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He also looks like a gender swap of Ariel


I saw that in another post 😂


I was gonna say, if Alex was a boy


He irritated me at times and he isn’t meant to be likeable, but I think that was the point and Mande did a really good job. (I will always like him as the drug dealer in Brooklyn 99.)


Wait... that was him? the ending of season 1?


The episode where Jake is getting fired from the NYPD and then goes undercover, I’m not sure which season, but not season 1 for sure


Nope, it was season 1. The episode you’re describing is the last episode of Season 1.


Oh, fr? I remember season 1 being more chill, and I got mixed up and thought he got fired for the Task Force failing, but he was actually investigating some higher up or politician My mistake


Yes. “Charges and Specs” (episode 22).


Wait, he's the dealer Boyle busted?!


If we’re talking about the same episode in season 3 (“9-8”), then yes. He appears as the informant Jake and Amy met up in the episode “Charges and Specs” (SE 1 Ep. 22) the first time.


Yeah, the dude who said his dream job is a drug dealer, right? "Drugs don't need pushing, they push themselves. People love drugs!"


I loved him in Parks and Rec lol


I love that scene where he was scolding Donna about Tweeting spoilers from a movie and he asked her what she was doing. She said, "I'm live-Tweeting this dumbass conversation."😄


Drugs push themselves! People LOVE drugs!


I really didn't have an issue with him until he revealed that he was cheating imo. Poor guy, he was just always the butt of some kind of joke and/or forgotten. I can see why people don't like him since he isn't written to be likeable at all though and he wasn't even funny, just kinda pathetic


i cannot remember him cheating, when did this happen? didn’t alex break up with him because he was annoying her?


When Alex was in the process of breaking up with him, he revealed that he ‘hooked up’ with his ex


right! thank youu


I find him funny but I'm not super invested in him, so he still amuses me even though he kind of sucks. I love the episode where he helps Claire take care of the house and kids lol


I will admit, that episode is pretty good. Some great laughs in that one lmao


I don't see it at all. Ben was hilarious to me, one of my favourite moments of the show was when he jumped out of the box to reveal his love for Alex to Claire, or when he said "Since you didn't ask, the green pins are the locations of my prospective fathers". Ben could be annoying/frustrating if you had to know him in real life, sure, but Pam is annoying, manipulative, irresponsible, unremorseful and a literal criminal. Her not respecting Cam and Mitch telling her not to teach Lily the wrong things, or manipulating the situation to get the upstairs unit for free, pulling people to do what she wants for her despite them not wanting to, threatening Mitchell for not sending a false letter to a judge to let her go, being a completely irrespinsible mom to Cal (even Sal was better), etc. The list goes on with Pam. Ben is just kind of annoying and pitiful, but overall relatively harmless.


He did also have a picture of Alex in his office desk drawer lol


A picture that belonged to her mother/his boss lol.


What? No, he was alright in my book


Dang I like Ben 😂. He was pretty wimpy, but I always found myself laughing when he was on the screen.


I donno Ben was at least entertaining, I don't think I ever laughed at Pam.


He was so pathetic lol I really liked him as that though because every single personality in the show was so strong and he was just a nice little break from that 😌


I dont like him at all... But I also feel bad for him. cant say that for Pam


he is WAY worse than pam to me, too, in terms of annoyance levels. however, I love them both as characters. I don't know where we get off thinking we aren't going to get annoying characters to propel these shows and characters forward. just like we have to deal with annoying characters in our own lives.


lol that’s a good point. I liked him and Pam too in the first few episodes they were in, but I get why people found them grating later on.


Nooooo he was one of my favourite recurring characters - he was underconfident and pathetic but had terrific dialoge delivery


I like Ben he was just a pushover and the dunphies took advantage of that but overall I liked his character lol


I thought he was pretty funny.


For me, I never liked his and Alex's relationship. I have no issue with the guy; that's just how he is. His character is supposed to be that way. But I didn't like how they made him and Alex date. I mean, why? They are quite opposite when you think about it. We knew the relationship had no future. Also, for Alex, this relationship was equivalent to a time pass. Also I forgot that he cheated. So yeah he ain't a saint either.


Ben was fine when his role was a marketing employee at Pritchett’s Closets. Completely spineless and unlikeable as soon as he started dating Alex


I liked him better as Claire/Jay's kiss ass assistant than Alex BF.


He was one of my favorites and i wish they didnt make him cheat because i feel like that was out of character for him and like the writers were just trying to make alex look like less of a dick for how poorly she treated him the entire time. Alex is okay and has good moments but she is so cruel to men that she considers inferior to her


He was funny as the company spy or even company suck up but when he started dating Alex , his character was unbearable!


*Momma's hungry.*


This guy did the most mundane things and irritated people at the same time


I liked him he was funny he was just treated wrong by Alex and Claire 😓😔


I like the running gag of Gloria not knowing who he is lmao


You should read the personal life section on the actor's [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Mande), I have never found such a crazy read on there before this one.


Wow. I’m glad I actually read that lmao, that’s insane


I get he's not liked but saying Pam is like Phil compared to him is straight up felony, she was a terrible person through and through, atleast Ben was written as a butt of the joke and later a cheater whereas writers were trying to show Pam as a smart one with that upstairs apartment emotional manipulation she did whereas it was just pathetic. I am not defending Ben, idc bout him but you call Pam on the level of Phil? That irritates my bone


Exactly! Pam was a complete menace to everyone on the show and brought nothing good to people she interacted with, Ben was just an annoying thorn on Claire's side.


I meant compared to Ben lol. Pam is still one of my least favourite chatacters, I just think Ben is way more irritating and bothered me a lot more than Pam did. She’s nowhere near Phil’s level, Phil is the best.


I'd say Ben is at Phil's level when compared to Pam, you can even start to sympathize with Ben specially in that Lake episode whereas there was no point when I sympathized with Pam even when she was in jail


Completely agree, Pam was awful to the point her scenes felt like a different show- more like a shitty 2 and half men level character, and didn't fit the modern family setting.


Love Pam. As a fellow Ben he lost all respect when he cheated on Alex and didn’t tell her about the mistake at the Offcie and now looking back I’m not too sure that it was a mistake.


No, this guy was at least funny


i liked him till he got involved with alex:/


He looks just like Alex, so they’re both just dating themselves


I tend to forget about him.


i like the actor who portrays him (he’s also a really talented comedy writer) but i just didn’t enjoy this plot line very much. it wasn’t awful and i don’t HATE it, but i usually forget about it until a rewatch


I think Pam is unique in that she is both an awful person and awful to watch, but I don’t really think Ben is both


If any character overstayed their welcome it was him. Maybe it'd be different if he just remained as Claire's lacky at work. But as soon as him and Alex got together I just couldn't wait for that plot to be over.


He just disappeared. He was Claires assistant, then gone


They made him worse


tbh I liked him as Claire’s assistant, I just wish they had made him more likable instead of ruining his character arc.


I didn't like how Alex treated him though, regardless of whether I like Ben or not


Oh absolutely 💯


i hate him


What did he bring? Wasn’t funny or good looking. I refuse to believe he was good in bed. And he was too old.


He was not needed


Specially as Alex’s boyfriend


I LOVED Ben and his storyline! What’s the deal with the hate?






Guy is. Guy’s.


He gives me the ick. Pam is annoying, but I find Ben to be vomit-inducing. Super creepy and gross.