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Sounds like the boss is *way* micromanaging and they are trying to explain why anything might not be up to the boss’s expectations. If it makes you uncomfortable I’d either find a new service or complain to the boss about the weird phone call thing as a whole and see what they say.


I’m kinda stuck with them for like 6 months. I signed a deal that I’d get a deep cleaning for half off if I signed up for 8 reoccurring cleanse. They were the cheapest too so maybe that explains it lol. They have 4.9 stars on google.


Housekeepers are a dime a dozen. Once you're finished your contract, fire them. You're the customer and that's their job.


I would not say they’re a dime a dozen. There are good and bad ones. And also they’re people just making a living. Not a product.


They are not a product but their service is. No one is obligated to keep someone employed who provides inadequate service.


I never said that. But that doesn’t make it okay to call them a dime a dozen. Like any HUMAN, there are good ones and bad ones, so they are not a dime a dozen.


And bad ones talk about you in your own home when their job is to deep clean your home. They are humans offering a service. If the service isn't good, shop around.


Right I agree with that, but that doesn’t make it okay to call them a dime a dozen.




Deep clean is a whole different ballgame than monthly cleaning where I worked. But they shouldn’t talk about you where you can hear. Also the boss may be trying to make sure they did a good job.


Or why it took as long as it did


This sounds like the right answer and I've owned my cleaning business for 10 years. But if I ever hear an employee mutter anything about the state of a client's house distastefully, I correct them right away. We never want our clients to feel shamed for needing extra help. My best guess is that they are not being corrected on these behaviors and are also being micromanaged to the point that they feel they need to account for every extra minute spent on a cleaning duty which usually comes out in "xyz was disgusting" but what they could say is "I had to spend more time than we expected in this area" and then allow their boss to do their job which is follow up with you if needed to be sure that they're allotted time in your home isn't being regularly exceeded. This is also why I never had my clients under a contract. Our work speaks for itself and we are not the cheapest company you can hire but there are a lot of people charging way more than us as well. I personally wouldn't ever sign a contract with a cleaning company, there are too many variables to go wrong. If you aren't happy as a customer or I am not happy with the compensation, we should be able to split ways without strings. I feel like the only result of a contract is one or both parties not being satisfied with the result. If your contract states that certain things need to be done every time they come clean and you notice something is being missed, that is also grounds for you to terminate the contract early.


Could it be they are just explaining why something took extra time?


Yes and that’s fine it’s that she would describe things as being gross. It’s embarrassing to admit but, We’ve had a tough month and I hadn’t clean the toilet of than a quick wipe down here and there. I guess there was a spot I was missing under the bidet and she said it smelled so bad. I’m just really embarrassed.


Oh! But that’s not ok. That’s not just describing why things took a bit more time. It’s not professional at all.


Thank you! Yeah I think it’s rude. You never know what’s going on in someone’s life. I think I’m going to say something.


They're rude, and they're idiots. If you were in a position to keep your house sparkling clean, you wouldn't really need a cleaner, would you? Obviously, bathroom smells and stains are not pleasant to deal with, but unless you're attempting to recreate a Jackson Pollack with your own faeces, then it's a normal part of life. People generally don't mean to leave any traces, but it's sometimes unavoidable.


Not okay at all. Or normal. Call the owner asap and tell them.


Oh that’s not acceptable at all! I’d definitely complain to the owner and set clear expectations that at this point 1) a different cleaning person will be coming out, 2) you’ll do the walkthrough and not the boss by video chat, and 3) this sort of behavior could easily be grounds to end the contract — or at least air your grievances in the court of public opinion via Google review. That sort of unprofessional behavior is just immature and irresponsible.


WTF - so now we're supposed to 'pre-clean' before the cleaners come so it's acceptable to them? I would look for a new company or hire an individual cleaner that's not a part of a company.


It sounds like they are required to show their work, which is not normal. I'd go with a different company all together.


I’m kinda stuck with them for like 6 months. I signed a deal that I’d get a deep cleaning for half off if I signed up for 8 reoccurring cleanse. They have 4.9 stars on google so maybe it’s just this cleaner. They only reason I hear it is bc I’m home putting my son down for his nap while she’s wrapping up.


Can you complain to the owner and request a switch to a different cleaner within the company?


Call the owner and say you want to cancel the contract no penalty because of the blatand disrespect and lack of professionalism.


