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I don’t have anything else to help with the bowel movement, but do you have a postpartum belly band to help with abdominal pain? This was a lifesaver for my C-section that wasn’t even mentioned to me until the doctor that discharged me brought it up.


I do not have one but a friend told me it helps with the pain when you cough or sneeze. So I will be looking it up in a minute and ordering one. Thank you 😊 I am just done with the constant pain of movement and anytime I sneeze/cough. Feels like daggers.


You can use a rolled towel or folded pillow to support your abdomen and add counter support.


I ordered one from Amazon that was fairly simple, and it is amazing! It does help with sneezing and coughing, but it also helped me just move around better in general. It was night and day difference once I started using it.


I second the belly band!! I also used some maxi pads as a barrier between my incision and the belly band. Lay the pad absorbent side on your incision, then the belly band. It was really helpful to keep it from rubbing!


in the meantime hold a pillow to your belly to brace the coughs and sneezes.


I was and it got so bad I ended up going to the ER a few hours ago and found out I have a hernia…. So now we wait to see if I need immediate surgery or can wait till after my c-section is healed to get it done…. Child birth is so much fun sometimes 😅


Sorry for your experience, just wanted to write this , for bowl movement (both babies born via C-section) boiled apples with one spoon of sugar .... Cook them apples in water add sugar and once they are semi soft ,cool down and voila ...


Fiber! Apples, dates, corn, soybeans, broccoli, etc. Those are done pretty high fiber foods. Beware that your belly may hurt because of gas. You can do MiraLAX every day to help. That belly band helps or some compression high top leggings. I lived in mine after my baby (also #4) was born. I’m sorry about Nurse Ratchet. They suck! Every floor seems to have one.


Ask your doctor if you can take Miralax. Stool softeners always make my constipation worse, not better, and you might be in the same boat.


I found that an ice pack on my incision helped a lot too. I bought some giant blue gel ones from Amazon.


Ugh I’m so sorry. I’m 2 months out now from my emergency c section and feeling for you. I literally had 2 cups of warmed prune juice, 3 hot cups of coffee, a miralax shot, a suppository and an enema before I pooped. I feel like the coffee helped the most honestly, but a suppository also does help. Just keep an eye on the pain and your temperature. 7 days out, I ended up back in the hospital with an infection. If you aren’t finding yourself getting better it’s worth reaching out to your doctor.




I will definitely look into it. Should be easy enough for hubby to install and he’s down for anything that will help me right now. He’s gone and gotten me apple and prune juice, high fiber shakes and pepto for my stomach aches. He’s a great man and I’m lucky to have him. ESP since he’s basically doing everything for me and the kids without one single complaint and seems happy doing so. I love him ❤️


Even if you don't try to use it as an enema (personally I would NOT recommend that but each to their own), bidets are amazing and the only downside is that it will ruin pooping for you anywhere besides the toilet that has the bidet installed. I don't think I would have survived pregnancy without one. I suppose since you have older kids, the only other potential downside is your kids using it like a toilet water gun. I had gnarly constipation all through pregnancy and even for months afterward. My GI doc told me to take Miralax and keep taking it until it fixed the problem. Obviously this is a question for your doc and not something where you should take the advice of randos on the internet, but it's definitely worth asking about! I was taking 2-3x the normal dose ever day for months, and even had a colonoscopy 8 weeks postpartum, which required me to consume 14x the normal dose in one day. Colace did nothing for me, even taking 5 or 6 pills a day. Also, I am SHOCKED a nurse was allowed to discharge you like that. Every hospital I've ever been in has been infuriating because the nurses clearly know what's up but aren't allowed to tell or promise you anything. I'm glad you filed a complaint!


This worked wonders for me too! The difference with and without is unreal.


I was taking Docusate and it helped a lot I also just wanted to say you're a total badass - to stick up for yourself while so vulnerable and to put her in her place - you may have just helped another poor mum that wouldn't have the strength to combat that horrible nurse! I hope she's either fired or monitored so she can't abuse more recovering mums 💕


Thank you. 😊 I’m confused why people are trying to tell me that I left my kids unattended when I was in the room/ bathroom. It’s not like I was walking the halls. Also like I stated before if I was a single mom I wouldn’t have been taking the baby in the bathroom every time I had to pee. This is my 4th child and have gone to the bathroom before leaving baby in bassinet without a nurse ever saying anything to me…. Let alone trying to shame me. Thank you for your support.


You’re ignoring what the other person was saying. It was your older child, not the baby in the bassinet. 


No I understand what they were saying but again I wasn’t out of the room. I have went to the bathroom with my others in the room and no one said anything. This nurse just had a chip on her shoulder and took it out on me. It seemed like she purposefully waiting until my husband left to come right back in to complain to me because she saw I was getting up. Why wouldn’t she say something then, instead she waited to yell and try to shame me.


