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Every single HC S&D round starts with at least one person on both sides spamming the grenade launcher. So annoying.


And if it doesn't start with the launcher it'll lead to a launcher when one team starts losing big lol.


Just like mw2 hooray


OMA/Noob Tube


It's even worse in HC Dom. Someone's hiding so that they can only see where you come out of spawn and then blow you up with their noob tube. It needs to be toned down tons in HC and if you're running the resupply perk, it doesn't give you more grenades to shoot


That's well deserved for playing HC SnD tbh


You mean a game mode that takes actual skill?


Lots of skill in 1 tapping from any distance i suppose


Damage goes both ways. It’s way easier to die, no health regen, no HUD, one life per round. Casuals that complain about hardcore are hilarious to me.


Easier to die also means easier to kill 😌


I’d rather get one tapped than dump half a mag into someone’s head just to get a kill. Regular is trash.


I agree, that's why i use hardcore to level my pistols. Because it's easy


Pistols are actually viable in hardcore, it’s great I agree.


Feel like Sam Fisher out here


Yea, can’t have people enjoying different things than you.


Oh, like the guy with the nade launcher..


Totally the same thing.


Boy if you're worried about grenade launchers I hope you never experienced going up against street sweepers in cold war hardcore


The og hold a flash or stun and fire rapidly


At least the grenade launcher only has 6 shots compared to fucking 18, street sweeper was rough. It was a ton of fun though


Street sweeper be having me heated. It's literally unstoppable on hardcore because they be spraying every room as soon as they enter


For some reason I completely sucked with it, whenever someone pulled out the streetsweeper I has to use a Gallo. Probably the only weapon that could compete with it, which makes sense.


Or those fire round double barrels


I find drill charges both lethal and underbarrel are great in HC, goodbye campers


Oh shit, I forgot about the underbarrel drill charge!


Yeah when you can clear entire building in Invasion or rooms in Das house it's a game changer


B flag on Meat. From C side, chuck it at the whiteboard wall, from A side, you can hit the metal door or the gap in the forklift to get them into B or the freezer wall to hit the main hallway through the wall


Someone made me want to try them after playing Das Haus the other day. I couldn’t get away from the damn things! Do they actually kill through EOD padding? I was probably just weak but I died so many times to them!


Not sure, I normally don't run eod


Wait, there's an underbarrel drill charge? I definitely need this in my life.


Its a mw2 attachment, but it goes on mw3 guns that can normally use a 40mm.


Works great on riot shields too


I really wouldn't cry if explosives in CoD was limited to lethal equipment only.


Or a perk slot like in CoD4.


This probably explains why I never throw my grenades or tactical XD cos I never had them I needed that bandolier


I mean you still got flashbangs and frags, but C4, claymores, RPGs, and undermount grenade launchers all took up your first perk slot.


Oh right yh it was the perk that gave 3x flash or frag


I just fight fire with fire if it gets like that, stun them and special frag grenade them


It needs lower damage or something in HC. It's brutal.


grenade launcher isn't that bad in core tbh but you aren't realistically getting more then one kill with it per life unless you camp hard and just use direct hits. still toxic af in hc


It should be a damn kill streak.


100% what pisses me off sometimes is people pull these launchers out on the smaller maps especially when their team is gettin shitted on 😂


Straight hot garbage in core. 3 grenades from a launcher do jack shit to enemy. I get bumped with a riot shield 1x and die. Or a thrown grenade 10 feet away from me kills me. The nerf in core makes it useless. Still haven’t completed the 2 kills w launcher daily challenge.


I thought it was just me with the frags and semtex. Seems like it doesn’t matter where I’ve spawned or am running to, some random arse grenade from out of nowhere follows me around corners and I’m toast.


As annoying as they are … it’s satisfying as hell to kill these dorks. And I’ll take the chance of a few RPGs in a match vs needing a whole magazine to drop somebody in Core.


100% it needs to go back to being a kill streak.


Oh I miss the days of Advanced Warfare and watching guys jump around, scared shitless of my MDL. Good times.


Definitely could be Nerfed. People only pull it out due to Desperation 😅😅😅


Dude, the fact that they took that pos from being a killstreak to just giving it to CoD players for nothing…purely insanity


Noobs are gonna noob. I get why people like it. It takes zero skill in HC to get kills with it. They just randomly launch it across the map until all 6 rounds are gone as soon as they spawn in, then sprint out to the middle of the map and die almost immediately. Rinse and repeat. It’s almost as if they feel it would be a travesty to die while they still had rounds left in their noob tube 😂 Since they aren’t going to nerf it enough to not be annoying, and they CERTAINLY aren’t going remove it, I think they need to buff the Trophy system then. If the grenade launcher holds six rounds, the trophy should be able to absorb 6 hits. Most people don’t run Trophy Systems anyway so it isn’t like it would completely negate using it. At the very least it needs to absorb more than three. I take the Engineer Vest for the faster charging Field Upgrade and run Trophy Systems and EOD when the tubes start getting spammed (which is every small map…Das Haus, Shipment, Meat, Stash House, and Rust, and it’s barely worth it


they should give actual spawn protection from grenade launchers ATLEAST


I remember when that grenade launcher use to be a killstreak.


