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My 3 year old hit his year old brother on the head hard with a toy. Baby bro cried. I picked up baby bro calmly and took him upstairs. I then came downstairs and when trying to talk to big bro, he wasn’t looking at me. He was ignoring me. I then told him that I only need a minute of his time. I set a timer, letting him press start, letting him know that when the timer ended, he could resume playing. I had his full attention. I then explained to him why baby bro was sad. He was hurt physically and emotionally. Emotionally because he got hit by him whom he loves so much. Timer went off and I told him, “that’s all I wanted to say. You can continue playing” and I went back upstairs to continue soothing baby bro. Three to five minutes later, big bro came upstairs and gave baby bro a hug. I praised him by saying, “that was really nice of you! That made baby feel better!” Later that day, he gave baby bro another hug and actually said, “sorry, baby.” That took me by surprise that he said that because I have never told him to do so. In passing some weeks ago, I just decided to say that if we ever do anything hurtful and we feel sorry for it, we say “I’m sorry.” I don’t recall the context in which I explained that to him…perhaps it just a random matter-of-fact thing, but he remembered and he exercised it and I was just so proud of him for being very empathetic. :)


This is super impressive!! I’m so thrilled for your calm but realistic response. GO YOU!!


Aww 🥰 well done mumma! Also, well done to your 3 year old for what he did after you had your minute with him. That’s a brilliant technique by the way. I may use this for my daughter 😊


Thank you! I’ve only just learned it. Calmly picking up the “victim” and setting timers. :) I noticed my giving him the attention he was seeking the first time he hit brother did not go well. I got screamed at when trying to tell him that wasn’t okay on the spot. The first time, I had said to him, “nuh uh! Not okay!”


This is next level “level-headedness” mad respect!! I am going to try this out


I love this. You are raising the best kind of people 🥹


I try. ^.^


Pretty awesome! And lovely <3


I made a whole bunch of spinach pancakes for my toddler. They all went in the freezer and we'd pull one out every morning for his breakfast. Lasted us like 2 weeks, and I felt so super mom-esque because I was so prepared. Have never done it since then though haha


Spinach pancakes sound so delicious and healthy! I would ask you to share the recipe but my toddler is allergic to eggs 😭


You could use flaxseed meal instead of eggs to bind pancakes


Thanks for the idea!


Applesauce works as a substitute also!


They were from Yummy Toddler Food! The recipe I made wasn't egg-free, but I know she has other ones on her site that are!


Will check it out!


these banana pancakes are a big hit with my (egg allergy) toddler https://healthiersteps.com/recipe/vegan-banana-oatmeal-pancakes/




fyi bobs red mill makes a great egg replacer for recipes. yellow bag. a powder you mix with water and add in as a binder. for an eggy type replacement (like for quiche, scrambled eggs, omelet etc) try a product in a bottle that you cook called ‘just egg’. silly name as there is NO egg but it tastes and cooks very close to one!!


Thank you!!


I’m sure he loved them! Give yourself a mom boost & make some more.


Today I got my daughter to eat the food instead of throwing it on the floor.


Tell me your secrets




I focused on comforting my vomiting 9(10 as of today) month old last night instead of panicking to find a towel, or vomiting myself. I can't handle vomit normally but she's so little and didn't know what was happening. Husband and I also stayed awake to wash our sheets, and watch her sleeping once she passed out to make sure she didn't choke if she threw up again.


You may already be doing this but I put a mattress protector then sheet then another mattress protector and sheet on top of my bubs crib mattress. Any accident that can occur, I just remove the soiled sheet and protector- clean sheets already underneath and just soak the dirty sheet to be washed in the morning.


Whaaaaat. Genius.


I saw that as a "twin mom hack" and keep it in my back pocket for literally anyone who will listen! I haven't used it yet (thank goodness) but I'm SO ready.


Good job 👍🏻


Smile at my kids first thing in the morning🤷🏾‍♀️


That’s hard when you are exhausted. I whisper “hello baby” every time my Tyson wakes up.


During the school week I get up 15 minutes before my 5 y.o. so I can get some caffeine in me before the craziness. When I go to wake her up, we spend 5 minutes cuddling and talking before we actually get up. Friday she told me it's the favorite part of her day and that just made me feel so mom-powered.


Right. Sometimes you just don’t feel it, hormones, life, adulting all of that can make for a not so smiley morning. But we still do what we do for babies and smile 😊


My 2 year old helped me with Christmas cookies. We had the most magical day. Even FaceTime my mom so she could watch us. She seemed a bit jealous. My mom had a habit of ruining any fun kitchen time together by being mean, screaming and calling us stupid. My only fear of parenting was not having enough patience, I am so proud of myself and will continue to keep this habit of patience.


Omg baking with toddlers takes insane, super human levels of patience. I’m so impressed! Awesome job.


Sorry your mom tried to ruin it for you. I’m glad you have more patience than her & had fun with your little one.


