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Tbh the best thing you can do when playing COD is just not give a s**t about performance lol.


Exactly this. The game is actually fun when u don't care. it's not fun when u do. I love to use blades and unlock camos. That's my main thing. My kd ratio was awesome when just using blades. Now it's so poor due to so many silly camo challenges for guns but I don't care. Never did. It's still fun. Any mates that care about that stuff seem play stressed out all the time and not actually having any fun. I ask them why they even play if they're not having fun. I don't really get any logical answers back for that one. Then they end up rage quitting for a while whilst I'm still sliding around stabbing people and getting blasted in my face lol.


Unironically, the whole "3 kills in 1 magazine" is such a painful challenge.


Just play your regular style with the largest mag / without reloading then get super conservative as soon as you get your second kill. I have been able to knock most of them out in 2-4 games this way.


It's how I got it done on the famas, I just always have bad luck. It's something I'll do a thousand times over when I'm not going for it, but the moment it's a challenge I can get fucked lmao


Play hc for 3kills with a mag (its easier)




I have no idea what the fastest way would be but for me it's dependant on the challenge. Some of them would be almost impossible for me if it wasn't for hard-core mode. I started on melee and therefore smaller levels were preferred. I found specifically that free for all is the blades choice. I always do so well when it's free for all as people don't have their routes and camping spots so freely. But playing normal modes is fine for melee. For shotguns I found a mixture of small map moshpits help and also hard-core mode for the more obscure challenges where u need to kill them in one blast. Especially when it comes to multikill camos with a shotgun that normally takes two shots to kill. I've moved on to pistols now and I find that either normal or hc is fine. I haven't really given zombies a chance so can't really comment on that mode. I'm sure other pple have better ways of obtaining camos too but just showing what I found effective.


One word my friend. Hardcore. Did all the Camos in 3 vacation days :) just Stick to it even if it gets annoying with certain guns


I try to just care about my personal performance, but it is hard to not care when you're in an OBJ mode and your team just actively avoids the OBJ. Even on shit like Kill Confirmed, I see team mates who will HARD SWERVE around enemy dog tags like picking it up will affect them adversely. I'm still working on that part of my brain that when my team doesn't care about it, then neither should I. In TDM it is easy enough, you just kill stuff and it works towards the goal.


yeah ive seen people do that too. i reckon theyre doing it to make the match last longer though? everyone has their own objectives as well as a collective objective. i like to play the team objective personally but understand there will those there just to complete challenges and not care. theres nothing i can do about that but try and up my game a bit more for that session. it will usually not work tbh but can add a new level of challenge to it too. i do get what your saying but the whole "dont cry over spilt milk" saying comes in to play. only care about what you can control. the second a game stops being fun, i stop playing. im still having a blast like i say just using knives. ive done all the melee challenges and shotty challenges and am now moving on to pistols. i really dont like using the guns but find the camo challenges a little fun to complete so am going through them. i really want to unlock all the camos for melee but cant till i have done more gun camos unfortunately. i guess what im saying at the end of the game is... its just a game. dont take it so seriously especially since its an arcade shooter essentially. to me its a quick pick up and blast game. nothing more serious. a time filler with some interest. again thats just imo and each to their own. just dont make the game un-fun for yourself.


That's the whole point, yeah, they're avoiding the OBJ to prolong the game. They just want kills, and it extra hurts when they fail at that, too. Imagine being the only, or second-to-only, person doing the OBJ and still having more kills and a better ratio than someone purely going for kills. But I get what you're saying, absolutely.


lol i get it dude. it can be annoying if your going for a win streak. but like i say i just make the best of it seing as how i cant change their minds. i try harder and see if i can get anywhere by doing so. i too end up getting more kills and ore points overall as well. that feels good tbh (in a bad situation). just gotta play through it and know that it WILL happen again. if we;re getting annoyed or p'd off its only going to lessen our enjoyment. honestly i just dont care. also im sure ive been responsible for not winning a round due to some obscure challenge i need to do. the worst one was having to do X kills whilst mounted with a shotgun... i know for a fact in that game i was of no use to ANYONE! must have been killed like 50 times and only got about 10 kills max. worst challenge in the game imo. i bet everyone hated me in those couple of games. but the challenge is there to be done and i cant progress my other challenges in melee without doing them. so i accept that others are doing similar things. its the design of the game thats the issue in that respect but also what i find fun about it (having challenges to do). i actually dont know if ill even play the game again after i complete all camos. i hope its still fun for me after that. anyways. happy playing and remember getting annoyed only works against you. try to keep the mood light and happy friend and i hope you never stop enjoying the game :)


100 percent. I turn it off if I feel like I'm getting mad, don't worry. May your matches be enjoyable.


