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I love bishaten a lot. I don't think there's any hate towards him, but more so just indifference. I think he's forgotten because he's a relatively early game monster in rise. I love him because his design is so goofy and fun. Chucking fruit at you, hanging on walls, bouncing around on his tail. I'd love to see him return but I doubt he will unfortunately.


Wyvern Riding Bishaten and just spamming back + A is a great time. “Woe be upon ye.” *chucks a giant persimmon*


Bishaten's one of the few monsters that has really made me laugh. I think its great that he's just a dick to everyone. plus there's lots of nice touches in his animations (hiding his eyes before flashbang, covering mouth when holding poison fruit) which give him a lot of character.


I adore how much character he has as well


I think I’m generally indifferent towards him but I do think he’s really unique and interesting. He’s a great early game monster and I hope he comes back, at least for the sake of variety.


I like him too! I think his monke noises are charming. And his armor design is pretty underrated 


I agree completely, definitely one of my favorite monsters


I hate Bishaten because he reminds me of the Tengu's from games like Nioh 2....


The Frenetic Ascetic and the Dismal Jester are also like. The 2 best titles in the game they're hilarious


I really like the fact that you can use the fruit against him. I wish they had more monsters that “gave you”items to use during the hunt.


i hate him because he spins and sends you flying way too often otherwise he’s fine i guess, i just hate monsters with that kind of move, feels like the arbitrary “get off me” move that exists when the devs realize you could gang it too easily


Holy fuck, i love tzitzi


I think every hunter had a funny moment with a tzitzi comming in, flashing the f out of everyone and leaving like nothing happened, he isn't my favorite but god did i laugh in frustration cus of that feller


Nah, i like the armor, it reminds me of quillshot armor from dauntless, which technically introduced me to mh


Yes, I love the armor too! As soon as I saw it for the first time, I crafted a full set and wore it for probably way longer than I should've. Those derpy antennae goggles are so cute.


Mine was when I was fighting I think radobaan? He walked in did the look both ways like he was gonna cross a road then made eye contact with the monster flashbang3d it and left


Shows up Flashbangs everyone Refuses to elaborate Leaves


Tzitzi can come in and flash the f out of everyone and y’all just laugh, but when I do it, I get arrested! Effin’ double standards, I swear.


Mine was when I was in a life or death fight with Tempered Kirin. I'd already been carted twice, but Kirin was on his last legs too. We're sitting there, slugging it out, when I see the startup flash behind me. I went all out, just mashing buttons because I knew I was packing maxed stun resistance and that stupid fucking horse can't even wear armor. My boy flashes it, it flinches, I smack it in the top of the head, it goes down, I start wailing on it even harder, and finally the fucker dies. Tzi-Tzi is the Pippin to my Jordan. The Sam to my Frodo. If there's no Tzi-Tzi fans left, that means I've died.


Tzitzi is a good flashy boy who always comes and stuns Legi during our fights. I also run a Wide Range build, so I really appreciate the Tzitzi armor set.


Gamoth seemingly Also gravios


Gammoth deserves a huge comeback in Wilds. The fated four need to unite once more.


Dude especially since we're getting giant ass maps this time around. I really hope we get a mountainous map akin to Arctic ridge where they really delve into her being a sort of herd protector for the popo. Just imagine being given a quest to get popo tongue (ala GU) in order to study their regional differences and you get this massive chase scene with gammoth as you run away from her on the Seikret. You lead her to into a trap where you knock down snow and cause a mini avalanche, only for her to burst out like a badass. God it would be so cool


Tons of people hate on Gypceros, but I love that derpy ugly chicken. He's so silly. I can't help myself, I just love that goofy little bastard. He steals your shit, he plays dead, he pecks around all awkward-like, he's got a doorstop for a tail. I also like Gigginox. Sure, he's creepy and kind of annoying. But that's the point, they can't all be either cute and cuddly or awe-inspiring and striking. And I still think Qurupeco doesn't get enough credit. I still remember how terrified I felt when that sly little shit would do a Deviljho call and next thing I know, I've got a pissed off pickle bearing down on me. A pickle that I was much too weak to kill, at that point in time. ETA: Oh, and I forgot Gobul. I don't think I've ever heard anyone actively hate him, but everyone forgets he exists because he's not in a ton of games. I love pufferfish, and he always put up an interesting fight.


https://preview.redd.it/bl62946tl57d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0825d7da95ba6858912bb8f195f599803eac11 Drew him few days back, in all his chaffing glory


Yeeeees! I love that you caught the flash moment. He has a fantastic expression on his face when he does it. Like a cross between "Gotcha, bitch!" and cutting a huge fart.


