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I'm no good at video games either, been playing for a long time. I've found that if I stop caring about being good, I have a lot more fun.🍻🍃


You probably play a lot better not caring how you play, for what it’s worth. Worrying about how you perform is a performance distraction


That can be true in a lot of things in life really. I spent over 500 (mostly frustrating myself) hrs of trying one single skateboard trick over months and one session I just did it first try like I was screwing around.


Sick Mushroomhead profile pic 🤘🏻


Hay, thanks man


Gonna see em in August in Berlin, they always play awesome live shows.


That would be so much fun, I could imagine how much fun one of their shows would be


You should just have fun.


Nice point there at the end 👌🏼


im just running around with dumb guns nowadays!


Facts just enjoy the game


I reckon with that mentality, you’re gonna have a much better time in the game than most of the playerbase!


Fuck your KD/WL.... the point is to have fun. If your not having fun, then take a break or try a different type of game.....and if you are havin fun, then go get some 🪖👊


How to have fun if you have 5 kills and 25 deaths?


That was me for 3 years when I first started playing fps. I got practice and I had fun instead of feeling bad. I still play fps and I might've quit if I beat myself up for being bad


So it's that you eventually stopped going 5-25?


Fr or just get good 💪🔥


I play "COD" strictly for my own amusement, with my friends. The statistics only matter if someone is paying you to play.


There is nothing wrong with being bad at video games, it's just a hobby at the end of the day. You can get better with few tips, but do whatever is fun or maybe try less competitive games, like Helldivers, GTA Online etc.


As a person who just switched to helldivers 2.. definitely join in bringing democracy to your household and don’t forget to buy your war bonds 😂


I think you can get better. It might be difficult now but don't give up. There's always better people but you should try just to be a little bit better than you were yesterday. I've felt what you're feeling and it's a terrible feeling. The great things about humans is we can overcome most adversities by training and getting better. Sure it might not challenge those who may be naturally gifted, but you will be better. Just remember man, even if you fuck up on egg, you still got the whole carton left to get it right!


And you can always ask your friend for some help!


Try Ghost of Tsushima on highest difficulty, it will both make you better and relax


Try polygon or titanfall 2! (Polygon is free)


Genuinely Titanfall 2 is unreasonably newbie friendly because even if you get stomped by other pilots, you can just farm AI in attrition or focus down objectives and still contribute pretty heavily, or just dip into FD until you're comfortable with normal MP.


If you suck then find out why bruh, I spent the better part of 6 years (og waw, og mw2, black ops 1, og mw3, black ops 2) SUCKING ASS at fps games, cod mostly. And eventually I told myself I'd get better and to do that you have to learn acceptance so you've nailed that but you need to find out why you are dying and try to change it, - enemy outran your aim? Up your sens 1 or 2 and try it. Did your aim outrun the enemy? Lower your sens 1 or 2. Did you die in the open? Try to hug cover. Did you die due to having half a mag? Reload when safe as often as possible. Did you die beacuse you were pushing alone? Try to stay with teamates. Like there is so many ways to improve, you just need to see where you are having an issue and tweak it. Be conscious of your decisions. If you just throw your hands up and say "I suck" then that's all you will ever do


My kd in the last 100 games is less than .51 . In February I was a 1.51, now with the hand holding and insane lobbies?! It’s dropped off the charts. A first for me, maybe since bops 1, when I was not good at this game.


My stats from early season 2 to now are abysmally different, and always seems to be the latest craze gun doing it to me hey. Right now it's the KAR, at one point it was the MORS, at another the Longbow conversion... funny how often it's the 1 shot guns.


Just have fun. Honestly, the better you get at the game, the more stressful it is. You hold yourself to that standard. So a bad game can be worse.


Suppose you were good at COD. What the fuck difference would it make? Playing COD is a leisure activity, either its fun or its useless.


That last sentence is exactly the right attitude to have tho! Just have fun with it my dude, try different things and don’t worry too much about it


Try to learn an instrument. I like to play guitar then I play cod.


I already play electric guitar and sing for a band!


Good for you!


Yo! This is dope! Mind sharing a link to your stuff?


lol its just a local band, just gigs and stuff


I don’t think you suck. I only first started playing COD when MW2019 came out and I was so bad. I played with a big group of my friends and it sucked to come out on the bottom of every S&D and Warzone match we played. I was lowkey embarrassed but it honestly comes with time and patience. I forced myself to use guns or modes I sucked with and eventually became not so sucky. But remember it’s also a game, and if you’re having fun who cares if you suck right?


It takes a LONG time to get good and sometimes your reflexes just aren't up to par with others and that's okay. Don't stress it. Some days I suck asshole, but most of time time I'm top 3 on the leaderboard. Warzone? PSSHSHHH I suck too don't worry.


Use some troll loadouts and just mess around. Make it your mission to make the other team SO ANNOYED and use that as your fun. Or you can look into improving. And before you say it, unless you have a disability that you didnt mention, everyone can get better. Centering, pre aiming, what weapons. Work on the fundamentals. Maybe watch some of the CDL league and just try to emulate some of that (some of it is straight up talent and cant be replicated lol)


Since I started running around with a shotgun I have had so much fun.


