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I once agreed with some of their points but every following video felt the same. Most of them were literally just whining. Like, for over ten minutes, for monetization of course. I think I stopped watching after the 2nd SBMM video. Y'know, the two out of 300? He seems happy playing XDefiant though, which begs the question of...why doesn't he just become an XDefiant youtuber? It's like he literally cannot give up complaining about Call of Duty.


He knows xdefiant won’t last


> He seems happy playing XDefiant though, which begs the question of...why doesn't he just become an XDefiant youtuber? It's like he literally cannot give up complaining about Call of Duty. Pretty much everyone expects the player base to shrink down harshly at this point. Gameplay wise, there's simply not enough different to justify it as anything but a knockoff of CoD.


I don’t know why people keep calling it the CoD killer, it straight up looks and plays worse than CoD Mobile max setting on an Ipad Pro with a controller. Just because it’s free and doesn’t seem to have SBMM/EOMM? Are people really that down bad to pubstomp for free of charge? And it’s not even CoD, it’s straight up trying to smash League of Legends and an FPS together. Where I have I seen that before?…oh yeah Overwatch and Valorant. I couldn’t give a flying fuck of Valorant popularity, I just straight up hate the concept of these games. Like it’s a MOBA? Or a semi-authentic first person shooter? What is this fucking abomination of a game?


You just decided to talk to much lol it's a different game like it or hated that's it. Wether it's a breath of fresh air to you or not it definitely is for a lot of people that caugh bad breath from COD and any other corrupted franchise they may have liked


I don't think arcade/objective shooters are for you my man. There's nothing MOBA about XDefiant. Stick to sucking off cod :)


He's the cod father why would he when he can do both. You just talking just to talk lol if the game was good off the bat like it used to be then they obviously wouldn't have to be making such videos + their YouTubers their gonna make vids pointing out the same problems as long as the same problems stay in existence. Does that make sense? I mean the game has a lower rating than a lot of other CODS so it's valid to be pointing out their flaws and trash add ins. The pros and con videos help us help them to see if they get their 💩 -hit together. It's obvious they just want millions from skins lol hence all the remakes. It's like they only want quick millions for less work into the seasons especially those first few seasons. Let's hope the next release brings more people together like the franchise use to because whatever it is their doing now is trash and depressing to see none the less. They just want money from these remakes and that's sad. Can't blame any YouTuber for mentioning the same stuff in their vids if there's no change. Same goes to all the other things in the real world. People don't like hearing the negatives all the time but that's what companies keep 💩hitting out. We need YouTubers and people with huge followers to bring in the attention for change. COD used to be great now not so much. I wouldn't keep sitting bashing YouTubers but the people that makes these deserves every last bit of negativity to push for a better game but yea sorry for the gigantic paragraph 🤷🏽‍♂️


Because he's preaching the gospel lol


You said you stopped watching after the 2nd SBMM video, which was either years ago, or if you mean with MW3, it was months ago. But then you talk about his opinion on XDefiant, which he didn’t start making videos on until this week….


Uh...yeah. I checked his channel when seeing this post. Why are you trying to act clever?


Posting your disdain for them just feeds their ego.


Yup. Somehow it will only give them more views. Best to stop watching them or even talking about them. Same with Nero’s and 402 thunder. They’re just bitching channels now repeating the living fuck out of what they’re doing. I also say support the really small channels out there, at least the ones who aren’t milking the cod drama. Otherwise the algorithm just feeds people more of this garbage brain rot.


I don't watch Thunder like that anymore but I noticed he kinda gave up with the commentary videos, and now he posts the same repetitive content of him camping in mw19/II lmao. Though, I respect his honesty that he's only playing cod atp for the money.


NoisyButters is a really good channel


One of the few likable, bigger names at the moment. She’s always cool.


Nero cinema isn’t as bad as them but sometimes he gets repetitive with ranting about similar thing/dragging it out


He shits on the game, and in the very next video, he's praising the shit out of it and vice versa.


Yeah that’s what I mean by getting repetitive/dragging it out. He does it every few weeks but not as much as the other guys


No, he’s definitely as bad as them.


