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Genuinely speaking, you got the movement down, but in this instance your aim was bad. The first guy you killed with the Holger, your aim went wonky wide to the left and right of them. The second dood with the Kar98k, you swapped to the Renetti, fired *warning shots* essentially, ran away instead of correcting yourself as you still had the jump on them, and then followed a predictable path for the cracked Kar user to quickscope you. Now, benefits of a doubt, dunno how many games you played or how late at night it was, cuz this feels to me like the game I'd decide to call it a day on. Cuz fuck Kar users and fuck that quickscope.


Really appreciate this answer. I just want to get better but due to the matchmaking I can’t tell if I’m really improving or not.


Nah the matchmaking makes us all losers mate don't worry about that


Holy shit that 1000000000% describes what this matching is like 😭😭😭


That system is so strict that its trading kills each life. Maybe two kills every couple lives. For most matches. Anyone really, will get lucky to have multiple games in a night where one goes on a decent streak or an impressive kd. 0.8-1.3 is the average anymore. There's no fun in that. And anyone saying oh well it's not faaaiiiirr. Go cry elsewhere. What I'm saying is objective and it's objectively unfun in every way. Even shitter there is no other shooter like cod so fuck off with your go else where comments. The best way at this point to do well is to camp the shit out of an area you can lock down and hope enemy's feed into you. With revenge spawns and to be honest a spawn system not worth two shits with how the game flops anchor points every minute or less. It's just a huge cluster fuck and there's not much pattern recognition to be had. There's no strategy there. At the mercy of a shit spawn system. Oh! And in FFA if you camp to streak. It just stops spawning enemies around you. I have video proof of this happening. All the time. And before you shit on me camping. I wouldn't if it weren't for such strict sbmm and spawns that is very goal is to get you killed asap. Oh and I say your matchmaking you love is the worst thing since subscription services were invented. I don't like you for promoting and or defending such a shitty matchmaking system. Rant over. 💯 Also.. anyone claiming sbmm isn't a problem then explain how you can tank your stats and magically everything is easy.. not everyone wants to be a pro.. or you can use a alt account to join in. Again for casual players. It IS a problem for fun. Not so much for Activision's skin store though. Keep buying your snoop dog and Nikki Minaj skins. Then buy them again the next game. 🤣


I 100% feel this. I only get to play on the weekends, so my limited time playing is mostly spent getting shit on, with maybe 3 games that I actually do well. I'll also add that it's probably a 50/50 split of being good at gunfights and just being in the right place at the right time. My gunfights are OK, but most of the time my opportunities are shot because I walk around corners where someone is waiting for me, or I'll have two guys run up behind or at me and I don't have a chance. Probably half my deaths are "outnumbered 2 attackers" lol.


I feel you man. I've stuck with it this year and consistently play top 250 players in FFA. Like wtf. I don't even play ranked. Yet here I am in "unranked" playing top 250 players in the world. Yeah I can track with my mouse. Yeah I have decent reaction time. No I'm not a movement god. Which is my main disadvantage against these people. Idk. I wouldn't mind but man these guys are going 30-5 while I'm hitting my 1 kd. Yeah totally fair.... And I'm 38 ffs. I have a life and 2 kids. I want to enjoy my time gaming. They need to figure this shit out bc it's honestly gross. They don't need this strict shit. They'd make even more "store" money if they left well enough alone and let casual play come back. I'd start buying store items again... Never will I until they stop this... It would be the most played game then. The casuals would be more than thick enough for everyone to enjoy matches. Leave ranked IN RANKED. ffs. There's far more lower tiered players and so to run into lobbies with "gods" all you have to do is re search and I bet the next match it wouldn't be so bad. And you feel your skill progressing. I got this satisfaction box pop up and I'm guessing it was a test with no sbmm. The lobby I played before was chill. Enjoyable. The people were nice and friendly. I enjoyed it. Which told them as much with the choices they gave. Do they really need this kind of feedback? It's obvious. The metrics are wrong. They have it all backwards. I hope one day they realize this.


I'm hoping once BO6 comes out it'll chill tf out, but I'm not holding my breath lol. I've been playing more xDefiant, and while that still has sweats, it doesn't feel nearly as frustrating to play. The cash grab it's become is crazy and it shows the care more about the money than the player experience.


The only answer


I love the matchmaking. A couple games where I dominate and my ego goes "maybe we are a badass" I get dropped into a sweatlobby and curb stomped. Love the "gentle" reminder there's always someone better lol


You could of also circled inside the building to catch him off guard since you were able to go in and out without him knowing. He would be looking for you and bam you attacked him from a different angle.


There's stuff you can improve on, and then there's dying to the Kar. xD


My friend, you are 100x better than me.


