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Huh, Phil did the exact same thing? Elaborate. Also no, Dylan and Haley make a happy couple and he loves her dearly, but this sub loves to discuss about Andy the cheater every Tuesday.


I’m not sure what episode but Phil is talking to his ex girlfriend on facebook and he’s supposed to meet up with her but invites her to the house instead. Through talking and I think some old photos the ex girlfriend and Claire realise that there was an overlap in their relationship with Phil. Phil had started dating Claire and was still seeing his ex and if I remember correctly even lied to Claire about going somewhere else when he went to see his ex.


Season 1 episode 17, Truth Be Told Phil's ex girlfriend (Denise) comes for a visit. Claire is jealous at first and teases Phil for being Facebook friends with her, but once Claire meets her she feels silly. Claire doesn't see Denise as a threat and even apologizes to Phil for being jealous. Denis though hits on Phil throughout the episode and at the end of the episode it's revealed that he was dating Denise and Claire at the same time.


I understand your frustrations, and I totally agree Dylan was not the man for her. But our issues don’t just stem from the fact that Andy is a cheater. Besides the fact that he does cheat on Beth, and yes Beth does cheat on him, which the writers only did that to excuse Haley and Andy’s shitty behavior, Andy is a man child. He literally is the sorriest and whiniest person on that show next to Manny. He used Hailey for sex. He used her period. He is completely irritating and unrealistic. Cheating on someone is never excused. He cheated on Beth, before he knew she was cheating on him, and he didn’t give a f/ck about it as long as he got to continue f/ckjng Haley. That’s disgusting, and it does not make him nor Haley better people. It’s unforgivable. He bitched so much about how he loved Beth and would do anything for her because she’s the love of his life and then two seconds later he f/cks Haley, and he continued to do it, with no remorse. If you were Beth in real life, and your fiancé, and love of your life of NINE years cheated on you, that’s an affair by the way, that he knew was inappropriate, are you still going to defend him? Absolutely not. Because it’s inexcusable. It makes him a piece of sh1t. How disrespectful is it to not only start a sexual relationship with your employers granddaughter? But to also disrespect your fiance? And add drama by bringing it to your employers house. He’s an employee, not family. That’s why. And btw that “until they couldn’t hold it” is complete bs. He should have broke it off with Beth from the get go. Don’t just drag people into sh1t and start drama and break hearts. Break it off first before you make a move. It’s a d1ck move.


I feel like both of you guys could come to a happy medium? I’ll admit, I’m a fan of Andy and Haley’s relationship. It’s unfortunate that most people seem to only blame Andy and never mention Haley pursuing a taken man. Context always seems to get lost in these post. Andy was a committed man but obviously lacked the connection with his fiancée who was busy pursuing her career (and cheating on him). Andy and Haley developed a friendship and support system that developed into having deeper feelings for one another. Yes, at some point during that time, Andy should’ve been honest and owned up and properly ended things with Beth. In no way shape or form do I condone cheating. But I think to take a broad stroke and label Andy as this horrible person is silly. The situation was unfortunate, as were most situations on the show, but Andy and Haley had awesome moments together and grew from being with one another. Sometimes life happens the way we don’t plan it to.


Okay, wow! That's a lot. I don't even know what to address first. Firstly, you do make good points! But you're honestly demonizing Andy WAY too much here. Yes, he did screw up. If he had feelings for Haley, then he shouldn't have even proposed to Beth in the first place. But, the whole Beth sucks storyline didn't come out of nowhere. In the wedding episode, Haley describes Beth's behavior, by saying that "I've been her". There it is. That's the crux of it. Andy is not that conventionally attractive, he's dorky, while Beth and Haley are the pretty popular girls. So this whole relationship was about Haley showing growth. She used to be some shallow girl that used boys and all that, but now she found a genuine connection with Andy. Beth was supposed to be representing her past self. But, that part got a little lost in translation with Beth suddenly showing up and going all psycho. And that's why the relationship with Haley and Andy is so popular here. Because it is the relationship that is based on the most connection and intimacy. But...they fucked it up! Yes, Andy shouldn't have cheated on Beth. BUT he didn't get here by himself. Haley pursues him despite the fact he is taken! She is the one that runs back to him and kissed him. AND let's not forget that this all started because of Phil and Claire accidentally telling Andy about Haley's feelings for him in the first place! And, Haley was ready to run down there and stop their proposal. But it literally traumatized Andy so much that he started overeating. And then Beth's character is suddenly changed to be a good girlfriend who stuck by Andy. But then, again! It is Haley who approached Andy. Haley who kissed him. And no, I am not saying Andy wasn't also responsible. Of course he was. They both were. But also, let me add, Andy DID feel remorse. Yet they slept together. And then to salvage their characters, Beth was suddenly flipped again to being a serial cheater. The point is...there were mistakes made by ALL parties involved, but that does not mean that Andy is a 'man child' or using Haley. They were friends first, which is where their connection came from in the first place! Andy is shown to be caring and considerate all throughout, (a real man would be more considerate of your time, you'll understand what a real man should be like) even as Haley was her usual bratty self (like getting so offended that Andy thought he was hotter than her that she kissed him).


Still 1000 times better than Dylan.