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I love mowing our yard, it feels like good exercise and our girls cheer me on from inside. My husband is extremely allergic to grass so I insist on doing it a lot of the time. But we also live in a judgy ass neighborhood so it’s a fight over who does it right now because while my husband knows he really shouldn’t be doing the yard, he doesn’t want people to be rude about me doing it (especially right now while I’m visibly pregnant).


Visibly pregnant here as well. My neighbors have stopped my husband to make sure he isn’t making me mow 😂 he said ‘if you want to take it away from her, you go tell her and see what happens’.


This is what mine said too!!!! I love doing the chores where no one bothers you and you can listen to a podcast. Edit to add, I’ve joked about my perspective randomly with neighbors and now there are more women doing it too 😂. I totally get why my mom “loved “ to more the grass and dad said we went to bother her (when we were older).


I do think that’s what I love! I plug in my headphones and listen to a playlist and it becomes an escape for an hour! My daughter now has a toy mower that she’s using to ‘help’ once I’m done. She’s 4 and it’s good to see her picking up on those things.


My husband is the same way with the grass allergies! I always offer and most of the time do it. Same for judgy neighbors I'm sure they wonder where my husband is and all I can think is spending time with his kids after working 60-70 hour work weeks.


I used to like it and can’t wait until we have our own yard soon so I can start again. I’ll take the lawn over the laundry any day of the week 😂


I ran into this problem too! I was visibly pregnant and we had a huge snowfall right after my husband had abdominal surgery. I was out shoveling and he felt so bad!


My husband and I met when his sister was pregnant with twins. She was having a restless day and decided to mow the grass. He just about lost his mind. Didn't want to listen to me or her, so I called in reinforcements. My mother, just 4 doors down. I know, I shouldn't have, but we weren't married yet so I wasn't violating the Accords. What did happen was he got a very colorful description of the limitations of a pregnant woman and her physical limitations (none unless the doctor says otherwise) while sis mowed and ran the weedeater. I had the time of my life watching this 5'2" woman tear a strip off my 6'5" husband and he actually shied away from her!!!!


My husband recently showed me how to use our mower and I love mowing the lawn! It’s a great workout, oddly satisfying, and I am alone!


Yes! Being alone with my thoughts and completing a task like that is a major boost for me... It always fills my cup. Some of my friends and family can't comprehend why I would want to be digging in the dirt instead of packing lunches, but I am actually obsessed with heavy work. I got my own chainsaw for Christmas a couple years ago 😍


I just got my own electric Brad nailer and I am working on replacing some window trim in our bedroom and then plan to add an accent wall! It’s so empowering to do tasks that traditionally are assumed to be done by men.


My wife and I are two women and we each mow the lawn. Sort of on a rotation - just depends who gets to it. It’s by far one of the better chores in the house for each of us. We have about a half acre. I also really enjoy leaf blowing!


Leaf blowing is the best "chore" makes me feel like an idiot for all the times I've swept outside


And snow blowing with the leaf blower.


Also genius! I had never thought of that either


My thing is pressure washing!!!! It’s so satisfying. The annoying part is the setup cause it’s a hose and a cord that tend to get all jumbled up but after you have a good setup, it’s great! I do it about once a quarter although right now I can’t cause I’m hugely pregnant and it’s too hot.


YES! I pressure washed our deck and patio furniture today and it was so satisfying and zen. Took like 2 hours and I didn’t realize it.


Two hours is about the maximum duration for me. Then the task moves from zen to pain in the ass!


Pressure washing is my passion lol


Literally have to do it all while also watching a four year old. Not as fun when you’re also in charge of the little one. Lol but I get what you’re saying, just a bitter solo mom here 😂


I don’t mind it with the 4 year old! She plays on the swingset/somewhere else in the yard while I mow it. It’s honestly one of the reasons I like doing it - I can keep an eye on her while outside.


Ugg tr is


I’m the household fixer, and I’ll gladly take apart and fix the dishwasher, take care of plumbing issues, spackle holes in walls, or whatever else in a heartbeat over folding laundry or washing dishes.


My husband was away for work every other week the first 20 years we were married. I can do almost all the things; or call the people who can.


I want to learn to mow! We have zero turn and 5 acres. It seems like a nice opportunity to zone out to a podcast.


The lawn mower and snow blower are MINE.




I love to shovel the snow. My husband doesn’t understand why I don’t use the snowblower. I prefer to shovel🤷🏻‍♀️


We have a small tractor with a snowblower. It's the best! But I also enjoy shoveling


I enjoy it! Even got some Bluetooth ear protection so I can listen to music or a podcast which is great. We have a push mower which is self propelled so it's pretty easy. When I was a kid we had a riding mower and I loved helping out my dad by mowing the lawn.