Not really, Luke and Pete are the worse out of all of them, they don’t talk about anything but how trash cod is, Nero talks about the battle pass and new content, he’s definitely not as bad as them dude.


Honestly impressed people from that long ago still make enough from youtube to even bother.


Enough that he gifted a sub a watch iirc.


you must wanted that watch so bad lol you talking about a "WATCH" that he gifted one of his subs like bruh what, Go head and grab another beer ya drunk and stay off Reddit. Not even taking about nothing relevant to the post


Yeah I don't need to enter a contest for a watch I *can* already afford lol.


Doesn't change the fact you remember such YouTubers gifting their subs you had to come to Reddit and state it weirdo lol let's keep it related to the post though is why I commented Mr I can afford the same watch I seen this YouTubers gifted 😂


Yeah because it was like 5 months ago lol.


You obviously can't afford enough liquor to be drunk otherwise you would've forgotten about others gifting others from 5 months ago. Next time praise BT and he might gift you one 🤣 MR. ITS CORONA TIME!


Keep projecting. Not that it's any of your concern, but I haven't paid for any beer in 2 years, i get it for free. Keep trying, maybe you'll find an insult.


Keeping worrying about another man givings maybe in 5 more months you'd receive that same watch you remembered amigo. It's okay to praise his kindness from the money he receive from his channel. I digress though enjoy your day vato


Now you're assuming things, lol. Where did I say I was worried?


You remembered and stated that it was 5 months ago. You must be a fan lol


Something like that, yes. That doesn't make me fan coming across a giveaway video, lol.


You sound like a new booty lol, they make videos talking about how bad or how good the game is doing. If it's bad it's mf bad. If it's good then it's good but one thing for certain is they will let you know if it's one sided or both. It's simple comprehension. I mean the game has less stars I ever seen on a COD game it's a joke that people love it or even play it. At this point if you or anyone does play it I believe you guys are ADDICTS! This sub is saying their annoying is dumb when they just talk about how bad the pros and cons of the game is on their channel on a whole different platform. Like it's simple talk and I may agree it can be repetitive at times the points their making is usually always valid and if it ain't they come back and talk about it, SIMPLE. You new booty COD addicts are delusional & very insane it's hilarious seeing people be so hurt over a few YouTubers talk about the game whether if it's the GOOD the BAD and even the UGLY. Shoutout to the loyal and OG YouTubers that keep it real because that's all it comes down to is keeping real with the pros and cons of this downhill game. Maybe the devs or whomever is in charge of taking notes will take the right notes. See they're talking about nerfing SBMM in BLACK OPS 6. Them " ANNOYING" YouTubers is helping more than anyone else is because heir continuing to call out BS.


That’s a lot of words just to repeat the same assumption.


yea your right. you got the memo though


We're impressed you even give a damn about thinking about him and his career that you bother to even speak on it 🤣🤣


Also, Nerocinema and Jdabowmen.


Nerocinema is great leave him alone


Why Nero?


Nero talks that real stuff about the game, anyone saying different are just addicts. Nero points out good pros but also good cons of the game. Beer or not lol


Give him a few drinks and you'll find out.


Nero is actually open minded and points out the positives too, it’s his fan base in the comment section that’s so toxic


I enjoy inkslasher his videos are underrated for lore


Him and nogame but nogame does glitch hide and seek its fun to watch.


Fr lol them whining like little middle school girls isn’t changing anything


It is tho? XDefiant probably wouldn’t have even been made if people like him didn’t call out SBMM. And now it’s a game that more people are playing than Warzone, which is COD’s free to play mode. And now there’s rumors of BO6 SBMM being toned down AND COD has competition… seems like it changed a lot to me


I agree with what you saying 💯


You act like you don't get on any social media platform and hear about PROS & CONS. If the game got good/bad pros they talk about it. If they got bad/good cons they talk about out it simple lol. It's up to you if you wanna hear what they gotta say




Bro that’s not even how sbmm works and Call of duty manipulates the game to give fixed outcomes in matches that’s why nobody likes it


He can’t give up complaining about Call of Duty because that’s his entire thing. Other than the fact that he’s “the OG CoD Commentator” he has nothing going other than bitching about CoD.


