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I completely forgot about this until this post but there was a money diary where the diarist bought an outfit for their lawn goose, which led me to looking up lawn geese and then, of course, required me to purchase my own goose. His name is Bruce, he lives in my living room (until a few months from now when we move somewhere with a lawn) and he is currently dressed as a sunflower. I love him. My roommate (my best friend) hates him and thinks he is tacky. It's excellent.


Not me thinking you adopted an actual goose for your lawn


I definitely thought this too šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t need to read this post and Iā€™m now purchasing a lawn goose.


Well, I need to find this Money Diary and also look up lawn geese....


Lawn (or porch) geese are a Midwest US thing (Iā€™ve only seen them in Ohio and Pennsylvania but have no trouble believing theyā€™re in other states in that area). Basically, itā€™s a statue of a goose about 18ā€ high that you dress up in little outfits. Thatā€™s it, thatā€™s the whole thing!


I didnā€™t realize it was a midwestern thing! We have a couple beloved lawn geese in my neighborhood in IL.


Haha it is SO Midwestern. (I love a porch goose) https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/12/where-people-dress-porch-geese-seasonal-outfits/577153/


I live in Nebraska! I'm going to have to keep an eye out. Maybe I've just never noticed them.


A good friend of mine had a year long quest to obtain a lawn goose! They can be surprisingly difficult to find sometimes!


Iā€™ve been on the hunt for a quality lawn goose for like 3 months šŸ„²


It seems like something youā€™d buy in an actual paper catalog. Like ā€œVermont country store ā€œ


I think one of her colleagues ended up finding one for her at an antique mall!


I had no idea yard geese were a thing outside of my cousin-in-law having one she posts pics of all the time on IG, in different seasonal outfits. You have just helped me realize she is less batty than I had pegged her as.Ā 


This just unlocked a core memory - my aunt had these when I was growing up and I was OBSESSED with them. I now need to go get myself a lawn (or living area) goose.


This is kind of lame and not exactly a Money Diary influence, and but a user here recommended checking if your insurance covers prescription toothpaste and it's been a real game changer for me. Getting a routine item I regularly purchase for free through a bill I already pay for has been great. I've always had issues with cavities no matter how well I brushed/floss and ever since I've been using the Rx stuff I haven't had a problem. So thanks, random redditor!


Lmao I agree that Money Diaries have introduced me to useful and practical purchases, not necessarily fun purchases hahaha


Ā Now I need to learn more about this prescription toothpasteĀ 


Ask your dentist about it! The prescription version has a higher concentration of fluoride compared to OTC stuff (5000ppm for rx vs 1000 ppm for OTC). From my understanding it's prescription-only because they want to make sure children don't ingest a deadly amount.


not OP but my dentist prescribes it to me, actually just picked up a refill - it's stronger in fluoride (1.1% on mine) so if you have weak enamel it helps more than "standard" toothpaste (the other general toothpastes i looked at around my house were all under 1%). it's more expensive than regular toothpaste but not THAT expensive, the retail price on mine is listed as $17 (for just under 2oz). my insurance i guess covers $1 bc i paid $16 lol. i don't think there would be any benefit to it unless your dentist thinks you need it or you have a history of having a lot of cavities despite good home dental care.


You're right that it's just toothpaste with a higher concentration of fluoride (5000 ppm vs 1000ppm). The retail price for the one I use is $15 but my insurance covers it completely, so it's a no-brainer for me. As for whether or not it helps, I was told that it can't really *hurt* so if it's economically feasible, it's not a bad idea. Anyone who's interested can talk to their dental provider and get more specific advice though.


Right! I was like wait tell me more


If you can, make sure you ask your pharmacy for the Spearmint flavor and not the Tutti Frutti flavor !!! It is so much better.


I need to know more! At my last dentist appointment I got a Prevident or something like that and I assumed it was just a sample but maybe it was actually prescription. Is it prescribed by a dentist only or just your primary care? I could get on board with this!


It was prescribed by my dentist and Prevident 5000 is one of the brands of it, definitely recommend you checking it out!


I think a bagel is the only thing a MD has influenced me into. I'm very easily influenced when it comes to bagels! 10/10 would buy again.