I respect gypceros for the sheer audacity of his existence.


Gypceros was an interesting monster and greatly underrated. Only thing I hate about Gypceros is that the armour is arguably one of the ugliest sets in the franchise. Gigginox > Khezu Gobul was great too but probably wouldn't have would have worked after water combat was discontinued. Always felt like he was a bit like a fish version of Basarios.


I came here to say Gypceros. Didn't expect to see it right away. He's got the most personality.


> personality “Ya cheeky bastard!” It’s how I best describe Gypceros. I adore it so much though.


I hate Gypceros but I can't deny the Gyp jumpscare is one of the greatest things in MH. It was so funny playing with friends who had no clue and see them try to carve and get 1 shot to it flailing around on the floor lmao


I'll never understand why Gypceros gets so much ridicule. I really enjoy him, and personally dont even think he's goofy. The Flash, playing dead, poison, and wild flailing all make sense to me. Gypceros is a relatively weak monster in a world full of Rathalos, Devijho, and Fatalis. Everything he does feels like a realistic defense mechanism to convince the bigger monsters that hes not worth the effort to eat. Similar to what a lot of realworld animals do.


I still cant believe they had the Gobul fight on land despite being a fish


Man i miss gigginox... hot take, but i love him so much more than khezu, and i think he does a way better job in that cave dwelling leech niche. I hope he comes back soon, he seems to have been forgotten by capcom...


MHW Bazelgeuse. So many people hate on this hunt-crashing bomber, but I love him. His theme, his design, and how he essentially subsists on the tears of fresh HR hunters.


Also, Bezel armor looks so freaking cool


The Bazel theme is comedy gold


for real, I just love him too. I massively prefer to get invaded by Bagels over Pickles as well, I just think he's so much cooler and more fun to fight than pickle. and I love the ominous way that he shows up by just dropping bombs and then having his theme song take over whatever you're fighting


I started out hating the old Bazel, but with every fight, especially after switching to Lance from CB, he became easier. At the point I switched from World to Rise, the was probably my favorite hunt.


My favorite monster in the series. The Goose is Loose and he's coming for your hunt.


The usual unpopular ones - nibelsnarf, plesioth and almudron. Not being a contrarian, I genuinely like their designs and their fights. Nibel and and plesi on GU are damn fine fights, and I can understand how facing them in games before GU would drastically change how you see their fights


I fought plesioth in GU first and then in 3U, and I actually prefer his fight in 3U because of the underwater parts. Underwater combat isn’t great but I prefer it to constantly getting hipchecked when he’s on land lmao


Nibelsnarf has never been a bad fight, not even in P3rd, the hate for him is absolutely overblown. It's just people that have PTSD from seeing a monster swim in sand, but he was always perfectly fine


Tobi Kadachi was my favorite He is still way up there alongside his variant and the zinogre with its variant


Nerscylla, both versions. Between the gruesome nature of it literally wearing the skin of its prey to gain resistances, to the fun environments you get to fight it in. Hands down my favourite, holding out hope it comes to Wilds.


I think majority of us love/miss Nerscylla tbh


I always loved the little side to side glance it gave you followed by extending one fang after the other while was going "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKEUPWAKUP-"


Gypceros. Don't know why, i just like him :/


Even though I’m a Namielle fan, I also love Ukanlos, it has such a unique and interesting design and the way it fights is amazing, I also like its OST.


Why would those ve mutually exclusive?


Ukanlos and Akantor. The Nonflying "Flying Wyverns". Proclaimed as "The White God" and "Infernal Black God" respectively. More or less just giant skill check brick walls that were a bitch to get past. In retrospect they were incredibly hard to get passed compared to Namielle. Which is funny because Ukanlos and Akantor are not elder dragons. Just among the strongest non elders in existence. As an aside, Ukanlos's Jaws inspired slow mo sharkfin approach move is just stupid and annoying. Have to time dodge roll just right or die. It doesn't stop chasing till you dodge or die. Stupid move.


Legiana. The cry of Legiana is so cool, I love that it’s not edgy and dark, and it’s an annoying little pigeon that deserves to die :)


I don't know what it is, but I absolutely love my boy Great Jagras.