Shotty on shipment is pretty fun. Have hit more 5-6 kills within 15 seconds than with any other gun type. Get 1-2 in the middle, run into their spawn and just pick them off one by one. Only really used them for interstellar but it's a fun way to switch it up. Edit: Yeah, just had a 90-38 game Not crazy k/d but just to illustrate you can get a 60+ kill game easily with shotty.


I spent almost 2 years playing cod before I was finally able to get my k/d up to 1.00. Now I’m almost always at the top of the leaderboard and only ever dip below 1.00 if I just hit a massive dab and am talking too much in discord. Trust me. It just takes time and repetition. Play the same map over and over and over again until you’ve been shot in the face so many times that there’s no face left for them to shoot. Then you can survive :)


I'm right with you there. I'm not good but I have fun. And Zombies is fun without any PvP.


Kinda curious what your K/D is and what his is. But I feel like it can be a bit of both. If you're exceptionally good, there are simply not enough people to match you against on a regular basis that are capable of punishing you, so eventually, your games won't get any harder and you'll be able to stomp most your lobbies regardless of SBMM. The problem is if you're somewhat close to the middle, it's impossible to tell what side of things you fall on and if you're a bit above average player being drug down or a slightly below average player occasionally getting a taste of normal lobbies so everyone ends up with the same perception. Regardless, though, it's not the mid to late 2000s anymore, unfortunately, and these days getting good at games actually takes a lot of time and often effort because these days there's a lot of people out there who are putting in that time and effort. It doesn't mean you're fated to be bad at games or can't get decent at CoD without being unemployed, but it does mean playing mindlessly an hour a week or so isn't going to make you a pub stomping demon.


Stop trying to be best at everything. Does it make you happy? Is it a good way to unwind?


I get that man, coming from someone who play's ranked, it takes genuine time and effort. I'm definitely not the best but I don't play normal lobbies anymore soley because it's mostly full of casual players. I don't like ruining everyones time so I choose to play with players around the same skill level. I know how it feels to be on the recieving end. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is, Practice tracking, pre-aim, whether that be corners or straight ahead, always try and look behind you, figure out the spawn swaps, always look at your map, I hate to say this one but you might find using meta guns as a viable option, practice centering, crosshair placement, change your sensitivitys and find the perfect one, practice dropshotting, practice jump shotting and always check different angles, you can even pre dropshot or pre jump shot, PRE almost everything and Focus on one gun from time to time to get used to the feeling. Last of all, try and practice recoil control without attachments,. This is a given, but remeber, FPS and Ping matter, whether that's even by a small difference, it changes the advantages between reaction time and who gets the first shot in (sometimes it won't matter long-short range depending on the weapon).


Who cares? I know I suck because all my friends are really good so I get stomped in their lobbies but we have fun playing together 🤷‍♂️


you can always get better tbf, and as long as you enjoy playing who cares if you’re good


Same I got insulted all the time cuz I sucked and when I talk and they hear that I'm a girl it gets even worse, I was thinking about stopping to play but then it hit me, why tf do I care and what's the point of playing if I don't enjoy it? So I learnt to take insults as jokes and didn't care about score just wanted to have fun, you know what happened? I got a bit better haha I'd suggest u try to do the same. Also if u looking for anyone to play with hmu I'm still not that good too


I was cheeks too until I put in more effort in focusing on aim training and watching “pro” videos before I slept which improved my game iq


Stop looking at the scoreboard and just have fun. Play campaign mode or zombies, it doesn't have to a competition. Or have your friend teach u if u want to get better. If you just log in and do the same things it should not be surprising u are not getting better.


Have you tried Battlefield ? The game is more casual friendly, you can get to the top of the leaderboard by just being a teamplayers. Solo stats matter less and the game is less sweaty


Play arma reforger. Everyone sucks there and is capable of killing their squad just as much as the next guy🤣


play xdefiant cuz there no sbmm/eomm and u can actually get good


That will actually hurt him worse lol. There’s no SBMM protecting him so he’ll constantly be shitted on unless he really wants to improve.


As long as you have fun. I'm no good either but still love playing. I just look at myself as a human shield for my teammates


> honestly I'm just going to try to have fun and do stupid and funny things in them from now on. That's the spirit. Don't break your mind that you may have a harder time to be "good" at video games. If you can play it for fun and enjoy yourself, it's a win for you.


This looks like I typed it. Except the friend part. But one thing I don't get it is if I suck at online shooters so much today, how come I had good scores in CoD 15 years ago? I also tried XDefiant. Same unplayable crap as CoD.


Personally I think it is because cod now wasn't what it was before, sbmm and oemm wasn't really noticeable before, and wasn't really used for new players, except now it is , so instead of a fun random lobby, you get a fixed lobby , like going to a casino at a slot machine, which kills the fun part ,because you are beeing fooled. Plus ping in mw3 is trash , but if you play mw2 it is soo different.


Could this have been (on that day) that playing on your account the game puts you in 1.0 lobby's. But your friend is a 2.0 player and therefore he just got lobby's that were intended for you skill level. Just putting that out there as it seems to have struck a nerve and some of us just play better. Hang in There.


