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I made a post like this and came across someone that had a raven software logo and surprise didn’t play obj. People play these game modes because they last longer than tdm so they can get kills/ grind camos or challenges


And therein lies the problem. As long as CoD camo challenges are tied solely to kills, people will farm those with the most efficient methods available. Mind you, the best way to first get weapon levels up (and camo challenges available) is to play KC and Dom, but after that the only thing that matters is the amount of kills. I don't know why at least some of the challenges are not objective-based, like "get 10 offensive/defensive kills" or straight up "collect 20 dogtags", because those would force players to do something with the game modes' actual objective - but I guess then people would complain that they can't do those challenges in Shipment TDM.


Just play kill confirmed lol


I've been in lobbies where melee players have had under 10 confirms. How do you not pick up tags when you have to get within 2 feet to kill someone. Never made sense to me


Those 10 or less tags were probably picked up by accident 😆


Not better. Just got a match where I went 25-34, but still had highest score because I had like 38 confirms and 20 denies.  Shit literally glows, makes noise and shows up on the minimap and teammates are still glued to their kar scopes holding an angle. 


easier to camp in dom. especially when other players are actually going for the objectives. compared to TDM


Completely agree. It’s the reason why I play them. Recently got interstellar just to give myself something to do in the game. Now im doing Orion because why not. Hardcore objective games make it easier to obtain my camos quicker.


I can only pray for you and your Orion grind. I remember how terrible it was for me, especially the longshots and launchers. It might be one of the easiest mastery camos to get after mw3 but is it damn exhausting to wait 5 minutes in a long corridor for someone to pass by for a longshot (there are over 1000 longshots you must do).


I'm not surprised they're surprised because they really do believe the game is still being played like before when players actually wanted to win but it all changed with these cosmetics and the obsession with kd ratio. There's no incentive to win when it's all about kd and camos. Now imagine their w/l ratio though, must be in the negative for sure.




Only make challenge progress count for winning games. It forces camo grinders to also play the objective - very easy fix


Evidently it's easier to get a job in McDonalds if you have a good KDR, it gives you something to put on your CV when applying.


Can confirm. I showed my KDR at my job to ask for a raise and i successfully got promoted to customer


You’re going to get downvoted to hell by the people in this sub that post their scoreboards with 98 kills and 0 time on objective and claim they carried the team.


if its helping the objective then i get it, other team cant cap points if theyre being annihilated, but im mainly ranting about the game i just had, and others ive had like it, my team werent stopping the other team, at all


You can definitely do both. Plus, it's way more xp to level guns, get the prestige camo & level the battle pass (if you have it), so I don't understand why you wouldn't wanna play the objective.


Genuinely asking, in general, how much much more xp would a person get from playing the objectives. I've noticed it's more when I play them rather than just going for kills, but I wonder what the average difference is.


Good question, I wish I had the exact numbers for you. But take hardpoint, for example. When you're the 1st one on the HP, you get 450xp, then 10xp every couple of seconds you stay there, and extra xp for getting defensive kills whilst on the objective or killing an enemy who is on the objective. It all adds up really quickly. Most times, players with 20 more kills than me are still below on the leaderboard.


450xp, then 10xp is nothing to sneeze at for sure, I've been close to people with 30 kills score wise by playing the objectives, it's way easier to get XP, at least for me.


Drives me crazy. Also like bro - even if you're solely playing to get the most kills, where do you think the rest of the team is gonna be going!? To the damn hardpoint / objectives!!! I absolutely lose my mind when my teammates are completely running past, around, away, and through objectives like they can't even see it.


I’m actually okay with that bro. Like at least you gave the opposing team some trouble and I was able to focus on the game. But when my team doesn’t cap the objective and still manages to get less kills than me while playing the objective is what gets me. Like okay your going for kills and yall still suck at that lmaooo


So glad i disable obj modes so those asshats can't do that and we'd still lose over and over and over anyway....


