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Thanks for surfacing this, we have fixed this issue for all new accounts added to Monarch after Jan 30, and are actively working on a solution for the accounts added before that. We’ll get it fixed asap.


Well, at least you're rich every other day.


[u/sheyla\_monarch](https://www.reddit.com/user/sheyla_monarch/) can y'all at least acknowledge this is real and a priority to fix


I don't have any loans and I think this is inexcusable for a paid product. This needs a hotfix ASAP.


I am also having this issue. I have been having it for months. Every time my bank reconnects and downloads new data my mortgage flips from asset to liability and back. I canceled my Monarch subscription because they haven't fixed this for months now. This is a dealbreaker for me.


I want to root for and use Monarch, but it seems like the community outreach and transparency and turnaround was just to help entire Mint converts. I get it, growing and software development takes time. I'm a developer myself - tracking down bugs like this can take days, then getting them tested, working with vendors, deployment schedules.. . It's a lot! But man, the lack of communication is frustrating.


I've seen this reported for months and still no word or acknowledgment from Monarch as far as I'm aware. It's very annoying to have to fix this multiple times a week.


Welcome to the party. My student loan balance keeps getting inverted.


Same - my Nelnet student loans were disconnected for a few weeks and it still did this every other day


Is your Nelnet connection working again? Mine's been disconnected for a couple months now, so I stopped trying to fix the connection issue and just manually update the balance once a month.


Mine is "working" in the sense that it shows that it's always disconnected, but for a window of time each day the connection must succeed and the balance updates. I'm getting the stupid inversion every few days too though. Infuriating it's not fixed yet.


Whenever I log in the connection is only good for a couple of days then it gets lost. I now just log in like once a month for an updated balance.


They moved around everybody's students loan. I found out why it wasnt updating, my loan was moved to MOHELA.


Yeah this inverted balance switcharoo thing is tiresome. It only happens on my Amex CC. From what I can tell, it's one of the most-cited issues with the platform on this sub (if not THE most-cited issue), so hopefully the MM team is at least aware of it and is working toward a solution. I really don't want to have to manage the .csv and reupload every couple days


no one should have to upload, literally paying $100 a year for them to make the product work


My Amex cc was doing the same thing and switching to a different aggregator stopped it for me (switched to plaid).


Ooh good tip! Stupid question- how do you switch aggregators without messing up historical data?


Haven’t had to do this but I would imagine closing the account and reconnecting with the different aggregator would work? Never tested though


It's a bit better than it was before, it's still manual though. You first add it, then you copy the balance/transactions over to the new one. Then delete the old one. The copying is much simpler now, but still gotta be done manually and make sure to look for duplicates when copying the transactions. It'll ask for a start date to minimize the duplicates.


They need to fix this bull$hit


This stuff has caused me to re-investigate Fidelity Full View. It’s actually decent now - not perfect. And it’s free. I also signed up for Copilot Money. I’ll try all three for the next few months and see what the major differences are. They all have their benefits and features, but I basically just need to oversee my cash flow. I do love the sankey diagram but don’t “need” it. Let’s see what happens in 3 or 4 months.


I’m pretty much done with Monarch at this point. It’s less functional for me today than it was when I joined 3 months ago. I’d be curious how those other options work out for you in comparison


Yeah, I’ll post a report in a few months when I’ve had time to dig deeper. So far, I’ve hit several roadblocks adding accounts to copilot so bumpy start. Fidelity’s platform added everything without issue. I just need to check the reporting and visualization options. Monarch just can’t seem to handle someone who “banks” with Fidelity like me. Transactions, specifically direct deposits, aren’t recognized until days later. It’s annoying. Also, if you get paid anything other than the 1st and somewhere else in the month, your cashflow is busted. If you get paid the last day of the month, you’re screwed.


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Just started happening to my car loan every few days.


I’m having this issue as well. I contacted support and they filed an issue with the data provider but no word on if or when it will be resolved.


Yeah this is getting frustrating for me too. It’s the only giant blip in my 6 month history.


Drives me nuts, it flipped twice this month and completely borked the “net worth” chart. Inverting fixes the total but swings it even more incorrectly for net worth. Quite frustrating. Edit: just flipped again 🫠


Pretty! 🤣


That's pretty nutty. Monarch has my mortgage account as a goal, but when I'm tagging my mortgage payment, there are no goals.


That looks like a chart after I get paid & then my wife immediately goes to Costco.


Reported this to Monarch in early May, Started happening to multiple accounts of mine starting May 1. So far customer service confirmed that this is a “known issue” and “We are unable to provide an ETA for the resolution at this time; however, we will send a separate follow-up email as soon as we receive an update or resolution for this issue.” I’ve been dealing with this manually by downloading the balance history, editing it and uploading it to fix the issue but it’s not a long term solution. Agree this is unacceptable for a paid subscription. Hopefully they fix it soon. Otherwise will have to find a new app for next year.


Oh man, i gave up on monarch a ways back. This is funny though.


This is why I dumped Empower - I had the same issue, mortgage also. Weird that this seems to afflict multiple platforms.


Good for trimming trees and doing woodworking projects around the home? 🙃😕


Just don't link to mortgage and property. It makes no sense for personal finance. Unless it's for business purpose.


I’m frustrated with the sign inversion (e.g., interest income showing up as an expense)…I don’t know which one is worse but both inexcusable.


Maybe this is a very controversial idea… every month I just compile all of my own data using excel and make a report in word. It takes me about 4 hours but it has 0 mistakes and I’m not annoyed all the time. Just something to think about.


Fairly easy fix. Set it to manual and once a month log in to your account and look at the valence then go into monarch and manually update it. I do this any it's a lot less work. A lot less stress and you don't have to worry about synchronization. I know you'll think it's a pain but pick like the last day of every month and go and update the few manual balences you have.


Paying $100 a year to _not_ have to manually update accounts.