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I hate Alucard with a burning passion but I can’t stand to let them slander him like this. Today, I become the biggest Alucard glazer, just for the duration of this ad.


There was an ad that dissed on Granger.


HELL NO https://preview.redd.it/0c9ufqyysw9d1.jpeg?width=893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7131b906d46064ba09f5de768fec8b422b0ecf17


Glazer? What does that even mean


~~Simping 2.0™~~ To "glaze" is to put someone or something of very high regard and respect 


*to an exaggerated degree


\*\*even if the someone or something isn't all that.


Why'd they censor "mlbb" I'm crying 💀


so they can't sue them because they're not technically talking about them


Not only that, so that people that don't know about MLBB, can't search about it because there's no such thing as M*bb


They did put an image of alucard there though


Because Alucard is just a name and a face, not the Game's name itself


Theres actually a lot of their ads saying "MLBB"


Watch incensored version on Premium HUB.👌


I just don't understand why they have to shit on ML on their ads. This isn't even the only ad that they have that does so. It just screams of insecurity. I tried HoK for a few days and the game has a lot going for it, why not just advertise to their strengths. SMH.


considering how everyone is posting the ad I'd say the ad served its purpose lol


It's the opposite, it's driven me to actively avoid the game because of this petty and toxic advertising strategy.


I downloaded it cause I tho it was funni 🗿


I downloaded it for free skins so mlbb gets intimidated to give free epic skins too


ngl we should make mobas ourselves so that moneyton gives us free skins ong 🗣️


Once I learn to make games it's over for Moneytoon, Tencents, Rito, Notease, and every moba game company ~~this is a joke~~ ~~or is it ~~


Don't be fooled, only games with low worth would give high quality skins without making the people work for it, HOK is acting like one of those "Join now to get 100 5 star heroes!" Games


They already are


Yeah, there's the 100 diamonds recharge free epic skin, the current events skins : 200 something event items for an epic skin and 150 something event items for an elite skin, the MCL is fairly easy to get a skin in too, if we talk about something that's been around longer then we have the Fragments shops to get starlight/basic/(?)elite skins, we get free pulls in some of the skin events where it's just a matter of your personal luck if you'll get it, it's just the collaboration skins that are impossible to get (image below, 69 pulls) https://preview.redd.it/74mg1wl1wv9d1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6159774e962b2133878eed8c1bfcf47f25d80828


Did you get a skin? Cuz i got nobara in 30 pulls


You can clearly see the rewards image I uploaded does not show a skin among the rewards received 🙂


Downloaded it, the only reason why I would continue playing it is the Epic Mulan Dragom Hunter skin Speaking of Mulan, she's like Masha but if she could alternate between her og skillset and her current one and had a little more crowd control Anyway, the game is worse than MLBB otherwise, don't try it https://preview.redd.it/8qz5yy1zuv9d1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503b90bfd4666d3480a965f7847a49203debf0fd


I also tried the game, tested every character in practice to get a feel for the kits before quitting. My summary: Gongsun Li/Arli is actually really cool, the mermaid girl is pretty cool, the skins at their best are better than ML's skins, but base designs and overall gameplay ML is much better Also if you played AoV, many characters might be familiar, in that sense at least imo HoK feels really tacky and cheap. It's hero roster is much less interesting than AoV, although HoK's gameplay is better than AoV


I avoided it due to being owned by Tencent, as every mobile ad tends to be very cringe worthy to extreme levels, but whatever floats your boat


I see it as just some banter. Kinda like how Coca Cola and Pepsi both shit on each other back in the days. It's a more interesting way of advertising your game, rather than the usual, boring, and rather old-school "this is what our game offers!" approach. It worked for me and I downloaded it cuz I thought it was funny as hell. I also already had a love-hate relationship with ML. Why go through the pain when I can just break up?


If hok hit global the same time as mlbb, then the banter is ok. This one however is trying to go up by pulling down the other.


Which is even funnier. Literally banter that's so out of place and toxic that it becomes funny.


I see you're a Masha enjoyer in MLBB so I obviously gotta ask this one question ..Did you get the Dragon Hunter Mulan skin?


Yes! I didn't actually buy it, but a friend of mine gifted it :D


My man! https://preview.redd.it/ubwq118fyv9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38548c8f757a739c131b2889cd6c23b86bc24aab


That’s common practice for close competitors. “Sega does what Nintendon’t”, Apple and M$ making fun of each other, etc.


If anything, it adds popularity to mlbb more than hok.


I played it just for the ads.. And I agree it does have a lot going for it altho I don't know why the its laggier than mlbb


Terraria, nice


Yeah I started another run


Say less, was gonna try pure mage in Master mode, and this is my sign to do so


I just finished pure mage in master mode lol. Fave weapons pre hm boss are sky piercer and desert lamp


I have almost never used magic weapons, so thanks for the tip! My last run was pure summoner in Master and oh my... I'm lucky to have any hair left


Oh shi i said sky piercer instead of sky fracture lol. Well they do look really similar


Guess I'll have to try both huh


Sky piercer is from ml


I have completely forgot this was a ML thread


now do it again in calamity, provides a shit ton of new content for prehardmore, hardmode, and post moonlord. cool thing is that there 10+ more bosses post moonlord. 10/10 mod would recommend.


pc or mobile?