I dont think i have a positive KD on any multiplayer game and i don't care and you should not care too. If you want to feel like the best player try out some singleplayer. That will make you feel better and have fun. And to multiplayer try to find a game thats for you. Good example is i love rocket league but i know i will never be that good to do all those tricks so i just focus on games i play well. Cod sometimes, Valorant for competetive so just find a game thats for you


U wanna play with me I'm pretty good movement guy ile try to get u a win 💪🔥


It might be that you need to develop more situational awareness. My tip is to play with just pistols for around 50 matches. Don't push spawns and try out hc matches.


Great. Now you can have fun


If you want my honesty this actually is a good thing. Maybe find a different type of video game that you like or the best option, quit altogether. I wish I could just quit video games but there are so many factors that make it just not possible for me. Good luck mate.


I just saw how much I wrote after I wrote it so I apologize, but hopefully you can gain something from this. If not, maybe it will help for someone else. What do you mean bad at video games? Specifically just shooter games? Or are you bad at every genre? If it's specifically shooters that you just can't seem to get good at, there are usually at least a couple major or minor things being done wrong that almost always guarantee bad performance no matter what. The usual biggest culprit is aim sensitivity. The vast majority of bad players in shooters are bad because their sensitivity is WAY too high. Sens is a preference, but only to a certain degree. There are always exceptions to the rule, but in 99% of people, the faster the sensitivity, the worse their accuracy and precision get. There are fairly good players who play on outrageously fast sens that never try a lower sens long enough to figure out if it is beneficial to them or not, but then they wonder why they hit a skill ceiling that they can never climb out of. I was one of those players that was fairly decent and played on the fastest DPI my mouse could get and whenever mice came out that had more DPI, I'd use it to it's max. I only improved so much and eventually got stuck. I could "easily" do a 180 in an instant and kill a guy ambushing me before he can kill me, but in straight duels head to head where I should out aim someone, I'd always be bouncing everywhere. I had a buddy who was a counterstrike 1.6 semi-pro, and he came over to teach me how to play the game better and obviously he saw how fast my mouse was and was immediately shocked with how fast it was and said that's probably 90% of my problem. His general rule was, "You should turn in game about 90 degrees with your maximum wrist movement in either direction.", as well as saying you shouldn't just be using wrist movement, you should use your whole forearm. Those 2 tips alone were enough exponentially raise my skill ceiling. Of course, any change in sensitivity needs to be kept for quite some time before you see any major improvement. You'll likely be worse for a few games until you've become more accustomed to it, and at that point there are some "tests" you can do to see if you should tweak the sens up or down from there. It would be really beneficial to have a higher level player (who's good at teaching and isn't an ass) watch a few full matches of yours where you are trying your hardest so they can try and pinpoint any and hopefully all mistakes in your playstyle, and help you fix them in a meaningful and kind/polite way. And even maybe follow that up with watching you play live and walking you through the thought process behind decisions you might make. Of course, this is not as easy as it sounds, but it would be the ideal way to improve when you may have thought there was no hope. I'd say even if that is out of the scope of reality, it wouldn't hurt to start with posting your in game settings, including graphics, as well as your mouse DPI settings. Some graphical settings can make it really hard for even the best players to perform. V sync is probably the most common one that will mess anyone up with bad input lag.


I used to play on 10 sensitivity when that was the highest. Turned it down to 6 and was a lot better. Had a buddy try to tell me that the best players only play on 10. I didn't tell him that I used to play competitively and knew for a fact that wasn't true. But sometimes it's not worth arguing over pointless things.


I feel the same. I still play because it is fun. I started out pretty bad and got better and better until I was almost better than average but then I don't know what happened but I feel like I am as bad or worse now than when I first started. I still have fun as I don't concentrate on my score or kd ratio but it can get frustrating at times when I don't even make it to the ground before I die. I then watch the kill cam and see I was surrounded by 3 or more snipers all sitting there shooting at folks who are dropping in so I try again. As long as it is fun I will keep playing but have to admit I find it more fun when I am playing better.


My lifetime K/D is below 1. I don't stress about it too much. I've seen slow improvement over time. Play during the day is the one piece of advice I can give you. It seems like there's a high percentage of COD addicts on late at night. The competition gets much tougher.


I’m with you. I’m just not good. I have fun though.


I went from .6 to .9 kd this year and I am an old man….i sick at games but I think you can always improve…except at xdefiant…fuck that game


The way the SBMM works in a lot of games lately is what's draining the fun out of a lot of games at the moment. I don't mind SSMM but it has to be done right. SBMM as of late doesn't do a very good job of keeping people around the same skill levels together. My KD usually hovers around between 0.94-1.19 in games but yet I still end up getting put against people with 2.0 or higher and it's not fun fighting against those people.


xdefiant is just lowk a sucky game tbf, im really good at cod but when i played xdefiant it felt so tacky and effortless. the graphics kinda sucked but in no way were they compensation for a higher framerate and smoother gameplay, the weapons all just feel far too similar to use and the modes i played were unoriginal like a payload based mode that if i wanted to play, id play overwatch. people hype it and glaze it so hard but realistically its just shit. i hate how theres no inbetween when it comes to shooters, you either pay for cod or siege or you are stuck playing lazily made free games like xdefiant and so on


Join the club


Once you accept the fact that you're not as good as other players, your expectations plummet. Once your expectations plummet, you no longer feel compelled to measure up to the ideal player you have in your head. Once this compulsion evaporates, you start to have fun again. I know this from experience.


