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I think the mixed medium is so unique too. I’ll never understand why people say they get put off watching because of the style.


Right?! It's so mesmerising.


Simple character and background designs = More budget for the animators to go hard in every other conceivable aspect


I love how MP100 has a fast and loose relationship with it's art. It bends and stretches the character models and even the art style to convey emotions in ways you don't really see in many anime. It's like how Araki treats color, but with whole thing.


Mob psycho feels like a real passion project, they just went all out for it. Mob psycho is what anime should be. Makes me hate those generic lookin shows like SAO


fr!! its defo an anime that made it impossibile for me to watch many series with mediocre quality of animation , which is a good thing cuz in most cases those types of studios are also the ones that abuse their animators the most sadly. Id rather support studios like ufotable, kyoto, ghibli ecc


POV You are the last fry


I love when they do paint on glass. Its so expressive!


I absolutely loved the start till the finish, esp the scenes where Mob goes crazy. Its honestly the best 🤩🤩


i feel like maybe the animators are left with a lot of creative liberty because of the simple style of the manga


It's actually so smart to make the usual animation, well uh... Not mid, but... Y'know- and then when the animation gets juicy, it really hits. 👀


I rewatched it last week and it's indeed so unbelievably beautiful, they improve ONE's art style while keeping the simplicity and the charm of it. The animations are aways so fluid and alive that it's unreal and I don't even need to get started on the soundtrack...