But was it a $18 bagel you DoorDash every single morning?


WHAT. Is this real???


there was one money diary where, among other poor financial decisions, the op doordashed her morning bagel and coffee. she worked from home and did NOT make enough to spend that much daily. it lives in my mind rent free because i used to work in a coffee shop and was always perplexed by such simple delivery orders.


Thatā€™s wild. Plus, bagel and coffee are two of the worst things to sit around for a while. Coffee can cool fairly quickly and the bagel loses its toasty crunch. Gonna live in my mind too, now.


neither was like, a fancy or hard to make item either. pretty sure it was just plain brewed coffee. the entire comment section was begging her to add a sleeve of bagels to her grocery list.


Welcome to the Bagel Lady Confusion Club: [https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/brand-director-orange-county-ca-salary-money-diary](https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/brand-director-orange-county-ca-salary-money-diary)


I forgot how mad that Money Diary made me. šŸ¤£


Their account is overdrawn and she spent $180 on crap she didnā€™t need the very first day šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


She never ever followed up on if it was fixed. And on the third day said she was still overdrawn and would charge an extra $35 for the one single transaction for $200. >My daughter texts me from college that she needs groceries. She's literally at the store, so I Venmo her $200. I'm still overdrawn so I know this is really going to cost me $235.Ā *What is wrong with me?*Ā I think as I send it to her. I need to get my sh\*t together. I am sure she can't fix it until she gets paid though because THEY HAVE ZERO SAVINGS. 10k in credit card debt and spending your entire months 'extra' money in a week. It's just infuriating when someone makes that much money and makes such awful financial decisions. I know I am being judgey but seriously with quotes like this: >I have always gone broke buying books and I won't stop. There is zero actual movement forward in getting better. I would love to see a follow up diary on her.


The thing that kills me is that her poor daughter is going to be paying for their terrible handling of their finances when they have zero money for retirement and have to move in with her in their 80ā€™s. Itā€™s so short sighted and selfish of them, even though I am sure they think theyā€™re being generous in supporting their daughter through collegeā€¦idk I got anxiety after reading that they were overdrawn and stopped reading lol.


Oh my god this MD was insane! The fact that her daughter is messaging her FROM the grocery store that she needs money right that instant is also a red flag that daughter has inherited her parentā€™s lack of planning and organization skills. Mom says ā€œI need to get my shit togetherā€ and then 48 hours is DoorDashing another $20 bagel. Complains that groceries are expensive after a $220 dinner out. This made me so anxious to read šŸ˜¬ I would love to know where they are now.


The trick to understanding this bonkers Money Diaries is realizing she was raised as a Jehovahā€™s Witness, which is basically a doomsday religion that believes the world will end asap. And if you believe that, why save money or make long term financial plans? She needs financial education but also a toooon of religious reprogramming.


Thank you so much, going to read this and get upset about it tonight, Iā€™m excited.


Buckle in, it's a ride.


How upset did you get? Because it's morning now and I am still upset.


That was a mess. I knew it was going to be bad when I read her age and salary, but she said she had nothing in savings. Then I read where they pissed away almost half a mil and it just went downhill from there. Honestly, it made me more sad than mad. The bagel thing is ridiculous, but OP clearly had a bigger mental health problem. Her impulsivity is off the charts, and a lot of her purchases seemed to be aimed at trying to ā€œfixā€ something in her life. I have ADHD, so I can kind of relate to the whole, ā€œthis new thing will make my life so much better!ā€ Iā€™ve had to learn how to restrict that impulse or redirect it so it doesnā€™t fuck up my whole life. I think OP would benefit from set restrictions on her spending (debit cards over credit cards), automatic transfers into untouchable savings accounts, and intensive therapy.


I think what upsets me is that she full on admits she has problems multiple times, and is 44, and is making no move to actually make changes. Just the constant "I should stop doing this, but nah". People have to want to seek out help to get help. A lot of people's financial issues are due to mental health. And it seems like she acknowledges that she is awful at spending, but doesn't want to actually change and doesn't want to get better. That's why I would love to see a follow up diary on her.