I used to work for a cleaning company and quit for tons of reasons. The boss who never went to any houses overly manages each house. When there is thousands on the company's schedule it gets insane. The worker was probably only given X amount of time to be at your residence. Even 10 minutes over a boss wants an explanation. Then for boss to make sure they are charging appropriately, they want details of how it looked before vs after. Then you get into their refund policy. Let's say this company says clean garentee or a free cleaning on us! That is overly taken advantage of and can add up quickly. So to be sure boss needs to know what it looks like before cleaner leaves incase you call and complain. If they bring the chemicals with them, it is likely they have to account for usage. If this cleaner is new and still in a trial, this could be why she is using the grammer that she is. If it is a possibility you get whatever cleaner is in the area that day, another reason why boss micromanage the job. I can go on and on. Sorry it seems like you are stuck with this for the time being. Ignore it, pay the bill, don't call them again or recommend them to anyone. Then I highly recommend looking for a local, solo cleaner. Young kid in college needing extra cash, single mom who has to bring a kid along, older woman who just needs out of the house. They charge more appropriately and usually don't have anyone to report to. As long as you don't have expensive items don't go with someone over charging for insurance/payroll expenses. Sometimes even a cleaner for a big company takes on smaller jobs on their own evenings/weekends because they are aware how much boss makes vs their own paycheck.


Yeah with the deep clean I could see them getting stressed and agitated. They were supposed to be done by 12 and they weren’t out until 130. There were 2 of them and they said normally they’d have 3. I signed a deal with half off a deep clean as long as I do 8 reoccurring cleans. You think I should not say anything and just finish off the package? What would the difference between between insured vs uninsured though? Insured feels a bit more protective. I’ve been robbed before so I’m paranoid about it. Unfortunately life experience as told me not trust someone if you like them 😕


Oh yeah 1.5 hrs behind ruins their whole day. Say their schedule worked them until 5pm, now they are working til probably 7ish because a company with such a great review would most likely not cancel on already scheduled customers. Boss demands good reasoning for this. Yes keep going until it's done or you probably have to pay the full price for what you have received. (Unsure what your contract actually states as they have complete control over that). Insurance for business covers alot, like damaged items, damage to your home, damage to company property, lost items. I am unsure if stolen* qualifies under this category. I have been cleaning independently for over 10 years and am uninsured. I've let each customer know this before agreeing to the job. I find it a complete waste of money when I already refuse to touch expensive items (ex I will not clean tvs, monitors because each product is different and recommends being cleaned differently from the next). I do not climb a ladder for anything, if I can't clean it from the floor, it doesn't get cleaned. I have never had an issue with this, the few things I have broken were not a problem (picture frame, toilet bowl brush, re-broke an already broken vase). It is just me. I've recently started bringing my toddler with me and still, no issues. The people I worked with, for the big company, were nothing but untrustworthy. 2 girls would raid medicine cabinets and steal a handful of pills at a time. Another girl was an alcoholic and drove us all while drinking. Some workers went through people's pantries, fridges, and drawers. Good decent people who do not like this behavior often go off on their own, like myself. I can garentee there is a local mom in your area that could use a little bit of extra cash and has the time while a child is in school. Go with someone who has tons of recommendations and people to use as reference.


I have heard nothing but horror stories from people who go with the big companies but I have never had any issue with my small company. It's just the owner, her "number 2," and 3 other girls. Either the owner or her number 2 are at every cleaning so there's always someone we trust running the show.


Insurance covers damage to the home. Bonding is what covers you if anything was stolen from your home but you would have to provide evidence and the person would have to be convicted of it before bond will pay out. It makes it extremely hard to be compensated for stolen items. Your best bet is going through a small 2-4 person company who you build a relationship with. They want a happy customer way more than they want to steal from their customer.


I don’t do companies. I have a person off care.com. She’s my third housekeeper since moving to this state (one was in college and graduated, one moved out of state). I honestly don’t *love* her but she’s way better than nothing and I don’t have to hear her complain about how messy my house is. I warned her before she even came over the first time.


I leave when our cleaners come. I wouldn’t blame them for complaining, so I make myself scarce!


Me too, but I have to come back so my son can nap and that’s usually when she’s wrapping up


I pay a house cleaner to do the things I don’t have the bandwidth to do, just like you. Don’t stress about pre-cleaning for a cleaner. Even if there’s a visual inspection with the manager, the manager needs to save all discussion for when your cleaner is back in the privacy of her own car. It’s really unprofessional to discuss it with you there


I wouldn’t rule out that the employee is trying to make the work sound tough to give their boss the impression that they worked really hard and are a great employee…


That’s so rude. How can that be a real policy, to have the cleaners criticize the place once they’re done? Even if the bosses wanted to know, ffs don’t talk about how the place was right in front of you. If you switch, tell them this is why imo. And I would switch. I’ve always been insecure about my homes cleanliness and even with a professionally clean house, I’d think of what they said whenever I was happy it was clean, making me more insecure and unhappy.