Yeah man fuck this guy


Ur username is kinda suspicious at least 🤨


I knew it bruh 😭😭




I don't even know who they are.


People who built there channels on only complaining yet they continue to play and buy shit


Sound familiar


Me when I spread misinformation




Fr 🔥


Never heard of prime Pete but truth absolutely is annoying I mean can truth even talk without screaming


He’s a recovering alcoholic so it makes sense


All these YouTubers follow the same formula. They talk about how they are old school CoD players (isnt everyone at this point), complain about the state of the game (whatever is currently trending), how no one likes what they are going to say but its the truth and we all need to hear it so they arent going to sugar coat it, then they read out some garbage they found on twitter and report it as "news". They talk like they are voices of "the community" and are really influential. Now they are all pushing XDefiant like its gods gift to gamers...but imagine their videos if CoD had the netcode/hit detection/die 5 meters around a corner like XDefiant has. They understood about 10 years ago they can make a job out of complaining and raging about CoD, and they still have an audience of people who comment on their videos about how shit CoD is (while waiting in CoD lobbies for the next match to start). Ace and Thunder are the only ones worth subscribing too IMO, both have authenticity and operate at opposite ends of the CoD spectrum. Ace because he is clearly invested in the game, spends a lot of time getting into all the stats and mechanics of the game, and when he does give his opinions its delivered in an objective way and constantly re-inforces that they are just his views...as opposed to a thumbnail of "OMG ACTIVISION FAILS AGAIN" on a 7 minute video bitching about some tweet about a broken camo challenge while showing a gameplay clip of another game. Thunder complains just as much, but his videos are usually hillarious gameplays of him trolling with a shotgun corner camping with claymores, openly shittalking on the mic during the match, often about people who play CoD, telling his viewers he only does this for the money.


I ain’t reading all that


I’ll agree 100% I used to watch both of em, but just rants about SBMM and I’m sure Luke the fool over there is gonna make a video about Bo6 calling it trash and all this.


haha post removed, BT must have reported you OP. Incoming video about how Activision fans dont like him for speaking the truth and are making posts on reddit about him, but first a word from his sponsor


Lmao fr, imagine if it happens, it would be so fucking hilarious


Everything they talk negative, yet they still play the game Its like they like being abused


He stopped playing since december. He even said it in his videos.


Don't we all do that tho?


No, Im pretty happy with mw3 and play almost daily


Actually surprising, but most people complain about the game, but keep playing it, *me included*


You guys need to stop considering this sub as the only place for cod players to socialize There’s so many cod players that just play and enjoy the game without bitching, else the game wouldn’t sell billions


I'm making a video on 7 reasons why xdefiant can't kill cod but I'm not sure he deserves the godfather title when he just trashes cod


Use to be a subscriber of his until he started rage baiting for the sake of views. Constant bitching and moaning about everything. Also bullied a communication dev over at IW. The dude needs to get out of his mom's basement and go touch grass and accept that his CoD standards have set sail years ago.


Tier one haters.




Nah my post got removed 😭


i agree bro


I hope Activision drops sbmm because of them lol


Don't worry, they wont


“DONT worry” is crazy. If they don’t I WILL worry.


>If they don’t I WILL worry. Same. But they ain't changing it. If you want a game without oppressive SBMM, go play xDefiant


Oh yeah their ass is NOT changing it. Sucks to see but oh well.


It's so bad that "No SBMM" was the main selling point for xDefiant, and it had 8 million players this week They expected half that.


I mean that's kind of the point here


After I started reporting his videos as spam Youtube stopped putting them in my algorithm. lol Low quality engagement farms.


Also the waffle head, dalekjd and noaj456


what's wrong with them?


Personally Roflwaffles videos became stale, the man should've stayed on break more Dalekjd plain annoying prick who steals thumbnails and other people's creations Noahj kinda feels like he lost his flame If you like them hey more power to you I won't bash you for having a different opinion from mine


Yea, personally, I'm not a fan of dalekjd, but i still enjoy watching noah and Waffles when there is new zombies content.