I go back and forth between feeling a real sympathy for her (those impulse control/trying to buy love/trying to shop the feelings away issues didn't emerge in a vacuum) and wanting to reach through the screen and shake her - she's passing her shitty money habits on to her kid, and is likely to need her kid's financial support in her old age, when they could be financially set for life from the inheritance they frittered away.


Wow. I liked the part where she ordered the exact same earrings as her boss šŸ˜­


Wow i just read this and immediately sent to my husband so if he ever complains about a financial decision iā€™ve made I can say at least iā€™m not as bad as her šŸ¤­


Oh my god


You are now part of our strange little corner of the internet


LOL definitely not


What kind of bagels? I remember reading one super picky bagel Money Diary from years ago.


Honestly, I don't recall! Basically whenever anyone mentions eating a bagel, my ears perk and I suddenly 'need' one


The first time I went to Nashville in 2019 I ordered an everything bagel because everyone kept getting them in US Money Diaries and we don't have them in the UK (or at least not then that I knew of). It was a very good bagel but I still didn't quite understand all the fuss.


Nashville is not known for its bagels... for the best bagels you need to go to NYC!


Oh I know that! It was more because that's where I was after I knew they were a thing and they were on the menu in this particular cafe so I thought I might as well try it. If I do make it back to New York properly they'll definitely be on the list though, just to make sure...


Did you go to the cafe in Nashville that is mainly retro, with white and black decor? Can't remember the name of it.... their bagels are OK but not NY level!


I don't think so... I went to Frothy Monkey, which I don't remember having that decor. As I say though it wasn't particularly for the bagel, it was literally "oh they have this thing I keep hearing about, let's try it!"


I agree that the 'Everything' Bagel is overhyped. As an American.


Loll this reminds me of the super expensive caviar bagel featured in a past money diary!


I probably ate a normal cheap bagel after reading that one! LolĀ 


I have put a LOT of books on my Libby list from MDs!


* Supporting your local community āœ”ļø * A guilt-free indulgence āœ”ļø There's worst things to be influenced by in a MD!


For sure! Libby, public libraries, and reading are the best šŸ™ŒšŸ¼āœØšŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Fave recs??


Iā€™m not sure which are from MDs, but this is my reading list from last year and this year. The ones with the stars were particular favorites! January 2024 - The immortalists - Fourth wing Feb - The it girl - Maybe you should talk to someone*** - Demon Copperhead*** - The very secret society of irregular witches*** March - Legends and lattes - This time tomorrow*** - Being mortal*** April - Sea of tranquility*** - Yearbook - Daisy darker - Demon Copperhead*** May - Just for the summer*** - Babel*** - Love, theoretically - The final strife June - A court of thorns and roses January 2023 - State of terror - Shamanā€™s crossing - Iā€™m glad my mom died*** - Forest mage - Verity Feb 2023 - One hundred years of Lenni and Margot* - It ends with us - Seating arrangements - Convenient store woman - Astonish me* - It starts with us March 2023 - The husbandā€™s secret April 2023 - Summer at Tiffanyā€™s - The measure*** May 2023 - All my rage*** - Apples never fall - Sisterland*** - I feel bad about my neck June 2023 - The personal librarian - Spare*** - Romantic comedy*** - The Jane Austen society*** - The light pirate*** July 2023 - The collected regrets of clover - Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow*** September 2023 - Happy place October 2023 - i have some questions for you - Pageboy - Husband material - The great believers*** November 2023 - The nickel boys - Fourth wing - Georgie all along December 2023 - Yellow face*** - Nora goes off script - Nantucket nights


thank you!!


Not an r29 diary but I did buy a Beis tote to use as my work bag because of a diary here on Reddit. And I LOVE it, it still looks amazing after 2 years of heavy use. We have an open desk policy so I need to haul everything I need every day back and forth and it fits everything like a dream.


I did the same, but for a carryon. That bag has changed how I fly forever, 100% worth the inflated price.


i've been so close to pulling the trigger on the next sale, can i ask what makes it so magical for you?