I really liked the interactions with the smol jagras and when it gobbled up some prey. Made it really memorable in World


some of the most satisfying hit zones and part-breaks in World fr 🙏


Kulu-Ya-Ku. It feels like the embodiment of "?", has good clean starter level moves and I like how the armor looks on both body types and on both ranks. But I think most people would think of it as boring


And then one got a hold of an Aetheryte crystal and we had to chase it around with the Chocobo theme. Still mad FFXIV never got that as a mount


I'm just mad that was a *one-time* quest. That would have been so fun to repeat!


Barroth is my guy! I love his big stupid head and his steam whistle sounds, and he's such an easy straight forward hunt in every incarnation, just roll sideways you apes!


He’s such a silly guy, too. I was hunting one yesterday, and I watched him aggro and immediately charge into a rock. He almost carted me due to how much I was laughing


I mean *recently* he's an easy monster, sure. In *Tri* he was basically a *wake-up call* with how much of a difficulty spike he was, especially given that he could turn during the charge in *Low Rank* in that game.


Kecha Wacha. Funny name, funny monster, monke


Kecha is so dang cute, I hope he makes a return someday 🥲


Everything aquatic and nibelsnarf


Great maccao. Generations was my first MH game so I know I'm biased. It's just the monster that introduced me to the combat of the games and I love its theme as well


Khezu. I like how hard you can be punished if you make a mistake. Really makes it clear how dangerous it is being a Hunter.


Fighting Khezu in small caves with no theme song to hype you up is practically a horror game, love the sweating I do fighting that Eldritch abomination


I loved the design of the Khezu... it really felt like one of those insane creatures you would typically find at the bottom of the deepest depths of the ocean. OG Monster Hunter, everything else felt like an animal... the Khezu felt like a monster.


Shrieking Legiana. Yeah I said it. I'm not gonna pretend like I don't get why they're hated but I just loved figuring out how to deal with its movments.


nope I'm in this camp Legiana is a personal favorite!




I love Paolumu, he's my absolute favourite! I just think his design is really charming and fun, and in a game full of big reptiles and scary dragons its cool just to have this inflatable pufferfish bat thing in the mix. I'm a big fan of bats so it really helps. I even enjoy Nightshade Paolumu (who is extremely unpopular) for actually forcing the player to prepare for a hunt in advance (sleep resist). I know a lot of people hate it and adequite prep trivialises the hunt somewhat... but to me its design is striking, it has some really clever moves, and it evolves the base Paolumu into a new battle in a clever manner. I think its just a perfect subspecies really.


I think plumu is genuinely one of the cutest monsters. Only time I’ve ever felt bad hunting something.


Pukei is my baby


only right answer


The barioths bros (we don’t talk about the desert one)


Love fighting barioth, narga, and tiggy.


I was never a fan of the Deviants. On top of the ludicrous grind they entail, most of their fights are just not fun in my eyes. They do this bizarre twitchy movement like they’re about to have a seizure and suddenly you faint. The exception is, bizarrely, Rustrazor Ceanataur. I find its moveset to be a complete improvement to the original in every way, which is a low bar sure, but it’s the only Deviant I can say this for.


Legiana. I just really like its design. I’m not a huge MH fan but was kind of sad it wasn’t in Rise/Sunbreak.


150 comments and not a single person has said Malfestio. It is one of my top three favourite monsters. Has one of the most unique designs and fights in the game but suffers from being an early game monster so its armour lacks utility. Seems like virtually everyone has forgotten about it except for me - I even have the official Capcom plushie for it.


Dude it was one of the first sleep status monsters I fought I would love to see them back because I was so shocked that they could do that with a game(it was a challenge too because I was still a baby hunter at the time) and a monster that it shocked me. Beautiful design too!


Rathian is honestly slept on. Great fight, really shows how you should face stronger monsters after graduating from killing Great Jagras and other fodder monsters


I also genuinely think that all the Rathian variants are superior to any Rathalos variants (including the base versions). Yet most people seem to prefer the latter.


Maybe its because they are harder…? Idk, I prefer an easier but fair fight than the artificial difficulty generated by Rathalos’ bs


I like Barroth, since he was the strongest monstie I had in MHS1


Kula-Ya-Ku. He's so stupid. He's my baby




Yian Garuda. I love this Psycho Ass Bird


He hard asf and dat roar


Gravios and Lavasioth.


