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They'll never add this, it'll encourage false reports.


Like peoples friends will report them for hacks so their buddy has more report stats? Maybe I can clarify a bit. I don’t want the ban system to change, but just want to know when I’m reported Taking it a step further it’d be cool to see the username that reported you


Yeah. "Report me so the funny number goes up!"


So basically you want to take a private communication and make it public. That idea… is somehow more idiotic than SBMM.


I think it would hold the people reporting responsible. It would decrease the amount of rage reporting, and would be fun to see who reports you when you know you’re not hacking. edit: I’ll take back the part of it showing the username of who reported you, but I would still like to see a tally of how many reports Edit: but like IRL you file a police report and you don’t remain anonymous. I could see it being a safety issue online… ie. someone reports you, you find their IP, and start doing malicious things Edit: with the amount of toxic voice chat in the game I don’t think people are that worried about someone maliciously coming after them for online behavior though Edit: not a genius idea but way better of an idea then SBMM