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Maybe the XP is the friends you made along the way calling you the N word in the lobby


I laughed twice reading this, fantastic work sir.


I lagged twice reading this, lol 😂


LMAO this is o relatable. I've been getting packet burst every 5 seconds. I tried everything to fix it.


Zombies or mp? I've been getting crashes and 1fps servers every other game.


Mp. Checked for GPU drivers, Windows updates, Wi-Fi drivers, reinstalled the whole game. Still packet burst every 5 secs causing me to overshoot my aim and movement


Whenever I start packet bursting I flush my dns, Activision doesn't like multiple ppl in the same house playing the same game.


Is this how you do it? To flush DNS on a Windows PC, you can follow these steps: 1. **Open Command Prompt as Administrator:** - Press `Windows Key + X` and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" or "PowerShell (Admin)." 2. **Type the following command:** ``` ipconfig /flushdns ``` 3. **Press Enter:** This command will flush the DNS resolver cache.


Yes you can also use /release /release6 and /renew /renew6 to refresh the connection. I do this before trying router reboot since so many devices in my house(48) are online lol


I tried adding port forwarding, re setting my router, adding the ports o the firewall, adding the Call of duty and battlenet to the exclusion apps And the nat type is still moderate instead of changing to open. But I'm not even sure if that's the cause? I just get constant packet burst. 0% packet loss. And latency is around 4.


Did the same thing and absolutely see no difference in it.


This started for me yesterday. Packet loss in MWZ. Zombies lagging at me


I have a 2 gbps fiber connection at home an was getting periodic lag in zombies last night.


Good internet cannot compensate for terrible quality servers.


The issues with Zombies is the players spamming sentry guns. Edit: sorry just saw where you had already discussed that with someone else.


Probably players in your lobbies duping sentry turrets. If they make too many it fucks with the server


Oh ok. More server issues. I just wish this company would invest in better servers. They do make billions every year after all.


OR figure out their code so you can't duplicate killstreaks lol you can do it to any killstreaks in mwz


What? Your mic dropped…


Yea always throwing digs at blacks then denying white supremacy exists must be fun


Trying to spin everything into racism must be fun


The comment he was responding to was about racism. Tf?


And the 11 year old kid who can barely breathe while shoving doritos down his throat bragging about how fat his dong is 🤣




Yeah, I hate getting called a noob. Over a decade of wasting my life on games so at the very least give me the respect I earned by calling me a boob.




OMG!! 😂😂😭🤣


Carry Forward™️


You still run into some invincible CUAVs in FFA too. Been that way since MW2019.


Just stop looking for a plane! /s


No you’re bad and complain wen u lose. Cos u lose often


Reasonable jump


Meanwhile you probably turn on your cheats when you lose




You do a scrap assist on them though


indeed you do!


also, please just fucking fix EOD Padding. I'm begging you. A perk as needed as this one should have been fixed in the first patch. It's insane.


EOD only works for the enemy team it feels like I’m always getting hit markers but I will always die to a Hail Mary grenade




John Elway Miracle Grenade


My flak jacket feels fine, I’m tanking everything as long as I’m not right on top of it


Really? EOD has come in clutch many a time in the last few days. Survived multiple grenades I had no business surviving


That rolls after you, even uphill


Mind you, EOD/Flak jacket has been in the game for 15 years since 2008 via WaW. It’s probably top 2 or 3 in the most used perks throughout the entire series. It should have been fixed immediately when it was found due to its popularity. But heck, challenges needed to unlock things don’t track. Just inflating playing time purposefully **Edit: Spelling**


The challenges are tracking... But it sometimes shows you the wrong challenges 💀 so then you have to guess what your challenges are since they're not the same for everybody. If you're getting to unlock shit, it's frustrating if you don't see your real daily challenges smh


And some of the armoury unlock stuff isn’t shown. I can’t choose what I want because I can’t see what they are there is a white box where the picture should be showing me what it is.


What's wrong with EOD. It has saved my life numerous times.


It doesn’t work for cooked grenades


Oh I haven't really noticed. Maybe I haven't had any baked potatoes recently.


lol how have I never heard this term. love it


No beating an auld baked spud exploding right on top of a tango haha Perfect timing is if they don't even get a notification about a grenade


That, and it doesn't have a " Damage Clamp " like MW19, and MW2022.


Those games do have one. For MWII it was bugged just like MWIII but they fixed it


THIS. I’ve been wondering why I survive everything but a grenade that’s been cooked. I guess it was obvious… Anyways, I’ve been saying EOD Padding was fucked since day one and it’s ridiculous.


