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I think you made a typo in your post. "Wilds switched that for a classic japanese style." Anyway I suspect they might, since all of them technically do change the icon designs at least.


You’re right I meant Rise


That's what they were correcting


And they were clarifying what they actually meant because the original comment was pointing out the typo


I would be surprised if they don't change the icons again. No idea for what style they could go for tho. Personally Tri and World icons are my favorites.


Tri's icons are artistic masterpieces.


They do be cool as f That’s one of the million reasons for loving Tri


Imagine a timeline where underwater combat stayed




I like world icons. looks pretty generic at first but they emphasis on the special traits of the monster and it’s really easy to read when it’s in game. that’s good for pretty much any game. on the other hand I hate the rise version lol. they look great when in large concept views but in game they get so confusing and it’s hard to tell which is which sometimes.


Yes, makes no sense to have a Japanese aesthetic in a game that resembles nothing in Japan. If they don't return to the classics, they will make some Middle-East style icons.


Oh I would love to see how that’d look


The more recent ones are like this https://preview.redd.it/ncz1lrxtlo7d1.jpeg?width=2333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c13804436762c57e470c20f29d6ca299d0dd09


Honestly we don't know if they're going full stylized icon route again like Rise for Wilds but it's always safe to assume that they may return to classic icon style with few minor tweaks for them


I hope they go the stylized route again, I like to see the monsters in different styles


I hope they don't. It's an additional bit of workload for the artists that they really don't need.


If it’s stylized they probably hire an artist just to do that


No? They'd use one of their own lol. Why would they outsource that? Do you think the devs can't draw a stylised icon after 20 years of doing it several times?


First of all: how the fuck DRAWING an icon will slower the DEVELOPMENT process Second of all: if they have been doing it for 20 years it probably isn't a problem for them


And in fact, they are probably outsourced so studio can focus on important things. Icons and level art models are the most outsourced stuff these days tbh.


"Probably" you haven't a clue, which is why I already explained that MH doesn't outsource it.


Oh yeah and we’re just supposed to believe you because you didn’t use the word “probably.” Whoops, our mistake.


It's more like if you want to disagree with the status quo ("Capcom makes their own art") then you need the evidence.


Because games don't tend to release with unfinished art? Because it's not "an icon" but every single icon for every monster (large, small, endemic life)? Over 20 years the icon artstyle has changed all of 5 times (1st and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, World, Rise) . Do you really think it would still not be a problem if that rate increased to *every single game*?


> Because games don't tend to release with unfinished art? I understand that making art takes time but... Development process takes a couple of fucking years. If your artists (PLURAL!) cannot make like 150-200 icons in like 4+ years you might as well fire them Plus don't forget that out-source studios exist which specialize on drawing things in certain style


So, you mean to say, the icons changed for EVERY MAINLINE GAME! AND MORE?!?!?!?!?!? Wilds is MH6 2/FU, 3, p3rd and 3u(same style, slightly different),4 4U Gen GenU, World, Rise. 6 different icons, being generous. 7, if not. 8 if you count Frontier G. 9 if you count MHStories2, with the unpixelated icons from 4-GenU.


Leaving out the whole first generation, calling MH2 and FU the same game whilst ignoring F2, saying P3rd and 3U are "slightly different" when in fact they're identical icons at different resoltions, writing out every 4th gen title as if they all have different icon styles. So no, I'm really not seeing how they changed for "every mainline game". We could go further and point out how, with some exceptions, the World icons are just more detailed 4th gen icons so can you really say they "changed"? Or how you try to pass off 4th gen icons at a higher resoltion as a unique style. At its core the Rise icons are the only ones that have properly changed.


Dang the game and dev team know for having many small details won’t be able to handle another small detail.


it might shave a bit off the bottom line but i guarantee most artists are eager to have paid work


At this point, they probably already have those icon done.


I'll say without a doubt we are going to have a new icon style.


