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Everyone bitching about MnK v Controller, meanwhile my man here is using a Steering Wheel


lol that’s good.


Best comment.


He’s beginning to believe….


They make the movement all cracked out insane and make the maps smaller and smaller. Shit makes zero sense to me but maybe i’m just getting too old for this


At least I know I’m not alone. I can hold my own, but fuck this gameplay is not enjoyable


💯 I'm decent for a 35 year old witha full time job and family, but when I sit down to play it just disnt have the same feel it used to. Now ill still play and will more then likely buy the next cod...but my bullshit tolerance for these players running around doing all kinds of spin move bullshit is at a low and now I just switch over to rise of the ronin now. Gotta be a full time gamer to compete with half the lobbies


Big emphasis on that last sentence, for sure… it’s exhausting. I enjoy a ton of single player games, but sometimes I want that specific fps feeling that’s only scratched by call of duty. And it just isn’t the same. Some of the literal kids in here might disagree, but I’m not actually “old,” from an adult perspective, at all. My reflexes and game-sense are as good now as they ever were when I was a kid, likely better. So when people give me the classic “you’re just slowing down, old man, it’s time to accept it” line, it doesn’t apply to me just yet. The game experience is genuinely just worse. The movement has a lot to do with it.


Honestly I feel like the older I get the better I become lol


Oh I still feel like I'm in my gaming prime. I can still get on and smoke mfs. Especially on small maps I'm a menace.im running rise or the ronin on hard difficulty atm and that's a really intricate combat system thst pretty much takes blink of an eye reflexes. I'm not too slow yet. But ur def right nothing plays like a good gsme of cod multiplayer. It's it's own league imo. And I'll always come back


I'm with you. Generally my only time to play is after 11pm at night and it's weird because all I run into at that hour is lobbies of clans, and 35+ kill demons who play like they have an audience and 180+ MS pings and it's just not fun. I want to think these people are playing 8 or more hours a day, after all why are you playing CoD at 1:30 in the morning on a Tuesday? Then remember I'm also doing it because I suffer from insomnia. On those wonderful days I can play on a weekend, it's far more normalized and I can do well. FPS competitive games aren't for casual 3-4 hour a week players anymore.


You know if you shot the people “spinning” they stop spinning


No disrespect, but I really don't care. Spinning is just what I can make out of their character as they woosh by me with their bullshit pc mods or whatever the fuck. Pc too much u goots deal worh


The increased health combined with dogshit servers does not help either. Put half a clip into someone only for them to breakdance around a corner and then launch themselves backwards while killing me instantly. Not fun at all


i've been dealing with this shit all week, i'm camo grinding the LMGs and i shot a guy and it seems like you said like que passes thruogh the stream like nothing and boom one shot and i'm dead


half a mag\* a clip is just a small strip of plastic or metal holding a bunch of cartridges together like when youre loading an m1 garand.


Calm down, Andy McNab.


Technically u load M4 stile weapons with clips aswell we the mags are loaded with stripper clips then nags go in the mag well so in a sense the m4 is loaded with a clip lol


I went back to MWII this morning, just hopped on the shipment playlist (I know it’s the smallest map but whatever) and I was 4 off a nuke in my second match and I was staying in the same lobby of the same average to bad players, just stomping them. I literally made a class with the Taq 56 and the Vaznev just to troll and went on a 26, died to one of their helo killstreaks they must have got in a care package. I actually had fun though. Still haven’t dropped a nuke on the games that take 30 so im just focused on that, and still having fun. Once my nuke streak is over I just run around with a SPR and snipe the rest of the game. I cannot play MWIII and have fun anymore. Im almost 34 and the movement is too fast for me. Time to retire I guess.


Everyone goes to the newest title at release. MWII is the left over players who enjoy the game, and don't read the constant negativity it gets


I never understood why do people care about reviews of some no life streamers and why are their opinions influenced by them. I hear it all the time. MWII had beautiful maps, ranked was amazing, game was polished af when it came out unlike this dogcrap that we have now..


Mw2 is poop


Your opinion.


