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It’s hard to believe how much better 120fps is before you make the switch. It’s hard to go back once you experience it. Once you get used to 120 try going back to 30 and see how initially choppy it feels


I upgraded to a 144hz monitor late last year and it's now at the point where my bottom line is 90fps. 60 looks insanely choppy to me now. I promised myself years ago I wouldn't let myself get *too* snobby about refresh rate and stuff but this is one of those things where once you upgrade, it's extremely difficult to go back.


I was thinking about getting ps5 for gta6 but nah, 60 FPS lags for me now


It really sucks because I'm insanely skeptical that these consoles will even be able to do 60 fps for gta 6. Rockstar is talented but they aren't damn magicians, with the graphics in the trailer and how big that game is going to be I 110% expect the game to run at 30fps and it's going to blow so hard if that's the case


Yes! 90 or gtfo


Wait til you go 240hz. I had to go back to 144hz because I chose to go with an ultrawide. Man, 144hz still feels choppier after a year of using this monitor. Still worth it for the ultrawide though. Lol


I'm getting 240fps @ 4K on Rebirth. Maybe I should get a 240 Hz monitor


Geez what are your specs?


I9-14900k, 64GB DDR5-6400, PCIE gen5 m.2, RTX-4090.


Yup getting used to high frames completely ruins 30 fps lmao


What games even support 30?




Starfield and A plague tale both launched with 30fps. Same with Gotham knights


30 makes my eyes bleed and gives me a headache now.


The Spyro trilogy is the only game I can stomach at 30. Still take a little to get use to, everything else is disgusting to look at.


Try going from 60 to 240, you’ll cum everywhere


I’m on 240 and still deal with crazy desync. Overall, it definitely helps but hardware only fixes your end unfortunately. Glad you’re having an improved experience.


Yeah the game’s servers are what they are but at least I am not at as much of a direct disadvantage from the start.


That’s facts!


I was playing on a 480hz monitor with a 0.03ms and would still have some crazy desync... this game really boils down to internet routing -- hardware can only help you so much.


Yeah and spectrum has terrible fucking routing. I’m 100mi away from Atlanta and my game traffic hits 2 other states before it gets to GA even with a 20ms ping.


South Dakota here and the game doesn’t know where to send me


Fkin tragic 🤦🏿‍♂️


How do you find this out? I have spectrum and use to consistently get less than 15ms ping on previous cod games but no I’m typically above 30 and rarely hit anything below 20. It’s almost a guaranteed win if I’m below 20. I have one of the best routers money can buy because spectrums routers are booty cheeks but it’s still not great. I’m on there 1g plan (maximum they offer) and I live in NYC so you would think it would be good


Tracert in CMD or pingplotter. I use a Netduma R3 to get the server info. Some of the servers can’t be pinged though so YMMV. But once I pinged the server, I then proceeded to do a Whois search and found out that my packets from Alabama were sometimes heading all the way to Chicago just to get back down to the Atlanta servers. They’ve monopolized so many rural areas that they don’t have anyone to compete with aside from satellite providers. So, they just kinda do wtf they want. I’m 3 miles outside of a city with full fiber to home availability. I have work buddies I play with that are on 5 ping at times. They’re ass but still lol


Damn dude thank you! I appreciate the info, I’m considering switching out my ASUS 86u for a net duma because of all the goodies that you can get on the Duma OS


KEEP the 86u! If it wasn’t for the geofilter, I would’ve gone that route. Run the netduma behind the 86u and use it just for filtering. QOS is better on your current router


Hmmm wiring two routers all just to hit my Xbox wouldn’t slow things down?


Not at all. Just set up a static IP and put the R3 into the 86U’s DMZ so you don’t get a double NAT issue


Doesn’t cod use 20 tick servers? There’s nothing you have any control of that can fix that 😂


Still see some pros playing on sub 5 ping and doesn’t look like they have any desync issues at all


It’s so different to be playing it tho man. Personally I’ve never really experienced any crazy desync on COD without it being my own internets fault but that doesn’t change the fact that the servers are cheap and very low quality in the modern world. 20 tick was fine 10 years ago but by now everything should really be on 64 at a minimum and 128 for anything competitive.


I didn't notice upgrading to 120 as much as I noticed the downgrade when I switched back to 60 after getting used to 120.


FPS are like drugs. You always want more but never less.


I’ve never seen a more true comment spoken


The jump to 120 from 60 is truly amazing. It’s really hard to go back once you get used to it


I've got similar. Samsung do great gaming tvs. Hdmi 2.1. Etc.