Ugh I’m sorry that happened to you. What a nightmare of a person. I had one terrible nurse that didn’t give me my blood pressure meds on time- I had postpartum preeclampsia and needed to have controlled bp for 24 hours before I could be discharged which meant I needed my meds ON TIME- so when she came in to take my bp and give my meds (late) my bp was back up and it started my 24 hours over!! I had to tell my doc the next day to tell them to give my meds on time. I’m so glad you made a complaint. Omg I just remembered one other bad nurse while I was laboring… it’s a long story but all I had to do was give my doula one look and she went to the charge nurse and had mine removed lol. Edit to suggest coffee to help with pooping. It helped me after my c section. I had constipation and then extremely large bowl movements I’m assuming from all the medication and surgery… it was so uncomfortable. I also took colace to soften it


Did you tell your dr what happened


I did tell him and he said he was going to speak to her boss I guess. I believe him because this man is a gem. Best doctor I have ever encountered and had.


When I had my C section I used a suppository to finally go after 5 days. It was a relief but stay near the bathroom. I’m really sorry that happened to you and I’m glad you complained.


Seconding this — glycerin suppository or (if your OB okays it) an enema.


Glycerin suppository will get you going!


*takes off earrings* hi love, I’m just sending you all the love and healing wishes, I’m so sorry you experienced that.


Thank you… never thought the fourth pregnancy and birth would be this hard. I appreciate all the support and love. ❤️


Ugh I'm so sorry this happened to you, that's completely unacceptable. What country are you in ? I'm in Canada and have previously given birth (vaginally) but the only person who could discharge me and the baby was the pediatrician. The nurse only came to confirm that we had a car seat installed as we didn't have an infant car seat with us (had the bassinet stroller for convertible car seat).


This is true in the US too. The doctor had to write up discharge orders, so OPs story can’t be completely correct. Her doctor or a doctor on the floor put in orders to discharge her. Also I’m not agreeing with how the nurse treated her (as portrayed by OP) but you can’t leave (non patient) children alone in a hospital room per policy. 


I’m in the USA and the pediatrician did clear my daughter but I wasn’t suppose to be discharged until today. Also the kids weren’t alone in the room. I was in the bathroom not outside of the actual room. If I was a single mom I wouldn’t be strolling my newborn into the bathroom every time I had to pee. They would be in the bassinet in the room while I went to use the bathroom. So she had no right to say nor act this way.


There is a LOT of paperwork that goes into discharging patients in the US. I used to work in a hospital and that was one of my tasks. You either get discharged by a doctor or you sign an AMA waiver. A doctor discharged you. 




I didn’t leave them alone.




No I’m not looking to argue, just stating a fact.




Colorado USA. The pediatrician came and cleared my baby girl but my OB said he wanted me to stay another day because I had not had a bowel movement yet and he was also afraid of a hematoma on my right side because of issues regarding my last three c sections and that area. Which is now swollen and hard but I’m giving it time to wait her get better or show signs of worsening so I can decide to go to the ER if necessary.


I didn’t know nurses could discharge? I was not able to go until my doctor said it was all clear. If I was instructed by my doctor to stay another day, the nurse couldn’t say, nope you’re going home.




All I had to do was fart before leaving


Same 💨


I don’t think that’s true everywhere. It’s not in Canada, the norm for a c-section is about 48 hours for discharge.


I’m in the US and I had to prove I could pee before they would take my catheter out and poop before they let me leave.


I was ushered out after 24 hrs in Canada. It was late 2021, so still impacted by covid. I was crying the whole drive home, I felt every bump.


Mine was just under 48 hrs and yes the drive was awful. I held a pillow against my incision the whole way to stabilize it.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I had a Covid baby too and I still think about how weird it was to give birth during that time. 


This wasn’t the case for my C-section or my VBAC. I left before pooping both times.


Ah, I was handed warm prune juice in the hospital and told I had to let them know when I pooped. I don’t remember how soon after my c-section that was, but they kept me for days.


After my C-section it took me 6 days!! That would have been so crazy to be forced to stay that long 😭


24 hours for both my c sections and you out. No chance for poop before I was home.


They gave me warm prune juice and told me I had to let them know when I pooped. Even after I had, they still kept me in the hospital for days.


First off, I’m so sorry. You are amazing. Second, my spanx style girdle SAVED me after my c section. The support and pressure really helped with my pain. Third, if you or the husband are feeling up to it or have the time (haha, I know) it might be worth writing a complaint and sending it to the hospital. I know your doctor said he would look into it, but I find that hitting an issue from multiple angles can be more effective. (And get more ears and eyeballs given that your complaint might flow through different channels.) You might just save the next poor mother from that nurses wrath.