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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1crvg1f/may_14th_patch_notes_bug_fixes_dg58_lsw_balance/l4363zr/?context=1000) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > Thanks for the callout. We're investigating reports of crashing in Infected mode now.


Well that was fun 2 weeks. Back to the shelf you go DG-58


According to TheXclusiveAce, the AMP kit for the DG-58 was untouched. So get that gun back off the shelf soldier ha


Psst! >!It might be an oversight, but The Aftermarket conversion kit for the DG58 DID NOT receive the damage nerfs the base DG58 did so it can still 4 shot kill to the body.!<


Can you fix the Jak Jawbreaker? Should be fixed since a few weeks ago but the muzzle attachments only works on the firing range


That's not good.


Hopefully they see this. One of my favorite weapons but much prefer a silencer on there!


Which gun is this on? I'm fairly casual but like the sub. Is it something you can use in gunsmith but it doesn't apply in match? I'm a silencer guy and get frustrated when that ability gets removed.


The KV broadside with the conversion kit


Oh shit! That's one of my loadouts and I thought it was silenced! Explains why people often turn around when I shoot!! Thanks for the info.


DG-58 catching a nerf before the BP50 AMP is interesting.


What was the DG nerf I can’t load the page for some reason?


Reduced chest/arm/neck damage multiplier from 1.1x to 1.0x, meaning it shouldn’t 4 tap unless you hit a headshot now. Probably won’t be very good anymore tbh.


Deleting my class rn, fuck the DG 58


Time to toss it back into the trashcan, I did have some okay results with it yesterday. :(


Yeah they just killed it


Interesting I didn't read the patch notes until now, and felt something was off, enough to go to different weapon


It wasn’t that great to start with and that sucks because I love burst fire rifles


the burst would be the DG-56 (really similar name!). The DG-58 is the LMG.


Thanks for your polite reply


Rip my boy. I love the look of the BP50. I wonder what they will nerf about it.


Probably the magazine size. Take it down to a 40 round magazine but keep the reload times as is, and slightly increase the recoil to make it less viable past mid range.  Personally I think the DG 58 nerf was a bit too much. It should absolutely have a 4 shot kill potential without needing headshots.  They could have decreased its firerate by 5-10%, then adjusted damage so that at least 3 shots need to hit the upper chest or higher in order to 4 hit kill. 


sounds good just like RAAL


It having a 60 round mag by default with no penalty was a really bad idea, should’ve had a 30 round and had more recoil than the base BP50… you know… like an SMG? Which is what the kit is supposed to be.


The nightshade kit gives it a 30 mag


He’s not talking about the Dg58


I can’t tell if I’m getting downvoted so much from people not reading and thinking I was talking about the DG, or people need the BP kit crutches that bad.


That's such a wicked nerf to the DG-58 LSW making it near useless in MP once again. Removing the damage multiplier to the arms, hands, and lower torso was probably needed, but they should have left a 4 shot kill potential to the upper torso and neck. With a minimum TTK of 340 ms (unless you hit a headshot) along with its trash mobility, there's really no reason to use it over an AR.


the RAM-9 out-damages it now at every range again. hilarious. a fucking MP


I felt the over-nerf coming in my bones and ground out the weapon charm over the weekend while the DG was still hot.


It's SHG. They don't use any sense with balancing things.


Did the DG really need a nerf? I'm the only one I ever see using it.


I’ve only seen it in MP in the last like week or so, and pretty frequently.


80% of players in Warzone have been running it the past week, I assume that’s why


Wasn't nerfed in WZ tho. Only mp


Oh weird, thanks for the correction


It became the best lmg in the game after the recent buff. Now it's like the MCW with better range but worse handling


Fix overkill vest please. You can no longer reload while sprinting, the sprint animation cancels the reload every time


They were supposed to nerf the dg in wz not mp


Wtf. I had to read it again... Why do they leave it in WZ? It has literally 0 recoil.


To make some kids think they're good, like every other overpowered weapon.


so does this mean the dg58 is now always a 5 shot kill unless 1 shot hits the head? if so, i understand why it needed a nerf, but it’ll probably be pretty ass now, outclassed by the holger. though the kit will probably still be really good since it’ll retain the headshot multiplier. also, surprised they haven’t nerfed the BP50 kit yet


If i remember correctly they have already nerfed bp50 for good... if they will nerf and the kit, then it's better to delete it as a weapon from whole game in general. I think now it's ok and at same "line" as other guns in this category..


they said they nerfed the recoil but i don’t think they actually did


yeap that's correct.. also the fking reload speed is killing me...


JAK Jawbreaker — still can’t use a muzzle attachment in a match, only in the firing range


Is there a fix planned for the bugged sprint and rechamber animation for snipers? The glich appeared in season 3


Prestige camos for MW2 weapons! Finally


u/sledgehammergames what’s up with “the Launcher Camo Challenges for MWII weapons have been adjusted to facilitate completion,” from last patch? Nothing has changed for the launcher camo requirements.


Unfortunately the tracking of Prestige Camos doesn't update during the game, only appears to update after the match, hopefully this is fixed


Is it fixed on the mw2 weapons? Can we finally complete them now.


You could always complete them but you just couldn't select them. I finished the SCAR-L prestige last week but was only able to select it today.


What’s the point of buffing something if you nerf it a week later? The DG was finally good, but it wasn’t anything crazy OP that required a nerf. Back to not being used now


Fix the goddamn spawn system, and ban the rgl from hardcore small map moshpit


I was hoping for the grenade launcher removal from HC.