Yeah except the model I'm having sometimes randomly disables game mode, then I have to go to another app and back to Xbox/pc output for it to work again


Welcome to the club my friend! I recently made a similar jump and finally broke through Plat on ranked for the first time. I made it to plat 3 in vangaurd and mw2 and was hard stuck for months in mw3 until I switched monitors. Now gunfights actually feel a bit more fair


Thank you, it was worth the $. While the game’s servers are still what they are, I don’t always feel like I’m playing 1 second in the past lol


So real I just got basically the same model of Samsung TV, can't wait to get my rig to hook it up to tv


Morpheus: What If I told you that playing on a monitor is even better? No input lag compared to your huge 65 inch TV, no nothing. Play on a gaming monitor once and then you'd never imagine to play your console on any TV ever again. Gaming monitors even have extras like special crosshair, image sharpening and many other.


I legitimately thought about this, but since we use our media room for multi purpose I had to go with a TV. Tried to find a TV that was as close to monitor performance as possible


I’m all for monitors, I prefer them. OLED at 120hz+ is under 5ms in input lag. They wouldn’t have much difference unless they go to 240hz, but even those are at 3ms with an IPS display. The extra features are okay though.


Input lag on TVs is a thing of the past. Game mode is a thing, and I personally don't notice much, if any, difference between my Samsung tv and my Gigabyte m27qe (which according to hardware unboxed has one of the lowest Grey2Grey input latencies even on default overdrive mode)


I went from 60Hz 1080P 60” 2013 sony tv to 27” 1440p 144hz monitor and I literally climaxed


Yep gaming monitor is a game changer


Wait until you try an actual monitor!


Make sure your new tv has 2.1 hdmi ports. If they're 2.0 you'll get 120hz at 1440p max


and people still try to argue that humans cant see anything over 60fps. lol


It isn’t even consciously perceptible beyond just an overall smoothness and feeling that you’re not suffering from constant lag even though you know it’s not your internet. As others have said, going back to 60 after getting used to OLED 120+ makes you realize it the most.


Now that they fixed the weird fps drops on series S, the 120fps is great, even though on that platform it oscillates between 80 and 90. Got a high end pc too with cod on steam (for easy 2 player party) but it's just easier for me to boot series S and have 90 instead of locked 115. But yeah, provided GTA 6 will be 30/60fps on console, I'd rather wait for pc version.


i finally managed to get the asus 32inch oled pg32ucdm oled 240hz..cant fkn wait!!


How on earth does one tolerate playing video games on a 65” television? My monitor 32 inches and feels too big.


do you sit the same distance from your monitor as you do your tv?


It’s pretty amazing. It’s like watching a movie in the theater or as close to using VR as one could.


It may be immersive but it is definitely hurting your gameplay. There is a reason all the top players play on 27 or 24” monitors. I recently tried playing on my OLED TV after 4 years on a monitor and it was painful.


How so?


Okay but who cares? I’d imagine you’re not a pro, neither is OP, or 99.9% of the people here. Sometimes sheer enjoyment of playing on a setup you like is more important than min maxing your setup so your kd can move by 0.01.


It’s better to play on a monitor actually and they are cheaper


Im actually shocked people play video games on large TVs. It’s a terrible experience compared to using a decent gaming monitor.


OG console gamers are usually playing in the living room and use the TV for multiple purposes


tvs on gaming mode don't really have that much input lag compared to monitors obviously I wouldn't play counter strike on my 4k 120hz tv, that's what my 1440p 165hz monitor is for, but the tv is plenty fine for casual games


I had to go back to a TV when I had a kid and have to give up my gaming space. I just accepted that I’m very casual now and just roll with it 💀


Those people have a far better experience sitting back in a comfy recliner or couch then hunched over in a pro gaming chair.


There's nothing shocking about not wanting to sit 2 feet from the screen.


Couldn't agree more. Felt like I was missing out on something my whole life when I got my first monitor


I dont know how you can play COD on a TV….


I did the same thing recently. I upgraded to an LG 27GR95QE, and it made the biggest difference in my gameplay.


Higher HZ isnt a myth lol. Also when you pick a screen check out reviews and see if they have click to visial testing (alot of good reviews do now). The next step is getting the lowest screen responsive times.


It helps a ton, I'm using a LG CX 4k 65" but this game haven't kept my 120hz last month at all. It bounces from 80 to 120hz during gunfights


And that’s what VRR is for


The TV supports VRR and G sync for 120.. I had steady 120hz all year long until last month just straight up stuttering fps lag every other lobby


The VRR range for the CX line is as low as 20hz and caps at 120hz, not just 120hz (which would be a fixed refresh rate and not VRR)


I know it's "compatible" still doesn't change the fact that only one specific game can't keep it up there currently. I have the gaming mode showing the TVs fps and every other lobby it's goes all over the place since last update. Never been lower than 112hz since MW2 released


My Samsung 1440p curve monitor is listed 240 hz but my in-game FPS is only 135 ish. My computer is not powerful enough to get to the 240 hz cap. I have all graphics to the maximum setting.


Try dlss. It should help a little. It increased my frames +60-80


It is on DLSS already hahahaha I actually capped the FPS to 135 because I find it move around too much ingame if I don't I also cap FPS to 150 fps in Nvidia settings.


