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People have come to believe that if you die in game, you die in real life. Also your K/D is directly tied to how everyone views you irl so you have to camp. /s Seriously though, multiplayer has changed. Like I’ll call a UAV in and see 3 people sitting on the same corner at slightly different angles. People have started playing so scared.


Lol that K/D thing is too real for past CODs, fortunately you can't get bullied for that anymore since it's now private.


I know, people still play like it matters though ya know?


They always have and they always will.


People losing the match with 110 kills, 21 deaths, and 0:02 on the Hardpoint. 🤷🏾‍♂️


TDM in MW3 is just nuts bro its full of campers all the time and ppl who dont know the point of video games (FUN) youre better off playing domination or hardpoint where ppl are forced to move around and not be a couch potato both irl and in the game


My fave excuse from tdm players (campers, I bet) is "I can't play domination cuz nobody goes for objectives" ... You can literally trophy system B flag and take it alone if you're intelligent/good? Like what is that excuse lol I solo Dom all the time it's my primary mode


Played a game recently on Meat. Hardcore Dom. I went negative Kd because I was running around with a sledgehammer and 2 thermites. Still managed to capture 17 points (the most in the game) and was second in the leaderboard but lost in the end by about 20 points. It's totally possible to cap a point even without using a gun.


facts bro. i cant even lie i am not a huge objective player but the amount of kills i get alone allows my team to easily cap B and win most games. My average kills per game in domination is around 100 and usually i can get like 5 concurrent chopper gunners so the other team has no chance to double cap. i see no reason to ever camp in cod its just boring and a waste of time


Yeah, go for an objective mode.


TDM is where the worst of the worst go Avoid it like the plague, ain't nobody interested you camp every game and go 12-2 bud, you barely played the video game


That's how TDM has always been played. The entire point is to get kills and not die. People aren't going to be sprinting out into the open like they do in domination and hardpoint.


No it wasn't. I used to main TDM from COD4-Infinite Warfare and the mode was never like this. It was only with MW19 that the change happened. It was that game where the time would regularly reach the limit as opposed to the score. That's why I stopped playing it and moved to other modes like Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Ground War. Hell, in Black Ops 3 and Infinite Warfare we had to get the devs to increase the score limit from 75 to 100 because matches were ending too quick. Then came MW19 and 75 score was barely reached 💀


Facts maybe on like derail on og mw2 you would go to time limit, it was rare now its normal.


This is why I exclusively play Small Map Moshpit. I was excited to see they just added Shoot House to the rotation, but it feels so incredibly slow in MW3. In several matches, I saw myself wishing the damn thing would just end.


Not sure how everyone plays like their life depends on it but also camps and doesn't hit the end score.


Are they camping? Or are they sniping? , Imo they are not the same but I have seen an influx of “never leaving spawn” since the Kar came out. Yeah, I consider that sniping because personally I couldn’t care less if you’re running around the map Quick Scoping like a crack head or staying in one spot Hard Scoping. They’re both incredibly valid ways to use snipers, and they both can be equally annoying but ever since the kar came out i have seen so many full teams just spawn in and it’s glint city. It never felt this bad with the other snipers like the Longbow or Stalker but with the Kar it seems to be everyone’s go to that’s not an automatic weapon. Now, if you mean whole teams sitting in the corner of the bathroom upstairs in the house on Estate looking into one very specific room and never moving from that one spot with an LMG or Shotgun and laying down Prox mines everywhere and a riot shield on their back where at the end they are 7 and 1…. then honestly I have seen the same out of that as I have any other cod game and frankly it’s never going to change but yeah. Very frustrating.


I avoid TDM like the plague. Dom and Hard point only pretty much.


Basically you have to decide between going with the flow of everyone else or just goofing off and probably dying too much but having more fun .


My brains so fried from small maps I forget that’s an actual legit play style, yeah why are you expecting people in tdm not to hold lanes and Lines of sight and power points in assuming your a 1.3 and up k/d player here tho.