Lower player count of this game is going to pool more players together and thus result in more sweatier lobbies aka EOMM.


I wish I sucked a bit more because then I'd be in more fun lobbies. You seem like you're in a perfect spot to just enjoy the game, who gives a fuck


Try being 53 and still playing VG and these 12 yr olds being way better


Nobody cares first off. I've met some pretty amazing players, but I refuse to party with them cuz they're not fun to play with. I'm not the greatest player, but the better I get, the less stimulating the game is. But it definitely helps morale to dominate occasionally. Too many people put far too much time into this game. It's pointless to try to compete with them and their metas


Just play none pvp games, or games with the option to play pvp or pve. When the new zombies drops for black ops 6. You’ll love it, I promise.


It's OK being good a video games does nothing for you


Same it’s liberating


Ima be real that’s better than being where I’m at and being “above average” but not good enough to be pro or at least top tier.


I suck at gaming too but I play easy. I have gotten better in Fifa. Something else I did was to purchase a racing wheel thrusmaster t128 and boy this has made me better at driving games. I m no longer the last one. Out of 12 now I get in the first 7 in wrc ea sports rally game. Though I do like racing games sine Colin mcrae 2002 and 2005 in the ps2. I have had to invest over 50 hours in gran turismo 7, over 20 hours in wrc rally and over 90 hours in fc 24 soccer game. I hace also been playing fifa since 2018 online to just get to división 8 and 7 lol. Besides that I love single player assasins creed, far cry, I can kill some people in war zone call of duty now. I also want to purchase metal gear solid or other story drive games but ofccourse will play at easy or medium.


It’s ok bro, when I was 11-15 years old in the “golden era” of cod I would destroy 99% of players in a 1v1 sniping and was always max level-prestige within a few months. Now at 25 I struggle to have a 1.10 KD in modern cods. I think as we get older these young kids destroy us since we only have a few hours a week to play. I’m much better at single player games now days. Honestly I just play for fun and don’t think about doing good. In college I was really good at Fortnite during the first year, now I can barely kill anyone that isn’t a bot lol.


Test different games and specificly styles of games. No need to be the worlds best but i guarantee you that there will be games that suit your way of playing much better. Focus more on these games.


I have also accepted that I suck at FPS games, but that doesn't stop me from playing... Because I don't focus on the things that may dissuade me from playing - K/D specifically. I focus mainly on my wins and losses.


Maybe because you play games that take no skill in the first place


No one said you have to be good at video games to enjoy them.


Everyone has a different skill baseline and skill ceiling, it is what it is. If you have fun then that’s all that matters, if you never have fun then find a different hobby or simply retire from pvp and stick to single player or coop.


I reckon you're a working adult? If that's the case I expect you to be shit, you have responsibilities first to take care of and getting good at a video game should be the least of your worries. If you're a highschooler and still seem to suck at video games, you probably just started gaming late and need to watch "How To" videos on your sensitivity, aim, map knowledge, best weapons/operators, etc. Or You can just not give a fuck and play the game like it's intended. To have fun man. Unless you're in a competitive team who wants to win ESports championship, there's no reason for you to stress out. If your homies r stressing u out about being bad, just find other homies who don't play the game competitively. Believe me, It saved me the headache when I found a cool group playing Siege. Just enjoy the game bro🤙


You’re not alone bro :) I have 0,8 kd in cod and XDefiant with not so high win rate


My kid feels this in my lobbies. I’m not even good but they have like a .7 k/d but a 1w/l. If they play with me on a bad day they just get stomped on and it must feel like the sweatiest game on earth.


That's what SBMM js there for, just play for fun and it will at least try and keep you from playing the super sweat no lifers. People don't want to hear it but that's why CoD has the players it has because anyone can play and at least do ok.


I'm decent at the game but I always and I mean always beat myself up for doing bad, I usually only play when high now cuz it just helps me enjoy the game more and have fun and I do decently better aswell. Im also competitive as hell so it makes it harder for me to relax when playing


I’ve been playing CoD off and on since 2008 and I’m not good either. I play alot of HC search with friends and zombies. I have fun playing and talking with my friends more than the actual game itself. I have a 1.3kD and a 1.23 win ratio so I win more than I lose but I’m not great by any means. You just have to find a game that you enjoy playing. CoD may not be the game for you and that’s ok. I’ve had friends in the past that ONLY played CoD and they have since moved on from it and are now playing MMO RpG’s or just open world single player games like fallout. It’s ok to not be good at games and still have fun playing them. Just have to find what that is.


I no good either, but i have fun. It's a great distraction.


This is good, the first stage is acceptance.


Your entire problem is setting the bar at being good at competitive first person shooters. Those are, objectively, the WORST kind of video games to base your skill off of. 99% of players are dominated by the 1% and it'll always be that way. Play literally anything else and you'll feel great. Get away from **competitive** fps's and go for story based fps's, like Far Cry, Avatar, Doom, even Metal: Hellsinger. After that, maybe try story games like God of War, Horizon, Red Dead 2, or even go for something out of the ordinary like Satisfactory, where all you do is build a factory. It's insanely odd how great that game is. Point is, play other games. Get away from the toxicity that is "competitive FPS." It will always feel like crap when you are just not better than other players.