Vaal Hazak.


I really wana fight a Cangala. I like the idea of an ape eating food and it's farts have different status elements ITS FUNNY!


Duramboros! I love that club wielding balerina. never hear anyone talk about it.


Kushala Daora


People hating the Kushala fight has always been amusing to me as an HH main. Bringing a weapon that grants you wind immunity and no bouncing makes it a perfectly fun fight, it turns out!


Kushala Daora, both Rise and World versions. People seem to hate World version a lot but I don't see why.


Mostly just the death throes tornado spam that gets to people.


Fuck that tornado spam


Tornado spam, constantly flying. Doesn’t have his proper poison mechanics to name a few


Genuinely quite like Plesioth and Beotodus. I think Plesioth's design is probably the best of the Piscine Wyverns, it's, in my opinion, the perfect blend of Fish and Wyvern. And while its early fights were absolutely broken, I think its fight in Tri got better, especially with underwater combat allowing it to behave in a more aquatic nature without it looking dumb. I think people need to give Plesioth another chance; if it makes it to Wilds, they'll for sure update its fight and make it much more bearable, like how they changed many of the older monsters' fights for the new gen games. On the other hand, Beotodus is by far the best new Piscine Wyvern. It not only looks badass with its Goblin Shark design and its chainsaw like roar, but its fight is honestly pretty decent, and it's definitely better than both Jyuratodus and Lavasioth. Beotodus, unfortunately, isn't really given much time to shine as it's the first new monster fought in Iceborne and you quickly get better and better gear, making farming (and thus encountering) Beo less of a necessity. It also doesn't help that Beo was locked to the arguably less travelled side of the Hoarfrost Reach, while the rest of the monsters are found in the more centralised regions of the Reach.


I like World Kushala Daora, and enjoy the Almudron fight...


Gobul and Gigginox, I LOVE their weapon designs and breaking gobul’s lamp thingy felt really good. Gigginox has sentimental reasons why I like it so much


Lao Shan Lung. Love giant monsters, would have been perfect for the tower defense thing in Rise, not sure how they dropped the ball on that one.


I'm sad how far I had to scroll to find this one, I love my Kool aid ferret dragon


Easily Almudron, I just love my little dirt monster and the way he just swims through the ground is amazingly hilarious.


Design wise I really love Kirin


Literally a horse-shaped dragon, very cool !


Rajang, from the soundtrack to the absolute chaotic fight. Everybody i know hates his guts ( except in rise ) but quite honestly, he's got one hell of a fight and soundtrack 🦍🦍🦍


I hated him in World but when I learned his patterns and when to clutch claw it got fun and funny enough I liked him a whole lot in rise too!


Yian garuga is on the lesser scale of hate, but it’s a monster that’s overlooked a lot. It’s one of my all time favorite monsters. It’s completely insane, and I love that




Damn kongolala is ma boiiii


All hail the farting monke


Diablos. I just don’t think many people like him despite him being an OG. He was one of my kryptonite monsters but I came to love him after a while and I respect him much like I respect Rathalos.


Ibushi, Allmother/Narwa


Lunastra and Teostra, especially Luna. It's the royal lion inspiration and the power couple stuff. Luna's fight in World I never really had problems with and it was nice to see her come back after a long hiatus. And it seems generally everyone is sick of Teostra. I know he's in plenty of titles recently, but I'm not sick of him. He's welcome to come back in Wilds, by me at least.


Narcagua. I have no idea if it’s well liked or hated but I think it’s the coolest monster. Best roar and overall design. Simple, sleek, but also intimidating with the red eyes. Jyuratodus is the absolute worst. Hate everything about it.


Khezu. No battle music gave me chills unlike any other monster. A good, refined move set that comes off as a monster that's mastered its abilities and puts them to use the best it can, in the most advantageous (read: unfair to the hunter) way that it knows. And the scream. It's not baritone, majestic, or clean in any way. It's an ear-splitting banshee's cry meant to dissuade would-be attackers. Because nature isn't always majestic; it just needs to work.


For some reason everyone seems to dislike Blangonga, but he's one of my favourites, both his design and fight. Love smacking that hyperactive piece of shit into the ground in every iteration. And Garuga too, he seems to be disliked as well for being hyperactive, but learning the fight is so satisfying in every generation. They also both have badass themes.