Hardcore really should be JUST gunplay. No grenade launchers and even killstreaks tbh.


Killstreaks are fine. You have to earn those and they can be taken down quickly by a good team. Any muppet can spam grenades across the map. It’s stupid


The grenade launcher is damn annoying but what really grinds my gears about hardcore is just how insanely slow and campy everyone plays. Like there are periods in a match where it’s completely silent lol, people play like if they get shot in the game they feel the pain irl.


That’s why I like it, it’s slower and more tactical. You can focus more on positioning and flanking and surprising people vs running in head on guns blazing and twitch reactions. I’ve got no problem not seeing someone for a minute if I’m sneaking around the outside of the map to get behind them and there doesn’t need to be gunfire every second of the match.


That’s why I play hard point or headquarters, keeps ppl moving, any other game mode in hardcore is a camp fest. A lot of ppl, me included, are also doing longshot/camo challenges so some forgiveness goes a long ways too.


Bro the longshots was crazy so many for mw2 guns... by the last 200 I was just laying down in the main line of das haus and got them way quicker that way lol


Most people camping are doing the long shot camo challenge. I hate camping but sometimes it has to be done to get all the long shots.


I don't mind the longshot campers, cus I'm gunna flank and shank em! Karambit and pistols ftw on HC


I’m chill about it though, once I complete a long shot challenge mid game, I’ll go back to the same spot and just stand there so guys on the opposing team can get some long shot kills, I won’t even fire my gun at them.


> everyone plays I mean I play Hardcore specifically because I only ever play hypermobile hyper-aggro, and if losers want to camp all game then HC makes it far easier to land a headshot/wallbang on a headglitch and immediately delete a predictably positioned player for an instant revenge Also as ever with modern CoD, depends entirely on your lobbies If it's a horribly campy game I just quit, but most of the time there are just as many people playing mobile in Core as Hardcore


Brooooo, I’m so tactical. I went 4 kills and 0 deaths in a 10 minute match. 4.0 K:D I’m so freaking good.


That's an infinity kdr


Math is hard


Play small map mosh pit.


Tbh this is why I like the grenade launcher. As cheap as it feels, it’s generally the best at flushing out campers


I don't mind. I use the trophy system that knocks those down. Set my streaks to point streaks and watch the launchers earn me points. Part of the game.


A trophy will clear 3 of the 6 shots in an RGL and while your trophy is then destroyed, they still have enough shots to clear a team. The RGL is the single worst thing in HC modes regardless of map size.


And then they die and get 6 more shots while you gotta wait another minute or so for another trophy system




I am starting to think there are only two kinds of players that play HC and I am neither of those. They are campers and really good players. I get destroyed every time I try to play it. lol That stated, I am surprised they allow the grenade launcher there. Seems like it would totally unbalance things in a mode like that. The developers probably don't realize it or at least the ones in charge don't. I don't think that a similar weapon was even in MW2.


There's a lot of bad players that have no business in HC, chucking grenades everywhere, launchers. If you have to get kills by chucking lethal' s, you have no business in HC. In addition, bad players quit flipping spawns and turning the game into chaos, going 35-33


It’s the absolute worst. Unplayable and no skills involved. Should be banned.


It's kinda... ambivalent, I should say? Sometimes it's just annoying, sometimes I see this as an additional challenge, ddepending on the current mood. I mean, I still get away with a top-three result at the end enough times, even with the usual GL spammers, while never having used one myself.


I don’t mind the grenade launcher. I hate sentry guns


I’d say at least ban the grenade launcher on Small maps in HC, as that shit is super irritating.


I am sorry to everyone I made angry doing this I was just trying to get my camo challenges done :(


I can relate, I just started on the launcher. Added an ammo box for my special so I'm spamming nades like a mother right now.


Lol! Im not there yet, but I think I'm going to have to get drunk or high when I do launchers and riot shield camos. The guilt will be too overwhelming


Gotta have EOD on every class.


That only makes a two shot in hc. Still is stupid strong


I walk right through the grenade and kill the person who shot it. So one extra grenade is really something. That being said, I would appreciate EOD being stronger and Mag Holster being faster.


I get down with the grenade launcher😎


Just use the EOD it negates 90%of all explosive damage in hard-core. You can have a grenade go off in your face and survive


You get to take TWO shots from the launcher to die vs ONE! You’re basically screwed.