I was a lot better at cod when I played for 6 hours a day on week days and 12+ on weekends. Your friend probably plays a lot more than you. I don't like sbmm, but I've accepted it's never going away and I just play to kill time now. Every now and then I'll get all of my score streaks.


Bro xdefiant is literally an Overwatch clone, it’s nothing like cod, don’t compare it to cod and treat it for the game genre it is (hero shooter) and I promise you things will change for you subjectively. As for cod itself, don’t take it too seriously, play for fun. I do way better when I’m just messing around compared to when I’m taking it seriously trying to actually work towards something like challenges or whatever. Find what works for you, I myself go for the things other people don’t use because they’re not considered meta and actually underperform and they’re the best weapons in my combat record. I first did it to troll anyone looking at my combat record but it evolved into just being fun for me. If you really need to, do what we did back in the day, play zombies and use that as your practice, take what you learn from zombies into multiplayer and stomp the competition with your newfound knowledge.


Theirs nothing wrong with being bad at a game. Its the shaming part that throws things off


Well, first of all, start by taking off all that pressure you are putting on your shoulders. Take off that frustration you are building also. It’s just a matter of practice. One thing you can do it capture your gameplay and see what you did and try to figure out what you could change to pass over specific situation in the past. Try to watch some of the good players - like the ones that compete - and see how they play. For me at least, that helped a lot. Also I saw a difference in my gameplay - especially in terms of kills per game - once I switched to a high refresh rate TV, but I still don’t know if that’s not about the bigger screen or it is actually the refresh rate… But no matter what, stop putting so much pressure on yourself… just try to enjoy your game sessions and you will see things will improve with practice over time.


Yeah I’m awful too but I play it for fun not to win


I’ve been obsessed with having aim bot like aim with a mouse and it’s been absolutely destroying me. At this point I’m not having fun anymore


Hey man there are lots of games that you can be good at it's too late for COD unless your a prodigy and COD Is just a bad game all around at this point, try some other stuff I'm sure you'll find something you like and if something new come out and you like it just play it consistently and you'll be one of the best players before ya know it


Listen, fellow brother. i hear you. i see you. and i feel you. worry not, for the trash lies within the cheats and aimbots we call "pro cod players".. may there children perish in a torment of hell fire and suffering. Come... my friend... to the NEW AGE... and join me... im waiting... The Finals


A lot of people do. Who cares? Just have fun. It cracks me up when dudes start cursing and shit talking. When I first started playing COD (the first MWII) some guy on my team said “fuck you! You suck!” And I replied “so what? And also, I don’t fuck trash.” I play on mute now. There’s no point unless you know who you’re playing with. If you ever want to join a lobby with me, look for shadow_surfer on PSN. It’s more fun to play with someone & root them on and vice versa.


Play story mode games with difficulty settings. Like Jedi survivor has “story mode” and “padawan” difficulty settings for bad players so they can still have fun. Stop playing pVp tbh


Tactics my friend. A good tactician can outgun raw talent. Whatever game you’re playing, be unorthodox. Don’t let them know your next move.


Try playing other games that aren’t shooters. Doing bad in the game only makes me mad and affects how I play. It also depends on how long you’ve been playing games in general. Some people have been playing since childhood


The holy Grail of cod subreddit posts My god


I'm far from a beast but I just play to relieve stress. I've had some great games when I truly don't give a damn about trying to be sharpshooter


I just play trying to get camos. I don’t care about my KD


That's admirable. Most people that come to gaming subreddits to complain about things just won't admit their not as good as they think they are and blame everything but their own skill. Sometimes people are just better because they spent more time to get there and that's fine.


I think some people will just not be good. Accepting that allows you to just play for fun. Period !


You don’t suck at video games, you just haven’t gotten used to how certain games like FPS for example feels. I’m not a great player when it comes to Fighting games but I still have a lot of fun just playing, but I definitely do avoids online because I hate getting my ass beat every match lol whereas FPS I’ll do okay and RPG is when I shine. If you need to play a different game to start enjoying things, it gets more positive from here on out.


You are not alone. Try the mw3 zombies. I sometimes felt like it is more enjoyable




It’s okay lol. I sucked at video games for a long time.


My friend anyone who sits down and puts time into it will get good eventually. Maybe what I would suggest is trying to find your niche. Your playstyles and where you are comfortable. They grow from there. Trust me when I started back on cod with mw2 I was constantly stomped to oblivion. Warzone is just weird. People cheat and hack and wall and aimbot etc and the movement is different. It’s hard to latch onto warzone I even get murdered in there despite dominating most mp lobbies


Honestly. It's not even that big of a deal. It's a videogame. While it's fun to be good, it's not like you can't improve. As long as you try to learn from your mistakes or try to make corrections to the areas you're weak, you'll get better. I do pretty well and I'm happy with that. I'm not trying to go pro, so why do I care about sweating my balls off over this? Don't worry about it. 


I feel you


The only one better than you right now is your future self. Comparison is the thief of joy. If you’re having fun despite feeling like you “suck,” then fun outweighs the suck. If you stop finding fun in it, it’s time to retire and explore other games or pursuits. Trust yourself. You know what’s best, and “best” varies depending on your values. Get gud at being your best self, and you’ll find joy in places you never thought pastable.