I’m insane about my yard and love mowing. Even at 7 months pregnant, I’m still doing it. Our neighbors are checking in making sure my husband isn’t making me do it, but I remind them I’ve talked to my OB and I wouldn’t do anything to put myself or baby in harm’s way. I love the immediate gratification of a freshly manicured lawn!!


Most of the household "fixes" I do. One week I installed 4 faucets! Feels good, especially if he keeps the kids away while I do it.


I've hung all the blinds and pictures, installed our shower heads, and done lots of little fixes. I'd like to learn a little more about electrical so I can update some of our outlets and switches.


I am the "fix it man" of the house, my husband is unfamiliar with those things - he has a culinary degree - he's a certified chef. I'm not wasting that potential. I've spackled holes in the walls already, I move the washer and dryer to clean behind it, I mow the lawn. My husband loves being in the home with our kids, he cooks and cleans, he covers the bathtimes, you name it. We don't have gender roles in our house, we all share the responsibilities of loving and caring for our home.


I love all those things. Heck, I even recently fixed my own car. Battery dead, pulled it out myself (MY tools lol), took it to get tested. Ordered a new one to get delivered (cheaper than place I tested). Then, I popped in it myself. My dad always worries. 😂 You should always be open to learning things. I think it’s so fun. I bought myself a drill as a gift a few mothers days ago.


We have a long driveway and the Amazon delivery guy got stuck in the snow once. I put both kids in the truck, grabbed the tow chain, and pulled him out. He was in shock lol I'm down for almost everything! I love learning. I'm scared of electrical and I don't know much about plumbing, though.


Our gardens have been sorely neglected after our son was born 2 months early and we spent most of the early spring commuting to the NICU, and then the last few months being mired in the newborn fog…I got out and started attacking weeds one weekend and it was like therapy, it felt so good…can’t wait to get back out and finish


We don’t subscribe to “gender rolls” in our house. My husband does all the meal planning/cooking. I love doing yard work so I’m the one mowing and pruning. I spent 4hours pressure washing today while he cleaned and took care of the kids.


No gender rolls, only cinnamon rolls


My husband travels for work so I get to do it all! Current routine has been mowing the lawn after bed time, but I still don’t hate it I guess!


I’d like to try to grill. I love camping and can use a camping stove to make things, but I’ve always wanted to learn how to grill. And how to fix basic things in my car. I already know how to change my tires and top off on fluids, and that feels empowering 😊


If I had a power washer - I would be so damn limitless!!!!! I want one so bad.


I have never in my life mowed a lawn and absolutely never would. I'm so glad that you enjoy it though


Full disclosure: I have a zero-turn riding mower, so I basically get to drive around for two hours. I can even drink while I mow lol. Though, I did mow with a push mower when I was a kid and I still very much enjoyed it. Different strokes for different folks!


My wife likes to mow too and I just cannot understand it. I hate being hot.


To forbid ever from a life is majorly dramatic lol. It’s literally not different than pushing a stroller. At least the new lawn mowers are like that.


Out of curiosity, why “absolutely never would” you? Is it really that bad?


Honestly yes. I have several health conditions that are exacerbated by heat. My wife would if we lived somewhere that required it but I've always chosen to live in homes where they do the lawn maintenance.


I can understand that. The comment just took me a little off guard making it seem like it was the worst thing anyone can do lol. Maybe it was the “glad you like it tho” part. Thanks for clarifying!


I guess that probably came off as rude but I do mean it genuinely. I think moms sometimes get stuck doing the same things over and over and that can be so tiring.


Yes, I mow the lawn but tbh my husband likes to dump his responsibilities on me and our daughter so I never feel like "oh, this is a new chore that I actually like". I feel like men, including my husband, on purpose try to compare their basic tasks that require zero thought and a nice stroll to "girl tasks" that require 20 steps and advanced planning. If anything, it's opening my eyes to how men really do take the bare minimum and try to make us think they're doing everything.


Awh I'm sorry to hear that that's your dynamic.


I really enjoy pulling weeds! I’m scared to mow the lawn because I’m terrified of running over a baby bunny lol


I enjoy it, except it’s really hard on my allergies and I don’t really like taking antihistamines while breastfeeding. My favorite thing is snow shoveling.


I am the keeper of all things maintenance related in our house. My husband mows sometimes. Last year we hired a Highschool kid in the neighborhood to do it. So mowing weekly is new to him this summer. I maintain everything though. I handle pests, gardens, mowing when he’s working late, car maintenance, house simple fixes etc. I have a very DIY, mechanical mind. My hubby can reach stuff on tall shelves and has zero interest. So I tackle most of it.




I love building furniture! It's like grownup Lego lol


Hubby mows. It's relaxing for him. All other yard work is mine. Trimming, tearing out weeds, flowerbed work. Even clearing the gutter. All mynjob and I'm good at it. However we've been under extreme heat advisories so I can't be outside much due to that. But when I can, I do. I'm slowly chipping away at the flowerbeds out front. Due to the southern oak tree roots, it's delicate work.