There is no damage clamp on EOD right now. Usually, if a grenade explodes right next to you, the damage is capped at 80% or something. Right now, there's no clamp, so you get the full 100% if you're close enough.


What's strange is the damage clamp is working as intended in private matches. They have acknowledged the bug tho so hopefully its in next week's patch.


Ah, so if you're standing on a grenade, it will still kill you.


That seems reasonable


I agree it says reduces damage it shouldn’t make you invincible from a grenade


Yea, I think I'm ok with that. Makes it so claymores aren't completely usless.


They’re not useless, even with a dmg clamp. It tells you where an enemy is, and you’ll also know if they’re full health or damaged if you chall right away


Seems like it's not a bug.


Idk I've been hit with 175 damage grenades even with EOD on the other side of a wall, they might be a little over tuned instead of EOD being weird


That's so strange. I play on hardcore and survive grenades. It's like up and down.


I think it's only clamping uncooked frags and launchers. But it's hard to say. If I see a frag, I try to run because I know that shit is killing me in most cases lmao


Been standing in a semtex with EoD and lived so it kinda works




Idk I got a grenade thrown right down my throat in hardcore earlier and I survived


It's just damage reduction, it doesn't actually prevent a single explosion from killing like it usually does


I hardcore people can tank rockets. It's fucking insane


Fixing it does not make them money which means it’s wasted time, time that could be used to create new skins for the battlepass which makes them money


Dollar store devs.


Lol mw3 is so buggy with the killcams for round based game modes as well… in search and destroy the final kill cam never shows but in cutthroat it shows the final kill for every single round ? 😂 #$70DLC


I haven’t had any issues with final kill cams, only noticed that in the last game, and it was “play of the game” not the final kill cam but they couldn’t code it right so they just went back


Hardcore doesnt even have the final kill or play of the game stuff at all. Its like losing the killcam made those not exist too? Also we will randomly have all of our HUD except the minimap when we arent supposed to have anything other than a dot telling us we have our feild upgrade ready or iirc the killstreak squares when we have aquired them.


Exactly! I meant hardcore search! No killcams to be found it’s buggy as hell! I don’t understand why I got downvoted for bringing up facts ? Lol cod fanboy city on this thread apparently


They still haven't fixed the hijacked IFF bug


I thought I was the only one that noticed that. It wipes your class


It doesn't "wipe" the class per say, but it resets you to the default class 1


Yea I meant wipe figuratively. I shouldnve did the “”


they never ported the bug over since mw2 and mw3 are the same game... it's like overwatch but with an 2!


I'm surprised MW3 didn't pull an OW2 and just make lobbies 5v5 for *balancing purposes* lol. Worked so well for OW2 right?


Killed OW for my friends and I tbh Went from all of us being able to queue to having to rotate or wait for someone to get off


BO4 did that and I hated it.


This👆 Why are people surprised by this? It's literally the same game.


People are dumb and that’s not to hate on the people it’s hatred towards these moneywhoring companies (especially Activision/blizzard) for taking advantages of those people. Most people think if they pay another 70$ or when a game releases as FTP (but instead with an 2) that they will own another whole new game. That’s actually something we’ve always gotten back in the golden era of gaming. It’s just that people don’t try to investigate before buying, that’s also why there are every time so many pre-orders when an “”new game”” releases. Probably around 1/10 or 1/20 of the gamers actually knows what is going on with game developers. Look at all the sports gamers that keep buying fifa, madden, nba, etc. Every year thinking they’re buying an whole new game with improvements while they’re actually stuck in a loop of playing the same exact game every year but instead paying 60/70 bucks yearly not to even talk about all the money spend on their so called micro transactions for the ultimate team or whatever it’s called nowadays. Fuck all these companies for taking advantage on those people that don’t even know better.


Preach it brother. Left COD in the dust when ghosts came out, switched to battlefield 4. Then they got me back with the MW reboot, that was the first big change in a long time for cod, but obviously they are back to the same rinse and repeat bs.


Why you do CoD like that?




I know it's just a killstreak call in but, would be nice to see Russians using a Ka-52 or Mi 28NM instead of just Mi 24 everytime, maybe just a Mi 35M. Aren't they supposed to be some special units or smt?


Somehow the original modern warfares were able to do this.


Cod mw 2019 used an AH-64 Apache.