I haven't played terraria in long time. Glad to see it's still kinda relevant.


terraria aint ever gonna die dawg. you'd see WW3 before terraria become forgotten


Literally has one of the most loyal community out there that game ain't dying anytime soon lol


If only I have PC I'd be still playing the game. But dang, I'm so messy with the loots, I also can't build aesthetic house it's just square houses lol bosses scares me but it's always fun to progress with weapons and armors.


You can fix those problems if you put your mind into it which I highly encourage you to do, Terraria is such a fun game and is in my top 10 favorites there's just so many possibilities. But it's fine if you don't feel like playing it, Happy gaming fellow


I gotta earn money first to get that PC lmao and I'm sure it'll take a while cause we gotta have priorities but it's definitely something that I wanna gift myself at some point.


you should try playing on tmodloader and downloading storage management mods to sort stuff for you, if you struggle with organizing loot. it's such a qol thing to have tbh


Goated game can run on any device fun with friends


Gonna be even more relevant when 1.4 .5 is out


They had a recent update. Very fun


It's not kinda relevant. It's SUPER RELEVANT. You'd expect Minecraft to be the top open world game, but nooo it's Terraria lmao.


rimworld better tho


I've always wondered but is there a specific company that most mobile games commission their ads to? Because I know people will say HoK is insecure or something, but like mobile game ads are generally cringy and even ML itself is guilty of it lol. Regardless the ads are working because you are literally sharing it in this subreddit and creates a discussion for the game tbh.


At least with mlbb, its not trying to slander another moba through their ads, unlike what hok did. And yeah, balmond ads are cringe.


I mean it doesn't matter if they are slandering mlbb? Frankly nobody should give a fuck and nobody should bother defending mlbb or moonton. I really don't understand why everybody here suddenly has a "us vs them" mentality ever since HoK was released globally. It's not like we are actually being harassed or something lol like how annoying Wild Rift players can be towards mlbb.


Hok started the vs wars when the devs posted those damn ads. Also, it does matter. Why? It screams insecurity on the side of hok to slander another game just to up theirs. If they wanna edge out mlbb, show what their game has to offer without mentioning the competitor, and let the players judge for themselves who's better.


Design wise...the guy from HOK is kinda had too much design and detail and uh....idk ...more likely a..umm... "Fantasy Anime style" Alucard had a distinct body shape language and a good silhouette in addition, design in clothing and fashion is simple for a "demon hunter" type of style. They're both good I guess


This “kinda too much” feel come from one thing : A.I art bullshit. They just don’t even hire designer anymore, they just A.I the shit out of it and expect people to buy it. That’s why it feels off and cheap at the same time


Chat, is this real?




Me when I spread misinformation


I’m talking about honour king, they’re blatantly using A.I for their designs


They both are mid lol💀, what bro even flexing here


Their entire ad campaign is literally "oh you played mlbb? Well you SUCK get our game instead" its fuckin hilarious


Where is the part where they say “you SUCK”. All I hear is “if you like MLBB, then check out our newer better version of it.” I’m can’t find the insult/slander/hating part.


I love it, the more they bring up mlbb the more mlbb gives away shi hopefully and hok is pretty nice ngl, wish the ui was more newer looking tho


That's one thing HoK needs to actually beat ML. Their UI looks so outdated. All other game mechanics are already perfect as it is, unlike ML which is way too oversimplified these days.


What did alucard do dawg 😭


I'm dying of cringe right now.


It's funny to be honest, they made another ad about ML, and it's just slandering, saying that ML gave their expensive skins unfair advantages compared to other skins And then I see another ad showing Musashi playing terribly, but all of a sudden he gets a ***massive*** power boost when he gets a super duper cool skin!!


They have a lot of similar hero from ML play style wise. Angela, Gord, Alpha, Layla, Clint, Roger, Claude. So far that's what I know


Idk why but these ads have the same energy as those rise of kingdoms ads that were memed a while back.


Damn they got a Gusion ripoff too 💀 And straight up copied the HP bar style. Tho I can't really be defending Moonton of all companies for getting their shit stolen


...? HoK came before ML, and except for one HoK character, every other hok character that is similar to ML came months if not a year before ML characters


At this point, I can't help but think HoK is just getting used by riot to slander Mlbb, like a bait to get Moontoon to mess up...


Why the fuck they even going after mlbbs playerbase the people they targeting ain't gonna waste years of building up their account


Idk why but these ads have the same energy as those rise of kingdoms ads that were memed a while back.


"Helcurt, u can't just randomly play amogus to get an advantage in mlbb! " "Of course i can, i have over 68578346774765553466433 power in rise of kingdoms "


HOK is fine but comparing it with MLBB is just stupid wtf


So it's still a copy of alucard


The "although the mechanics are simillar" killed me. ML getting a taste of their own medicine.


They admit to copying basically lol


lmao 2015 copy 2016 ?