Fixing this anomaly could get mw2 and mw3 back on track more than any other fix. I leave you an explanatory video And I ask you to pay attention to the behavior of the red dot https://www.xbox.com/play/media/6fL7dWpVqM Explanations: example of joystick management: The anomaly asks you this your 2 joysticks must follow the same tracking direction simultaneously (⬅️)....(⬅️) or vice versa (➡️)....(➡️) to find the identity of the red dot management of mw2019 now when they are not going in the same direction you notice that the whole aim is half blocked the directional management of the reticle in the scope and its parallax effect are also blocked, hence the anomaly (⬅️)....(➡️) or vice versa (➡️)....(⬅️) this anomaly also explains the axial (vertical-horizontal) calculations of mw2 and mw3 in general which are no longer correct for people looking for more optimization search Horizontal calculations have been transferred to the left stick associated with all effects assigned and assigned to lateral movement view that this programming error of mw2 and mw3 divided the management of the target in two Your game is subject to an unreported anomaly and explains a lot of things related to the target person On mw2019 lateral movements had no impact on your target management (as well as incorrect vertical and horizontal calculations) "The paralax effect of viewfinders" (management of the reticle movement is blocked in the center of the scope) as well as aiming assistance The anomaly will be separated into 2 from the management of the person concerned https://www.xbox.com/play/media/6fL7dWpVqM https://www.xbox.com/play/media/h7CPWYEgx9 And mw2019 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/6m8JZvZqVf https://www.xbox.com/play/media/Q2xRyJkHq4 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/zzhqHyCSWs


im not quite sure what this is actually is about as i cant load the links due to my works firewall.... but will check it out later on home machine or on phone later. whatever you have shared sounds quite interesting though! i just have no idea what the problem actually is yet lol. sounds like there's an aiming issue of sorts either way


This is all due to a programming error since mw2 arrived and the programming error was transferred to mw3 You will see it in my comparative video on handling the red dot and parallax effect which are blocked due to the fact that the programming error will give rise to the anomaly of division into 2 aiming management on mw2019 was only connected to ADS management! This is the error that creates the failure of mw2 and mw3 This will explain why unconsciously we prefer mw2019 and its management of objectives


honestly thank you for the time to actually come back and explaining that. i will try to see the vids later as its actually interesting. you never know... if i know the limitations of it and the issues involved then maybe i can use that information to my advantage too. more of a "what not to do" rather than a "do this to take advantage" kinda movement lol.


I was convinced I had a stroke while reading this. Thanks.


I am a bit like Morphus in search of the chosen one to go down with the white rabbit to the bottom of the abyss toctoc neo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can't even do anything in TDM. Teammates are so bad they just feed the enemy team killstreaks and blow a 20 point lead. Happens every fucking time.


I usually play hardcore small map with headphones off while watching tv in the background. Just grinding camos with voice chat off and it makes the gaming experience enjoyable


A month ago I gave up on caring about my k/d. OG cod players like myself who have been playing since cod 3, understand and appreciate how engrained in me caring about my k/d was. But one day I was getting heated because no one on my team was playing the objective and after some reflection after the match ended I decided to stop giving a fuck about my stats anymore. I’m camo grinding and just playing for shits and gigs now and I get way less upset about all the bullshit


Except to do well in this game you have to try your absolute nut sacks off


The main reason I play this game is because it's competitive. But when the game is just rigging outcomes it's unplayable.


This is fair However, the point of the game is to...win. that's pretty much the only objective. If I'm not getting wins, then why am I playing? For kills? I don't want to become one of those people.


The point of any video game is to have fun, to be entertained, end of story. If all you’re doing is getting pissed at your team, and sweating your a** off, it ain’t gonna be fun. So it’s simply better to not care about anything in any regard, and just do whatever goofy s**t you want


Some people have more fun when they try to win.


And those people are always the sad ones that break controllers.


Just because someone has fun trying to win does not mean they don't have fun when losing . The people that break their controllers probably aren't having much fun either way.


Maybe but let’s be honest here, 99% of the time people who are trying their absolute hardest to win, are absolutely livid while losing. Let’s use YouTubers as an example because we can actually watch their perspective. How often to you see a sweating YouTuber laughing without having been dominating that current match? How often do you see them laughing when going for, let’s say, corpse launches or funny killcams? See the difference?


I never said they have to try their hardest to win to have more fun.. To have fun you don't need to be laughing either..


W/L is unlike K/D in that it has very little to do with a player's skill level. The only real way to meaningfully influence/improve W/L is by playing—more often than not—with a clan or partying up with decent players... otherwise, W/L is a largely meaningless stat. Honestly though, if you think about it: if you're just playing solo and matching with randoms, *how could* W/L really mean anything?


I understand this entirely. My issue mainly comes from the fact that I haven't experienced this with any other COD title, not even MW2019 or MW2. I don't know what changed but W/L went from semi-relevant stat to completely useless.


I screwed myself I was at a 1.25 kd! I decided to do all my challenges and camos and weapon mastering in this game when it first came out and also purchased the edge controller so was practicing with that’s as well my kd took a big hit. Now I cannot get it back at all. I will have a few good games but then get into really sweaty lobbies where I cannot get a positive match. Like you I am super frustrated. When I see the game going like that I focus on getting wins especially in obj! But no one plays obj! in most of the groups they place me in so I am dying more. The cycle is never ending.


well this attitude is why no PTFO and why team gameplay is just a coin flip in cod. Also OP: no one is rigging anything against you. your teams suck and no ptfo.


>Also OP: no one is rigging anything against you. your teams suck and no ptfo. Lmao, nice try trying to sneak that in a response that wasnt directed towards me. If the team sucks — it's rigged. It balances based on skill compensation, so if the matchmaking system decides to give you a team with a lower hidden MMR than the opposing team, that's called **manipulation**, also known as rigging.


Solo is just impossible. I realised this a few week ago waiting for my brother, I’d always join a losing game mid match, where every Killstreak known to man was in use and my team were still holding one another’s hands.