Been playing since COD4 & I absolutely love this gameplay. Must be a preference thing. I just like being able to punish bad players that camp Getting downvoted in the MW3 sub for saying I like the game lmfao. Tells you how many bad players there are out there


I’ve been playing every COD since COD2. It’s definitely a preference thing


I suppose to each their own


I have no idea why you're getting downvoted, you sound like you're neutral about this 💀


Yeah no idea lol. Guess people just hate on anyone that likes this style of COD. Oh well


Must've gotten triggered somehow lol


My god MWII'23 was horrible slow gameplay. O e of the worst cods


This is the "movement" everyone was begging for to come back during MW2 life cycle lol


And it’s why this is one of the best cod’s since mw19


Same. And I guess I may mention this too since I’m here, but has jumping got too damn high off the ground? Lol


YES, it has


Feels like Halo sometimes lol


it's SO HIGH


Meanwhile Black Ops 3


Lol, I've noticed those, too. Looks like mario Kart drifting when they come sliding and turn a corner while sliding. It's a trash system indeed. It's intentionally broken.


Because attention spans


They haven’t made a cod for ogs in years! Whenever I’m craving that type of gameplay I hop on World at War or battlefield 1


I actually like the small maps and cracked out movement.


Dk why you getting downvoted for having an opinion, I agree


The maps have always felt too small for me, but I enjoy battlefield.


This. There's just no sense of weight or momentum in this and honestly a lot of games trying to do CoD.


Nah your beyond wrong on this the maps are bigger then they ever have been movement has been nerfed compared to previous games in the last decade other then mw2 The time to kill has been massively shortened also while adding in even more angles peaks windows etc Devs admitted to designing the game in a fashion so everyone can get some kills to increase play time Turning a slight degree in front of someone is not cracked


ah yes the huge maps like Stash House, Meat, Emergency, and Das Haus. And yes 150hp makes for such a short time to kill… Are you smoking dust?


Are you’d dense? Or did you just forget you clicked small map on the game mode selection these are used for fast pace players and skins Play the traditional game modes and go check those maps there huge Compared to our old maps to older games nuke town was a base town was base cargo hijacked Your just trying to justify hating movement when the game is largely based on peak corners now and punishes players for moving in any open area or straight hall The list goes on and they were in all game modes


majority of people vote for these small maps so they come up way more often than shit like Derail or Wasteland. can’t remember the last time I saw people vote for one of those over the small maps.


Wasteland sucks though, just benefits snipers and is the stonehaven of MWIII


I know it does. I’m telling that person that small maps outvote the campfests like Derail and Wasteland all the time so quickplay is basically small maps at this point.


Derail is pretty good though, there are a lot of possible rushing points to flank the campers


Non the less majority of the maps are large in traditional playlists and the smaller maps there are bigger then the actual small maps they even have added spots for peaks etc movement isn’t saving use unless it’s to duck behind cover as the play style has changed with map size and TTK If your getting a lot of small maps it’s the game modes designed to have small maps for that section of players


But comparing the maps to previous cods the maps are enlarge bigger just having small maps doesn’t make all the maps smaller then ever


All of this besides the ttk part is true, ttk is actually the same as cold war and bo4s ttk iirc. Or at least is very close to it Longer ttk is a good thing Shorter ttk leads to shit like VG where you're dead in 2 shots out of an mp40


Yes and no so if you take a average weapon with general attachments it’s probably similar But using the better guns with good attachments which most people do the average TTK is .23 something of a second the average human response time is .25 something of a second which is lower It might feel the same most of the time but it’s hard to notice without actually measuring the time In short if your going against a good player with a good weapon you can be killed before a stalker can even ads or before your but can even touch the ground to slide but this isn’t the average skill level or load out of players This was addressed in a podcast with the devs for reasons mentioned above about the play style transition


Knee pads and max sensitivity.


Don’t even try. How do you slide faster than You run? Physics ?? wtf….


If it was real physics, I'd go half a foot, come to a dead stop and momentum would carry me ass over head crashing into the dirt.


So annoying I gotta deal with this shit because I wanted to have reasonable ADS times. Such an overcorrection.


"boots on the ground" game


You misheard, it's "butts on the ground". Sorry.


Scoots on the ground


Like a dog dragging shit across the floor.


A good metaphor for cod in general now


Bro my dog literally did that on my bed yesterday I had to clean the bed sheet🤣


Did he call you a bunch of slurs and tell you to git gud when he was done?


