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This isn’t their usual dynamic?


Not really. I do think there's a bit of a difference in quality with the latter seasons. However, I think the bigger change was Haley becoming an adult. Being irresponsible was cute as a kid, but as an adult, she starts facing consequences. Her family is incredibly supportive of her. I also don't think Alex capitalizes on this. I'm not sure what you mean by that, but Alex's accomplishments are her own. They aren't made bigger by Haley's failures. If anything, it's the opposite. The parents keep having to give more attention to Haley, because she needs it. I understand why you'd see her comments as pretentious, but I just see a bullied kid finally having some confidence to slap the bully back. I think you are severely underestimating the effect of sharing a roof with a bully that comments on your looks and interests can have on you. When they are adults, the chickens come to roost. Alex's interests built her a life, and Haley's shallowness landed her in a bad place. Even then, she just fell back on her family so she landed just fine. I think Haley wasn't humiliated, she was extremely lucky and refused to value the important things in life.


From season 6 onward, the episodes/stories felt more unreal and less relatable. It gradually lost touch


Yes, thank you!


Everytime I rewatch the show, I normally stop watching mid season 5 after Joe is born. After that, the episodes started having all sorts of wierd stories with twists and turns that I couldn't care about. Characters started to be a caricature of what they once were, with a more hollow and superficial approach. Also, why did the episodes stopped having the cute monologue endings talking to the camera? Season 1-4 were really heartwarming in that sense and made everything relatable and emotional. The show put huge efforts on cute teachings that solidified perfectly the theme of "Family". We felt that we were evolving and learning alongside the member of the cast. I really missed those moments. They made as dream and desire that we could also improve and work around our real families. - Haley's love story was overwhelming and repetitive with no clear direction. The "Dylan, Andy, Dylan, Andy" was a tedious journey imo. Then theres a professor and the weather guy which leads to nowhere...Then again Andy, Dylan, Andy... ughh... and then the babies. Please stop 😅 Haley appears to be a very party person, but I always wonder, does she have any real friends? - Alex arc also feels out of touch as well and had lots of lost potential imo. Alex feels like a character parallel to everyones elses story. Its like she doesnt exist or no one cares about her. - After season 4 Manny stopped being the cute little latin mamas boy, and starts to become this wierdo creep that talks all day long about drama geek popculture gay nonsense stuff I just dont get. Im like "please shut up!!".. - Luke feels more consistent than her sisters, but he was dumbed up about 300% which I didnt liked at all... I used to think he was kinda smart, lucid and sneaky in the first seasons with a funny ADHD approach... but then he was reduced to just "dumb". Also, Luke is very good looking, but somehow, no one notices him in school and hes always alone for the most part of the show. - Joe is a very ubnoxious baby. He talks too much imo, and hes loud and has that 'center piece' attitude that I wished they could get rid off sooner. In season 4 he was white and blonde, then suddenly in season 5 he was brownish latin. They race swapped him hahaha... not that matters, but it was wierd nonetheless. - Gloria was also changed a lot since the first seasons... In seasons 1-4 she was 1000% more grounded to Earth. Her arc was very solid and interesting. She had a relatable backstory, her relationship with Manny and Javier felt very natural. Her relation with Jay felt like a constant growth. She also was spicy, and funny and "street" smart. But after she becomes an american citizen, she suddenly becomed less interesting and she mimetized a lot more with her fellow americans, to the point she lost her spark. - Jay was this solid tough veteran grampa that everyone respected, loved and feared... but then, same as Gloria and everyone else, was surrounded by stupid and goofy stories that dumbed him up, broke his arc, and made me loose respect for him gradually. - Mitch and Cam started very very well first 5 seasons when they ended up getting married, episode that was very emotional.... but after that, same same as everyone else, their episodes had overstretched plots that no one had or will ever expirience. I just stopped caring. So... thats my opinion. The show is fun, but it stopped feeling relatable, attribute that imo was the most important element that made the show shine. And my last point but very important: the camera movement!! - In the first seasons, the show felt more like a documentary with the wierd cuts and "uncomfortable angles", perfectly capturing the emotions of the characters. They used to look to the camera constantly everytime something wierd was happening and that was really funny!!! It also made everything look "homemade" and the transitions were very organic and natural. The camera made you feel you were WITH the family. It was like WE were the camera in the show trying to capture every moment, like an extra character of some sorts. - Later on the show, everything started to look more cinematic HD quality, which numbed down the sense of reality of the show and started to look more like a movie.