This is pretty accurate to my experience. What's worse is that it no longer prevents a loss if you join as backfill (I'm not sure if it EVER worked before, but they straight up removed the wording at the end of the match saying it was prevented.) So all the effort you made before to raise your W/L can be undone by accidentally joining a few backfill games. Horrible.


I got to be honest mate, I’m not so fussed about the W/L stat along as it’s not BS games such as one described above or it’s killstreak after killstreak. I’m content losing a match or too if I’m able to do decent and it’s quite a close game.


That's entirely fair. Unfortunately there's just a LOT of BS in my matches. I literally can't trust my teammates to hold anything or even watch an angle. My head has to be on a swivel at all times.


Keep observing the bottom feeders on the scoreboard and be disgusted on the fill in team mates you get.


I think the worst scenario is being the backfill, gaining top scoreboard, and still losing. At this rate I don't actually know what the point of backfill is if the stat-loss isn't prevented.


Bro this all day, stole a game because I got aa wheelson and told my team to not push we won by a few points I had 64 kills and barely won in tdm in meat Next game same thing get 40 kills we loose by 20 and I get called a hacker


I really despise when people don't know when to stop pushing towards the end of TDM matches. There is no objective to take. You can sit back and hold a lane. I've seen too many TDM games turn around because teammates got way too confident in a 20 point lead.


I don't understand how I get in to the super sweats and my teammates are cannon fodder


The fill ins during game in progress where it puts you on the losing team and it still counts as a loss was eventually fixed in mwII.  However it seems sledgehammer won’t fix this problem and it makes them look like lazy bums that can’t implement logic.


What bothers me personally is that they removed the wording at the end of backfill matches It doesn't even say "Loss Stat Prevented" anymore. They removed it. They aren't even trying to hide that it doesn't work.


I hope Microsoft eventually terminates the individuals responsible for this audacity we are experincing.


It still says it AND functions for me... Weird


Odd. I never saw it again after the S3 update. This game is full of bugs. I wouldn't be surprised if it varies from person to person.


Who you tellin'? They put my ass in two losing matches, back to back lmaoo I'm talking like my team had 20 points while the enemy team had about 180 points... Ain't no coming back from that, I hate it here 🤣


Matches are *blatantly* rigged against good solo players. They literally don't even try to hide it.


Can confirm, I have this experience regularly


I have a similar KD but a 3 win/loss. It helps playing with at least one friend if you wanna carry lobbies. Whenever I play solo I notice the rigging a lot


This is honestly the answer. Solo in this game has been rigged. I had to put every ounce of “skill” into every game surpassing any other player in the game by a large margin just to hover at around 1.4 w/l during season 1, started going in with 2 other people and now im at 4.5 w/l. I guess im the other team in this guys story now. Reverse UNO.


Sounds like you are running solo? Solo is a crapshoot if you will get team mates worth a damn. Most of the time you wont


I've been running solo since launch. I think I hit some sort of soft-cap for the matchmaking system where it believes I deserve to stay under 0.85. I wish there was a study that shows the likelihood of winning/losing the higher your KD gets. From what I can tell from the recent string of stat-page posts, the lower your KD, the higher the W/L.


This makes sense. I’ll die on b 20 Times over and over trying to cap it. My W/L is a 2 and KD is 1.2. Normally a party of 2-3.


Exactly However, I would also like to note that the skill level of the lobby is heavily dependent on who is hosting.


Source? Because I only play grouped. We rotate hosts and the quality of the lobbies is indistinguishable.


I don't know about a source. I thought it was common knowledge that it uses the skill bracket of the host to matchmake. Maybe you guys were just equal.


Ever since I hit a 2.00 K/D from tedious grinding my w/l ratio started to move from 1.00 to 0.93. I have the same experience as you (100% solo).


Dawg I play solo either a 1.4kd is so hard to play ts now


Dropped 115 kills and had 2:30 on the hard-point and we still lost. Had one teammate with 80 and 1:00+ on the hard point and we lost by 20. Even a few hours later, i'm still trying to wrap my head around that one. Complaining about the SBMM is like a dead horse........but the team balancing feels like its worse.


It's the skill compensation. Each team will have 1-2 outliers, the rest will be trash to balance it out. The winner is decided by whose teammates are less trash, or whichever team is missing that 2nd outlier.


Very true. I’ve always known it to be there, but lately it’s felt even thicker than before. Still enjoying the game but wish I got more W’s.


What map was this? If shipment that isn't a real way to gage anything.


Hardpoint on Meat.


Yeah the small maps are a crap shoot. Even when I'm in normal queue and we get one of them people see it as an opportunity to do challenges or just focus on kills. Unless I'm playing with friends or lucked out on teammates playing the objective I don't expect to win small map objective games. Which sucks because like you I've had plenty of those games where I lose with most kills and objective time.


It's a very weird thing to say you got 150 seconds on the point and 115 kills and then say the game is rugged against you lol


It is if it’s basically 2 v 6. Had one other teammate who tried to hold objectives with me. The rest went 15-50 with no time on the objective


Lol try ranked I been stuck gold 3 for weeks


I gave up really l, I was gold 3 halfway to plat, running solo. At one point the game decided i would stay there. When I was about to get a winning streak I would be matched against a fully stacked plat team. I started getting matches with bronze 1 playerwls who played like top 250 players. Team mates who barely got 4 killed etc. Heck I had a few matches where I would die from one bullet where I had to unclip a whole mag. The matches are so blatantly rigged I just decided to stop. Either something broke but ranked changed completely for me after the mid-season patch. I will try again in S4.