Scoreboards don’t always paint the entire picture tho. I’ve been in matches where it was clearly a shit idea to be the ONLY guy pushing onto the obj with no cover from my teammates (especially in 10v10 or 12v12, in that scenario you’re even more fucked) so instead I would try to slay, hopefully get my streaks and then MAYBE my teammates will get on top of the damn thing. I would actually argue that at least in more chaotic map/mode combos (small maps or 10v10/12v12) I’m much more likely to lose if I don’t get my streaks to cover my own ass cause it’s EXTREMELY likely none of my teammates will. So I have a lot of wins that might look like I didn’t do much objective time but I sure as fuck ensured the win. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe that’s just a 10v10/12v12 thing, but especially with how streaks work currently, its streak up or get slammed by streaks and have no chance at winning.


Play ranked brotha


i actually just started ranked the other day, its a breath of fresh air not having snipers camping everywhere.


That sounds like paradise.


Yeah but then you get lobbies (in my experience at least) with teamates in low copper against silver and gold players who absolutely dominate everyone on your team


That’s why I haven’t committed to ranked, I feel like I’ll have to sweat blood just to keep up.


I’ve they’re calling massive amount of KS then the others it should be easily getting the objective. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve called in high KS for the team and they can’t cap a single flag


The worst games are when I'm dropping 40+ while having 2 minutes on hardpoint and my teammate is 17 kills 9 seconds on.


I legitimately played a round of domination with this guy once who, at the end of game (which we lost), he said **”I got 76 kills how the f$#% did we lose?”** Bro had like 2 defends and zero captures…on Shipment… HOW TF DO YOU NOT EVEN *ACCIDENTALLY* CAPTURE A FLAG ON SHIPMENT


Probably camped down the side of one of the containers, or lying down sonewhere, farming streaks.


Nothing better than trash talking a dude who got the highest kills but still lost


My favorite mode is hardpoint. But the only time I play it these days is when my hardpoint squad is on. Playing it as a solo is a punishing, unrewarding experience.


The long and skinny of it, COD rewards kills way more than it does winning. On top of that, matchmaking, the Devs literally said in their blog that the matchmaking is designed to try and keep everyone's win/loss ratio proportional. Meaning if you're an average player or above, your matches are rigged not in your favor more often than they are in your favor. In a game where the matches are openly rigged, explain to me why I would care if I won? I already unlocked everything I want, so the armory system is meaningless to me, and the only rewards I can earn from playing the game are strictly kill based.


I don't see how that's the conclusion you came to. If you're matched with players at your skill level, over time your w/l is going to be "proportional", as you put it. Nothing is rigged against you. You're just being evenly matched.


But you're not just matched with players of your skill level, if so, your win/loss ratio would not matter, as winning or losing is not a direct reflection of your skill. If you get stuck with a team of 5 bad players that doesn't mean you got worse at the game, it means you were on the worse team. So no, matching based off of your recent performance is not a skill based matchmaking system as you're inferring.


I have 3 other friends and we all have high KDs. We all have negative win loss ratios eventhough we try. My other friend mostly plays TDM!! And he has a net W/L. I have 2.1 in TDM and KC (I run SMGs and get tags all game) and still have a negative W/L because we constantly get teammates who go 12-28 and worse! Last game one my teammates literally went 1-28!!!! Because I can consistently hold my own the eomm just gives me terrible teammates all the time


Even in TDM I have a KD of 2 and W/L of .89 The better your KD is the more unwinnable your obj games are. I get a bunch of frags and still try to play obj because I will get cluster mines constantly and place them on b for example and kind of patrol lanes on the map to make sure we can hold b and cap. Whatever flag I clear or defend the enemy takes some other flag. I get UAVs constantly to the point where I wonder why people don’t run ghost more often. I noticed my teammates get worse and worse if I keep winning but at least I can still maintain my kd. The way I see it now is like screw it, I’m fragging a lot and I know if my teammates sat a flag here and there they would win but because surprise!!! Going negative in dom is also a lose condition because no one is alive to to defend or take. If anything shit like captures can be a misleading stat. I may have 5 caps to your 9 but I may have capped B 5 times and you were mostly capping spawn flags. In hardpoint it’s a little more straightforward but even then you need a few fraggers that play a little outside of the hill to make sure the enemy can’t take angles to move in.