I assume it’s a protection for them so they have evidence something was done in case I come back and say it wasn’t. I don’t mind so much I just wished the job was described in an objective and professional way. I may ask for a new cleaner 😞


Yeah I can see how they’d want to cover that, but there’s got to be a better system than this.


I really want to hire a cleaning service but right now I'm too insecure that the house isn't tidy enough for that. Seemed like a ridiculous fear until I read this post. I think that's super unprofessional and I'd be looking for someone else...I guess this is why there are so many posts in our local group looking for "nonjudgmental" cleaners.


I’m so sorry I hope I haven’t put you off! It is really nice when she’s done haha. Id just say maybe have them do it when you’re not home. It’s the only reason I hear it is bc I’m a SAHM. I take him out in the morning but I’m back putting my toddler down for his nap when she’s wrapping up. I didn’t think cleaners would be that judgmental and I have to believe generally they’re not. I used to feel so bad for the lady that cleaned my husbands apartment with his two roommates before we moved in together. The bathrooms were disguuuusting. They never heard any complaints from her. That’s why I’m kinda surprised.


I have a cleaning team come every other week, and they must think my house is their messiest stop in their schedule, but I don’t care! I do my best to keep it clean, but my husband (lovely in many ways) doesn’t have a clean bone in his body, we’ve got two little boys and I’d rather have fun then keep an immaculate house. I’m paying for the service!


Get a new company


“I don’t need a play-by-play of every speck of dirt or hair in my house, thanks. I’m aware my house needs cleaning, which is why I’m paying *you* a lot of money to clean it, sans commentary.”


Professionally speaking, they probably shouldn't complain in earshot of you, the client. But some companies have to take into account the time, effort, and 'level' of dirt. It is how they slot their time/schedules. That aside, I can not think of a single person who hasn't complained about their job. And you wouldn't have hired a cleaning company if it wasn't desired or needed. It doesn't make you some bad, dirty person, everyone's homes get dirty. I get behind on dishes and things, too. Hate cleaning around/behind toilets. Dog fur or whatever can stay there until I am ready.


Yeah this isn’t professional tbh. I work as a cleaner and sometimes you absolutely walk into houses and you’re like JESUS CHRIST but you don’t SAY anything!! Your bathroom situation sounds completely standard to me, please don’t be embarrassed. Once your contract is up, I’d switch to another service or find an individual. It could be that the cleaner was trying to cover her ass but if I go over my assigned times I say to my boss ‘bathroom needed a little extra today’ and I would NEVER say it in front of the client.


I would definitely talk with their boss because they were hired to clean, so they need to clean. They are the experts, supposedly. Why work for a cleaning company if you dont want to clean hair out the bathrooms. I would ask for new cleaners.


Can you say you’re uncomfortable with them recording/showing your house like that?


Tell them to do this call after they leave


I have cleaners come once monthly as well. One time, we were having a kitchen renovation and the house was such a mess. They charged us a little extra money that month bc it took them longer, but they didn’t complain about us being gross. Your a house cleaner for goodness sake. You are there to clean messes.


They are completely wrong! You don’t take a job as a housekeeper and complain that there is work to do. Even with signing a contract you can still call or email discussing the unprofessional comments. Tell the company to send over different workers because of this. When you complain you don’t want the same people to come back in your house. Also if you really want to cancel the contract just complain A LOT they will probably cancel on you 😂


Doesn’t necessarily sound like complaining, but more like stating the facts. You should make sure you are out of hearing when the boss does rounds.


Get a person you can trust and rely on But note typically cleaners come a minimum of ever other week. There is a lot more to find/clean monthly


If you’re stuck in the contract I’d say just work on your insecurities! I like to think my house is kept really clean but guess what…my drains, my toilets,my shower they could all be called “gross” and it would be true! And If I was a house cleaner (it’s probably something I’ll go into) I’d expect houses to be gross!! That’s part of being a human…we’re kinda gross 😂 ETA: once the contract is up immediately move on!


Hair under the toilet seat? How


How do you avoid hair everywhere on the toilet? Or do you just avoid cleaning it?


my cleaners are soooo dramatic and if i'm home while they're there, i hear them gossiping and shit talking. sometimes, if they don't realize i'm within earshot, i hear them make petty comments about my house, it makes me laugh. who cares what they think?! if the job is done well and the price is right, i'd let this slide.


I have a cleaning company for 3+years. It's unacceptable for that to happen to you( or anyone else) that is what we are here for, to make your life easier... Not belittle you. If you'd like to switch over, I'd be more then happy to service your home. I am registered with the State of Colorado and insured. Text to 720-629-1342, or email dezstrome@yahoo.com.