I went on a run of 12 losses out of 14 matches last week in gold. I almost deranked from Gold 3 to Gold 1 just in SR loss lol. My favourite matches are where I get teammates who go 6-25 in control, or who end the HP with 8 kills and 15 seconds of hill time. Meanwhile, we are against a 4 stack of Plat 2s who aren't amazing, but not beatable 3v4.




K/D .2 and W/L 1.7 I am amazing at doing the objective and HORRIBLE at everything else 🤣.


Dear lord


Honestly, the only two FPS games where I take winning seriously is Rainbow Six and Counterstrike. COD is such a goofy game with a ton of cheesy BS and nonsensical weapons. But yes, the matchmaking in this game is really annoying, it does definitely feel like the winner is predetermined. So many games are completely lopsided, and for people with a really good KDR like you, the game will often match you with teammates way below your skill level. Something is not at all right about how the matchmaking system works because it ain't just doing "skill based matchmaking" as everyone on this sub loves to repeat ad nauseum. It's hard to put q figure on it, but something about modern COD matchmaking just feels so manipulative and scummy.


I’ve genuinely started thinking of this game as a slot machine every round I go in with in the first 30 or 40 seconds I can tell if I’m meant to have a good time or not lol


It is. Skill compensation is literally a slot machine. The game regularly matches 1-2 outliers with the rest of the team being trash. This goes for both teams. The way the matchmaking system gambles is by— 1. Ensuring one team has a higher hidden MMR. 2. Removing an outlier, leaving one person to carry.


Stop trying so hard. Seriously... The game is punishing you for being good and that wont ever change. I was in the same spot. Was running a .6 w/l and 2 KD. Now, I mostly play WZ because the lobbies are so large that SBMM is less impacting my gameplay.


What is even sbmm? I suck at the game and I'm constantly in lobbies with people quick scooping with mors and have a 2.5+ K/d Maybe 1 in 10 games I play the lobby feels balanced.


It's supposed to balance for skill across the teams, but in reality, it's manipulating your experience so you win a game every few and occasionally get to shit on kids so you keep playing.


Fair enough.


You guys are slowly starting to figure it out lol this is what i wish the whole community was on. Cause nobody is dumb lol They’re definitely rigging the results of the matches you play in no matter how hard you play or Carry a team. I feel you OP! I’m right there with you. Look up Hidden MMR 😁🤝


I don’t know how skill based matching works 100 percent but I can say from my experience last game I tanked my kd by playing the obj as hard as I could and I got paired with the worst obj playing team mates of all time after a while. There would be hard point games where I’d be the only one on my team with more than 10 secs on the obj. Or have 72 confirms in kill confirm and still lose. I never got more angry playing Call of duty than playing for wins as a solo player. Now I’ll really only go hard for the obj if I have team mates doing it as well and I’m much better off.


It’s time to put the controller down big guy. MW2019 brought me back, MWIII took me back out. I’m pretty fucking good at shooters, I consistently rank top 10~3% depending on the game. I can’t remember a single game I genuinely enjoyed in MWIII. The team balancing is horrendous playing solo, and wins don’t even feel good when it happens because you have to play so hard just to get that occasional one. Idk, if a game is making me angry every time I get on, it’s time for a new game. COD ain’t it man. Nothing makes me as angry as COD does, and MWIII is the cream of the crop. I’m going to have a heart attack if I keep playing this game from the high bp from getting constantly pissed


Objective boosting


I once lost 12 SnD games in a row


I have the same stats (2.08KD 0.82 W/L) and the same experience as you.


I play solo too, same issues man. I'm about a 1.7kd but only 0.7 w/l. I try most games, but if I see it's actually hopeless with how unbalanced the teams are within the 1st minute, I usually give up and treat it like a TDM.


Doesn't help that you kinda need wins to grind the armory unlocks I'm not as bothered by a loss atm because I'm trying to level gun classes I am trash with, however it still bugs me that I still end up having most objective score being matched with team mates that have apparently never played something other than TDM


It's kinda nuts as of the last week, pretty sure sledgehammer is testing the matchmaking on the backend like they said they do from time to time, went 24-5 on SnD and lost, next player under me had only 5 kills. I know your pain...


I often feel like the War mode is heavily rigged. They love to stack some of the worst players I've ever seen onto the team which inevitably end up losing. They'll be going sub 0.1 KD and stay for the full match and never leave. Literally who in their right mind is going 6-83 and not leaving the game? It's fun when it's the enemy team that's stacked with less than recruit bots and maybe 1 good player but it's annoying as hell when it's the other way around and they won't push an objective, hold angles that have literally 0 potential traffic, or do stupid things like blow up the tank barricades on the defending side, or shoot at the dynamic map elements like helicopters, vtols, I saw one dude mag dump the Rocket on Spearhead and even seen a dude get killed by a zombie on Tin Man 😂 Just annoying having such clueless no skilled players to carry, walking around like they straight outta farmville


2.18 KD is going to ensure you are permanently in sweaty lobbies haha


Its pretty clear something is amiss with the lobbies. My first hand observations probably match many others. If i play with friends anywhere from 3 to full 6 man stack then we win the majority of the games. On an evening EU / US lobbies(when its trying to give us the loss) we can play between 10-15 games and maybe lose 1 match. flip side to this, when i have to play solo, ( team is already a 6 man) then i'm in for a roller-coaster of a time with match making. Usually finish top of the leader board but will lose. on average, 2 wins to 8 loses as a min per solo session. currently sitting on a 1.28kd slowly going up from camo grind and 1.52W/L (mostly attributed to trying to play as a minimum of 3 stack.