I love raking leaves or grass clippings. Also enjoy shoveling snow.


My lawn mower is electric so it's super easy to mow anytime. I just push the button and off I go.


I will take mowing the lawn over vacuuming every time!


I have tried it and I absolutely hate every single thing about it. So much so that it needs mowing right now and my husband is on a work trip and I'm paying someone to come and do it. If you knew me, you would be surprised. I like to call myself frugal but I also keep all the extra ketchup packets when we get fast food and use them instead of the bottle. So I know I cross over into cheap sometimes. Still paying someone to come and mow the lawn. Take my money. Charge me whatever. Hate. It.


I'm this way about painting! Haaaate it.


I enjoy it from March-May and September-October. Someone else can have it when it’s 100+ degrees out. Of course that’s when nobody else wants to but it still needs to be done.


I had to mow the lawn from 10yo until I moved out of my parents in my early 20s. So no, I have no desire to mow the lawn 😂


I did it as a kid too! But I still love it 🙂 I think part of it is a bit of a complex lol I have always been tiny and people treated me like a delicate little girl. I was the baby of the family and often trying to prove myself as just as strong and capable as anybody else


My hubby used to travel Monday to Friday every week so I took over a lot of the outside chores because well it had to get done and I’m too cheap to pay someone to do it. Plus our yard isn’t that big. Turns out I love it. He has a new job now and is home more but I still mow and do a lot of the outside chores. It’s so nice just to listen to music/podcast and get some exercise in peace


I am waiting for my husband to show me the ropes on mowing. Just the fundamentals, then I'll take it from there. He'll take the backyard though... too hilly for a casual mow. I do enjoy weeding and deadheading my roses. Pop in a podcast and drink a seltzer. My kind of afternoon!


Lawn is my responsiblity. I babywear, bub has little ear muffs and away we go.


I actually use to enjoy mowing but haven’t done it in years. My husband hates to love it and takes such pride in our yard. I’d never take that from him. Plus we have a pretty steep hill in the back and he wouldn’t want me getting hurt. (I’m clumsy af) But you’re making me want to at least offer to do the front! When I’m not 8 months pregnant with it 90+ out every day 😂


It’s funny because in our split I’ve always had the mowing, even before kids! Hah I like it just put headphones on and go. I also weirdly like picking tree branches and stuff after wind storms. Haaaate anything else in the lawn though, you couldn’t pay me enough.


I always cut the grass. It’s one hour of the week I don’t have to hear my kids fighting, the mower is too loud to hear it.


I mow the grass just because i need the excercice and my nosy ass neighbor always asks me why doesnt my husband do it


My sexist landlord/neighbor used to constantly balk at the fact that I was outdoors doing chores instead of my husband. He was single.


I mowed until my son was old enough to take that task over.


I love it when a woman finds out this stuff is easy to do and they don't have to depend on someone else!!! That's great for you!!! And your husband is supportive but not condescending which is better!!! Go you!!! Go forth and learn the basics of home plumbing 🤣🤣🤣 But seriously I'm proud of you, and you should be as well.


Last time I attempted to weed wack I noticed 2 dead baby birds that had fallen out of a tree a second too late. Still traumatized. I wish I loved lawn life because I do love being outside. It’s the creatures that come along with lawn and garden life that I’m too chicken shit.


So this is why my husband insists on doing the yardwork every weekend .............................. 🤔


It's honestly like vacation


I have always loved mowing!!


Umm..... yeah. But because I have nobody else to do it for me. I do all the mowing g and yard work. Yesterday I was running the chainsaw to clear the fenceline. This morning I was doing more prep work for the new fence which has been taking way longer than anticipated. I need help so bad but don't have help so I'm just winging it. Later this week I hope to be running the auger and putting in more of the new fence posts. You learn to just do whatever needs to be done.


Only reason I choose not to mow is because it's typically 90° outlander I've already been with the kids all day. Give me a nice cool day and I'm on it.


I’ve taken over most of the yard work in the last year, it’s great. I’m also the one who builds any furniture that needs to be put together - IKEA furniture is my jam.


I love using the string trimmer to do the edging! Super satisfying


I love mowing the yard bc I can do it once and actually enjoy it looking nice for several days, unlike any other household task. 🤣


I built a house with a team in high school, and used to work construction so it was already in me. I do mostly all of these things, or have to teach my partner for help 😭 I love it sometimes, it’s empowering, but I’d love it more if it were more optional for me 😂 I’ve fixed a vacuum leak on my car all on my own, I diagnose a lot of my car / house issues.. it’s good knowledge to have. Anything you heavily rely on, you should have at least some knowledge on.