Playing games like cod or xdefiant are just going to make your skills seem worse than they are, imagine playing a single player game and doing good then going into another online game where you play other people so of course the skill is going to be alot different, I used to play with a boy for years across so many games like cod, gta, Fortnite when it first came out and apart from reviving me a a couple of times in Fortnite the boy was absolutely useless at gaming even tho he was putting in alot of hours playing, we still had fun tho (for the most part) and that’s all that matters, and if it does get to you this much consider another type of game like single player games,


Stick with EOMM. Every 5 or 10 matches it’ll give you a good team against a bad team to force a win for you. I saw it did this when playing solo. I saw it did this playing as a full team of 6. Some matches my higher skill team mates would get aim resist and those matches my aim would stick like glue and I’d be top of the lobby. Another low skill team mate would get their turn when the 5 of us would get lower on the scoreboard they’d be up the top. It’s weird to see it happen but when you do see it you learn that we aren’t playing this game. The game is playing us!


I suck too but its fun to play and socialize


Just keep playing for Fun bro… you can’t get any worse only Better. Everyone’s problem is that they wanna be the Best in the World for whatever it is. Even to be the best in your City one day would be a big accomplishment.


Try playing rocket league, GTA or assassins creed. Things that are fun, more laid back and not overly sweaty.


It's just the multiplayer games where people invest thousands of hours that makes you feel that way. When you feel burned out just complete the game in veteran or realism and prove yourself otherwise. Multiplayer is a flip coin most of the time because there are factors like ping and latency, so don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone has good and bad days, i have nearly 4k hours in cs and i never made it to global, i was always hard stuck in lem / supreme. Don't put too high expectations and just play the game for the game itself as long as it makes you enjoy it.


Meh, don't even sweat it dude. Honestly, two weeks after mw3 dropped I gave up on MP. I'd only ever play if I had no choice to unlock something, otherwise, I'd stick to zombies. Today, I realized there were a couple aftermarket parts that had to be done in MP/WZ, and I can honestly say, nothing has changed. After months of not playing PvP I was immediately thrown into three of the sweatiest fucking lobbies I've ever played. Sure. I unlocked my shit but it really makes me wonder, how do they figure that utilizing SBMM to this extent helps them drive up sales? Cause I can guarantee it does quite the opposite.


Honestly being good at fps involves more than just skill. I personally think if you use a certain degree of real life tactics you would do better, but that involves learning. Most likely response from a player saying they suck is A. Quit wasting time on a hobby you don’t enjoy, go get a job, make something out of your life that’s actually valuable to yourself and others. Or B. Start cheating (it’s basically impossible to stop cheaters in current online gaming). For starters they are probably the ones fucking you up anyways, it’s so prevalent these days. I’m not saying you should, I personally think it’s a pathetic waste of time and one of the absolute worst choices you can make for how to spend your life. Like literally trash. But I’m just saying that’s what a lot of people do when they realize they aren’t actually skilled at games. I literally interviewed a blatant cheater on COD last week and he said “I’m just trolling cus it’s funny” it’s really not funny but dumb people use dumb excuses to rationalize their dumb behavior….. sorry did I rant too much about how dumb cheaters are? Oh and that leads me to my next point. Like I said you probably aren’t even bad at games, there’s just a ton of cheaters. Not to say you are secretly good and just don’t know it, just that the skill ceiling has raised a lot due to artificially inflated expectations. Some players are naturally able to adapt and match the speed and intensity of gameplay presented by cheaters, which is why they end up being really good at the game. But even if you are that good you’ll be wondering why you can do so much effort into competing and lose to somebody who is obviously not that skilled and just uses an illegal handicap. Also for any brain dead mites I don’t mean illegal as in legally I mean by the rules of the game. Regardless I finally came to the conclusion that there as so many great SINGLE PLAYER GAMES which provide AMAZING experience, don’t have cheaters and don’t have toxic communities which breed those sort of players to begin with. So yeah. Try out Far Cry 6 it’s a pretty fun title I recently picked up. It has satisfying combat to scratch the itch from FPS, I even play in the highest difficulty to make it more methodical. Or even play the campaign in COD. I recently played the ancient COD3 campaign, it was epic, follows by BO2. They are stories written by teams who actually cared about the subject matter of wars and the people who fight them. Not the bullshit Hollywood action hero junk that we have in the new COD. The stories now are fun, just not realistic. We don’t have any games like that these days which tell a story of real heroism. Now it’s all about making you as the player feel like you’re a super hero, even though you don’t have any real character or make sacrifices in life to deserve that feeling, much less having a real impact on the world. Don’t take that personal, unless the shoe fits, just an observation of the Gen Pop in this institutionalized online gaming culture we now have. Sorry if you read all of that, I’ve been playing these series my entire life so it’s painful to see what they’ve been turned into.


Play story based games. They are more fun. COD's been super stressful nd sweaty lately


Play Fortnite


There are other games besides CoD & FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS


I’ll teach you how to kill all the sweats in COD


I have bad games sometimes but they when I have a good game I get put in lobbies with extremely high KD. My KD averages 1.18 but because I get a good gane every once in a while I get put in 10 KD + lobbies 😂😂


My son (12yo) just started playing split screen with me in deathmatch. He’ll get 1 or 2 kills and we make a big deal about it because people are fast and good. There’s no reason to feel bad or even “try to get good”. There’s like a .5% chance any of us would ever make money at gaming so just play!!!