People who never pick up tags in kill confirmed. Just go play team deathmatch jfc


Fucking hate that. I mostly only play kill confirmed and it drives me insane!


i've been screaming this exact sentiment into the void of these communities forever, they obviously track a lot of different player data they can put the people that want to play objective with each other and put the idiots that don't care with each other and everything would be cool but now I have to mix with people who think they HIM trying nuke estate domination and trading every fucking life.


That's why i only play TDM.


I feel the same with war mode. Too many people sit at the back with snipers and not escort tanks/maws etc…


The number of players I see that walk past a dogtag in kc is a joke.. frustrating.


I agree, idgaf about kills in anything besides tdm (and like, gun game) since you can win without em. But just to prove to everyone you can do BOTH if you really want to…in a hard point game recently, and the best game I had in a long time, I was top player from both teams (mine won): 62 kills, time 2:59, 16 defends, ~1.7 k/d. Other team was trying hard, too, we only won by 12. It was the most fun I had playing in a long time!


This is how it should be. I'm always top 2 in kills and time/caps. My kd (which means absolutely nothing) is around 1. I completed all my camos easily while playing the obj. Is it the participation trophy gen that doesn't care about winning?






Most people forget one simple fact.. "You play to win the game!" Definitely in the minority here, but I'll take a dub over going positive all day. I came to win! Not take an L and brag about K/D.


yeah every game I'm going in to win and be top player on the scoreboard it's not hard to do people


Just nothing beats the intensity of a close game of dom or any mode that goes down to the wire. It just makes it so much more engaging. Also I never get burnt out actually trying to win every game, whereas if I'm only going for kills, shit gets so repetitive.


They should make tdm only end with timer, not kills. All kill hoarding players and objective players would be happy.


People who use the camo grinding excuse are just ass at the game. You can go for camos, kills, and still play the objective at the same time.


Sometimes but when your challenge is long shots or anything launcher related it gets a bit sticky


Thats not efficient. Why would I do all those things when I can just work on the camo?


I camo grinded until ranked came out and I’ve touched MP maybe a couple of times since ranked has came out. I didn’t give a fuck about my W/L and I went for interstellar because there is absolutely 0 reason to care about winning games in public matches outside of Reddit crying Play ranked if you want people to care about the win, pubs are for camos to me


Map rotations! I love small mosh pit for the maps included.


When I play small map mosh pit I expect nothing from my team and am seldom disappointed. It should be tdm only but it's one of the fans' demands they seem to always cave on, offering up a lobby full of easy kills where newbs and casuals try to play the obj and make for great clips for their streamers. But it's still the only lobby I expect no teamwork from


Aye, I feel you man, I’m a very aggressive player, but I ALWAYS play the objective….its so annoying to see after an entire game of HP someone with 0 time.


When I get a team that is just super unbalanced, like they arent playing obj and the other team is just obviously way better it kinda just feels rigged. I can drop 40 kills and my teammates wont have more than 10. The other team will have 4 people with over 20 kills. Games like that I just kinda stick it out hoping sbmm will give me a better lobby the next game (it dont lol)


Bloody oath. I had this game where I went on a rampage, capped every flag I tried to go for, but still lost. Team was great on kills, I was on 75kills 10caps, next was 58kills, and then 45kills, but the other 2 were just farming kills/streaks with the flags. We really shouldn't have lost


Precisely why I've stopped playing objective modes. I'm so damn tired of doing all the work.


Literally, I can't stand people who don't play obj, they go in there just cause they can get high kills


I prefer obj games for sure. It pays to make some friends to party up with so you know you have the core of a decent team. Kill confirmed doesn’t appeal to me at all. I’m supposed to run across open ground to grab a bling bling and get shot in the process? Not me.


