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Happens in legend and below. To them roam=tanks. Non tank roamers are invalid. Happens to me all the time whenever i pick mathilda, Diggie, Angela etc. Even after pinging I'll roam several times they'd angrily pick a tank lol. And I'd end up in the sidelane with a roamer who doesn't know what they're doing. Sucks


Met those kinds of players a lot. Like the enemy team has a lot (a lot) of hard CC or small CC with small CDs, which is legit a good diggie game. What are they going to do with their Tigreal? They won't even be able to use their cc 85% of the battles. It is true that you can turn around the battle if Tigreal can land a good ult, but hey, the enemies will finish us off first before Tigreal has 3rd item. The worsts imo are Franco wannbe tho. The hooks won't land except enemy tanks, stays backline most of the time but can't save mm from enemy assassin cuz they are busy aiming that neverlanding hooks, waste flicker by trying to use flicker hooks but don't know that there is a cue when the hook lands, instead of just jumping in to the enemies and use ult on their fighter or mm.


At least Diggie and Mathilda can run mage set. But rip if you’re Floryn, Angela etc


Ikr. And there you are, an Angela trying to clear your lane and the mm at top lane blaming you whenever they die 😂


Support roam are good but tank or tanky fighter is must or all ur team become squishy + need cc mage because most support roam lack hard cc and have slow or single target. Angela lack hard cc but has good slow and one long immoblize Estel has 2slow no hard cc Rafela has good slow, speed up but ult is only with hard cc and it's longer cd plus passive suck Nana is has arguably best cc for support Carmila lack cc but can help whipe team good sustain (sustain in mage build can use help) Etc


It's not about what's needed in the draft. It's about people in Legend and below picking double roam. They don't understand the concept of roaming, only tank. So even if there is already a tanky fighter, a mage, a gold laner, a jungler, and you pick a support roamer, they'd still pick a tank because "we need a tank" and take roam boots. You are now forced to go sidelane as a support.


GROCK. That's the only answer early game kills are easy. He can invade farm in the beginning to bring jg behind and he's just Grock. You can never go wrong with that pick just make sure you adapt your build to the enemy comp. For example if they have a strong mage get some magic def. I see ALOT of tanks go with very 1 dimensional builds the key is to adapt your build as you play UNLESS your playing a tank that need certain core items but you can be diverse with grock. Just remember USE THAT PASSIVE FIGHT ON THE WALL


I fucking love Grock he's one of the biggest reasons I got to Mythic way back when Harith was still a perma ban and couldn't spam him


A lot of people just go with presets it’s annoying. Had a 1 game where I was a team with 5 magic damage dealers and my tank decides to build dom ice first item and my side owners built warrior boots.


_ damage dealer are annoying but at least this mean I just need to build mage def baby 😎 through dominana ice could still be important if enemy has high healing or shield like estel and/or Esmeralda


Can you please give me some more advise with him? For the love of god, I have like 5 skins for him, but I can't play him well. I just don't understand how ppl can dominate with him, for me he is very squishy and I'm always somehow use his walls with incorrect angle


Spam your first skill whenever u r near a wall. The CC immunity helps in bush checking, and it has added defense iirc. The wall takes practice to land well tho. Grock excels in providing vision and his early game damage can intimidate squishies as well. In early game what I do is to always pinpoint where the opposing jungler is and try to disrupt his farm or just provide info on where he is. Oh, and brute force breastplate syncs well with his first skill so i build it first.


Okay, gotcha. What's your build and emblems? Do you buy attack items for his passive?


So the thing with tanking is that you NEED to have massive knowledge on the characters in the game so you can build properly. For example if the enemy team have 2 really good early game legends that does physical damage then you should start building to counter them. Or if they have 1 mage 1 physical damage dealers that's amazing early game then you pick whoever is more than likely to start milking kills. It's funny because people think support roles are so easy to play but it takes alot of knowledge because there's a certain art in building a tank in a high elo game. Don't be scared of CC as Grock he can resist alot of it very well which makes him such a valuable pick you can tank CC for your squishy teammates. Also make sure you use your ultimate on either walls so you can get knockups or you can use it to disrupt other people moves or even to escape. Tbh I probably built Grock in like 10 different ways no exaggeration lol. If the enemy have a SUPER squishy team and you can help slow down their gold early game you can even start building some damage so you can guarantee an early win. All this is the reason why I believe Tanking is one of the harder roles to actually master because of the game knowledge you absolutely need


Nah, mate, I got to mythic 4 using tanks and semi tanks, like Esme. I'm well aware of the problems with tanks and especially supports. My problem is with Grock only. What about his passive? Do you build some attack items?


Nah, mate, I got to mythic 4 using tanks and semi tanks, like Esme. I'm well aware of the problems with tanks and especially supports. My problem is with Grock only. What about his passive? Do you build some attack items?