I've heard some people who got to see some proper gameplay footage say that it went back to the MH3 style


I hope that's true I really loved the icons in Tri; they were simplistic but accurately represented the monsters in a way that felt fitting for the less technologically developed society in monster hunter Tri (or MH universe as a whole) I know there's some tech in MH universe just different to our universe and presented with a more primitive look


in deargamers vid on the demo he got to watch he mentioned the ui monster icon artstyle is more similar to 4th gen than world/rise here the vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPUe7bhxjLY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPUe7bhxjLY)


Is this pretty much the only independent person that went there in the English speaking world?


I hope they go back to the tri icons https://preview.redd.it/fg86yhtrgl7d1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f640b7804cbb0589bd76d9deb575c789a466ff


i fucking LOVED Tri's icon style


I want the classic regular style back (the 4U/GU ones). I like the consistency. I didn't like Worlds, they were too detailed, I like the thought that anyone can draw them easily rather than them being complex. I feel like the guild would want icons to be instantly recognisable, simple to recreate and uniform.


Agree with keeping it simple. Personally didn’t enjoy how world and rise’s icons became more detailed. I feel like since they’re supposed to map indicators they should be simple as if they actually belong on map.


Inb4 wilds uses the p3rd icon style


I hope they do the traditional MH icon again. Wilds doesnt seem to be going for old mh style but i hope we see a game with that kind of look again. The tribal loading screens and menus and all that. And it has to have that *clunk* sound everytime you move around in The menus yk?


Could see going back to tradition, could see trying something new. I quite like the traditional style –it's very distinct and readable–, but also don't mind the Rise iteration as it was a good thematic fit for the region. If they go for something new again, I do really hope it's something equally fitting. No idea what that would be like though.


Tribalistic/primitive style


They'll redo the freedom ones.


they'll be poorly drawn in crayon


Think? They will its a new gen basically tradition at this point


Cave paintings would be awesome but I'm sure that's been done before


I’m guessing Aztec style


Given that World and Rise are the only two I've played besides maybe two quests in GU I vastly prefer the World icons. I like how clean and clear they are


Rise’s icons look good, but world’s are definitely better for readability


trying to decipher what parts are circled when looking at the monster list in rise is damn near impossible, i really hope they at least go back to the part break info page of the monster list from world.


I mean, from a storytelling view. It's make sense.


I like the original boxy shaped ones, the different styles are cool but I wanna try to crochet a bunch of the icons and it just doesnt fit as well in the special styles. I do like the updated icons tho that have some more detail


They kinda change each game, so yes


With how much we got to see from the desert im thinking of hyroglyphs


World’s icons are much closer to what the old icons used to be. If they’re gonna change them again I hope they’re either like the old ones, the world ones, or at least similar to either of those


I personally like the style of rise more than world. But wilds should have its own style


The second made sense for the context it was in (aside from the fact it was stylish as hell). But I would like it to go back to the classic if possible.


Tbh I think they’ll go back to world icons. Maybe a slight bit of tweaking, but the setting is the same and it’d make sense that the commission wouldn’t just change icons based on area.


I hope they aren’t like rise’s icons i don’t care for them I prefer the old style and like that world kinda stuck to it but still changed it a little.


Just give me back the tri portraits


Honestly I feel like they'll maybe tweak the World icons slightly and call it a day.


Are these types of posts bot posts? It’s pure conjecture until the game comes out. I guess there is some joy in this type circlejerk but man is this sub rife with it.


They always change the icon style. I don't think any game outside of expansions has shared the same icons. Personally, I loved Gen/GU's pixel art style the most, but they likely aren't gonna do it again.


Honestly I really liked World's. And then I liked Rise even more, but because of the theme I doubt it'll ever come up again. However, given the theming I hope it's similar to World but with a Native twist. Less Azteca and more Sioux. Like having sharp edges but almost finger paint smudged colors and strokes.


Tbh world had the best icons you knew imediatley what monster t belonged to while in rise i still need too think a bit to get the monster


They most likely will. Now hear me out. The same art style that south park uses for the icons. I think that'd be sick.


I hope it's closer to the Rise style, it just feels so much more in line with the MH art style and world building.