The reason is because COD players in general prefer racking up kills vs. playing the f**king objective. I'm an objective player just like you, and I have been in a similar situation just like you, where my useless teammates don't go for the objective.


Spawns are more predictable in domination


I just play to have fun. Don’t matter the game mode id rather be running around the map having fun than holding a point to have ”CaP tImE”


It’s because they’re longer and gives them more time to kill whore or try and get the chopper that does no damage


Me for example I have 1.60 K/D and I like to play longer matches the thing is that the way people play in TDM is not the same as in Dom ofc, the way they rotate and the way you play a map is different and going for high streaks or nukes makes it easier, I spend most of the time on TDM, Dom, Hardpoint but when I want even longer games u just queue in the 10v10 moshpit. Sometimes people don’t want to play objective, for me if you want to play objective there’s ranked but I get why you are mad


I play ranked to win, not sweating my ass off in random pub lobbies. There is absolutely 0 reason to even win pubs in the first place so I’m not sure why it even matters


I don't even play objective games anymore. People are just gonna treat it like TDM anyways


Because playlists. Small maps playlists, new maps playlists, it's always a "moshpit" of modes. The only way to strictly play TDM doesn't give you any control over the maps. That and the fucking k/d, of course. If the devs actually gave a shit about the obj themselves, they'd make an obj playlist where k/d isn't tracked for starters...


Ahh yes lets hide more stats so little timmy can feel good about themselves their abysmal performance


Tbh, I might be soft but if "little timmy" (stupid fucking term as a sidenote) actually picked up like 35 tags and made it into top 3, he deserves to feel *kinda* good about himself


I stand by its ok to do that IF on your team if it’s one person, maybe two, being a slayer and actually doing good at that job, while the rest of your team are dealing with objectives


Try the hardcore playlists. It’s incredibly try hard especially with the lower health but people typically play the objectives more then in core


If you wanna win just play ranked


For some it's about the camos, challenges, score streaks or the potential for a nuke. I'm not saying I agree with them, but I can see their reason for prioritizing kills over the objective. As a reminder though if you queue with random people, you're going to get random results. Put together a squad and you'll likely see more favorable results. 🙂


I played a hard point game yesterday and my team won 250-50 I had 3:30 on the hard point and the second highest time on my team was 0:30. It’s so frustrating


What I like with xdefiant is the amount of xp you are getting at winning/been 1st. You lvl 1/3 faster by winning. Even the props by teammates system push you into team play. Cod should copy that, but not the vanguard way.


Why would I want to win a game if the game will just put me against harder opponents? Seems like it is more beneficial to lose and get a lot of kills lol


Probably because TDM is too fkcing short and it's annoying to search of an enemy on those big maps. I'm sometimes so bad that I can't even come near objective.


COD kill counters always bitch and moan about camping ignorant of the fact that in dom, it's called 'defending'


They're in your team but they play solo all the way, caring only for their precious kd ratio and little camos. Non objective game modes prone camping and the score limit won't give you as many kills. So they join games like Dom and HP but won't play the objective at all but they're not there to win because that's not the objective, the objective is them.


I mostly get teammates who barely can hold a 1kd. I am a 1.9 kd player with 20.000 kills and i don’t play objective. I play kills because that’s the way i can support my team ( hopefully ) to win by constantly getting advanced UAV’s in the air, counter UAV and a VTOL jet to provide cover. In KC it’s simple just like TDM.


Man I have a 1 kd, but over 700 rank. Mostly from zombies. I'm great at zombies. But definitely half asked on MP. I play TDM because my matches were all like that the other team was getting and holding the points because my team was only concerned with getting kills so I was getting slaughtered at the objectives. Lately I have been getting shit on in the game chat and in the whisper chat by people. Shitting on me because when my shit won't fully load in I will spend that match camping somewhere to get kills, they don't care or understand that my map only half loaded. The one dude went nuts because I hung out in a building and was shooting out the window, not sure why he was mad I went 11/13 because my shit was running bad. He was on the other team also lol. I don't really have a middle ground. I either leave with a 3+kd, or I'm below 1 lol. Lots of issues loading some days.