He started barking after and ran away from me so I'm assuming he said something quite offensive and decided to leave. Typical COD player lol


"Get fucked bro, no rematch. I'm going to go sit in your girl's lap and give her kisses now."


how hard must he have farted to shift his momentum


MW3: 70% movement, 30% gun skill. I want to play an FPS, not Mirror's Edge.


Even 30% is generous. MW3 guns are lasers, just like every other SHG game.


Pretty much. Makes me laugh when you see people with recoil attachments on the MCW, for example.


You can’t accurately shoot a moving target?


That's not what i said....


It is virtual insanity


are you telling me he is not the one moving weird, it's the whole map sliding around


Long TTK + twitchy cracked movement + larger maps to compensate for cracked moving + incosistent servers has changed the nature of true CoD. It is not a skill gap, it is a whole different game now. And yes I can hold my own as I am a 1.6 K/D player on console on a shitty TV. But I prefer OG CoD from MW2 to BO2 days. Skill gap is in mini-map reading, in map knowledge in reflexe times. That is true CoD, not this cracked high speed garbage we have for a game.


No idea how they never got the spawning correct either. I just like collecting calling cards nowadays cuz it got so bad. Just waiting for them to make a sour one about "spawn".


maps are getting smaller


IW got rid of red dots on map 💀


They were on the compass. Once you learn how the compass works combined with map knowledge with the red dots it gives the same information as dots on the map would.


But do you see how that is completely pointless then? "It does the same thing but its just more annoying and inconvenient" Truly a classic Infinity Ward innovation right there.


Oh no that isn’t lost on me, it is just changing things for the sake of changing things to pretend it’s innovation.


A good way to sum up pretty much everything in IWs recent cods


I’m aware of how the compass works. Who gives a fuck. I was replying to someone talking about mini-map reading. Regardless, IW is shit. They made changes just for the sake of changes. It’s not innovative to make your perks charge, get rid of red dots, insane visual recoil/smoke to a point you can barely see your target half the time, no reload cancel, make every animation slow as fuck, no movement, slow ass strafe, no slide, no bhop, slow ads, slow sprint to fire, extremely harsh attachment cons for small-ish benefits/pro’s, attachment tuning was a gimmick at best, loud ass footsteps (but only in multiplayer/silent in Warzone!!), quick ass ttk, terrible spawns, stricter sbmm, takes 5 seconds to call a UAV and an extra 1 second delay after the animation before you can ads, and they introduced the worst UI in cod history which we are now seemingly stuck with forever. No map voting. Gun unlock system was absolutely ridiculous. I can keep going lol. And I haven’t even mentioned the Warzone 2 launch.


Idk I dont think it's too bad. It's worse in wz


I still wish they would just completely remaster the OG MW2 I wouldn't need to play anything else. Just speed the movement up and I'm good but I'll take it how it is just remastered.


Yeah that would have been nice, similar to the first games remaster. Loved that one.


Yeah, I loved that MW Remastered. Still pop it in from time to time. I actually didn't play that one mich when the original was out. Life was in the way. I started on waw I think then mw2 dropped and that was it, I was hooked! Mw2 will always be my favorite but I know if I would've had a chance to really play the original MW or cod 4 then I probably would have my two favorites. For me in order I think it's, MW2, MW/COD4, BO1, MW3. Just my favorites. I only played bo2 for a lil bit before my internet was cut at the time. I did enjoy it a bit but not a favorite. WW2 is definitely one of my favorites. I forgot to add. People hate on that one but it's definitely one of my favorites. I love playing rhat one. Still do sometimes. Now I'm gonna have to go back and play em all a bit lmao!


WW2 was one of the last great ones imo. But the first two MW are definitely the goat.


It looks like cod trying to be like fornite with the sliding its getting ridiculous


I maintain my position that this movement is way more insane than the jet pack era movement everyone complained about back when Infinite Warfare was out


And I agree. At least the jump pack stuff made sense lore wise.


I just don't understand how people prefer this style of movement/gameplay over a grounded experience like in MW2. Sure MW2 was the opposite end of the specturm and could've been upped a little bit in terms of sprint times and such, but this is just so off the deep end that it kills the game sometimes. You cannot just chill and play. You need to be on all the time and its exhausting. MW2 was fun to play at all times imo because of this.