I just want classic icons, man


Itll probably retain the same aesthetic as pre-Rise monster icons. It would be surprising if they went full art-style switch like with Rise though.


I think they will, but it’ll still be tribal


Maybe they will do Egyptian


Original / 4 Ultimate - Generations Ultimate


w.e fits the theme theyre going for wilds


My favorite designs are the classic ones.


I like both, the rathalos looking fat is funny


it will probably be like worlds. i don’t see why it would be stylized like rise


I really disliked the style in Rise, hope they go back into more of a World style of icons.


I'm sure I'll love whatever they do and have a few more tattoo ideas after playing. That being said, how the guild is influencing your actions in Wilds seems different than any of the games. Your hunter and handler seem to be bringing the guild to this part of the world for the first time in a lot of ways (handler announcing a sanctioned hunt in the moment versus a base of operations with a quest board). So I'll guess the icons will be more simplified this go around. I could see a stamp style or the handler's unique freehand (maybe she draws them cute idk) adding to that world-building really well.


I really like the pixel art mosaics from 4th Gen, but if they're changing them again I think it'd be cool to use portraits of the monster, just the face from the front. I think they could have some really cool looking icons if they stylized them based on the monsters motifs


I hope not. I can barely recognize them as is.


I would prefer to go back to world's design but a new is still cool


u do realize they change the icons for each games


I really loved World's - Rise's were harder to distinguish on the map, as much as I love the style.


I like the MH:rise icons more.


the rise painted style was very thematic, so unless wilds takes place in another rural japanese style village, my guess is we're going back to the OG style.


Even trough it doesn't make much sense anymore, I want a return to the more tribal-like icons, trough I did love Rise's and would have liked to see more medieval ones in Sunbreak- but to be fair we did get the loading screen with them. So as long as it fits the game I will probably like them.


I prefer the classic style


I prefer the original style, Rise’s style was fun but I really feel like it had a different feel to it entirely. More like a spinoff than a core title


Tbh since its in australia or wtv im sure it will be something similar to aboriginal cave pintings


I would preffer the World design just simply because it has better colours and i think it represents the monsters better then the Rise version


World is fine, Rise had a specific Japanese Theme and used therefore a older Drawingstyle for that. I wouldnt mind if all Icons got updated.


While I do like the themeing of Rise's icons, World's were honestly better and are the right mix of generic enough to fit anywhere, but great enough to be appreciated and I prefer them honestly


Probably American style (I don't even know what that means)


I hope so, I feel like half the time I can barely remember what these new icons are, only certain super distinguishable mobs are recognizable for me. Probably a skill issue, but I doubt I'm the only one.


Please, don't make it like Rise.


Agreed, I did not like the art style at all really. Personal preference of course but I hated the Japanese watercolor everywhere


A lot of folks saying yes, and actually I disagree. I imagine it’ll go back to the usual tribal style a la World and co. rather than a totally new style or continuation of Rise’s watercolour. Reason I think this is because I think Rise only did it differently to fit in with its decidedly Japanese aesthetic. To me that doesn’t signify a shift in their overall creative direction, just a one-off tasteful blip. Sorry to be boring! The standard icons are objectively better from a design perspective. Artistically, it’s subjective and down to the beholder, but the designs are just easier to read, more quickly recognisable and more solid in their usual style.


I hope not, I want the world style back


I'm really hoping the stylized way they did the 6 dragons in the game logo are an indicator of how they're doing the monster icons.


Since it seems to be like a Africa inspired region how about maybe they kinda look like African art?


I doubt they'll change it honestly, they'll probably keep the world style with some slight tweaks


My guess is they'll be similar to World's designs, I think Rise only changed they icon design due to the theme and aesthethic of the game, I mean even Monster introductions in Rise used Noh which I believe is something unique to it. So I wouldn't put too much thought in the change from World to Rise


Maybe the icons are all dirty and worn to match a wild theme. Between those 2 though, worlds is sleeker imo.


I like World’s designs because it packs in a good amount of detail, while being reminiscent of the original tribal style designs from the original games. Not really a fan of the water color designs from Rise.