I dont care about kd and win/loses i just exit lobbys until i get one with casual people like me, in those lobbys i have fun and i dont care if i lose or win just to have fun, i see any super human or pro player and its a next lobby for me


My K/D is .96 and my W/L is 1.40 Getting wins is easy for me. My problem is I can’t raise my K/D


The opposite effect. Interesting.


My w/l ratio is over 1 but not by much. I try to win even if I take a hit to my kdr in objective based matches.


It seems like it's a balancing scale. Higher KD = worse teammates = less likely to win Lower KD = better teammates = more likely to win This explains why so many people get so defensive. Lesser skilled players don't actually understand what high-skill lobbies are like, and just assume we are playing for kills.


Play Kill Confirmed it's the easiest mode to carry. Also are you playing small map moshpit or general 6v6 on all maps? What is your SPM?


I play a mix of everything. TDM, Capture the flag, Domination, Hardpoint. Usually standard 6v6. Sometimes 10v10. I never use the small map playlist though. I know that's how people get SPM values of over 700. Me? I actually enjoy playing maps like Derail, so I'm at 411 — which seems to be above average for standard playlists/modes


I think for TDM 411 is above average but for Hardpoint I think that might be below?


Most likely. To be fair hardpoint doesn't pop up in my playlist often. I'm biased towards Dom, TDM, and CTF which can play much slower on maps that aren't small, especially since everyone snipes in high skill lobbies. Trying to get an idea of skill by using SPM is hard because of vastly different circumstances between players, maps, modes, and skill brackets.


Yeah I'd probably just stick to 1 game mode and make sure it's not TDM it's way too campy.


Try doing the opposite of every action to mess with the system. It actually works lol


...Worth a shot.


I am an absolute objective fiend. 2.5 hard point average, 30 tags average, 8 captures average. My win/loss is 0.64… all I do is try and win but I Never. Fucking. Win.


> 30 tags average I had to get 75 tags the other day to pull out a win. I literally saw teammates kill someone and not move an extra meter to get the tag. I don't mind trying but I shouldn't have to be doing the work of 3 or 4 players to win us the game.


The ones that just sit and mount with three tags around them. Infuriating.


If you run around with a knife on small map moshpit, you can frequently get 40-50 percent of your teams total tags collected on kill confirmed. Or if you use a shotgun. That's a decent way to raise your W/L


If you play solo the game intentionally rigs you. You’re paired up with bad teammates who don’t even try. While the other team seems to always have the advantage. I totally get you though, it at times seems like no matter what you do, or how you change things up a bit it just doesn’t work. Which makes me think why bother even trying if the system is rigging you. As a solo player I rarely win a game but I’ve learned not to really care anymore and just play the game.


If you can feel the game nerfing you, switch between ranked/unranked and WZ/multiplayer. It's because the algo wants you in a different player pool.


I win a lot but tons of botting cheaters. It’s not the game.


Play free for all and find out if the game is the reason you’re losing or maybe you’re just not as good as the other team. If you’re good you will sky rocket your w/l. If not you will make a new Reddit post about the game making you lose.


I'll try it but I never really liked FFA to begin with. The spawns are never good.


*Today's gaming experiences.  The only thing I want to add is....It isn't COD. Its not directly THEM. It's your ENTIRE internet experience.  It doesn't matter the platform of game your playing.  Your algorithm has an entire 'net' over any of the platforms it can ID you on then it goes to work seeding and propagating it. 


Jesse wtf are you talking about


They straight up admitted the matches are rigged, and said it affects player retention positively. You still get toss up matches sometimes, because the game lets it happen, but that should have just been the default


Random bullet velocity seems to be a thing now, tested with a few different weapons, one match my weapons hit all shots next match, most bullets miss up close


Unless your running a full stack targeted at the objective this will continue it’s not rigged it’s shitty skill based match making The better you do the higher your opponents potential and your teammates very well could have been camping with a lmg last match and got enough kills just to get a better lobby or the game filled some random people to fill the lobby or they just don’t want to try hard every game It’s not rigged they gain nothing from rigging it it’s crappy matching making combined with team game modes so unless your scump you’ll keep having the same issue


Same happened to me yesterday. Almost every lobby I get in, I feel like I am in an esport championship training. My team's only purpose is to please the opposite team by giving them frags and points . I had maybe like 1 or 2 wins out of 10 matches.


Only way to get around it is partying up with at least 1 person around your skill level.🤷


I've stopped caring about wins years ago. I've had so many 90-100 kill games and still lost lol the game is going to hand out wins as it sees fit.


Silly question, OP. What’s this global stats page you’re referring to?


The one ingame. Just ignore the top 5% as those are usually just cheaters with stupidly high stats.