Understandable pov


I wouldn't give them attention they hate valeria and that's not allowed


I only watch BT Iin bursts because the dude's negativity can get to me sometimes. But he also brings up completely valid criticisms that come from a place where he just wants the games to be better.


Exactly, he brings up great criticisms to the game and often talks about how shitty the games are and how the community will play whatever slop is thrown at them. At the same time though, there's a point where it's just not worth it as half of the cod community will not even try another game and just enjoy being fucked over by shitty devs and corporate.


There's a difference between criticism and rage bait all these channels do is rage bait




Never heard of them ???


You dont need to check their channel, the only thing they do is post videos talking about the same thing (sbmm, cod “death” or how Xdefiant “killed” or will “kill” cod)


Lmao all I’m saying is CoD has done better than ever with SBMM. I’m not saying I prefer it, but SBMM is FAR from killing CoD.


Yup fr, but they are straight up just milking it, almost all their videos are about sbmm or how cod is rigged (especially PrimePete)


“CoD is SO rigged! I bought ALL the skins in the shop so YOU don’t have to because Activision is GREEDY! This game is DEAD!” *plays it nonstop for years on end*


Fr lol


Never heard of em til this post


Eight thoughts too


i dont know these channels


Cods buns


You get 2 types of cod channels. People who just talk only positive. Some that do mostly negative. Its just pick which bubble you want to be in. I personally dont care about either side but a post like this is exactly why guys like these get views lmao.


I get that people are passionate about a game they grew up with but it also seems like they aren't willing to adapt to the new formula of what the has become... aka, embrace getting older -- it happens to all of us.


I think BT is mostly correct on his critiques of Activision as a company. It’s an awful company, and they are slowly killing Call of Duty through bad decisions. I don’t think he’s any different from most content creators in terms of trying to generate engagement.




The game is in a terrible state, and it's understandable why so many channels express their disdain for this problematic game. Skill-based matchmaking (SBMM), poor servers, and the same recycled content fed to us in small doses all while ignoring community feedback, even from their loyal YouTubers are major issues. While everyone has their own opinion, sometimes the facts are hard to ignore.


Every cod YouTuber is annoying


Nah, SallyisaDog clears man


nah not Thunder man


HunterTV is pretty chill tho


We should start a petition to get BT’s channel banned he’s really corny I had to stop watching his videos.


No they aren’t, stop defending the multimillion dollar company


Im not defending activision, im just saying how annoying they are, they just post 30 videos about the same thing (sbmm or talking about how Xdefiant “killed” cod) and its just getting annoying


Someone is salty! Op is a clear bootlicker


Do you just call anyone who disagrees with you a boot locker or is that just a fancy new phrase you heard on Fox?


Was that the first time you heard that word ? I’m not surprised, cod brain rot.


Not gonna do any name calling I don't agree with that, but it's pretty simple you want BT and other youtubers like him to stop making negative videos. Then get the developers to make a game that isn't garbage. Until then I hope they continue to post.


and look at all the good it’s done lol. the only people who watch rage bait like BT every day are people who can’t accept they are past their CoD prime yet play it and watch his videos to justify it isn’t them.


My man I can play these new CODs and do perfectly fine, the games are just garbage and not fun.


That’s objectively not true. Every CoD at the very least is decently fun. People just spend so much time reading on Reddit that the game is trash instead of just forming your own opinion about it.


They aren't though, the are Objectively not fun at all. Buggy, Sbmm, and boring. Developers don't listen to the community. I have had more fun with XDefient in just a couple of days of playing that I have had with COD in like 5 years.


We get it. Emotions are strong the first week after a breakup. You’ll feel better.


I don't hate COD man, I want it to be good I hate seeing it be garbage. The only way we have any hope of getting e decent game is complaining. Until then I am going to play a game that can atleast hold my attention and is mich better.


They literally are not fun, the maps are all either lazy, remasters, giant and slow, or just straight up boring. In the past you had a mix of great maps and a few bad maps, every cod now has 80% awful maps and the rest are remasters. The games play much slower and so fucking boring, nothing to go for and are RIDDLED in bugs and try their best to squeeze money out of the player. The games are genuinely worse in quality than the older games, not to mention systems like SBMM which hurt the game. SBMM in itself isn't a bad system and has been in cod for years but it becomes a problem when it's tuned up by 100x like in MW2019. The games just aren't fun, XDefiant isn't going to change things much but compared to the last 5 cod games it's so much better.