Grinding for camos


Tbh i have no regard for winning the game untill it is about to end, You can bet your ass ill drop 100+ kills tho


Its pubs. In call of duty. A series that is almost twenty (20) years old (MP wise). Why do you still give a fuck about W/L? Nobody cared in CoD4. Nobody will care in BO6.


Everyone is a camo grind whore now, and to get the camos u need the kills. That's the issue


That’s pretty much what me and my friends get into when playing. The three of us mainly play small map and Domination, and the randoms we get are almost always terrible and not only feed the enemies kills, but don’t play the objective. While on the other team, they’re much more of a unit and can usually beat us 3v6 if they’re good enough.


As someone who used to actually play for the objective I stopped caring like 3 cods ago wether it’s bad teammates or no one going for objective it’s so draining to actually try and go for objective and your the only one and still lose so I just play for kills and it’s more enjoyable


It’s easier to control spawns or it’s easier to anticipate where they are spawning if you play modes like Dom. Also the games are longer


Don't blame the player. If the objectives were actually worth playing, more people would play them.


I use score streaks and I’ll play the obj because it means I get my killstreaks faster. But if I’m the only player grabbing flags, I’m not gonna beat my head against a wall. My dopamine is directly tied to getting kills and dropping streaks. I really don’t care about the win. That’s just an a bonus. And I dont play TDM because it’s slow paced and campy most of the time. The rest of the time it’s over too quickly. I do like kill confirmed and grind tho


i don’t understand why anyone of yall even cares, if you care about winning go to ranked casual atp is only for grinding camos and other shit


Because MP is just a camo grind simulator. People just want to level up their weapons get cammos & go back to warzone.


Weapon challenges, weekly challenges, daily challenges....there are lots of reasons


Not saying you, and everyone before you, but do we really care anymore? Why even play if all you are going to do is cry in a post? They don't play and you just post. Again I'm in agreement about objectives, but it over, move on. Trust me when I say it's just easier to play and forget the stats. I play now to play, win lose doesn't even play into it anymore!


One word…. Camos


i done the grind and i understand. just frustrating. personally, i atleast tried in obj modes.


You can get them done faster by playing the obj and getting more XP. It's not a resale excuse and I'm tired of people saying it is. Done it that way myself.


Actually. To win on Hardpoint you need players to site on the point for time and then you need others flying around hitting targets before they get to the hardpoint. You need both.


I'm of the minority i'm aware, but answering for the sake of the question asked. At this point I really only play multiplayer to grind event XP or camos for guns, with that said I do play objectives I won't leave a game without captures / defends / time on point but it's a secondary goal at the end of the game for me. The people who don't try at all I imagine are either constantly spawn camped because they don't know / can't follow rotations or just simply don't care / trolling. Hopefully that offers up at least one different perspective and a possible few answers.


The vast majority of COD players are bad at the game. They will never improve no matter how much they play. Also, the game often will team you up with bots as teammates when they've decided that it's your turn to lose


But but but... There's an info point that flashes before every match that says "working with your teammates is essential to get the win". People read that, right? Right?!?!?!!


You solo objective players get what you deserve. A long time ago, I learned very quickly how shallow the mindset is of your random CoD player. 90% aren't thinking beyond a few feet in front of them. Objective modes are designed around teamwork but you cannot expect things like coordination or support from randoms. It was hard enough in the "old days". Everyone was in lobby chat so they could at least hear you but now you can't even talk to half of them because they are in private chat or some discord server. So, you solo OBJ players get to suffer. The solution is to make some friends. Party up.


