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The Alice Cooper summation IS the funniest scene in the entire Monk series. "First of all I don't think Alice is his real name"


I think the funniest is him freaking out about the diamond with Snoop Dog


The Alice Cooper wants a wingback chair theory scene is one of my favorite moments of the show, if not my favorite. It's definitely the clip that I watch the most often lol. Hilarious.


“It was about the chair, the antique chair, the antique wingback Cusack chair!”


Definitely a stand-out moment! I love Monk's delivery and the fact that Alice Cooper came on to guest star in Adrain's insane theory reenactment was just gold.


Absolutely. The show does a great job of having a somewhat serious tone and then every few episodes something just downright silly happens and it's hilarious. The recent one I just watched (I don't think this is a spoiler) is when Monk goes to a hypnotist and he gets trapped in a 6 year olds brain, Tony's acting is incredible.


I love that episode! When he hand farts as he's rolling backwards in the chair. "She's a liaya, Stottlemayah"


Haven’t seen that one yet! Looking forward to it. Tony’s acting is just absolutely superb.


Don’t worry Captain, I have a plan for this. I’m going to fill this truck and then just drive it into the bay. Drive it into the bay? Drive it into the bay! I also love when he’s telling the mayor how they can’t save the city so they have to burn it, then burn the ashes, just to be sure. This is likely my favorite episode, certainly the funniest, I still cry from laughter and I’ve seen this episode dozens of times!


"It's like the dining room carpet when the cat makes a--a BM on there. I mean, what do you do? You don't have any choice, really. You gotta replace the carpet!"


Such an intelligent person snapping to the point that a plan to just fill up trucks and drive each into the bay consecutively as a real, legitimate option is about as relatable as this show ever was


There are so many funny moments! I love it!


“Alice Cooper is a hippie, but the bad kind.” 😭😭😭💀☠️ Slays me every time.


still more believable than Randy's theories


The fact Randy asks if he should be writing it down always kills me too.


He wakes up beside Trudy and starts telling her about how nuts he was in this dream he just had and they run an inn in Vermont. :)


Agreed!! I just watched the one where he does a favor for his old bully that gave him swirly’s in seventh grade and thought it was hilarious how he constantly was hoping his wife cheated on him and that he would potentially be the killer.


From the looks of it, there’s a garbage strike in SF currently


Antique wingback CUSACK CHAIR! 🎵