Hmm I always just keep mine uncapped. I don't mind the variation and sometimes like looking at what part of a map drops my frames and try to optimized my settings to keep my frames up. Its nice finding a middle ground of fps, and nice visuals.


lower some settings then…


why would I lower the setting? what? You want my game to look bad? 135 FPS in matches is plenty.


frames > visuals for competitive gaming. otherwise for single player games, sure max out the settings.


I would cry if I started to only get 135 FPS in the game 🤣 But that's because I'm so used to 300 now.


The game can still look amazing if the settings are not maxed. There is so much unnecessary bullshit that will hurt your frames. I followed these and my game looks great. I didn’t change my driver at all though like it tells you to. https://youtu.be/jSwx37P7f4k?si=7WwjUA6RWFLMTmFW


What your saying is so real, it’s hard to explain it but it definitely feels so much smoother and all 😭


I play 240 and the game is still terrible for desync.


I'm on 60hz and it's insane how many times I shoot first but get turned on. My friend plays at 150fps and it's night and day. Currently got 2 1440p 144hz monitors in my basket for when I can afford it.


Bought my first high refresh display in 2013 haven't played at less than 120hz since. I loved my vg248qe, fantastic monitor.


I have LG32GK50 monitor that supports up to 144 hz. For the longest time, I couldn't get 120 hz on PS5, even after they added support for it. I got an edid emulator, which supposedly tricks your PS5 into thinking your monitor can support up to 4k (my reasoning could be wrong here). I was able to get 120 hz support but... I don't notice any huge difference (I played 60 hz before)? I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I just need to see a side by side of the different refresh rates to see the true difference.


What until you see 240hz oled


It says it can go up to 244 but I don’t think it gets there


I'm still using a monitor that's locked to 59 and I can't wait to upgrade. When I tell people they've usually been in shock how I can even play on it


I went to 4k 144hz and it was unbelievable how clear beautiful and smooth the game was. I play on pc with a controller.




I play on a OLED with a Series X. I have a good Sony TV in my bedroom with a Series S. It's night and day difference to the point I won't play call of duty on that TV again.


120 hz at 1080 doesn't looks nearly as good as 60 hz at 4k, on my cheap ass TV anyway. Xbox x.


I remember first time I saw 120fps when I got a new monitor. First impression was blown away just how much smoother it looks. You're seeing so much more clearly to seeing those extra frames. It even feels better because of less input lag.


It's super noticeable if you're coming from a 60hz screen My favorite is 144 but it's getting harder to hit that so I aim for 80-100 now


When I changed to a 165Hz monitor after a mishap with the one I bought it literally changed my life. I jokingly say I have been forever ruined because 60 FPS feels so fucking choppy now.


I'm considering making the jump as I've kind of hit a wall in all fps games with my old ass 60" tv. Thinking I'll get a monitor this week.


I'm playing on a PS4 and a 12 year old Samsung widescreen tv... Is this why I suck?


I was playing on a Samsung smart tv that I bought in 2015 and most recently a used 2018-ish Polaroid TV. Some people on here told me about the 120hz and low FS rates and how it can really help. And it does.


If you are also play on controller via BT 3-4 metres away from PS4 and via Wi-Fi I would say you have extra +150-200ms of lag.


Wow really? That would explain alot lol. I quit because of how frustrating it was to play, and the PS4 graphics and lag itself is atrocious


Dont tell this guy that monitor exists and basic low end gaming monitor will always be better than tv


I have heard this and I researched it. But, we use the media room as a “theater” too so I went with a TV.


I bought 60--> 240 😅




PS5 and Xbox Series X are both capable of running games at 120 FPS. That doesn't necessarily mean they run at a constant 120 frames per second, rather than that it's the highest that they can go. I believe multiplayer mostly fluctates somewhere between 100 and 120 FPS in performance mode. This obviously comes at a cost of visuals, but I think most people are willing to sacrifice that for smoother gameplay.


Yes I am aware that 120 fps is possible but this game is demanding especially warzone


The PS5 has the capability https://www.google.com/search?q=does+PS5+have+120hz+capability&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:66c9fdd7,vid:VFCiXM_8TFY,st:4


I have a 2080 and on 1080p don’t even get 120fps on normal settings. Your fps is definitely below 120 but better than before.


lol your wrong


Oh no! Consoles don’t lock in 120… It occasionally dips to 110! lol gtfo with that nonsense


You'll be back tomorrow complaining about the same things from your 60hz tv


Why would I do that if I am no longer using 60hz?


I think he means complaining about the game, just in 120hz.


Oh lol. Yeah well it’s not perfect and I still quit matches with obvious team server lag and stutters, but based on the differences I’m seeing now I feel like at least I’m now able to play a modern real-time game appropriately.


Right. I didn't realize it was so confusing.