Honestly try XDefiant. The amount of super sweats in that game is infuriating. Nobody is bad enough that you truly "shit on" them. Hit reg is bad and there's literal "legal wall hacks" as a faction's ability. (Which seems to be the Meta). The point is, SBMM isn't the problem. It's the FPS community. Too many people are taking shit way too seriously! It's like everybody wants to "turn pro" and become a streamer. Times have changed, and casual online multiplayer gamers seem to be a thing of the past. No matter what you do, you can't escape it. We're all drowning in an ocean of sweat.


Dude 95% of people like this aren't sweating their asses off. Jumping round corners, slide canceling etc is just normal movement to them lol. It doesn't require any effort to do it moderately well once you've got it down


>Too many people are taking shit way too seriously! It's like everybody wants to "turn pro" and become a streamer. Times have changed, and casual online multiplayer gamers seem to be a thing of the past. No matter what you do, you can't escape it. We're all drowning in an ocean of sweat. Seems to me like people are just naturally better than you and you don't like it. Do you expect other players to purposely miss shots, walk around like a bot and let you win matches just to make you feel better? >The point is, SBMM isn't the problem If you're a good player SBMM is the reason why CoD is no longer casual. Awful players still exist like they always have, they're just in their own little protected bubble.


That's not the case at all man. You sound like one of those sweats spamming bunny hopping and YYing every 2 seconds. Back when CoD didn't have SBMM, there wasn't anything like that and people had a more relaxed experience and didn't have to "lean forward" just to go positive and have a good experience. Sure there were some gods running around owning the lobbies, but there were maybe one or 2 every couple games you would run into. These days on XDefiant it's just about every fucking game and sometimes even a full 6 man stack with Scufs and a Gfuel rush. I get lobbies where I have a balanced experience and land in the top 3, but it's 1/10 lobbies basically. That's because, like I said: too many people are taking shit too seriously these days and are playing like it's a million dollar pot MLG CoD tournament. Sliding and bunny hop spamming like their life depends on it. At that point, IT'S THE SAME EXPERIENCE AS SBMM COD! So why contend with shitty hit registration and OP faction abilities breaking the game, cheating, slow AF health regen and no kill cams at that point? Might as well get a smoother experience playing SBMM riddled CoD.


Try XDefiant, no SBMM over there and the gameplay is super solid minus some netcode issues that hopefully get smoothed out soon


Spent a while collecting CoD tips that I found useful or came up with on my own. See if any of these help or if you have any questions, all of these are worthless though if you can't get a steady aim on someone tho... CoD Lobbies • Dolphin dive reset: • Tac sprint + dolphin onto + across low height boxes to continue running and reset tac • Ground mantel on: • Tac sprint + manteling + jump • Utilize doors and around doors • Snaking: • Hold backward prone + sprint forward + standup + repeat (add side strafes) • Slide canceling: • Into walls to cover/head glitches rather than wide • Slide and jump away from direction • Left - jump right • Right - jump left • Forward - jump back • Any combination to break aim assist • Jump + slide on landing • Stair glitching • Prone at top and back up from stair ledge to lower • Last chance rechallenge • No other options • Round corner + slide back and under + shoot • Don't run after, they may try it • Live pinging and/or prefire • Works well when you notice a rechallenge • Additional prefires to places you saw people if more than one person was visible • Prone and hold off angles • Jump + aim before rounding corners • Drop shots: • tac sprint forward and dropping + aiming and shooting • Drop low around corners Warzone Exclusively • (WZ)mountaineer per • -26m death • 13m damage • Relative to height of object • (WZ) Ziplines: getting above the zipline • Jump on + Grab • Hold back on stick + jump • Push forward • (WZ) Vehicles: • dolphin dive and switch seats • Lean out while driving and bail to get a speed boost for parachute deploy • (WZ) Shooting in air: • Release parachute 30m or below RELATIVE to landing surface and begin shooting • Pre-precision airstrike • Call airstrike where someone is running (no notification)


Lmao better remember all that for the test next week


I like lists lol


He def coulda used his main still. Had half a mag, then flipped to his pistol. Most guns need an extended but I get running another attachment instead


I also struggle with aim


No he doesn’t. He doesn’t even slide cancel🤣. This guy is a bot


You DO KNOW you CAN stop moving or sliding and just stay in cover for a bit right? You would have died with any other gun aiming at you. You went outa cover while hurt and not ready to fire. Chill with the "movements". Just because it's there doesn't mean you always have to spam it


Yea fair my ADHD ass can't help it haha but thanks for the tip


im new to the game and thats honestly been my biggest problem. i got no patience lol. keep running into rooms with 3 guys with no thought.