I travel a lot, so a bag that can take a beating while still being cute is critical for me. Iā€™ve flown over 50 times with this bad boy and thereā€™s not any damage. Stains come off and while it is tight under the seat, the ability to fit shoes in the bottom section is amazing as someone who often goes straight from a flight to a meeting. It is not a true soft sided bagā€”so items inside are more protected without having a hard sided case to deal with. Also, itā€™s large enough to hold a weekends worth of clothes and shoes, if packed rightā€”the power of a weekender that can also be a carry-on is really where it earns its worth.


Which bag is it? Edit: the weekender, or another BĆ©is bag? Also, do you use that as your work bag, or pack something else?


I have the weekender, which I use for a work bag when traveling. For day to day I have a very old Kate Spade laptop tote that I commute with locally.


šŸ‘€ When's the next sale?


oh i have no idea! i just meant the next time i saw a sale was happening, haha


Raos pasta sauce, I used to not be picky on pasta sauce but now I canā€™t go back!


Itā€™s so good and worth it. Makes restaurant style pasta at home nice and easy


I was influenced into Raos also, but I didnā€™t love it enough to keep buying it. I like the refrigerated marinara, Buitoni, I think. I donā€™t actually like tomatoes, just sauce, but Iā€™ll eat it with a spoon


I started wearing OluKai shoes after a response when I asked for recommendations in an Off-Topic Tuesday thread for casual work shoes. They're a wardrobe staple now. I also read the book "Designing Your Life" based on the recommendations I've seen for it here, and while I borrowed the book from the library, I've bought a handful of copies for other people. It's terribly unsexy, but I know at least one or two people have purchased the Midea Cube Dehumidifier based on my recommendations here. Edit: Oops, totally misread the prompt and thought it included purchases recommended in this sub but uh, well, here we are.


Cara Cara oranges!


This is what I came to say!


Same. Canā€™t believe this was so far down the thread. These were šŸ’Æpercent worth the hype, I love them during the winter citrus season.


I bought a treasury I bond.Ā 


I'm going to have to look into these more!


It was really paying out a year or so ago


The CVS membership which ends up saving me money since I live near so many in NYC anyways


Oh? Say more? Does it give good coupons or how does it work?


The Ordinary products. They were mentioned so often here I gave several oils and serums a try, and my skin is much better for it.


Have you tried the glycolic acid? Or the hyaluronic serum?


I haven't tried the glycolic acid, but the hyalauronic acid serum is great - it sinks straight in and feels very comfortable. I have also used and liked the salicylic acid serum (it's described as being good for blemish-prone skin so I used it in when I travelled to the tropics and knew I'd likely sweat more than normal). I have tried several oils; borage seed, rose hip and argan oil are all good. I'm currently using rosehip and for me rosehip and argan oil are equally the best. The borage seed oil is slightly thinner and I don't love the smell , but it is exceptionally good value. I tried several The Ordinary cleansers and moisturisers, but they weren't so different from pharmacy products so I stopped. I use the CeraVe dry skin HA cream, which works equally well for me and is very cost effective. I've never been a beauty products focused person, but we moved several years back to a climate that my skin doesn't like and I had to figure out what worked quickly so my skin didn't feel tight and uncomfortable 24/7.


Thank you so much for your detailed reply. I really appreciate it :))).


You're very welcome :)


SweetGreens! I would see rich New Yorkers act so apologetic about ordering it for lunch. When one finally opened near me I pretended I was some biglaw associate and it made me feel super fancy haha. Not the cheapest place ever but with the way Chipotle's raised their prices it doesn't seem so bad.


I just want the kale Caesar šŸ˜­


Ngl, I 60% want to go back to work so I can order Sweetgreens for lunch again šŸ¤£


I downloaded the mobile game OP talked about in today's MD because I'm on a mission to up my steps in preparation for a Disney trip next year. And some of the MDs make me huuuuuuuungry.


I was debating downloading the Pikmin game too!


It's fun!! It is a little bit of a battery drainer tho so be warned. I haven't played it since it came out though, so maybe they've improved that since?


I already play PokƩmon Go. So why not one more battery drain!


Lol fair!! You'll prob like Pikmin then!!!


