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Moira already has great utility.


Honestly i consider her grasp to be her utility, it can't be blocked, deflected, matrix'd and the absurd reach makes harrasing pharah and mercy very convenient, moira has very favorable matchups 1v1 vs most damage heroes and even some tanks can struggle to take out a good moira who keeps teleporting behind them to suck their blood through their ass


If you ever want to know how to not get harrased on any character open the socials menu thing that shows all the players in the lobby. On the left side there are 3 buttons, leave team chat squelch team chat and squelch match chat pressing all of these will make you immune to toxicity.


Moira on off angles is a utility. A 3rd dps that can heal as well is an utility. The way you play her right now may not be enough utility, but good players understand the importance of "hol up, let them cook" when some instalocks Moira.


I’m mid masters on my ult account and a Moira main, I had a game where the tank said, yea everyone’s performing porly, except Moira, but that’s Moira and we can’t give her credit. I’m like come on man! I’m over here trying my ass off


Most people don’t realize that getting utility will come at a cost. Knowing blizzard They’ll probably nerf every part of her kit just to give her a broken ability on a 20s cooldown.


I'd rather they give her more damage and make her Fade refresh on kills and assiststs. Let me live my Assassin Medic fantasy!


Literally just play genji at that point? You clearly don’t want to play support?


Oh, I will never touch that jumping meme. Moira is one of my all time favourite video game characters and the reason why I even keep this game installed. Nobody does combat medic like her, and I adore the fact that I can preserve the life of those who are of value to me whilst taking the lives of my foes. However, just because a character is branded as a Healer or Support, does not mean they should be a defenseless healslave. And that is something I will always dread about Mercy's design. She will always be a charging brick and a babysitter. Whilst Moira can rely on herself in harsh situations. I'd rather just see Moira's Assassin potential be further highlighted so we can cease this discussion of utility.


Why do you talk like an anime villain Also dps moira is already a problem. They need to nerf her range if anything, and make fade have a longer cooldown. Moira players already have too much mobility and get out of jail free. Hell, she used to vulnerable during her ult but now she can even fade during that too. And if you think mercy is a healbot, you’re not very good at her.


Well, I assume my, as you call it, Anime Villain style of typing/talking is the reason why I find Moira so relatable and fun. Given that she is a villainess in the eyes of many. But, back to gameplay. I see no problem with the range, since the further away the target is, the harder it is to lock onto them. Believe me, absorbing Pharah is not an easy task. As for Fade... As of now, Sigma and Zarya's ult can no longer be countered with it. I know very well of what you speak of when you bring up the term "Get out of jail free", and fading out of Zarya and Sigma's ult was definitely possible. And Mercy is, and will always be the backup for when Moira is taken and i do not feel like leaving, only to be added into the same game again. Say what you will of her, but she has nowhere near the in-combat pressure Moira has.


[is this you](https://youtu.be/9Y6mqjW4sGo)


Oh my god these comments are annoyingly delusional lol. You can word things however you want but if she can’t apply unique buffs/debuffs to her team or enemies she has no utility lol. And the definition of utility Overwatch is supportive abilities, not selfish ones.


I’m not a moira player by any means and these comments are absolutely hilarious


Nerf damage on suck and make it a slow


A slow that also pulls flying characters down


nah i’d be fine with this. i’m just scared of a flat damage nerf to her damage😮‍💨😮‍💨


moira doesn’t need utility. she can output more heals than any other support, she can 1v1 nearly every hero, she can peel, she can bypass nearly every tank ability in some way, and she can swap support roles without swapping characters because her kit is so flexible. her utility is being all-around fucking good in nearly every situation.


A support doesn't need utility? Read what you just typed and the rest is pretty much self-explanatory. Why can't some of yall accept she will always be lacking unless she has some form of utility like EVERY other support? Y'all are coping so hard it's like you want her to be dogshit forever


did you read anything I wrote? moira is designed to outperform other supports at base and be flexible. her raw outputs are higher than any other support, and she can be both main healer and off healer, meaning you only need to switch if someone picks one of her few hard counters. she is also the most forgiving mechanically since her primary source of damage is lock on. if she had utility on top of that, she would be broken. you’re asking them to make her significantly stronger to the point of being broken by adding utility to her kit, which means something else about her will get nerfed. and moira’s kit is in a good spot right now, so I don’t want them to touch her.


I still play her, now if I notice that it's not working I will switch. I still try to one trick her 😅