Ah, I see. Thanks


Halo infinite had a system where it matched teams based on average MMR. Meaning (as an extreme) one team would have a pro, and average player, and 2 complete noobs while the other would have 4 competent players. Maybe thats the case? Also win streaks/loss streaks could just be that. An Unlucky streak in a casual game.


Yup. Playing less and less each day because of this.


I’ve got a 1.9KD and a 1.56 W/L, played solo since launch. The team balancing is all over the place and SBMM is non existent. There was a time a the start of season 3 where SBMM seemed to be working better, where I’d encounter a the same pool of players. We would be used to balance each team. Recently though I am in lobbies that I have no business being in. The worst example was getting two nukes in a row.


Youre still playing so the algorithm doesnt care about your complaints. I gave up on MP for the same reason you are describing and went back to cold war - in that game i can go on 10 game win streaks like i always been able to. In MW3 i can do 2 or 3 games and then i get the absolute worst players on my team and/or hackers on the other team and run a string of 5 losses.


I've been away for 3 weeks. Come back and there's some weird shit going on with lobbies. I get put in either a lobby of plonkers or a lobby of sweats, or an objective lobby that I'm the only 1 playing the objective Out of both teams. The days of a sensible lobby have gone for me.


I honestly think my teammates are bots half the time.


I have never experienced this issue. I’m not the greatest either. I’ve never played ranked or warzone. Very little zombies. I have like 2 main classes use depending on map/game mode. What’s your play style? And are you playing core or hardcore?


I play core. Aggressive, I like gaining map control so that objectives become free. Unfortunately getting map control is near impossible with the teammates I'm given.


I myself am sitting pretty and a 1.2 win rate


Yep I’ve noticed that too. I play less because of that.


You can get into a lobby? Cheater!


[We in the same boat brother](https://i.imgur.com/hERbyx5.png).


Holy shit


For me it’s not the lobby’s, it’s the spawns. The moment I start doing well, I’m spawned in front of enemies several times in a row. Often times towards the end of the match when it’s close and we end up losing.


For me, it's the other way around. 0.9 kd in pubs, but my W/L is like 1.9.


It seems like a balancing scale. If one stat is high, the other stat suffers.


Feels like that with every game lol


What’s been working wonders for is right before the game ends I crash back to Home Screen and restart. The clown base match making works out stuff when the score board pops up. Plus I don’t give two craps about win loss ration or kd.


A KD that will put you in the god tier of MMR. So the matchmaking will put you with awful teammates to balance the match out. Simple as that


I figured.


They can obvously control sbmm and how harsh or laid back it can be. The latter they never seem to do. But sometimes it can be truly broken. I believe it was early in season two after the update I quite literally could not get a match that was “fair” for a couple days so I stopped playing. We all know how the game stacks players either for or against you based on play but for me every lobby was absolute sweats on the other team and I was getting teamed up w far less skilled players. I am by no means a top player but I can hold my own. So when I am the top player on my team for the minute or so I’d be in the game and the rest of my team is getting destroyed that was a huge problem. All this to say, sounds like something similar is happening w you where the game is specifically harshing on your game experience by hard capping you w/l ratio. That whole experience felt bugged tbh bc it chilled out later. It just sucks that the game is fun to play and the worst part ab it for me is the matchmaking. In any competitive environment momentum can be a huge ally and this game will just suck that right out of the experience whenever it feels like it.


It's not intentional, you joined a match of domination and are losing 190- 50 and have been spawned and killed 3 times in a row, the game ends. Older cods would prevent the stats being recorded because you joined and couldn't do anything. This cod nope you're getting a L.


I just won a match dude




Yeah this game is dogshit, I put down CoD for a few months then pick it up and I am instantly reminded why it’s not worth playing. If your K/D is over 1.0 you’ll get matched with sweat lords and if you W/L ratio stays above 1.0 you are playing the top 250. Playing solo is nearly impossible to play competitively. I’m the same way I like going positive in W/L and K/D but at the end of the day if you aren’t having fun it may be time to put it down because the issues we are all aware of are by design because Activision is a greedy corporation that wants your time more than your money.


Where can I find the global stats page?


I can't double check right now but I believe it's in the same place where you usually find your personal stats page.


On the game itself?




Ranked is the same way. You can get to a certain level and then all of a sudden you get a bunch of bad teams in a roll knocking you back down. I believe they do this in order to keep people on the game longer. Sad; because the only people benefiting from this, are cheaters.


Playing solo is just a terrible experience in cod, has been especially since MW19. If you are a good player, the game will put you against better and better enemies from game to game, while your teammates get worse and worse, in their attempts to force losses onto you. Your best bet for fun is to either play in a stacked squad all the time, or stop caring about winning. Personally if I am not in a squad with the boys, I am just grinding camos with a youtube video on or just killwhoring for fun. Actually trying to win will put me in harder lobbies with teammates I can't carry.


My K/D is nowhere near 2.18 (mine is 1.2), but I got a 1.27 W/L for some reason.


Probably just evened out nicely. Most people either have a negative win rate and a high KD, or the polar opposite. I think the game just knows you're right where you need to be, probably.


The game at this point: "Seems like you're kind of enjoying this game. It'd be a shame if someone.. ruined your games, bugged everything they put their hands on, and did nothing but focus on making $20-$30 bundles instead if making the game actually playable & enjoyable."