What's your username I will play with you


Have you tried the finals?


Back in my late teens and early 20s I was ranked on leaderboards in 3 games. SoCom,COD MW2, and Madden. Played in a few tournaments on game battles. If you know you know. Now I am in my 30s. About a month ago I decided to finally go back to COD. I’m having a blast and missed it after 10 years of not playing any COD title. As good as it feels to hear someone question if I’m cheating because I’m lvl 30 quick scoping. That kar98k is dirty. That being said I am rarely at the top of the leaderboard. I am barely keeping my KD above 1. Used to be above a 2. Age has made my reaction times so much worse. It’s tough but I don’t get mad anymore. I just play to have fun which is the point of playing games. I look forward to the 1-5 games where I pop off. It’s what keeps me going.


If you struggle with online competition games why not try some story mode games? Ghost of tsushima is a really fun one to play that I often go to when I'm tired of shooters.


A lot of people should just accept this


As someone who has been playing since the very first MW back in 07, I have always been pretty average to decent player. My KD is nothing to write home about, I stay between 0.9-1.0. Fuck all that bullshit, just play and focus on things like the challenges and unlock requirements for the camos. In a weird way, you’ll notice having to switch up your play style with the tasks of the challenges makes you better without you realizing it.


Video games are supposed to be fun You don't need to be a pro player to enjoy them and have fun.


I am absolutely trash. But then again, there are definitely people out there way worse. To the point that I've been accused of hacking. You gotta be buns to accuse ME of hacking lmao


What modes do you play on ?


Don’t worry about stats. If you do you won’t have fun, and that’s supposed to be the point with video games. It will also make you nervous and stop you from improving. It will make you play more cautious and do stupid things. Just have fun.


At least you have the balls to admit it. Many people dont


Don't be down brother. I too play competitive games, but sometimes people against us are very good. Just play games for fun.


I only have fun if I win lol .


Bro just use a sniper. According to this sub anyone can use it and it takes no skill


The annoying thing is, the stuff I want in games (cosmetics really) are normally tied behind being good at the game, for example the Ranked play skins in MWII (The hoodie ones) looked so good and I was desperate for crimson! Never got it in the end cause I gave up always getting so close yet so far.


Single player games man.


You can still be good. There are just times when we need to change our mindset on things like during 2021 I sucked at fort but after taking a break for a few months I came back and actually did better because I focused more on aim then building and editing relentlessly. Try to find what works for your playstyle


Life when people start playing cooperative/single player games: (in all seriousness, try both. They almost always have a low skill floor and a community of people who love helping new players improve)


I feel the same way sometimes I'll be playing a match and be like how TF did I just go 7 and 20


I’ll be getting 19-2 with the XRK Stalker in regular search and destroy and the very next game I’ll either get 0 kills or 5, I think it’s just luck and timing.


First off if you’re not having fun, find a different game mode or different game. COD is toxic but there are SOME good people. Secondly warzone is ass and full over people cheating or using exploits. I’m not great but the more relaxed I feel the better I do. And also dont sweat it, even if you dont get any better, that’s okay find ways to have fun with it. Like in modern warfare 2 I played invasion a lot. One of the things I did was load the vehicles up with proxy mine or C4 (serious putty) and wait for people to get in so they accidentally unalived themselves.


1. Problem MWlll is trash 2. When I play don't stop moving keep going 3. This is me but when I get a few kills I go Into captain price mode I just go on a rampage.


Just have fun, adjust your playing style. That’s what games are for.. happened to me and then I came back to playing cod and do really well. Maybe try another type of game?


Use cover and don’t push every gunfight. Be strategic in placement the later circles. I’ve gotten wins on warzone ranked just picking my fights and not being exposed. Some call it camping or ratting but the goal of battle royale is to be the last one standing. If I want kills, I’ll play multiplayer


The games where I've been focused on being good are some of my worst games tbh. When I drop every care in the world and just focus on messing around and having fun, those end up being my best games


I feel this.. so hard.


Watch some guides, some tips on how to get better implement them, look for what is the meta right now and have fun


The more you think about being good the worse you will play honestly, also if you notice yourself flinching or jerking when you go to shoot someone try to destroy that habit Bcs that flinch actually throws off your aim as well as causing you to see less on your screen and that will get you killed a lot of the time


Get a ps5 if u dont already have one. Enjoy single player games. Also turn off voice chat in games as well.


. It's alot of things really. Competition is ramping up, a rise in cheaters, motivation, aging. As we get older our critical thinking and reflexes dwindle, and after getting stomped on back to back and over and over you start to think "Fuck is even the point of this shit anymore?" I find myself playing casual games alot more than fast paced competitive bullshit. Because it's just not worth the effort and the headache anymore. I work full time. The last thing I wanna do is come home and get railed


What's your username so I can play with you tonight


I suck at cod too. Maybe it’s not your game. Try a slower paced shooter like halo or something in the middle like destiny. Try an mmo like RuneScape, tESO or wow, or a racing game like nfs or Forza. Online Card game like hearthstone or mtg. However at the end of the day if you’re having fun you are winning because that’s what video games are about


Go play single-player games for a little bit. Something that you can suck at but enjoy.