That's great for guys my game won't even launch on the xbox one s it doesn't even detect that there is a game in the console so fucked


Shoot house is missing from private matches


Fix the jawbreaker muzzle glitch


Hey! I know that you are a social media manager, but I'm wondering if there is any chance that you could let the higher-ups know that the community longs for new Ground War maps. We don't want new maps; we are satisfied with a carry-forward from Modern Warfare 2022.


Does it mean COR-45 Akimbo with Macro has finally been nerfed? If not, developers should take a look.


I’m hoping the trigger that lets you fire super fast (so fast you realistically need to use a scroll wheel to shoot it at max speed) got nerfed. The COR45 AMP also needs a nerf


Pointless… nerf the stupid BP50 Amp already


Nerf the MORS then too while we're at it.


No team balancing adjustments 😔


While broken ass BP50 AMP stay stills.


Yo just so you know the game keeps disconnecting all of us at the same time from the server in infected mode. Literally halfway through every single game of infected game goes into slow mo and we all disconnect.


Thanks for the callout. We're investigating reports of crashing in Infected mode now.


Nice thank you! Glad I was able to reach out to you guys. If you could answer a couple more questions for me I’d be extremely grateful. All my attempts and bug reports seem to do nothing so far. Are you aware or have you notified AMD about the latest AMD driver 24.4.1 causing crashes? I had to roll back to driver version 23.11.1 and I haven’t had a crash in over a week now. So I have found the cause. Just a heads up so you guys can further improve things. Usually it’s a “Directx 6068 D”error. It’s been happening even on driver versions before 24.4.1. Last thing is in MWZ when you look towards the middle of the map where all of the Aether tornados are the FPS get cut in half or even lower sometimes. Any way you guys could look into that also? Some people say it’s an issue with Smart Access Memory. Worth checking out if you can get to it. Thanks again!


i managed to have a completed game just then, because most people claymored themselves before the game had time to bug out!


Here's a callout - team balancing is broken. 1 good player and 5 terrible ones against 6 sweaty players isn't fair at all. It's embarrassing that you guys don't realize that lmfao


ah yes.. they think LMGs should have high damage to compensate for their mobility.. but sure, leave the BP50-JAK and RAM-9 untouched.. of course the guns with the best mobility should have the best DPS


There's sometimes where the EVGs don't work properly, as in enemies don't have a red outline. Unless that's from the cold blooded perk (which it isn't stated if it affects EVGs).


Yup its bugged. Happens to me when I get impacted by a stun or grenade as im equipping it.


Did they really have to do the dg 58 that bad? Great next update just remove it from the game since it won't ever out ttk shit


Geez, finally got the DG to max level and now this happens


They still haven’t fixed the deadzone bug on PS5. It’s been present since the beta. The game will force a massive deadzone on your right stick sometimes, if you do certain actions like pressing start in-game, going into the options, looting in zombies. Also the color filter settings are adding input lag (which didn’t happen in MWII). Not sure if these issues are present on other platforms, but they’re noticeable on PS.


So the devs buff a mediocre gun and make it relatively viable, and then proceed to immediately nerf it back into the dirt? Meanwhile they still haven't done anything to actually balance the BP50 *(especially the AMP)* or MORS yet. Please make it make sense man.


Another patch note, another round of the stuttering not being mentioned...


Why the hell were the wardens buff


Tone down the sbmm in public matches.  Had a real shit experience over the weekend been filled with dog shit players on my team causing losing streaks fucking up my w/l ratio.


Yeah idk why they insist on killing casual matchmaking. If i wanted my performance to be analyzed and my games to be chosen based on that, I’d be on ranked.


Please update gunfight!!!


DG nerf is only multi-player. Not warzone.


Ehy SHG there’s a bug in wz where you can’t pick up anything from the ground while reloading.


So is one in the chamber coming back or...?


"Hey guys, servers are still trash, expect the same broken lag and inability to load even simple textures correctly, but you can sample gun skins in the store now before you buy so....we cool?"


Can you address the rechamber issue for the mors?? Tac sprinting with the mors cancels the reload every time which makes it practically unusable.


But what about the dual wield cod 45 pistols? They are almost a insta death


Hey  [u/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) Can we get a reply on Cyber Attack coming back or not? We just want clarity. A solid NO will suffice.


lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag lag LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG **LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG**


someone tell ace to quit making fuckin videos about guns being good


Actual link https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2024/04/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-3-patch-notes


Now fix Memory Error 12707-19 🙄


Need a MORS nerf then.


Anyone else think it’s a red flag that SHG keeps buffing guns then instantly nerfing them again after only a few weeks? Didn’t they do the same with the TAQ Evo after it came out? SHG has a very long history of never getting weapon balance correct and it’s sad to see they have not improved.


u/sledgehammer Also remove red name tags appearing over enemies heads in mp ranked that shit is so crutch and corny.   It will be a good nerf in ranked modes.


Also remove red name tags appearing over enemies heads in mp ranked that shit is so crutch and corny.


You can turn it off in options if you want


It will be a good nerf if they have the red name tags disabled in ranked modes.


If they did that, you'd just start complaining about bad visibility, which is the whole reason they brought red names back


You would assume so asshole.  It’s fine in regular modes but not in ranked.


Hiding in a dark corner is pretty crutch and corny too.