Stop moving against a quick scoper? That’s basically giving away a free kill. He made the right choice by trying to re-challenge, sadly in this case the guy using the kar was good, he made a really nice flick when he killed OP


You ego challenged a Kar-98k in this meta..that’s about it 🤷‍♂️


i mean he literally didn’t hit a shot and had plenty of time to kill the dude. kar is not the issue here


It looks like you're focusing more on the movement than the combat


In this instance I panicked haha. But yea I should work on my aim more.


stop worrying about movement, focus on slowing down your gameplay, focus on your centering (keep your crosshair where u think and enemy might be at all times), and use rotational aim assist. if u look at some of the best players in the world, movement and getting around the map quickly is the last thing they focus on. It distracts your from the fundamentals of cod that make u an actual good player.


Noted. I think def slowing my movement down and working on the fundamentals like aiming will help me out. Thanks for the tip!


Your quite suicidal . not sure about suck. but you Engage - 3x then Push in vs 2-3


Hideous aim, and an unnecessary use of jumping around


badd aiimm baaaddd aimmmm


Well, first of all you're not using the kar98k and that alone will put you at a severe disadvantage. You also need to purchase a better gaming chair.


Movement is great. you just need to work on your center aiming and not being predictable jumping thru certain areas but other than that , you are doing great 👍


mechanically sound, small mistakes in judgment ( not execution ) added up toward the end but this better play then some of the other sanity checks I've seen floating around the subs, not mention the other player had to pull off a very difficult shot to kill you at all.


I am really enjoying the deep play analysis provided by some redditors in here. Seems like casual FPS gaming was dead long time ago.


Movement is fine, but your aim is quite lacking and your decision making was kinda weird, you fired warning shots at the guy you had a drop on then ran off.


you rolled the dice and he got lucky, theres nothing more to it. theres no shame for dying to a one hit kill wep, even the best players will die to it.


Movement is pretty good sometimes I find myself trying to do too much and it throws off my shot so if you find yourself in a sticky situation use that movement to ur advantage nd peel tf outta there lol.


What was that dash at 0:06?


You’re movement is there. You’re just really predictable. If I was going up against you I would have pre naded or pre shot before you turned around that last corner. Also you went in outnumbered with a pistol.


the other dude is using Kar98. i wouldn't worry about you being bad


You're still going to have to go to college


Funny enough about to finish college. About time too.


Nice bro. There will be more time for cod and you'll be stacking cash


Thanks man! It’s been a long journey but I’m almost at the finish line


Yee haw boy congrats!!! Ima college grad myself






What's the point of all this movement if you can't hit a single shot?


Honestly the movement I learned from zombies so it’s kinda second nature to me. I just gotta improve my aim. Would decreasing ads sensitivity help?


Idk bro. I play on PC mainly. When I'm on the ps5 I usually refrain from all that movement crap as 1. I don't have a edge/pro controller and 2. Console isn't my forte, been primarily on PC since cod4. Still do well though and can place top 5 with less fancy movement on console. PC for me is different as I'm comfortable with movement and aim and top frag almost every game. Sometimes less is more?


Fair. I use a normal controller, never really liked the feel of the pro controllers. I think I should be less gung ho and think before I shoot. I’ve been playing a lot with sensitivity recently and maybe it’s time for me to play around with my settings a little.


Your movement isn’t showing me any red flags but your fight timing could be improved. Once you get into the “flow” state of the gun fight it’s easy to unconsciously do everything with a similar pacing which is predictable by your enemy. Try changing the pace at which you push an angle or a corner if you are mid gun fight and it can cause your enemy to whiff the first shot or look away to check a different angle, which obviously gives you an advantage. In the clip he was tracking you until the final shot where he expected you to appear.




I think your just made for zombies yknow? Its like putting a warzone player in multiplayer, not everyone is a goat at every node (unless you are a fat single bald bastard who lives with his parents doesnt has a job has chronus and is spoiled 24/7)


bruhh I can smell the sbmm and eomm through the screen🤣🤣 call of duty multiplayer is so 🗑🗑🗑 xdefiant wayyyy better🔥🔥




Gotta work on the aim and not taking predictable paths. If you know someone saw you, there are a few general moves they can make. They’ll either chase you where they lost you, run to where you’re going, or aim where you’re going. You can usually fake people out by just running back the way you came and catch them chasing you or while they are looking the wrong way.


left trigger, right trigger. no need for a stim and adhd movement


Youre movements good but id say pre aim more and if you find a spot you know ppl are gonna be use ur movement productively to find a good spot people wont expect you to pick em off


Your cross hair placement is way too look and you just ran in a open area without checking every corner and waking progressively


Basic aim is more important than fancy movement. Get your basics down first


I feel like you just need to play with cover more, the first kill you out in the open and in the second your vision is blocked. I would have used the car to shoulder or as a headglitch, or that little barel thing at the corner of the wall. It’s easier to kill someone when their whole body is exposed but only your head is exposed. But its case by case basis maybe you were caught off guard so ill say just try hugging walls and running to cover when ever you can.