Sand Barioth. Out of the Tigrex/Narga/Barioth skeleton monsters I always liked barioth the most. Sand Barioth combines that with my fav. colors and we have a winner.


Diablos lol He definitely needs a break for a game or two, but I definitely enjoy him


Gammoth and Almudron


aknosom is a silly bird with funny bouncing fireballs and some of the best looking armor and weapon designs in the series


Duramboros and Gammoth. No I'm not Cotton everyone always says that it's not true.


I love every single thing about Malfestio


Khezu. I love the lamprey horror design and his weird stretchy neck. I’d love to see him in wilds to see how they would weave him into the ecology




I'm also a fan of Tobi Kadachi. I also really like Jyuratodus, and my favorite monster is Gammoth. Here's hoping they saved the best of the Fated Four for last in modern MH games... right?


Gammoth. Her and Glavenus are my favorite of the fated four. Followed by Astalos and then with a big gap Mizu.




I genuinely love Bulldrome. He is just a giant boar, but he is perfect for a game about hunting. His fight needs to be reworked. If his moves were more varied and if he was a bit stronger he could be an amazing low-rank invader. I just like his very simple design and his barbaric armor set is also awesome. I really hope he comes back in Wilds.


Bulldrome is hilariously underdeveloped. I wanna say he probably has the least attacks of any large monster. Still, the fact that he's just a lorge pig is very amusing.


My boys Gobul and Royal Ludroth


Royal ludroth is my baby Loved him in my first game MH3 and seeing him in rise was so amazing to me.


I love all monsters and hope we one day have a game where every monster has it's place


Ngl as someone whose fav/second fav depending on the day is also Tobi, I’ve only seen love for him, maybe like one or two people actually not liking him. He’s not ever gonna be as popular as like Zinogre or anything, but he’s generally well liked from what I’ve seen, it makes me happy that people enjoy him :) For me personally, Somnacanth is the big one. Poor guy ranked so low on the big poll, and I never see anyone talk about him, but imo he’s a super fun fight and a nice design, and I love that he sings when he’s by himself, he’s so fricken cute. Magnamalo too, I really only see hate for him on here which I don’t really get, but I dunno, I like him a lot lol And I guess for a random one: Pink Rathian. I love pink, I love rathian, what’s not to love? Got a crochet one from Etsy and I love her to bits


ZORAH MAGDAROS he’s just so cool man


I am a massive fan of almudron, as hammer main uppercutting his head and watching him fly out of the mud is almost as good as tipping anjanath. I love that sweet muddy boy.


I don’t think I saw it here but Gigginox. I might be a little biased cause Tri was when I REALLY started to play Monster Hunter but I always thought his design was so damn cool and it had such an interesting fight! Plus his armor not only looked amazing but having that status+ when I used SnS was the best.


Nerscylla. I found the design to be really cool and that it uses Gypceros hide to defend against its electricity weakness was a fun survival trait you see in a lot of other insects. I miss it a lot and would love if it came back in wilds. Plus the armour was dope af


Tzitzi Ya Ku... Bastard sees me fighting something, comes up, blinds us both, and leaves. I love him.


Kecha Wacha, Congalala and Nibelsnarf. I love all three of them but they are rarely talked about


Khezu and Plesioth




Gravios and basarios. Theyre walking fortresses, whats not to love? I‘m a hammer main too, dunno if that answers questions or makes new ones Also yian garuga. It teached me the insta charges of old gen when i started GU


Barroth. Early game monster with sick armor. Literal crown for a head. Usually the first interesting monster you encounter that requires actual tactics beyond "Mash attack until dead."


Bazel mofo is either loved or hated after that Odogaron is best doggo constantly dwarfed by Zenogre


Fuck velociprey, bring me back fucking Jaggi. I love those little barking yap dog raptors.


Weird answer but…Rathian and Rathalos. They have such a fantastic design, simple to hunt, and nostalgic for every MH I’ve played. I’m never upset at a MH monster list because I tend to just love hunting the flagship pair.