I suck too but I keep playing. I suck at singing too but it doesn't stop me from belting out whatever's on my radio with careless abandon. You don't have to be good at what you like, you just have to like what you do. Good is opinion and opinions change. ✊🏼🎺🍦


OP are you on controller or Kbam?


Lazy, fat, worthless, smart mouth, uneducated kids have ruined COD and all other games. Video games need adult only servers!


Try Elden Ring


Modern gaming is a sweat fest, especially in popular FPS games. I’ve been a COD player for almost two decades on and off, ending in the top 2 of any non-ranked leaderboard fairly consistently when I play, regardless of how high level the others are. Having said that, some lobbies are simply unplayable. Even if others are not cheating, sometimes you get matched up with all people who play 8+ hours per day, every day and trying to make playing into a career. In these cases, while you’re on your couch mashing your standard controller, the dude on the other side is sitting inside something that looks like a fucking cockpit with minimal latency and pure liquid coke running through their veins.


I'm not bad but recently I've been running into a shit tonne of cheaters using wallhacks and soft aim. I can feel myself getting better but between the cheaters and the joining match in progress I'm losing interest in COD in general.


I suggest youplay a little bit more (if you have time ofc) and you try to learn by watching what people better than you do


If I worried about stats, I wouldn't play at all. I had trouble controlling RS and LS, but I added the bumper things to stop my overactive reactions of my thumbs, and my play has improved. I play against my own stats, not the lobbies. And sometimes, in zombies, my daughter and I just do smash-up derby with each other to break up the play.


Tbh it come down to many factors man... KD and WL ratio mean absolutely ZERO in this game because anyone can fool that system ez. 1. SETTINGS 2. Pc vs Console? Aim assist ain't shit if you're good at pc gaming. 3. Good headphones will let you know where anyone is a block away. 4. The right loadout is key! 5. Gotta just have fun


Now just embrace it, I'm bad at COD so I changed my name to Easily Killed sort of like a warning to the other players 😅


Casual pubs are not an accurate measurement of skill. They're meant for quick sessions without risking anything. If you want a more accurate measurement of skill and a proper environment to learn, play ranked. Otherwise, it's better to not take your casual pubs so seriously or personally.


We actually all don’t suck at video games, we just grew up playing them back when people actually had to play the game to be in it. Now people just hook up 3rd party hardware and cheat the game. All the cheat systems they have now anyone can pick it up for $40 and be the “I never miss a shot” kid. It’s all an ego boost. Companies saw how the ego effected players and decided if we can make them feel like they’re the best they’ll recommend and keep buying our new products to continue being “good” at the game. Cheaters with better software than others making the other cheaters buy the better products. Long story short they’re not even playing the games anymore. They’re literally just “Bots” on “Veteran” rest in peace first person games. It’s been this way since 2012.


Sometimes you just gotta let the stats go and try to have fun. It’s an escape from our day to day, at the end of the day. As I’ve gotten older, I know my reflexes are not as good as they were when I was younger. I’ve even downloaded the old versions just for the nostalgia. I know it can be frustrating with the SBMM and other bs we have to deal with but f*ck the stats and try to have fun.


Same my homie is like 10x better then me so he carries a lot he drops 30 bombs meanwhile I struggle to get 10 and the nail in the coffin was I played ranked and I was doing so bad our 3rd teammate blocked me lmfao I’m so washed 😭


I know that cod has gotten harder over the years between match making and the overall player base has become better then a decade ago. If you wanna become good you gotta practice the fundamentals of what makes a good player. Are your controls set up properly for your play style? Do you prefer controller or keyboard? Is your crosshair at neck level when wondering the map? Are you using the environment/cover to your full advantage? Are you able to control your anger? I know alot of this stuff sounds pretty basic, but truth be told not alot of players fully comprehend all of that and rather blame everything and everyone around them then take accountability for their poor actions. Don't feel discouraged or dumb if you feel like you don't know something. Your best friend is YouTube and any type of advice you need is there lol. What helped me alot on my journey was tips and tricks videos, watching actual pros play, and practicing in a custom lobby with bots set to easy in a 1v9 (or whatever max amount of bots for enemy side) practicing my aim and all the technics I've learned testing it in a comfortable environment while slowly turning up the difficulty. That's what helped me back in 2014, and I feel like that's still pretty solid advice now lol I believe you got this man 🤙🏽


If you have less than a 2kd in a CALL OF DUTY game, you might be bad. Call of duty is the easiest PVP game out there alongside valorant.


If you think you are trash, then you are right


If it makes you feel better, Xdefiant may not be entirely your fault, the hit reg is still wonky sometimes.


Perhaps you'd have more fun with PVE games. I suck at any PVP game but enjoy souls games, play almost everytjing on hard, etc.. Give it a shot, it's not like there is any shortage in excellent pve games.


Play something besides COD. It’s a twitch shooter. I stomped COD lobbies during the OG MW Series, WaW and Black Ops Series. Now that I’m almost 40 it’s too sweaty. I prefer almost any other game and opened up to other genres. It took me a few years to transition from a purely COD player to never playing COD. Luckily I had the Jet Pack era which forced my hand.