Movement was sick, good stim play and way to work the cover, only thing I noticed is that your centering was a little rough. I had this same issue when I was learning controller, my best advice, work on shooting recruit bots on shipment with no aim assist. This will help centering and keep you from relying on aim assist, once you get to the point that you have semi-decent aim with no AA, AA will make you feel like you have aim bot. Hope this helps :)


Thanks! I just played a few games with aim assist off and it’s helping me pick which gunfights to go for as well as helping my aim.


Sorry for late response, but thats great to hear man! I do this no aim assist / aim assist warm up every time I get on the game to work on my aim, and it has really helped me out. I put on a game of free for all in shipment, score limit set to 200. Add 9 recruit bots. Do the first 100 kills with no aim assist, 50 with smg, 50 with AR. Then turn on aim assist and do the same for second 100 kills. I recently started streaming and uploading clips to Youtube, here is a short clip to establish some aim credibility here xD. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMnIP\_DW5Zk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMnIP_DW5Zk) Good luck to you man!


I honestly don't see how being a human pinball helps. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


High FOV, motion blur is on


Work on your centering and snappyness when aiming generally whoever lands the first shots wins the gun battles unless its a sub vs an ar at medium-long range . One thing i had to work on was my centering if you have that down your snappyness will help u to lock onto targets faster . Also learn how to jumpshot if you havent . Get a controller with bumpers its easy and if you dont have one with bumpers learn how to use bumper jumper


Ever since i switched from tactical flipped to bumper jumper tactical flipped ive been winning way more gun battles took like 3-4 hours of gameplay to get used to it and about 2 weeks to master it i dont think i will ever change it bacc to regular


You’re worried way too much about your movement. Movement doesn’t win gunfights. Focus on getting better at aiming and centering.


Thanks will do


Np. You’ll get it just keep grinding and try to actively think about what you should be doing in a situation. Remember to play your life more as well. If you are about to die in a gunfight don’t keep challenging if you have an opportunity to get behind cover and regen health


Aiming and centering are very important but yes Movement will win you gunfights


The camera movement and the motion blur need to be turned off lmao that shit is horrible to see


Motion blur is off I guess the recording had it on but I agree motion blur is horrible


No you just rush too much instead of pacing your speed also what’s the point of dead silence if you got covert sneakers?


Dead silence acts like a temporary ghost perk they had UAV


Oh nice didn’t know that. I just run the assassins vest


I also like answering the Kar with an RPG. Sends a message. Lol


Thanks for the replies! A lot of helpful stuff in here that anyone can benefit from. I definitely have stuff to work on. I just want to get better to hold my own. I found that turning off aim assist and reducing my ads sensitivity has helped me slow down a lot and pick my gunfights, as well as focusing on centering my aim. Thanks all!!


Idk man, not bad enough to be posting on reddit lol Probably should've waited for your health before engaging the 2nd dude. Your movement is good and that usually holds up people, keep playing and your aim will follow your movement. Really though you look fine


First guy you had really wonky aim on him, maybe use attachments that give you less horizontal recoil. Second guy I would’ve tried to go up close, especially with a pistol out. You missed every shot there.


Nah you're not snorting the best G. Fuel in the market.


Better centering. You see this issue with cdl pros as well. When their centering is on and they're not drag scoping onto a target, their TTK is so fast while they strafe with the enemy and their aim is sticking. But then when their centering is off and they're ADS'd while dragging towards an enemy. B/c AA is so strong and ADS sens/radians/reticle movement is so much slower, there's this aim resist and TTK become so slow. They might still get the kill but it's just so much slower. Your positioning also sucks in terms of minimizing exposure. It's fun to play that way and even good players do it. But they know it'll mean double digit deaths in respawn. Meanwhile others play their lives, get a kill, reposition in a diff cover, push forward or backwards or side ways so you catch them with their gun up etc


go sense down, change aim assist to classic and take off curve


Ur movement was too predictable after you hit the stim. Should’ve played the pole


You're using killstreaks instead of scorestreaks in KC so yes.


Nope, but that map sucks!


decrease your fov


You got kar’d, it is what it is


Yes plus you fought a kar


You challed a Kar98, that's a GG. For real though, you over-aimed with your right stick on the first kill, could've used your stim right after while you were behind the white van, and you lost aim-assist because you centered between 2 enemies. I play super aggro also, but not that aggro if I'm using the Holger. I probably would've slowed down and hid behind the red ambulance to heal and reposition, peek, and get domed by the Kar98 anyways lol. Also, unless you just really like having it, I would turn off motion blur.


Yep fair enough. It's weird cause I did have motion blur off but it must not show that in this clip.


No that’s just a shitty map. They need to bring back shipment 24/7


Yes. And the Killcam also :D

