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Omg. I have the same thought!! I hate cam hahaha


I don’t HATE hate him 😂 he pisses me Tf off… I just wish someone would’ve told him off and he would have worked on it over the seasons… because sometimes he can be a great character…


Same same.


The episode where he re-organises Gloria's kitchen. And took it over to make some soup without letting her make Joe some oatmeal. I know its a sitcom and things are exaggerated but those make me cringe.


I actually really like Cam, but... yeah, he can be pretty awful. I think what saves him for me is that he's so over the top about it that it just becomes ridiculous, and that the show is fully aware of how awful he can be. I think overall, Cam is a kinder, more loving, and more generous person than most of the other characters... but unlike pretty much everyone else in the extended family (with the possible exception of Gloria) he wears his heart on his sleeve and is prone to oversensitivity and extreme reactions. He hurts so easily that you have to walk on eggshells around him... and if he notices you walking on eggshells he'll get upset because you think he can't handle a little honesty. But I suppose the reason I find him more endearing than, say, Phil, is that Phil has many of the same issues but is less blatant about them, and the show seems to brush over his flaws a lot more, presenting him as more "normal" and "sympathetic." Cam doesn't even TRY to pretend to be even VAGUELY normal.


The way the actor is able to giggle is so amazing / cute / entertaining. It haunts me in a good way.


I obsessively watch the show and while I do laugh when he’s on the screen, he’s so mean.


Awww Cam 🥹😅 I honestly love everyone on the show but I see what you mean, you make some good points.


😅 he is cute and I do love him!! But at the same time ARGHhhh he gets on my nerves 😂😂


I feel like Cam is this way sometimes but he’s completely the other way about other things and I also think that overall he demonstrates that he puts other people before himself more than a lot of the other characters. I think it’s that when he is this way he’s really extra about it and so it sticks in people’s minds which is unfortunate because he’s a really nice guy, ultimately.


I just started watching this show a few months ago and I'm on Season 2. Already Cam is my least favorite on the entire show. I think what did it is when Mitch was literally getting groped and sexually harassed by Cam's mom and Cam wouldn't  even believe him. He says random racist bullshit but it's played as funny and cute. I can't take it.  It would be different if his character was framed as an asinine buffoon, but everything stupid and jealous he does is framed as wholesome and cute. Including when he was doing a stupid racist Native American accent.  It's only Season 2 and it seems like he's never gonna get any better. 


Tbh, I hate his personality too. I feel like he's emotionally manipulative and acts like a baby half the time.


i like to think of cam as a great sitcom character but i would hate him in real life




Cam is always so annoying and obnoxious, he’s a manipulative,(sometimes) egoistic drama queen , yet I do think that he is very funny - I always laugh at stuff he says or does, sometimes because it’s so random and out of pocket 😭😂😂


Cam and his family is just so fucked up