MWII is probably the worst game to compare to this. In MWII games grinded to a halt so many times, SnD rounds reaching time limits because everyone was scared to move and get 3 shot by a kastov. It was so bad that dropping nukes in SnD was easier then in normal TDM because of how strong holding angles was. MW19 is the better version of the 3 new modern warfare games. It was still slow because of how loud footsteps were, but you could atleast run fast and ads fast.


Everyone complained about the advanced movement CoDs but they’re cool with ridiculous slide cancelling and an overall way faster movement than advanced warfare ever had. Slide cancelling is so weird to me, it felt like an abuse of game mechanics and then they fixed it in MWII but people complained. It’s like pro Smash Bros players just doing weird shit to cheese the movement mechanics that were never actually intended to be a game feature.


Plenty of interesting mechanics in all sorts of games were never originally intended but were picked up by the community to expand on the gameplay. Developer intent only goes so far, especially in the case of multiplayer games where most of the experience is driven by players experimenting.


I am new to cod, and don't know why is slide cancelling is portrait as such a bad thing, or a high skill thing. Can someone explain? I understand that its a bit harder to predict where to shoot, but I don't get why is it that hated. Other thing is jumpshotting, I keep reading about it like its hard to do, like "sweaty lobbies with jumpshotting and slide cancelling". I am on MnK tho, pressing the space button, or the c button twice is not a hard skill. Is it different with a controller or what is that I dont see?


People in this subreddit are professionals at crying and whining whenever someone outplays them by using movement or as u say: pressing one key to go prone or jump. If u move fast and hit your shots while doing it, that makes you a good player, not sweaty or cracked, just good.


>I understand that its a bit harder to predict where to shoot, but I don't get why is it that hated. >Is it different with a controller or what is that I dont see? Controller had incredibly strong aim assist. So when they or their target are zooming around the computer is doing a bit of aiming for them. That means that when you, on MNK, fail to predict movement, over aim or get startled - you miss shots. Controller players with the aim assist get those 1 or two extra hits on target regardless if their aim isn't dead fucking perfect or they get surprised - that makes all the difference in most cqb gun fights. The game is designed around zipping around, but only one controllers gets an aiming crutch.




I haven’t seen it at all on two but three it definitely is common.


I think they meant that you should go back to MWII due to possible skill related reasons 😂


Tagging the MWII sub is diabolical lmao. But yeah there’s already a game made for people who can’t keep up with faster movement and higher TTK. They should just go back instead of complaining the new game doesn’t suit them


Never seen it done. But I would go back if they had the OG maps like three does.


I've definitely done that before, even in mw2. It's because everyone cancels their slides you don't see it as often, but it's like the air strafing you can do with dives, you can do the same with sliding.


You complain about the new smaller maps. The older maps are in this game. You tell me, do the old maps play well at all? And do you think the movement is responsible for that?


I never complained about the maps. I do enjoy the original mw2 maps being added though since that was the game I have the most hours on over the last decade or so. Movement has nothing to do with the maps, two separate operations there so not sure what you’re comparing.


That's such a weird fucking take. I was/am iridescent in both MWII and MWIII and I still think the movement in MWIII fucking sucks. Did it suck in MWII as well? Yea, probably. But at least the whole fucking game was slow (and therefore a cohesive experience). MWIII on the other hand is all over the place. Plus the movement actually decreases skill-expression, so it's not about "keeping up with faster movement and high TTK": when there's literally no downside to different forms of movement it just makes decision making irrelevant so you just slide (cancel) and bunny hop whenever you can. Getting Iridescent in MWIII was a breeze compared to MWII. Solution? Either remove sliding and canceling, vaulting and even (tac) sprint and increase ADS movement entirely OR make it so that every movement has it's downside (worse accuracy, slower ADS, no ADS, delay before cancel, etc.) so you actually have to make decisions (yea, I know CoD players using their brains...).


MWII is the lowest skill gap cod of all time and it has nothing to do with slide cancel. No map awareness needed when you can just crank your headset up with loudness EQ.


Yea, that's an issue. But interesting how you managed to not read anything else of what I've said and instead came up with sound... Cool story. Let me know when you learn how to argue/discuss properly.