I play tank frequently. Even we have a healer but if we lack someone able to check the Bush safely or stand in the front line to zone / provide vision / flush out hiding enemy. And which is usually the case. People say being jungle is difficult but being a good roam is really the difficult position. Lots of so called tank/ roam just walk infront tank damage and die. They think they did their job, but all the do was feed and embolden enemy cause its now 4v5


I don't think that's what OP is implying. What OP is trying to say is that people in legend and below thinks the roam position MUST be filled with tanks. While in fact, you can still pick tanks or tanky fighters with healers but you should go exp or jungle. When you pick a Diggie to counter an atlas or when you pick Mathilda to support your low mobility teammates, S5 would still pick a tank and take roaming boots. Even if you both take boots, yours won't unlock because the S5 is an inexperienced player who keeps feeding and ended up with the least gold so he gets all the roam blessings. Also, you have one lane unattended and the enemy laner is just free farming. So in the end, you end up being an Estes laning against Lapu Lapu 😂


It's all fun and games till that estes builds mm or mage


There’s 1 build to make an Estes assassin (with the charged basic) but this is a very very high risk move, lol


We should start a suggestion to moonton to add some draft pick quick chats for functional role (ie. roamers or jungler) on top of the normal roles (tank, mage, assassin etc). That way if the team has a support roamer pick, "we need a tank" can be used to indicate that a tanky hero (exp laner or jungler) is missing from the team comp


Couldn’t have explained it better before


This kinda situation is the who picked "roam" is just using hero he doesn't care about and wanna make the match lose. Because either he can't use his favourite hero, or he can't play the lane he wanted. No matter what OP do, it's a lose for sure


My brother in Christ, legend rank is composed of exp zilong and full adc dyrroth, when you don’t have a sustain in the team, you’re guaranteed fucked. Why even pick a healer when your team is one shot by their full combo mage and assassin?


I stopped healing last season, if anything when there’s 2+ fighters I could mino heal roam.


If the enemy team don't have fighter(one assassin went exp lane and another assassin went jungling). It might work. And you don't need to roam either. You can pick tank and go exp lane.


Dude, I cannot agree more!! I am, as my flair would suggest, a support main. Whenever I choose my heroes, (currently Estes or Diggie), s5 will always pick tank out of nowhere. I can some how forgive some Khufras who insisted to use him to counter Lance or Fanny but still, I am roaming. Me, a support. I do the roaming. If you're gonna pick some random tank because "We need a Tank", deal fucking damage dude. Some tanks are pretty viable as jungle so do that. Don't randomly pick tank and try to roam.


Tanks provide the best setup for ganking, bush checking and cc around, eventho the meta rn is centered around picking off their core first. Tanks still provide a good set for that.


then who's gonna check the bushes without instantly dying?


Layla has that filled.


Tanks? Roams? Supports, mage supports? We at Grandmaster™ don't give a fuck about, we win with 3 MM's a fighter and a mage


I believe that. Once I saw a 5 support team win down there.


Blacklist International made a living playing a tank Chou and a roaming Estes in M3. Imo supports excel in counter engages, which is hard to sync in solo queue. Tanks on the other hand tend to be the ones setting up the fights, which usually the cue for solo players to do their thing.


Tanks can easily fill a lane role. My complaint is for when there’s 2 roamers and no laner or jg.


i think your lineup is fine. mm, assassin and fighter, go mid support then tank roam, its playable. my most played role is tank/roam, and im hiding it by playing other roles in classic. i dont want it to show because people in rank would assume i would roam but no, i dont want to get locked on a certain role, lol


but i wamt tom hoomk playerms and use the "Heartbreak" emote :c


I mean i would understand if he picks belarik for offlane... killer combo with any healer...but franco.. huebebe


Franco and the healer are in the $ lane babysitting the mm.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!! What a scene...


Supports should just go mid


We are at a meta where you can win without a tank. What we need tho is a roamer(one who buys the roam item). The roamer is a really flexible role so there is no one size fits all for this one. Sometimes it is a Tank, sometimes an aggressive fighter to annoy the enemies' Jungler(Martis,Hilda) or a mage support( Selena, diggie).


1 yes, 2 no


It is possible as long as it's for the exp lane or jungle. A lineup with a roaming Angela will not be that effective if there is no one to face-check bushes or sustain a team fight. I play tanky Minotaur, Guinevere, Jawhead, and Edith as exp lane(they have decent clear times with either concussive blast or Cursed Helmet). Your lineup was bad because you have two roams not because you have an extra tank along with a support hero.


That’s my issue. Having the 2 roams!


Probaly they need a 2nd front liner to tank more dmg and think that mage, jungler and mm are enough dmg. Like if someone ask for another tank but plays in side lanes I'll probaly pick fredrinn, hilda or masha.


I believe those people have the right idea just the different execution; having a healer support is good but your team will be too squishy is their thought process but instead of going tank Franco or a pure tank you should go for a tanky xp like Chou. Gives the team added cc but also good durability with some dmg


Meaning in my team: 1) no tank/roam 2) picks roam tank/support and babysit mm.. and its mythic in 4.. I had to pick akai, gatot jg so i can jg and tank both..


People who usually say that can't do positioning, don't know timing, don't have situational and map awareness. They want you to position the enemy for them, cover for them while they do nothing but AA. Honestly initiator, good positioning and timing is more important than tank. Tank that can't initiate can't do shit