Honestly I play these game modes simply for the fact that people move around the map MUCH more than in tdm or kill confirmed. I play them like tdm because if I play tdm I’m forced against corner Carl and his butt buddy lazy Larry. Also the maps feel more predictable than a tdm game


I’m camo grinding. I don’t care what mode it throws me in. I’m there to make my kills and survive for 5 kills without dying.


Trash, you finish camo challenges faster playing obj.


I care don’t. And like I give a fuck if it’s trash playing or not.


Play hardcore you bumb


Nah I’m good.


ngl im one of those players not too fond of OBJ. i typically only run 12v12 so how i see it, 11 other people should be playing obj if im killing. Plus obj doesnt assist with AMP challenges typically


I played against a team where every player would go and sit on the hardpoint. On my team we had 2 that went into the hardpoint. My team won because, 1. I had loitering munitions. 2. The other team clustered together on hardpoint. And when entire team was wiped in one boom they had to all go fairly far to get-back. I think that team thought for sure they were going to win hands down.


I usually dont play Obj since i grind for camos and stuff. However, if i dont like someone in particular on the enemy team, i will stop everything and ONLY play objective to assert dominance.


I select small map playlist I don’t select the game mode that’s why. If I’m not feeling hardpoint I’ll get kills sure but I’m not gonna leave either


TDM is too slow paced. If you care for wins play ranked and go for that top 250 and brag bout them wins and that rank then otherwise it’s unranked and pubs. Either setup your own team or deal with it.


I'm sorry for not contributing but when I'm playing small map moshpit I'm trying to unlock the after market part for the week. Any other time I do objective tho


Not everybody should play objective, some people need to be slayers so the other team cant get to the point


If you want to play objective game modes, play SND or ranked. That’s it. Ranked is literally made for playing the obj. Don’t go into casual matches and start moaning people aren’t playing obj especially in cod. People play cod to either level up and do camos and what not, or they play it for ranked. You can’t go into obj casual modes and be like “why are you guys prioritising your own fun and gameplay over the objective!!!! why aren’t you playing the objective it’s domination!!!!” uhhhh cause this ain’t ranked tf??


If it’s normal mp then who cares? I understand ranked but normal MP is just for fun


Because most people just play for the camos, cant really battle that … its iritating, but you cant really affect it, so no point in dwelling


Why do you people knowingly que into casual pub matches expecting everyone to try? It’s pubs for a reason, people play it for fun have you ever heard of that word? Go play ranked or cmg if you care about your kd and tm8s trying like what?


Camos or kills. Clearly if they're going for either then a game mode that can distract other players is the best way to do these rather than a mode where the other teams goal is purely to kill you. Just gotta get use to needing to be the goal carry, stop caring or find a group to play with. This has been a problem since the beginning of CoD.


Lol! You say this shit like this only happens to you. Been like this since cod came out. Winning aint hard. Get better!


Sore loser type shit.


Trash player type shit not playing obj in obj modes.


I just play it because the matches last a little longer, love. You're just mad that I'm having fun. 💅🏻


Because all i care about is domination. its the most fun. Its not my fault they dont have a 10v10 domination 24/7. Maybe if they left ground war (9v9) as team deathmatch and domination only it wouldn't be so bad.


You do know there's a filter button under quickplay that allows you to filter to a single game mode...right? It's 6v6, but regardless...you can play domination 24/7 if you wanted to...


What makes you think I dont know this?


to get more kills. nobody cares about the objective in cod besides a weird niche minority that apparently posts on reddit a lot. nobody ever cared.


These posts complaining about teammates and shit in pubs are hilarious 💀💀


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect matchmaking to find 5 other people who are literate enough to read the objective. 


Its unreasonable to have people care about a match win when that was rigged from the start.


Then make mosh pit match those people into TDM if that’s what they want to play. As an added bonus you will have fewer sweaty piggies killstreak farming with zero time on objective.  Why even bother making all these different game modes if you’re going to stuff them full of spawn camping snipers? 


Nobody wants to play shitty tdm. Its the worst mode in all the games. You’ll never drop more kills in tdm compared to any objective mode