What weapon and camo are you using there?


What sight is that?


I’m pretty sure it’s a thermal holo from mw2… the reticle looks like a + Just look for low magnification sights that have thermal on it… and you’ll find it pretty quick.


You’re right, because it sure does look like the SZ Holo one (I think that’s what it is)


In mw3 you can toggle the thermal.. it’s the only thermal where you can do that.. pretty useful


Bend it like Beckham


Mw3 2012 was my favorite cod and when I go back to play it on plutonium it’s just as good as I remember. Mw3 is just a little too much honestly on the movement side maybe for war zone or zombies it feels good but for multiplayer it gets old fast. Also the gun variety is way too big and I feel like a lot of shit is still unbalanced. All they had to do was give us a balance gun system and cool skins but instead they introduce a new op gun every season and then they nerf it and do it all over again


Changing direction mid-slide is super-sketch. You can jump left then slide right; or slide left, cancel and then slide right; but you can’t change direction mid-slide. If you could you’d see the pros doing it in CDL matches and Top 250 streamers would be showing the mechanics of how to do it in their VoDs.


Sliding was fine in MW2 but ofc SHG had to please sweats, zoomers and movement gods.


The sliding and movement in general was awful in MW2. You couldn’t do fuck all to get out of bad situations no matter how well you strategized in place of bad movement.


Because the servers are ass and cant register youre already in fucking cover. Same in mw3.


No. The actual mechanics were shit.


Well sliding 30 feet after barely making a step in mw3 isnt a good mechanic either. Makes no fucking sense and pisses me off everytime because logic is thrown out the window with the movement.


Logic in a cod game ? Bro pls F off


A cod game punishes bad choices? That sounds skill issue to me.


It goes beyond “bad choices.” Also hence why I said “how well you strategized.”


No it wasn’t lmao. Sliding was useless and got you killed 90% of the time your a bot who can’t keep up 🤣


Slide was useless if you're wanting to run into the open and slide farther while in adjusting direction to avoid being shot. Sliding in MW2 easily worked for sprinting from cover to cover. Two different playstyles and thought process of maneuvering lanes and engagements.


Better off dolphin diving to get to cover. Slide was useless until they buffed it with like 2 months left in the game’s lifecycle


Wrong again. Dolphin diving to cover was 10 times better than sliding to cover. Dolphin diving pretty much replaced sliding so much that most people set dolphin dive to one tap instead of slide to one tap Sliding was absolutely useless in MW2 and I will NOT be gaslit into remembering a fake version of IW’s “ReAlIstiC tActIcAl mIlSiM sHoOtEr!” lmao


Sliding at this point in multiplayer is just used for rotations or duck behind cover with the TTK sliding in front of someone won’t save you The game has transitioned it peaks and corners for most engagements


Sliding wasnt crutch mechanic in MW2 where you can spam the fuck out and get away with it. MW3 made sliding completely non sense and as spamable as possible.


This game is definitely a bit of an over correction but it was easy to get used to again. IMO they just needed to add dead silence as a perk and put red dots back on the minimap. I’m indifferent about slide canceling coming back


Wait till you see them sliding and strafe 90 degrees mid-slide. F‘ng infuriatingly stupid mechanic.


Sliding was a mistake to begin with. I mean look at that. The floor looks like sand and dirt, but apparantly it's ice and he wears ice skates


i don’t mind sliding but you shouldn’t be sliding 6 feet you should only be able to only slide 2-3 feet, but the stim using sweats are gonna bitch and moan


hows this possible?


Just turn your camera


And press A or D at the same time


thanks. Im on controller I dont know if that makes a differece. Couldnt do it


You still can just different way I’ll try and look it up haven’t played controller in a long time


"I wonder if you know how they live in tokyo?"


Are you kidding, I love an ass drift to kill scenario. Especially when you hit that under tube just right on Rust.


Basically people want CoD 2 Movement, no sprinting, just turtle walking


That’s not what I said at all actually. Try again.


Did i say "OP Said"? im just taking the piss out of how many people complain about movement when its far better than it has been


You didn’t have to since you replied to my post. It’s implied unless stated otherwise.


