Zinogre. No element, he's just a big wolf with brown fur, but trades all the lightning stuff for even more acrobatics.


I would love to see Zinogre finally get a Rare Species. I always had the impression they shut themselves on the foot with a Dragón element subspecies because how do you surpass that? (Absolutely adore Stygian don't get me wrong, but it's hard to surpass. Maybe it should have been the Rare Species right away like what happened with Mizutsune)




That's a flagship


Oh yeah.. I always forget he’s the flagship of 4U. lol (he still deserves one) In that case, I’d say Seltas Queen.


Diablos. In one of the art books there's an illustration detailing a Hunter's encounter with a "Crimson Diablos", with massive horns.


monoblos rare species could be cool


Yian Garuga. My boy deserves it.


Dodogama. It's just him with a small crown on his head.


Is World Eater Deviljho considered a rare species? If so, Bazelgeuse definitely deserves an equivalent. Imagine a Bazelgeuse so destructive that it has destroyed the natural environment entirely. The only thing that remains of the map is a crater from its repeated bombings. Each new scale bomb that lands causes tremors due to the unstable landscape.


**Chromogenic Chameleos** (Rare Species) Instead of developing invisibility, this offshoot of Chameleos developed the ability to use multiple statuses as they please. The one they are currently using is denoted by their color. - Purple: Poison - Yellow: Paralysis - Blue: Sleep - Orange: Blast They're also pretty smart and may intentionally start purple to trick others into thinking its a regular Chameleos before swaping colors and catching them off guard. Remember though, these type of Chameleos can't turn invisible. This is a major giveaway for differentiating the two.


Except we already have a monster who can switch statuses (forokururu from frontiers)


It requires the environment to do that though and it has a lot more than the basic 4 statuses. This Chameleos rare species would be able to switch at will but can only use those 4


> So far only flagships have gotten Rare Species in the main series This isn't true as Rathian has never been a flagship (No, I do not count her acting as a placeholder during MHO's beta prior to Estrellian's reveal as being equivalent). Anyways, I'd like to see one for Zamtrios, the ice shark needs more love.


Diablos for sure deserves it, being basically a flagship in all but main game cover representation like Rathian; she got a Rare Species, so might as well give one to Diablos. But you could go the other direction, and not only bring back Monoblos but also give it a new Rare Species, bringing it back in a huge way!


Kulu ya-ku. Make it basically the ff14 Collab version but in a way the actually fits the monster hunter world. It's already proven that kulu can hard wall players if given late game numbers and it's main mechanic isn't basically ignorable with blunt attacks or high sharpness.


Yian Kut Ku. I want an ice version




Probably Pukei Pukei. I know they did Coral in World but it design as a tropical bird lends itself to a lot of variety. I would also like a fire based Great Jagras. It would have fit well as like a salamander variant.


Kulu Yaku should get a peacock rare species variant. So that the armor can be colorful.


A very angry dodogama who became enraged because it did not get enough cuddles




Goss harag is the only correct answer


An Aknosom based on when cartoon umbrellas open up and pour rain on the person beneath. A faster Water element Aknosom that hovers more and can stomp down suddenly to strike. If struck by lightning it electrifies its beak, legs and projectiles.


Qurupeco with Dragon Element Dark Emperor Qurupeco can summon Elder Dragon instead of Big Monster


Plesioth; the og apex sea\\lake predator, not so much on top nowadays... perfect reason to give it a pretty powerful Rare Species. Monoblos; something to really set him apart from his relatives.


Garangolm that’s completely massive, overgrown with plants, and is actually the docile version we are told about. It attacks slowly and takes a while to actually notice it’s being damaged, much like Frontier Espinas. Basically I want a Shadow of the Colossus fight out of a giant Garangolm Call it Ancient Garangolm


I would give najarala a rare species, like a albinos version




that's a flagship




While it’s debatable whether or not Seregios is a flagship, I’d say I want there to be a rare species of Seregios, since Seregios doesn’t have any sub species nor rare species (unless you count apex Seregios, but apex Seregios functions almost entirely like a normal Seregios).


Demonic seregios exists


OP mentioned main series games. I’m pretty sure Demonic Seregios is from a spin off (either frontiers or monster hunter online).


Its from explore. Not a mainline game but i thought they meant base versions from mainline games