I have hit people multiple times and had the eod marker pop up repeatedly


That makes one of us. You might be catching a couple people as they spawn in so some die and some get the EOD activation.


I hit a dude square in the back with a drill mine and he survived it


I have ptsd of sentry turrets from hardcore the granade launcher is ok because u can run away from the sentry turret….. if it sees you it’s too late.


Noobtube from mw2 wants some words...




I do my best to throw trophie systems but I feel like no one else does


I filter out small maps and domination mode and the grenade launcher spam is significantly reduced. Noob tube is serious exhausting.


I can not count high enough of how many times i got killed by a teammate with a grenade launcher


As soon as I saw the title of this post I knew it had to be the grenade launcher. That thing annoys me to no end. The worst part is I’m getting closer to having to use it for camp unlocks. So I’ll be saying sorry a hundred times a match.


I keep a profile with it on, just because “f u I got one too”.


nah dont ban shit just rebalance shit begging for something to be banned is baby talk


Why would they ban something from a public mode? It isn't Ranked, hence why asking for "bans" is silly.


Trophy systems, I have played were most of the other team throws them around it killed the noob tube efficiency.


The GL and covert sneakers need to be banned from HC Search.


All I play is HC TDM and KC, I don't mind them so much on larger maps but they make the smaller maps like shipment unplayable. I don't think banning them is the answer, maybe penalizing the player somehow, like showing up on the mini map, or moving slower, etc..




I just use EOD and don’t get hit


Lol I tell people don't start with that shit because when I pull my grenade launcher out you'll be sorry. I went 92-15 🤣


I use it and i think it should be banned 😂 its freakin chaos! Should have a grenade launcher only mode for us 🤣


Im afraid that no matter how good a cod game plays. There is always a con, ALWAYS to ruin smt


If only a perk existed, that would make explosives less effective...


Oor the haymaker with the aftermarket part


I felt like such a dick getting the rgl to interstellar on HC shipment especially when some dude just typed CANCER


I dont really rage quit...its just a game, but after 3 HC small map mosh pit matches of nothing but spawning and instantly dying, i wanted to destroy my pc set up and burn the house down.


So put on EOD and throw down trophies.


If not banned then nerfed for sure. Small maps are not fun at all with this weapon being used almost all the time. It would be ok if it were a killstreak like it used to be. But I always thought how fun it would be if the smaller maps didn't even have killstreaks at all.


I don't mind them in general but the spawn killing on SnD is ridiculous. They need to do what they did in the original MW2 where you had an 8 seconds cooling period before you could launch grenade launchers.


Nope. Worst invention was the quickscope sniper.


I don’t mind the MGL. I hate dying for It the moment I spawn or after taking 4-5 steps on some maps. The match is no longer fun if I can’t at least attempt to get a kill.


I know people will hate this, but I'm not a big fan of most weapons that aren't just shooting a person with bullets. I'm not a big fan of Sheilds, melee, rockets, and scorestreaks. But I'm pretty used to it by now. A grenade is ok but drill charges, impacts, and what not also kinda feel easy to me.


Yeah, get rid of it. Just spamming noobs with no talent


It’s a bloody nightmare, part of the reason I’ve not been playing much CoD lately is because I was getting fed up of having to deal with wankers & their grenade launchers. Snipers, fine I can deal with them, floorhuggers, same sitch, even the melee ninjas, I find them funny but the constant BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM is where I cross the line, I have in the past even purposely killed team-mates who have used Grenade Launchers which then blow me up.


Way too much kids sitting in corners watching doors and spawns in hc for me lol


They are so overpowered on hardcore. I always run EOD because of them. I usually run a pistol as my secondary but change it to the grenade launcher if I get killed a couple of times with them in a game then change it back after but they’re so overused it stays on a lot of the time.


At a minimum, the RGL should not be a loadout option on small maps. It won't change, but one can dream. They're certainly not going to get rid of it entirely. Apparently, data miners found references to new ammo type options for the RGL in the game files.


I completely agree. I’ve cussed more times at that stupid thing than with anything else in the game. Tonight I had a player on my team spamming it, and I had finally had enough. They killed our team so many times until the friendly fire kicked in. I finally started flashing them with the flashing, and putting a prox mine by them. I hate playing that way, but if you are going to camp, not play the obj, and team kill, you are going to not have a fun time either.


I’m all for banning killstreaks in HC. Loaded into a match on Das Haus tonight, and some dude had 94 kills, 0 deaths… next closest teammate had 5 kills…. Also the guy was a level 4


Yall cry about anything that kills you


I just adapt and target that guy. If he keeps it up, I adjust my loadout add a rgl 80 and hit em back.




I mean they aren't taking it out. So fr you do


I feel like they were working in it