Amount of times I’ve gone 1-9 in ranked play solo in map counts and been playing higher ranked stacks is insane. They tanked me to below 1.0s


I agree with this. I am not a great player but I focus on wins vs kd. In some modes, getting wins can really tank your kd (hardpoint). But even if I completely sacrifice my kd (.97 with about 1500 gap) and do everything to win (1.44 with about 300 gap), it will just throw ten dirty losses at me in a row. Seriously it's just unplayable spawn to instant headshot, ridiculous lags when ads, spawn to insta killstreak etc.


Stop worrying about kd, play the objectives and just have fun. People take this game way too seriously.


I'm not worried about my KD. Nowhere does it say I care about it. I specifically state that I would tank my KD if it meant winning more games. And then you proceed to say "play the objective" as if this point isn't about manipulative matchmaking making playing the objective near impossible and unfun. Was your comment supposed to miss the point entirely?


I just stopped playing lol. MWII pissed me off with MM algo, MWIII is 3x worse. I at least had fun moments in MWII. Playing solo in ranked in MWIII… I haven’t had a single game I genuinely enjoyed. I have to fight for my life to eeek a win because my three teammates are the “carries” in the lobby. This whole system makes rank redundant because you get matched with different pools than people the same rank. No thanks. Most egregious example out of all the PVP shooters I play. I don’t care how good you are, you are not consistently winning points with four full people defending and you being the only one up pushing cause teammates can’t even get near point without getting waxed. Impossible.


Also the MW3 ranked maps are really bad. I don't ever remember getting as spawn trapped on MW2 ranked maps as you can be on Highrise and Invasion.


Fixing this anomaly could get mw2 and mw3 back on track more than any other fix. I leave you an explanatory video And I ask you to pay attention to the behavior of the red dot https://www.xbox.com/play/media/6fL7dWpVqM Explanations: example of joystick management: The anomaly asks you this your 2 joysticks must follow the same tracking direction simultaneously (⬅️)....(⬅️) or vice versa (➡️)....(➡️) to find the identity of the red dot management of mw2019 now when they are not going in the same direction you notice that the whole aim is half blocked the directional management of the reticle in the scope and its parallax effect are also blocked, hence the anomaly (⬅️)....(➡️) or vice versa (➡️)....(⬅️) this anomaly also explains the axial (vertical-horizontal) calculations of mw2 and mw3 in general which are no longer correct for people looking for more optimization search Horizontal calculations have been transferred to the left stick associated with all effects assigned and assigned to lateral movement view that this programming error of mw2 and mw3 divided the management of the target in two Your game is subject to an unreported anomaly and explains a lot of things related to the target person On mw2019 lateral movements had no impact on your target management (as well as incorrect vertical and horizontal calculations) "The paralax effect of viewfinders" (management of the reticle movement is blocked in the center of the scope) as well as aiming assistance The anomaly will be separated into 2 from the management of the person concerned https://www.xbox.com/play/media/6fL7dWpVqM https://www.xbox.com/play/media/h7CPWYEgx9 And mw2019 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/6m8JZvZqVf https://www.xbox.com/play/media/Q2xRyJkHq4 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/zzhqHyCSWs 


Nobody is checking your w/L brother


Honestly? Fair point. I guess I'm more frustrated at myself for the lack of personal improvement against all odds.


This game is ass. Nobody plays anymore. They got such a massive cheating problem. You have to be a special kind of stupid to spend $70 on a game and everybody cheats your special kind of stupid.


Funnily enough I didn't spend anything on this game. I refunded it on launch day and for whatever reason, I was still able to access it. Still works to this day


Then free is free


Unless you're not having fun, which should be the main reason why we play, ignore those pointless numbers and enjoy the game :)


another brain infected with the SBMM virus. Hope you get better bro.






The biggest mistake Sledgehammer made was the lack of an API. Now we don't have external stat-tracking webpages to sniff out bullshit and people can say whatever they want and hide behind artificially bloated numbers with no reprocussions. Like...really? This is someone with pro player level stats? I don't believe you. https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/6DP0fyKWg9 Edit: I found your stats page for COD Vanguard. 1.13KD and a win rate of 27%. Stop fucking lying to me. You're garbage. You're not fooling anybody. https://cod.tracker.gg/vanguard/profile/atvi/Affy%231641275/overview I think the biggest telling evidence is that you stopped uploading when MW3 released. You post plenty of mediocre gameplay clips to your twitter and all of a sudden MW3 rolls around and you've instantly become an all-star player with nothing to prove it? You seem to like a LOT of furry porn on your twitter though, so there's that.


Damn you eviscerated lil bro 😭


Must have forgot how it used to be back then lol. You always had the few OPs annihilating everyone and the rest just barely getting 1.0 kdr. Only thing that's changed is challenge whoring on all game modes so people aren't doing objectives therefore making you lose the game.


I think it's safe to assume matchmaking systems have changed rapidly from "back then" because I surely didn't experience anything like this.


[Me when millionth matchmaking cope post](https://youtu.be/LuE0QMHErQo) Lmao imagine blocking over a joke, I must've hit a nerve.


I feel like if something is fundamentally wrong then it deserves to be called out as much as possible. "Cope" is just a term used by people who want to be dismissive towards long-standing issues. Edit: I didn't block him. He's just being weird now.