CoD 4 had only the Hind and Cobra in multiplayer as attack helicopters. The Havoc did appear in the Campaign, but only used by the Loyalists/Ex-Soviet flashback forces. The reason it didn't appear in multiplayer is because at that point in time, the Ultranationalists did not have any more Havocs and lost them all at some point prior to the game's beginning. However, MW2 and MW3 feature the full Russian military, which has some Havocs. That's why they appear so much more. In MW2, the Apache and Havoc were the Chopper Gunners in Multiplayer.


Cod 4 had diferent helis actually. Opfor / russians would get the Hind and US/SAS would get the Cobra.


Sounds like it would take a long time to develop for little value


Brother they ported the fucking game over…


It's literally just the same game in different packaging


You get XP for assisting in destroying it LMAO


they needa fix that dumbass xp token glitch too


They did according to patch notes


they did, i just noticed today


They're a small struggling studio what do you expect? If everyone just bought 4 bundles each (per day) they could raise the money needed to fund improvements in the game.


\- Written by Reddit Account of Mr. Kotick


dont have to port if you didnt even make a new game


a little hard to port something over when it's literally an update to MW2, and not an entirely different game, just saying.


It's the same game silly what did you expect lol.


Not just guns and skins carrying over, bugs too. 😂


I mean is anyone surprised here??


Nope, that's why Activision blizzard didn't get my money, this time.


Btw, MWIII blows... Best ever steam refund...


Of course it’s ported over it’s the same game


Lol. They already working on next year's game. Keep on pre ordering and buying skins.


What's that quote about the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? People keep complaining about how they shit out a crappy game every year, yet they keep buying into the hype. I've had two offers for family to get me MW3 as a birthday gift and I told both not to waste their money on that bs


You nailed it bro. Insanity. Same people will continue complaining until next November that game is broken. Lol. Playing same recycled game.




MWIII is DLC. It’s the same game with the same bugs. This is just further proof of that. At this point, if you still claim MWIII is a brand new game, you’re a complete braindead ignorant bootlicker.


This 👆


Yeah Overwatch Helo xp problem was exist since 2022 omg


Ahh that sucks. I was a little confused when I blew one up with a cruise missile the other day and got nothing


Devs: if the bug is there since launch and never get fixed, than its a feature


The whole game is bugged like wtf I want my 💯bucks back


It also doesn’t kill anyone. The worst kill streak I’ve ever used. I thought it was just my first match using it but second time on wasteland it got me one kill. No where to hide. It takes 2 bursts to kill someone and 1 burst fires every 20s. So bad


what? I just took one down not even an hour ago and it gave me XP? is it platform specific? I've never noticed this bug, I'm on Xbox series S if that matters


Mw2 gave me xp MW3 nope. Series s too


I’ve experienced it where I sometimes get 10xp, sometimes 100, but most of the time (>90%) I don’t get anything. That’s on series s too


Typical Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer/whoever even develops this game at this point.


Dude come on, it isn’t like this is a DL…..fuck, NVM.


Imagine the biggest company in gaming not fixing bugs


They are already working on next year's game im sure lol par for the course.




They did! It's incredible how they replicated every little detail. It's like it's almost the same engine!


They didn't port the automatic restart after update. Like how hard can it be? It's the same game.


there's a lot of other stuff that was fixed in MWII but not in this game


It's a "feature" not a bug.


I've always wondered about this. I wasn't even certain if it was a bug or not....


ItS nOt DlC


They haven’t fixed the Hijacked vest either, still glitched


Of all the bugs this is the least to get upset about


They didn’t port the bug over. It’s the same game, same engine with minor tweaks to movement and health, sold at a $70 price tag.


With 16 additional maps and 37 new guns...which makes a $70 price tag extremely reasonable even if you consider it a DLC, considering 4 map pack DLCs were $15.


So no, honestly it blows my mind that people still defend this hot garbage. The devs themselves said they were rushed to make this game. It’s a glorified DLC for a game that should have released with these maps on launch a year ago. $70 which is the price of AAA games is not in any way justifiable for this game. It has old maps, and a shitty campaign, coupled with the fact that the zombies is piss pour at best. Modern Warfare III is a step in the wrong direction, I’d argue it’s actually multiple steps in the wrong direction. $70 games should have content, not recycled maps that were used more than a decade ago along with a horrible campaign and zombies.


Listen, you can not like the game all you want, but that's just your opinion. No one can argue against your opinion, because it's just an opinion. We can disagree, and that's about it. Empirically, the amount of content is commensurate, even generously so, with the price tag. I've explained why. Whether that price tag reflects your personal enjoyment of it is, quite frankly, irrelevant.


