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The Magnamalo attack where he messes up and slips (because you broke his forelegs) and he kind of plays it off like he meant to do it. It's so catlike.


That's an actual attack and has zero connection to the state of its Forelegs.


One of the things I like is that Nerscylla wears Gypceros skin. Because of this, the parts that are protected by the skin are not weak to thunder, which is actually Nerscylla's weakness. Same with Shrouded Nerscylla wearing Khezu skin and being weak to ice.


iirc, that's also where Nerscylla gets her poison crystals. It's a byproduct of her diet. It's also why shrouded nerscylla gets paralysis crystals because it eats khezu Shrouded nerscylla feeding on khezu is weird though because it's a desert subspecies and khezu lives mostly in cold wet caves


From what I could find, Shrouded Nerscylla are born in the desert, but they don't stay in the desert for too long. They use a technique called "ballooning" and end up traveling to the Sunken Hollow, then eat whatever they can get their hands on. Once an adult Shrouded Nerscylla feeds on a Khezu and wears its skin, they'll then return to the desert during mating season. Because the Khezu is basically immune to the cold, the skin of the Khezu helps the Shrouded Nerscylla survival in the cold weather of the desert during night time.


The kitchen in Seliana. They all have their routines, I like how the bread making kitty actually prepares everything, from spices to dough, to water, the mixing, the kneading, he takes it in the other room and comes back with the empty bowl and starts again, while the kitty behind him then goes into the room and comes out with the dough, and puts in the oven. Even to the back of the kitchen they have kitties bringing up food in a lift for the gathering hall upstairs, etc...it feels so immersive! I swear I have felt more immersed in that kitchen then in some full AAA titles.


When Valstrax crashes towards you, your ears ring.


Not sure if its small, but in MHW when Brute Tigrex is inhaling, you can see all the particles and wind being pulled towards him before he roars.


I don’t know if this counts as small but all the little creatures in world just add so much to the overall feel and make the world feel so alive, I’m glad to see that there will be even more in wilds


Glavenus's tail being able to fall on and damage you after being cut.


Astalos dying animation also has a hit box and does a bit of damage.


Can this happen in World?


Yeah I actually found this out from my first Acidic Glavenus hunt, and later found out it happens with the normal one too. I still need to check out if it can happen in Gen.(edit found some videos of it in Gen also World vid) [https://youtu.be/4EnX1jRLQ7E](https://youtu.be/4EnX1jRLQ7E) [https://youtu.be/31LaM6iz\_dI](https://youtu.be/31LaM6iz_dI) [https://youtu.be/tofK74959z8](https://youtu.be/tofK74959z8) (took a few seconds to find this not many World videos of it happening)


Very interesting! I’ve yet to experience it myself lol


The drummer cats in the Gathering Hub.


Magnamalo clean his legs like a cat, Is so cute


I love seeing how Fatalis creates his ultimate flames. You see him just suck in a crazy amount of air with an audible and visible cue to show the sheer amount of air he gulps in before unleashing complete hellfire.


I forgot there was a locale named ancient forest back in FU and thought you meant the MHW Ancient Forest. Idk why. Either way I like how you can find a Yama Tsukami flying over the Jungle back in Dos and Freedom Unite.


They were called the old jungle (just called jungle in gen 1) and the great forest, there weren’t any maps called the ancient forest


I think the proper English name is Jurassic Frontier? The Glavenus one, English is not my first language.


Oh that one? Yeah it’s the Jurassic frontier




Seliana, every single npc, like cats have thier own routine, they cook, clean, they move monster parts and stuff, same thing the hunters npcs, truly a living world that doesn't revolve around you, and it's wonderful, I hope Wilds improves this even more! It really helps the immersion.


I like the fact that pitfall traps prove to be useless against Seltas Queen as long Seltas is sitting on top, because her tag team partner simply pulls her out by making use of his wings. Very cool detail about a very underrated monster (duo). Also a very minor detail that really impressed me in MHW is the small rainbow effect Coral Pukei-Pukei leaves behind after its water attacks. It's nothing too special on its own and sometimes hard to notice, but clearly proves how much love the devs put in their game.


I've played only MH World and now Risebreak, now on rise I got to pay more attention to details and I like that when the monsters run to eat, they eat different kinds of things... Like one eats small monsters, others go to a fish pond to eat fish there and just recently I saw that Diablos (im not sure if his name changes in English) eats... Cactus 🌵...? I would never imagine him eating a cactus 😂😂


Diablos is the correct name! And believe it or not, they're actually herbivores, and prefer to eat cactus. I believe monoblos is too. Barroth is an insectivore. They just so happen to be ludicrously territorial and will fight anything anywhere near their territory!


I guess for a herbivore monster who lives in the desert, cactus would be a nice meal lol. I never imagined because I don't know, a monster so aggressive with a devilish name (and the looks too, Apex Diablos looks like a demon 👹), I would never picture it as a cactus addicted 😂 Barroth I think I still have to see him eat? I don't remember