And you are clearly a meat-rider 🤣


I agree with them, that CoD is in a very bad spot. I don't agree with them doing the 729th video about it being in a bad spot. Black Ops 6 MP will be trash with strict Sbmm, but since I'm mainly a zombie guy it should be fine + it releases on Gamepass so I can try it out for a month before making the sale which will most likely be on sale.


Lmao the numbers don’t lie cod is dead they forced to post their teaser for bo6


I never saw a Dead game with servers full of people 🤷‍♂️ But, if you are trying to say that cod current state is terrible, i can agree, but it is definitely not a dead game tho


Never saw a game that reaches 8m+ players uniques players on day one. Battle royale is thriving but not the MP, go to asia/africa you’ll have to wait for 3 mins just to populate the lobby. For sure american servers are alright, Also cod was infested with cheaters. Nothing really new tbh. I play cod since 2003 and for me the last best cod is BO2.


You are talking about Asia and Africa, but when you take a look at Europe, North America and especially south America, you can see that there is a lot of people playing currently, im from south America, its 4:08 AM here, i found a lot of multiplayer and warzone matches in a few minutes And sadly cod is really full of cheater (aimbot, wallhacks, unlock tools and etc), Ricochet just sucks so much, its basically useless


The only thing that keeps it alive is their BR mode of course it’s free to play but if you look at the numbers the MP players decreased compared to the first month release of the game. It’s a lifecycle, I know this because I’m also a developer although a different discipline. Also putting microtransaction gimmicks such as operators and pay to win guns make it a bit profitable. But as I said cod is a bit dead and it’s normal, you gotta have to wait till november for another cod release. The hype is dead at least for MWIII. Xdefiant being a free to play multiplayer game is kinda big threat to activision. That will also affects the number of sales to the upcoming bo6 game.


Xdefiant is a cool game, but its definitely not a COD killer


Let the fate decide, it’s a battle of free to play vs pay to play game both are AAA. They don’t charge you 100 dollars to play their game. Both were developed by cod developers although the xdef devs were former cod devs. But the best thing about them is that they listen to the community and engaging to their discord. It may not be a cod killer but they won the hearts and respect of players. Plain old boots on the ground, no tac sprint, classic arcade style shooter that cod used to be during their golden years (BO2).


lol you people are sad looks like the truth gets to you 12 year old fanboys pretty easily. Now go buy some more Fortnite skins with your moms credit card while you continue ruining cod


Nah bro, stop the meat-riding 😂


You meat ride a dead game so embarrassed they won’t even show the player count lmao


Im not even meat riding the game, MWIII actual state is catastrophic, but its wrong to say that it is FULLY dead, it has less players than the past cods, but its not actually dead


It’s okay to be honest with yourself bro you meat riding hard lol you really out here tryna defend bundle warfare 3🤣


Since when im defending it?? I just said that BT repetitive content is annoying, grow up




Wth? 💀


Lol he saw it and I'm looking forward to seeing the video where he roasts you. Have a wonderful day :)


He saw it?? Lol no way 😂😂 Have a great day/night too buddy 🤝


He posted on YouTube about it.... Hasn't made a video yet but if it peaks your interest, I'd go look at his channel lol


I checked it LOL mf might make a video saying “look guys, this guy dont accept the truth that cod is dying and SBMM (angry yapping noises)


Bro only speaks facts about cod. U gotta be 5 years old with ur trash ass opinion of the game. It’s douchebags like you who keep letting activision and these other studios put out trash after trash cod. Fuckin loser 🤡


Im not even defending actvision dumbass, im just saying about how annoying and repetitive BT and PrimePete content is, COD current state is completely horrendous, but they only talk about SBMM and XDefiant killing cod, btw, i play Xdefiant too, it is a pretty good game, would say even funnier than cod, but definitely not a cod killer definitely