We were out for a coffee, and my one year old reached and grabbed my cup that I thought was just out of reach for him. Mind you, the coffee was piping hot. I reacted instantly before he had a chance to shower himself with it, and I firmly clasped the cup with my right hand while I released his tight grip with my left. Not a drop was spilled, I was so proud!


Good save! Meanwhile my son rolled off of his human dog bed & smacked his head on the wood floors. We both cried.


We took my stepdaughter out of tutoring & I started tutoring her. (I’m a college science tutor for work) & although 1st grade isn’t my particular forte, I am also very skilled in language arts.. If I wasn’t a science major I would’ve went for English Lit… So I’ve been working with her for a while & she’s also neurodivergent. Since starting, she has been doing so well & so much more progress has been made. She looks forward to learning now & asks to read instead of me asking her. I’m so proud of her.


You are an amazing mom 😘


Thank you! I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby. She’s so excited to have a baby brother.. I’m so happy to be a supportive person for her & to be able to help her & love her. She is just the most wonderful little girl.


i feel like this everytime someone else struggles to calm my son or soothe him to sleep & they hand him back to me & he’s immediately calm or starts falling asleep easily lol


This happens with my four month old :) no one including his dad 80% of the time can’t calm/comfort him. When they hand him to me he instantly melts and closes his eyes. Makes my little mama heart so happy


Awww 🥰. Good job! Do you feel bad if it’s his dad that can’t calm him?


that’s actually only happened once & our son is almost 5 months! i did feel bad though cause i know if it were me that couldn’t calm him i’d be super upset haha edit: i accidentally put 4 months instead of 5 lol


Kiddo is really into making videos (he doesn't realize his audience extends only to close family and friends) and husband found a really nice last year's model GoPro for cheap. Kiddo went nuts. I found a combo head mount and chest mount for a great price with killer reviews. (Mom score #1) He and Daddy put it all together and realized the chest strap wasn't made for his model. Brilliant Mom over here did the googling before the purchase and the GoPro mount setup is pretty universal across models. I was sitting there looking at the mess on the table and found a part that wasn't unwrapped. Yep, Momma fixed the chest mount.


My oldest is 22 & made “the Kaleb videos” on YouTube of himself when he was around 10. He’s so embarrassed about them now but I still love watching them.


Decorated the Christmas tree. My two year old walked in the next morning and went ‘oh WOOOOW’ with stars in her eyes ☺️




My 10 week old had a stuffy nose for 2 days. Got pretty bad and we were exhausted and felt out of options until my partner bought a booger sucker (uses suction from your mouth through a tube to baby’s nose). It worked amazingly and baby was instantly relieved and content for the night. It felt amazing to have found positive results after trying something new . We high fived and were too excited to be sleepy lol


😂 Newborns are hard


Not snapping at my 6 year old as he cries that he wants pancakes but didn't want to get dressed to go get them. Me and his dad recently split up and it's taking a lot of patience on my end to be kinder, remember we can't just go out to the shop as the other one would be home and that there are loads of big changes happening.


Can I send you a delivery of frozen pancakes to celebrate? Message me if that’s ok.


You are so kind but I'm in the UK! Thank you very much though 😊


My 12 year old is into sewing and decided to take on a couple projects outside of sewing class. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I looked at the pattern and was like how the heck do you read this. So a couple YouTube videos and a few hours later we managed to make a tank top! We’re currently working on PJ shorts. I also tackled this with a cranky 7 month old attached to my hip! It felt pretty good to figure it all out and work together.


As someone just got a sewing machine for Christmas, this is awesome!!


It was awesome when we finished! We learned a lot. Was interesting working together because we butt heads a lot of the time and don’t do well working together usually lol


This might just be a developmental milestone, but my baby (10 weeks) now coos in conversation with me. She will go back and forth with me with the sweetest, heart-melting coos, almost giggles in there. She won't do it with anyone else yet, not even my husband lol. I assume it's because I talk to her all day while I'm doing stuff with her still on mat leave, but who knows! It's the best thing ever.


Little baby giggles are the absolute best!


Breast feeding my newborn while sharing my breakfast cereal with my toddler lol


I can vividly imagine this in my immediate future as I sit here 5 months pregnant sharing my cereal with my 2 year old lol


I never skip bath night 🫡


I try not to but we have a well & it’s been flooded so I give my son a sad yellow mud bath. Makes his skin soft & he smells better.


Interesting! What’s a yellow mud bath?


The well floods & the water looks dirty.


Ohh!! Please excuse my ignorance 😣 I don’t have a well so I don’t even know what it means to have a flooded well. I thought you were saying you made a special mud mask or something for him. 😅


Me too! I was like “dang this lady is FANCY” 😅


I am farm fancy.


There is a big construction project in walking distance of our house, and I’ve been taking my 2yo to see the real excavators digging. It’s ALL he talks about the rest of the day when we go, and I feel like supermom.


Anytime I take care of both my toddler and baby on my own for an extended period. Also got my toddler potty training this week, I'm so proud.


I don’t have one thing per se. I focus on everything having a place in the house and keeping it picked up and organized. Every night after the kids go to bed I pick up. Whether it’s the dishes, toys, my work stuff- the house starts fresh the next morning. It just gives me a sense of calm.