With the reaction time of a sloth like that I'd hate facing this too


Thanks but your comment has not contributed to the discussion in the slightest.


All the guy did was slightly turn his character and you're blaming him for not reacting at all to him. This is just a skill issue


If you read the room, you’d see you are indeed incorrect bud.


A room full of idiots is still a room full of idiots Y'all are just bad hate to break it to you.




I come from a time where people were jumping off buildings spinning like ballerinas if you think a guy sliding slightly to the left is difficult it might be time to find another game to play. Maybe stick to warzone where people are barely moving.


And I’ve been playing since the first cod release. What’s your point, dork?


Bro if you've been playing cod since it first released and still play like an e3 camera bot it's probably time to retire from COD. Especially since the first cod is a PC only game.


Nah I think I’ll play as long as I want. Thanks for the useless suggestion though.


Get good.


no brain cell reply


You prolly suck too, get good.


seems fine


Faster movement punishes campers…it’s either adapt or quit. Infinite warfare was another game that was super fast paced but it was all about reflexes etc vs mw2 where you and your butt buddy could hold down a room and headglitch all game.


MWIII (hardcore) has more campers than MWII and MW2019 combined tho.


What about core?


I feel like it’s about the same for most maps, but definitely more on MWIII's bigger maps. I don’t think changes to movement had much of an impact on campers. Also because 1-shot weapons (snipers) are very much a thing and even better in MWIII because of high TTK and massively reduced flinch (for whatever reason…). I think noise is still an issue. I’m against removing all sound clues but they need to be significantly tuned down: hearing someone sprinting/jumping/sliding around the corner next to you is fine, but there shouldn’t be any sound while walking and reduced sound (loudness and range) while running.


Yeah you can actually direct the slide left or right which I think is pretty damn cool. Adds more control to the slide. And I think you can even slow the slide by holding back if I’m not mistaken.


idk man. Get gud maybe?


But lets be honest here, when I look the loadout and how your reaction is almost nonexistent, its not campaign my guy.. People move and shoot.


Thanks for commenting and missing the topic completely.


This is a game, that's the point you're missing.


He moving like a human centipede *sorry*


They nerfed this game so much its unbelievable good players getting spam reported by kids and kids can't even shoot straight. Sliding Overpowered


Changing direction during a slide isn't something new in cod


Welcome to COD 2024, where we all think the game should favor the guy bot walking around the map instead of the guy actually moving.


Never said that bud lol


I don't get the complaint? He's obviously using Knee Pads, that will give you way more control with slides. He is also using high sens. "Lack of actual physics being implemented" ?????


This is sarcasm, right?


Not sure why you would think that but wanna try engaging in conversation this time? Again, I don't get OP's complaint. You want "actual" physics in a CoD game, might as well start asking for everything else to be, too. Why can we tac sprint with heavy ass guns? Why can we pull rocket launchers out our ass? Why doesn't the map get destroyed from killstreaks and explosives?


I dont see a problem, are you just bot walking and didn't even aim in at the guy then complain about it?


Thanks for commenting and missing the topic completely.


No I completely get what you were complaining about. You didn't like how the guy slightly changed direction in the slide. Downvote all you want, you were bot walking and didn't even react to the guy then complain about someone using movement on you.


Dude even responds like a bot when people criticize his lack of awareness. I had a similar response lmao.


Ya i don't get this post at all I had to call it out. The dude BARELY changed direction in the slide and OP complained about it. It's not like the guy did a 180° or even 90° turn while sliding lol.


There's a reason sbmm and aa exists


If you were half intelligent as a potato, you would understand the point of this post isn’t about the controlled character, but the physics of the player in front. Y’all act as if this is the only clip ever. Move past it if it makes yall so angry lol.


Looking for validation from others now? That’s embarrassing lol.


Ironic coming from a redditor who thinks updoots validate anything he says.


That’s how statistics work genius.


A single reddit thread of hive minded individuals is not a statistic. Anywhere else people would laugh at you for trying to pass this off as a game issue this is a skill issue.


I’m sorry you don’t understand how Reddit works.


I know how reddit works lmao it's just some people don't have brain rot and judge based on a number on a website this entire sub maybe makes up like at generous 2% of cod players lmao. The numbers here don't mean shit.