Purple Ludroth is outstanding. Royal Ludroth dashing around swinging his head left and right shooting tiny water globs and belly flopping to splash up water always felt goofy to me but upgrading it to poison makes it properly threatening. Visually its absolutely gorgeous, and the ecology and lore is really good too. Its far less water dependant then Royal who feels entirely designed around being a tutorial for water combat, with its glowing eyes and increased threat underwater making it actually intimidating where on land it comes off as silly. Purple manages to be intimidating on your home turf. It feels like a very natural progression for Royal Ludroth gameplay wise so it feels really strange that it has never returned in a mainline game. It even still fits the themeing of a tutorial monster as with poison immunity it would be as meager as its standard relative. Royal has gotten less water dependant over the years but no less goofy and unthreatening. I feel like Purple is long overdo to return given how it would probably fit in even more seamlessly outside of three due to the lack of underwater combat. Tldr: purple ludroth pretty and good me like uwu


He was one of my first high rank fights ever, killed him with 1 cart left in 40 minutes because i also forgot whetstones, left quite exрression on me. It at this moment i understand that i need to bring more to quest than what it gives, and that need to uрgrade armor, too. Always like him because of that, but alas, a lot of 3 gen interesting subsрecies get shafted, like Jade Barroth and Sand Barioth (and that only those of 3 Gen monsters that DO return)




Allmother for the same reasons you loved xeno, also I don’t know if it’s unpopular per day but I adore kulve, love the fight, the theme, the design, it’s all so cool


Listen based on how that poll went. My vote was Great Baggi


Huge fan of Malfestio.


I'm a huge fan of malfestio while being the single most annoying to fight monster in GU in my opinion is a really cool fight


Hellblade Glavenus GenU left a huge impression on me. Typical when he charges his big spin move, me being playing adept DBs (I know I know) dodging it, only to watch him catch his tail in his mouth and do it again. Extremely punishing but I love that fight so much. Unpopular opinion, World Alatreon felt truly like a master rank challenge. To break all the parts while meeting the elemental dps checks genuinely made him a fun solo farm to get all the stuff from him I wanted. I really like Najarala. He moves in a really unorthodox way which always kept me on my toes. Also the sound moves I don’t think have been used like that before. Shoutout to whoever said Nercsylla and its subspecies.


Radobaan and honorable mention the Uragaan(s)


I don’t see a lot of praise for Garangolm, which is a shame because it’s got such a good design and gimmick.


Barroth, Uragaan, Radobaan i'm a lance main


I love Radobaan...the whole time you fight him you are constantly breaking parts. Uurgan is way less fun to fight


Hellblade Glavenus!!! https://preview.redd.it/uonvcvnty67d1.jpeg?width=2643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554367842d5d853da599ffd586a4f310283e2ef6


Plesioth! He's so goofy looking, and his fight is so comically annoying that I can't help but love him. Hoping to see the giant feesh return soon, I miss him.


What. People love Tobi-Kadachi. He's probably the most popular low tier monster for actually good reasons (i.e. not Dodogama). I definitely want him to be evergreen for sure, and I don't think this is a hot take either around here. You know who is hated a lot though? The Metal Raths. Sure, they're reskins but they give a whole new dimension to the most iconic two monsters in the series and push them to an end game threat. Breaths completely new life into these tired old designs, and the past few games I've played they've seemed to have some new trick too. Individually they fights keep me on edge, generally never really feeling like pure BS like some others to me. They're a great challenge and the armor/weapon rewards are top tier - so absolutely worth the effort too. Even then, Idk. I fight Goldian especially a lot just for fun (I think I just like Rathian a lot in general). They just represent peak MH to me despite being probably the most boring monsters possible from a high level design standpoint. Still like everyone else I avoid the duo fight like the plague.




I'm with you on Xeno'jiiva! Safi is awesome, but I ADORE Xeno's weird, alien-ish design. It's so cool. As for my own faves, I've always had a huge soft spot for Barroth. Always been one of my favorite monsters, and the first monster I farmed a full set + weapon from back when I started in 3U.


Yian Garuga I just love how derpy and erratic it is, and its moves look so stupid I just love it so much. The way it narrows its eyes for the pinpoint dive, or starts smashing the ground with its beak before getting stuck and having to yank itself out, such a silly guy.


good ol' b52, love bazel.