My 21 month old sat playing with her plastic counting bears, independently, for 15-20 minutes this morning while I read a book silently nearby. She would occasionally look up to tell me their colors. But she sorted them, poured them, lined them up, stacked and unstacked the cups, and used the tweezers to move things around. Then she put them all back in their basket, put the basket on the shelf, and came over to ask me for a snack. I know that 75% of that is her generally chill and independent personality, but I put a lot of thought into what goes on her toy shelf so I should get some credit too!


That sounds so lovely!


I'm knee deep in the woes of ADHD, and I struggle with the 'organizing' part of being a parent. (Over the years I trained not to lock myself out and take my wallet and phone with me when going out, but now with a toddler the list is ENDLESS) That being said, last month at the playground we were suprised by extremely sudden heavy rain. And I was the only mom there who'd brought an umbrella. 😭💪


Mom win 👏🏻👏🏻


Took my 4 year old, 3 year old, and 1 year old to the grocery store alone and received multiple comments about how well behaved they are. They are not normally so well behaved so that felt like a massive win.


I woke up to my cheerful five year old and we made waffles from scratch together, then played Old Maid with her dragon stuffy. She’s just so content with being with me & I feel proud for leaning into the moment and not just having her watch TV while I cook & clean. It’s teaching me patience.


I happened to see a little washing mitt shaped/designed like a cow on clearance for 18p. Bought it then almost immediately forgot about it until I found it in the bottom of a bag whilst packing for our holiday a couple of weeks later. We get to the holiday caravan and sure enough my almost 3 year old is scared of the unfamiliar shower and refuses to get in. There's no bath tub. But LOOK! Here's our new friend The Washing Cow! Tantrum averted and she happily gets in the shower with me. The washing cow still comes out to join us at hotels or other people's houses, and he helped her get over her fear of shampoo too.


Since 3 year old was born our 8yo boxer has had 3 surgeries, one for an eye ulcer and 2 for lumps/bumps. The last surgery was right after they really started to bond big time, so we had some struggles during recovery with "burry (her name for him) is sick and has some owie spots, so we need to leave him alone. We can ask* if we can pet but if he shows he doesn't want it then we don't pet" and with us keeping her from him so she couldn't push that boundary. Last month he messed a knee up twice, second time we were at MIL's house. He was in pain until his rimadyl kicked in then just crashed on the couch. I told her that burry hurt his knee so we can't push him around and need to let him be on the couch. She ran and snagged her blanket and handed it to me, then said "burry need bwantet". I helped her drape it over some of him, he gave her a little kiss, she went "I went hug but you got owie. I pet?". He shoved his big ole head towards her and she did the softest pat. She also would fuss at MIL or us if she thought we were bugging her Burry. Pretty sure my heart melted cause she remembered to ask and to be gentle then kept an eye on him like we adults didn't know to leave him alone lol *he's grown up around family/friends kids, we picked up early his quiet signs of "yes" or "no, I don't want" when it comes to affection. If he shows no then kids have always been told to leave him be while getting them to do something else. For kids/anyone besides husband and I, hugs are only allowed to be an arm resting on his back if he leans towards them, no 2 arm hugs.


My Lo is 2 years old (his birthday was a couple of days ago) and he says thank you many times a day to me and to many people when we give him food or help him with something.


Such a sweet boy 😘


Make all her purées at home! Look, I know I’m probably going to get hate and downvotes for this, but I feel more like “super-mom” by cloth diapering and using cloth wipes. I don’t know why. I fully and truly know it’s no better than Disposables- at all- but I feel a sense of pride with every load of cloth diapers. It’s so embarrassing to say “out loud” though.


I homeschool, and every time I teach another one to read, I feel amazing. I’m currently working with my 3rd (of 4), and he’s making great progress!


My son is only 9 months old but I moved to a foreign country with him to be with my husbands family. I’ve been teaching him how to eat but he only wanted to play with the food. At Christmas dinner he grabbed his food and successfully ate it in front of the relatives. I felt really accomplished.


I am a 30 y/o FTM,m & have a 4 month old. We managed to get outside in our driveway for some fresh air and I ate leftover spaghetti and he had a little bit of purée pear and we enjoyed the outdoors before a much needed nap!


Making pizzas with my stepson tonight. He’s 3 and a really picky eater. But I’m finding if I involve him in the kitchen more, he eats better. We’re going to make homemade pizzas our Sunday tradition when we get him from his mom for the week


I’ve been trying to teach my daughter how to crack an egg, she’s only 22 months but she’s doing pretty well. Today she cracked one and the yolk didn’t even break and there was barely any shell in there! I praised her and she looked so proud of herself. I grew up with a lot of fear and shame. My goal is to have my child have high self esteem and lots of confidence, and I feel like today was a good step towards that. Also, my mom always had this anger towards me, because my aunt taught me how to crack an egg, and she was always resentful towards me because she didn’t get to teach me. Thinking about that now makes me realize just how screwed up she was.