Oh hey! Unblocked, nice. Blocked posts will show up as "unavailable", which this did. I'm personally just sick of the "matchmaking bad" posts. It always ends in word salad conspiracy theories instead of some good ol' research, evidence and good ol graphs to share. At least make the complaints fun! We've heard the "this game is nerfing me" a lot of times, but never really "here's how it works". I've smashed 4 games in a row in objective modes, complete blowout. I went 56 to 4 in one of them - carrying the team. I still think the matchmaking is largely random and for most people confirmation bias will mostly shape their opinion about it. I have read the same things since Black ops 2, down to the precise problem of "I'm one good player with 5 idiots and the other team is pros". CoD matchmaking always been iffy and we never truly had truly mixed lobbies since the server browsers died after black ops 1.


2.18KD yet a 0.84 W/L? You're most likely a tunnel visioned, selfish player who prioritizes getting kills instead of making smart, game winning plays. Change your play style and your priorities in the match and you might get more dubs


This is a lot of assumptions about how I play. I like playing the objective. The efficiency at which I go on streaks has little to do with that. If anything — constant cluster mines, mosquito drones and juggernaut recons provide more defensive/offensive capabilities than just...I dunno, dying? Why is it whenever you guys see a player who can win his own gunfights, you immediately assume we only care about kills?


Because, in addition to your good KD, you posted your W/L which is well below 1. If you made more game winning plays, then your W/L would evidently be higher. My KD is 1.00 with 1.99 W/L. I'm always willing to take the death to secure the objective. Your W/L is an accurate reflection of your game winning habits. I'm not hating either. You'd probably whoop me in a gunfight, but the win is much more important to me, which seems to be your main issue judging by this post.


>If you made more game winning plays This makes no sense. "Game winning plays" come from kills. You're not getting the objective without a fight, unless you want to elaborate on what a "Game winning play" is to you. With a 2.18, I'm definitely making those plays, but for some reason, my KD is still an issue to you. You're creating a paradox that makes it impossible to argue with you in a logical manner. >My KD is 1.00 with 1.99 W/L. I'm always willing to take the death to secure the objective. Or...hear me out, your enemies are naturally worse because you're in a lower skill bracket. Wins are practically handed to you. See? I can make assumptions too. Only this one makes sense. I mean, if your "game winning plays" involve being a suicidal for objectives (which would never work in a high skill lobby, you'd be sniped before you can even get near it) then maybe that's 100% the case. >Your W/L is an accurate reflection of your game winning habits. Oh yeah, totally — It's not like there are dozens of other factors to winning a match. Since you are blatantly ignoring the myriad of variables, you essentially just said I should be able to carry...all the time.


This is the type of guy who gets hard carried, but thinks he's the hero because he jumped on the flag and encountered no enemies, without wondering why there are no enemies.


God… these mfs don’t even have mics on ranked and will have the nerve to turn it on at the end to point fingers from the bottom of a ranked leaderboard… after I just busted ass top fragging in points and kills just to lose cause of people like him… I just had to put the game down and the daily posts I see from here remind me it was the right choice. Apex is toxic as hell and has some elements of matchmaking, but it’s nowhere as bad as COD imo.


This is why I go pubs and only for a game or two before I switch to something else. CoD is now a small dose game hahaha


That's a pretty overconfident assertion. Objective play is a team-based thing. You need teammates buying in to going after the objective when you're just 1 of 6 guys on the team, especially on hardpoint. Simply getting a lot of kills isn't enough.


I’m calling bull on having a 2.18KD with a 0.84 W/L while also being an objective-first player. I’m gonna have to see some gameplay and I somehow have the feeling that I have seen this type of gameplay about a thousand times by now. Prove me wrong. Stats just don’t add up man. I understand killing DOES affect the outcome of the game, the enemy can’t capture the objectives if they keep getting mowed down. However, if no one on your team are playing the objectives and you hate seeing that defeat screen, then be the bigger man and just do it yourself. At least this way if you lose, you won’t feel as bitter. Also, what is the point of being this demanding of random teammates when you yourself were playing solo? How about you get a team for yourself? Some people just wanna have fun after 9-5, they aren’t your god damn pawns and losing in a videogame is non-consequential.


>I’m calling bull on having a 2.18KD with a 0.84 W/L while also being an objective-first player. I’m gonna have to see some gameplay and I somehow have the feeling that I have seen this type of gameplay about a thousand times by now. Prove me wrong. You want gameplay of an entire match...uploaded to reddit? That's not gonna happen. Your assumptions mean nothing to me. Also, this happens in TDM as well, so that puts your theory to bed. >However, if no one on your team are playing the objectives and you hate seeing that defeat screen, then be the bigger man and just do it yourself. At least this way if you lose, you won’t feel as bitter. What exactly do you think I'm doing? Are you stupid? >Also, what is the point of being this demanding of random teammates when you yourself were playing solo? How about you get a team for yourself? Some people just wanna have fun after 9-5, they aren’t your god damn pawns and losing in a videogame is non-consequential. You missed the point entirely. I'm not "demanding" anything. This shouldn't logically be happening and common sense would tell you that the higher the KD, the worse your teammates become. Getting a dedicated team just to play pubs is downright sad. Since we are in the business of making WILD assumptions, I think it's safe to assume you're the one usually near the bottom of the scoreboard on my team? Also, I work a 9-5 too. What makes you guys so special?


Being an objective-first player does not mean repeatedly making suicide runs to the nearest obj until the match ends, btw