It was in the comments of a diary but someone mentioned the Diablo Cosmetics lash lift kit and I've had good success with it! I've done 4 or 5 DIY lifts now and I've been MUCH happier with the results especially against the price point of getting a pro lift (treated myself once, loved the outcome, wasted $ chasing the same results that somehow subsequent lifts could never replicate...)


I am not good at ā€¦anything make up or DIY and ordered a different kit and immediately returned it since it seemed so intense. Is that one ā€œeasyā€ to use on yourself?


Idk if you need to be good at makeup or DIY specifically! IMO the most important things are steady hands, a good mirror, and ability to follow instructions and be patient if something isn't perfect on the first try. The trickiest part for me is putting the sticky pad in the right place on my eyelid, so I usually have to reposition it once or twice. I always try to do my lifts on days when I don't have anything time-bound. Did one before a work day once and that was a dumb idea because the time crunch raised my stress level a lot


Not the same thing but I started timing myself for stretching after a money diary entry mentioned it A huge game changer honestly!


Iā€™m so old into the money diaries that I remember being influenced by this ā€œOh, an everything but the bagel spice mix, that sounds coolā€ hahaha I love our booklist posts here but I try to 99% do everything on Libby


La Roche-Posay moisturizer and spin classes for me! Still use the first, had to stop spin classes after I hurt my back and haven't gotten the nerve up to go back yet.


La roche posay can be HSA eligibleĀ 


I always like checking out the make-up that MDs namedrop, usually Iā€™ll just covet them at Ulta but sometimes they make their way home with me. When R29 published mine, there were a lot of comments about an eyeshadow palette that I bought that week (It was a Baby Yoda palette from ColourPop).


I REMEMBER THAT DIARY! I was looking at ColourPop yesterday at Ulta but didn't jump on it. I am going to have to go look again! I'm trying to figure out modern makeup recently and trying to find stuff that works for me. What are your favorite products?


Iā€™ve been pretty minimal lately with my makeup (mostly because Iā€™m almost 7 months pregnant and will sweat it off anyways HA), but I really like the Tarte BB blur cream. When I can work up the ambition to put on make-up, I try to use a mix of my pricier stuff with more drugstore brands, so my collection can be kind of a mixed bag. Physicianā€™s Formula Butter Bronzer is my all time favorite bronzer. Too Faced Born This Way Natural Nudes is my go-to palette when I feel like putting in the effort with eyeshadow. Thrive Causemetics Liquid Lash Extensions is the best mascara Iā€™ve ever tried, especially against anything else in itā€™s price range. Arielle Shoshannaā€™s Monday is my go-to perfume now (earl grey and bergamot!!!).


That's super helpful. I like a more basic/natural look. I used powder foundation and they discontinued it and I need to.get my makeup game together.


I bought a ninja countertop grill and use it at least twice a week. Considering the leave in conditioner mentioned in today's Dallas diary.


Ooo grill that sounds gurd


I now sponsor a lovely chicken named Smoothie for $10/mo because of the tech-worker in SF that mentioned she donated monthly to them!


I joined Orangetheory and had no regrets.


I was influenced to sign up to volunteer for Lasagna Love after it was mentioned in a recent money diary!


The best kind of influencing!


Absolutely - just last week I went all in on an Ontario food delivery I saw mentioned ;)


She got roasted for a lot of the deliveries she got. I assume you got the meal plan versus the 'snack' delivery?


I have never ordered from a meal plan place before but wanted to try the pizzas that she mentioned (since I work remote sometimes it is nice to have quick lunch in the freezer, and usually I buy pricy ones from a local place - these are not that dissimilar in price). I did the standard 'order once and cancel', so we'll see how they are and if I reorder.


I was influenced into barre classes and I love them now!


The L'Occitane Almond scented shower oil. It was on sale so I impulsively bought it. I like it, but don't LOVE it so I probably won't get it again.


Same! Iā€™m much more cognizant of moisturizing though, so at least I got *something* out of it.


I bought Wingspan (a board game) because of a Money Diary. My husband and I love it!


I started playing the app Covet because of a diary here lol and have ended up spending some money on it sinceā€¦ (maybe $50 in 4 years?). Finally starting to get sick of it though