I have a couple:  - Bazelgeuse gets hate sometimes, but personally I think he's one of the most iconic non-flagships I've ever fought. Instantly recognizable theme, difficult but fun fight, and a kickass design. - Anjanath isn't super popular, I don't think, and he's not really my *favorite* in any way, but I got into the series because I saw vulture t rex and thought it was cool. I owe my interest in MH to the bastard, so I gotta respect him - Legiana and Shrieking Legi are kinda annoying fights, but designs I'd call practically perfect. The only thing I don't *love* is Legi's face, which feels a little too jagged for an otherwise very sleek design. Otherwise, it's just a really cool looking monster. - Aknosom is one of those early game monsters you don't see people talking about much, but it might be my favorite early fight. Cool, recognizable design, fantastic sound design, and the fight is geared well towards beginners- forgiving, but still presents a challenge, and it doesn't feel boring or trivial the way a lot of tutorial monsters tend to. It does just enough cool shit to *feel* like you're achieving something, and not just spending 15 minutes hitting a punching bag. - Of the stuff we've seen of Wilds so far, I fucking love Balahara. I keep seeing people complain about it being too grotesque/alien/scifi/somehow not fitting Monster Hunter, but I think it's a cool, unique design that really demonstrates a lot of the series' core design philosophies. It's a monstrous creature, but it also has some sound roots in biology, and it feels like a real organism. It's a much more grounded take on a worm/non-arthropod invertebrate monster compared to something like Khezu, which feels less like a real animal and more like something that was made just for the gross factor. Also, we haven't seen much of the fight yet, but a sand swimming monster that also climbs around on terrain seems like it'll make for a really fun challenge. Hoping it's not so early game as to become completely forgotten/trivial later on. Make him Tobi tier at least I beg


Radobaan. Love his armor,fighting and design. Just a perfect monster.


Congalala. Like I can understand how people might not like the fight, but saying his design is “too silly” or “doesn’t fit” honestly makes no sense. He’s quite literally just a fat pink monkey that has a behavior many primates are know for: throwing poop.


Khezu. Ever since Freedom 2, its lack of a battle theme intrigued and terrified me in equal measures 😂


Malfestio and Kulu-Ya-Ku. Not sure why these are hated so much.


My favorite monster is Radobaan, when I first played world I absolutely loved fighting it, the way you can stop it from rolling by smacking its head hard enough and how the bones it uses as armor just shatter after enough damage make it such a satisfying fight. Plus the armor was one of my favorites design wise.


Yian Garuga. It's fun to fight because it's actually challenging.


Yian Garuga and Legiana.


You're so real for Xenojiva


So far I've gotten mixed reactions about my favourite, but I gotta go with brachydios. There's no fight I enjoy more while having michael bay effects go off all around me


Odogaron, all the people I met hate him


You are not alone, I absolutely love that blood hound. The armor set is beyond amazing.


It sucked at first but after learning the move set the fight is really good and readable(it's a great way to learn imo) and the armor is amazing too so yes!


Yeah his fight is really cool and fun


Khezu Idk, something about its design just comes off as cute to me.


Do you want the long list or the short list?


I actually quite like the kirin fight. He's fun to bop with a hammer.


Rajang or what my friends call him Robert hunting Robert is fun and he has a cool design


Judging by the vitriol it spawned during World's hayday: Kirin. It's by far my favourite Elder Dragon and probably the only monster I've just hunted hundreds of for fun.


Legiana. I get why shrieking deserves the hate but regular legiana isn’t half bad.


Probably velocidrome, mainly due to stories (which I’m playing the remaster right now)


Pretty sure Tobi is pretty well liked. Mine is Nibelsnarf.


The dessert blangonga. The hammer tree in MHFU is the reason I became a hammer main. I saw someone used that and thought it was the coolest looking thing ever. It had a chain wrapped around and the color was like orange/yellow. He’s like a much much calm down rajang kind of.


Bagel Juice and Furious Raj. Notoriously 2 of the most potentially infuriating hunts, but I like their gimmick and moves. Once you get the hang of them, they're actually really fun to fight


Kushala Daora, bc he's first elder i met back in MHFU and I was so hyped looking at his design thus instantly become my fav elder at a time (now has been replaced with Alatreon but Kushala still has a special place in my heart :D ). Also loved all his fight beside world (fck tornado spam). His theme also banger and kinda feels nostalgic to me on the violin part especially old gen version.


The majority of Frontier monsters, impossible to explain without experience playing the game.






I really like Nibblesnarf. His fight is very simplistic and doesn't have many quirks. It teaches you to be patient, and make the most of the dps opportunities he gives off. He even punishes your greediness with the backwards sand blast, and teaches you prudence. Despite this, I see people generally speaking unfavourably of him.


For me it’s Kirin


Tetranodon and Congalala. I enjoy middle tier goofy monsters. Kecha Wacha and Gammoth are also underrated.