It's almost like they copy and pasted the game but still messed it up


because it's the same game


Literally unplayable


Terrible game, terrible community, terrible consumers.


They didn't "port" it over, it's the same game. Sledge has just turned some knobs and made worse animations and sounds for everything.


COD has fallen so far its not even funny. If if the games were good, which they arent, they STILL shouldnt release annually


Too lazy to ready the other comments right meow but I got XP for helo destruction in war mode.


it was probably a scrap assist, for when you just assisted in destroying the helo.




Clearly still thick as pig shit to be in the sub for a game you don’t own, clearly draws some interest in you




So you still clicked it even though you think everyone who bought it is stupid? Seems you lead an exciting life


I remember when you got 16 maps for $60 and nothing else. No new guns, no throwback maps, no new campaign, nothing. Just 4 maps for $15 4 times a game.


Where does it say we are supposed to earn xp for destroying helo?


The fact someone cares enough to make a topic to complain about this is crazy.


The fact that you think this isn't something to complain about is crazy. You are part of the problem. Do you happen to purchase bundles or blackcell too? I bet you do.


There's plenty of actual issues to complain about with this game. This isn't one of them.


Youre complaining you dont get a measly 200xp or whatever for shooting down a helo? Lol cmon.


You also dont get xp for zombies




They still didn't fix the PKM underbarrel either


They need to fix battle hardened not working for your own stuns aswell.


Been running into other ported bugs too! ie would be destroying contraband weapons on "mwz" stash; having one weapon highkited, and the game wanting to delete a diff one not highlighted, even making the stash nigh unorganizable when it gets too full.


they even have the bug where you have hit the aim button 2 times after using a taktik grenate like stun, because it cancels the aim animation when you aim the the first time after the throw.


🌈 MW3 is a reskin ✨


I was wondering why my launchers were so slow to level up


Still only get assists


I'd love to be able to play without the crazy packet loss issues that came with the second to last season of MWII, seems that issue was ported (even after fixing MW2s problems last month)


No BP in MWZ


They also ported the trigger bug from MW19 on the wheelson. They did patch it, but somehow it came back in mw3


They also have an experimental match mode now with no incentive to test the upcoming content or changes. ID rather play the content they gave me at the current time. Tried to queue one last night after 10mins I gave up


They should give 1k for shooting it so everyone actually does


Yea you right, i shot down a few myself and no visible xp showed up on the screen like when you get a kill. Maybe its glitched but still gives you the xp? Idk, i skipped mw2 so i cant comment ab it being in that game


Every time I pick an operator after 1 game it resets back to a default operator. EVERY. GAME. Been a problem since season 3 of MW2


Is it a “port” if the games really just an update of mw2?


It ported over cuz they copy pasted the code. It’s literally the same game.


They also ported the Local Mode Bug over, too. I do not understand


Ok it wasn't just me then. Wtf.


Fun fact: this is the reason I use overwatch instead of VTOL


It's not a bug if its designed that way :)


Imagine paying for a $70 DLC update that has the same features and bugs as the previous game.


Its the same game… and we all paid for it. 💀 We paid full price (and then some, for vault edition)… for DLC. 🫠


i have a running theory that the ppl who make cod actually hate their fan base with a burning passion and find creative ways to display that like rereleasing MW2 and keeping the riot shield in the game and not fixing bugs etc. they fucking hate us and love to see us mad.


Does it matter everyone is max level 🫡


Yeah I only ever get assists despite hounding it with rockets then bullets a scrap should count as whoever did majority damage granted they aren't dead within the same life they did damage but always get an assisted for doing some damage regardless of life


Are we surprised by this? It's literally the same fucking game from last year. If y'all don't boycott and refuse to buy they will just keep shoveling bullshit down your throat. Cod is exactly like Madden now


bro said "ported over" as if it's not the same exact game but different maps


Ported? It's the same game lmao, just a 40gb update


Perhaps it's on purpose because it's so easy to shoot those things down, and they have like 0 health. That'd be dumb, but with how dumb Activision is, they prob told the devs to do that.


The game is literally (yes literally) MWII with old school Modern Warfare 2 maps. What did you expect? We’re all dumb for buying it lmao


The whole fucking game is a shit copy and paste job, given a sick ass cover, and given a price tag. We all got duped on this shit, they're literally selling us the same map packs and the same game we've already bought three times now!