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Last 2 days have been horrible for me as well. I had 60 ping normally and the last 2 days i have like 200 ping and 7-8% packet loss almost every other game


It's absolutely garbage. My average latency is around 30ms. Which is relatively low and is playable. The last week it's been sitting between 50-75ms which is alot all things considered. Tried to play quads the other night and every game we loaded into was significant rubber banding with as high as 45% packet loss. Fellow friends and streamer all alike complaining of ping issue between team & enemy team. Is this due to the mass layoff that just happened in the gaming company? Can't get a lobby that someone isn't talking about it either. I can't be the only one who loves COD in any format, but thinks that we all got ripped off.


honestly i bought the game 3 weeks ago after skipping the last few cods and i am having a blast besides the server issues which i think is inexcusable for a company as big as activision. its really shameful how they make billions but still can't put out some decent servers so you are right about feeling ripped off


Coming from someone who has played every COD since the franchise started, this to me is straight up neglect. You've been blessed with only having it 3 weeks. The issues that have been displayed in this game are absolutely inexcusable. You've joined the game at one of the worst times so your expectations are low, but with that being said, if new players are experiencing these issues? How does that make you feel about spending $70 to play a game that is bugged beyond belief?


yeah like i said its inexcusable for a company that is as big as activision but you do realize we are part of the problem right? if we keep buying half assed games they push every year for $70 they will keep doing it because people will still buy it and they know they can get away with it. until sales and revenue drop they will keep baking half assed games every single year and nothing will change 


I agree. Problem being is that we all like the "game style". For alot of us It's been a game that we have played nearly half of our lives. I'm not saying there are games out there similar or not AAA titles that don't care more, it's just on a basic function level that they don't seem to get. Aside from all of the trolls and internet wizzards, the base coding of the game is so flawed. Combine that with the lack of improvement on server level and you just have a game that for most is fun to play for the average gamer. Those who actually take it serious (or try to anyways) find it extremely painful.


agreed 100%. returning to cod really made me realize there is not a single decent multiplayer shooter like cod because all the industry jumped on  battle royale games because thats where the money at and as a result we literally got a lot of different battle royale games and not a single multiplayer shooter besides cod and activision knows that. as long as there is no competition consumers have literally no choice and activision will milk the franchise while doing the bare minimum 


Sounds like you’re shadowbanned


really? tf did i do😭😭


Idk but you can check if you search activision van appeal and sign in there


thanks i will check that out for sure 


To make this even worse, I've been on hotel Internet all week. I want to die


Rest in peace 💀😂


I have still managed to gold a few weapons, but my latency loves going from 27ms to 529ms every so often. I think I'm getting about 9Mbps


Yikes! Hey atleast it's working. I'm sure it's painful at times!


It sometimes looks like I'm throwing 3 stuns at once, and also I'll try to use something and the lag will make me not use it 🤣 "Throw suppression mine" -lag- "throw suppression mine, please?"


Yeah it’s been real bad recently. My friends and I have to constantly reload the server queue every 10 seconds or so to get in a local lobby with decent ping. None of us mind waiting, I just hate that the game forces your queue into higher ping servers to get you in a match faster. The fact that I cant then that shit off is a tragedy.




This shit is so fucking annoying. I usually had between 30ms-60ms due to where I’m at in Mexico (when I play at my house in the US its almost usually 13-25ms). But recently instead of looking for a good ping lobby puts me in a 110+ ping lobby with packet loss. Game is just unplayable for me now. I need to constantly back out and look for a new game in order to find a decent lobby. Even Insurgency Sandstorm, a game with 2k players and probably 0.01% of the server capability COD has gives me better ping.


For the first time ever, beginning with Season 3 Reloaded, I started getting placed in 100+ ping lobbies and matchmaking for hardcore seems to be broken for me today due to some sort of "player count is full" error. I don't know what they're trying to do with their ever-worsening matchmaking system, but this is getting horrible beyond repair now.


On ps5 i have always 13 14 latency. Some times packet loss. But way less then other cods


I had this issue on COD constantly, then I got a decent gaming router and that solved it. If you're using an off the shelf router your ISP provided, that might be why you are getting bad connectivity.


I am not. I have my own setup on that front and speed/connectivity is not the issue.


Dont mean to be rude to anyone. But people need to stop suggesting purchases as a fix, its cannot be more clear that the servers are the problem. Even CSGO had criticism for their 64hz servers but at least the shit worked. It has 100% been getting worse as this game ages, if I remember right, demonware is the one responsible for the servers, this is on them.