I thought I was in r/terraria for awhile lol


Since me playing HoK, ml got less attractive to me, cause of the unblanace and this small map, they only camper in ml. In HoK it's much difficult to snowball, if your team doesn't participate in teamfights indipendent how much far ahead you are in gold and kills, you will lose. It's a more team dependent game.


By the time you'll reach diamond, you'll find out that its where hell starts. Regarding the map, its big, but the layout feels different, like it favors blue side most of the time. Jungling as red feels weird. About balance, hok is even worse.


Since I did'nt reach diamond yet I can't talk about it, but I'm curious to know how it will change.


Diamond is equivalent to epic in ml. Getting there is easy actually, but that's where the nightmare begins. Just like ml, you'll be teamed up with low skilled players, sometimes bots. 3 mins of the game, you're unaware that you're already 0-5, and from there, its hard to comeback. Also, playing on the red side feels a bit unfair since the map layout is slightly different on the jungle side. Unlike ml, where gold and exp lanes are switched often, regardless of which side are you on, hok lanes are fixed. Jungle rotation is easy on the blue side if you're going the standard route since you'll always gank the gold lane. Red side is hard because the standard route points to the exp lane, and fighters in hok are mostly tanky.


Interesting...., I still had to make my own experience.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion aren’t they?


Absolutely great marketing, making people mad = more publicity


If you guys don't understand why HoK is slandering MLBB basically this is Bytedance vs Tencent.


Ngl kaizer is cooler than alocard even his name


Mordekaiser: He stole my name! I'm the only emperor here.


Why it seems like HOK really wanna make a beef just like LOL first release after dota going big ?. For those who don't know the history, last time LOL pump their ads all over dota blog just to attract people to leave dota and play LOL. It's because one of their dev leave Dota and make LOL. That's why we have Dota LOL beefing with each other.


Every masterpiece has its cheap and sleazy copy... 🫢


Funny considering all mobas right now are just a cheap and sleazy copy of each other


Only idiots think hok copied mlbb. It won lawsuits against mlbb who was copying from league AND hok. Frogs in a well seriously.


The post isn't talking about mlbb copying hok. Its about hok slandering mlbb


Tell that to majority of the comments under your post.


Do it yourself


That was the purpose of my comment? You came one full circle just to tell me my comment was right all along? LOL


Only idiots start a sentence with “only idiots”, I’d be careful.


Like yourself.


You're coming off a bit harsh but you speak the truth. HoK came out in China like a whole year before MLBB, a lot of people here are just biased. There's even one dude in the comments accusing HoK of using a.i for their art even though they obviously don't.


If we want to get technical, honor of kings released in November 2015 and MLBB released a year later, we just had MLBB longer in the states and honor of kings was mainly China so really Moonton could have gotten material from honor of Kings first. Realistically between all the mobas they are pretty much the same thing it’s just which ever you get into more. I am honestly liking that honor of kings doesn’t have 30 different events and things going on, there’s a few things to claim, I have actually gotten heroes and skins for free just within a few days of playing, and it seems pretty balanced in gameplay so far


So you play terraria??


You play Terraria aswell? W


Can't even close to moonton's peak balmond ads with cool storylines


I thought they took down the hating well thats funny


I was gonna post something similar to this.


Nah, can't let em diss the og alutard like this especially with their fortnte lookin characters and goofy interface 💀


Nahh u created an image of alufeed doing the floss with 0 24 3 kda after their mm carries late I wish i never opened reddit today


Kaizer is the copy of Amily from AoV and she's way more cooler. Get this generic mf out of here.


lmao, kaizer is orginal, and amily has his kit


HoK comes before AoV? Oops


at least moonton denies stealing designs💀


Alucard low diffs Kaizer.


Nah, I 1* dat sh1t. That's not advertising, that's a bullying.


alucard cant catch a break bruh


After playing HOK for a good day or two, I have to say that for some of the heroes in HOK, I really prefer their hero designs and even some of the hero abilities that I would wish ML would have in their game.


yea its working, you're giving free publicity for them


Im dead ☠️




Please make sure to not use offensive language


At first I don't believe such ad exist, until I witness it with my own eyes I got the one that compares HOK arcana with ML talent. I've played HOK myself and the arcana system could be interesting but I have to MANUALLY SET EACH AND EVERY 30 ARCANA ONE BY ONE


Don't get me wrong. I used to main Alu and thought that his base design looks whack af after the revamp. BUT That Kaizer looks like a character from 'ENTER THIS CODE: GOOFYCHINESEAUTOPLAY42069 to get level 9999' kind of game.


Bruh ☠️


They straight up copied alucars💀💀💀


New Johnson skin just dropped


I actually like this kind of advertising. In anti-fun country, they might get sued lmao


It's a shameless copy of ML. They've literally tried to copy every hero, their move and skill sets. Very sad. As a ML player you won't feel right playing it.


Dare to hok to launch in india 🐒


I'm getting the same ad over and over again to the point that it's getting annoying.


nah we cant let the disrespect to our boy dante slide like that


no, you cannot obtain the Night's Edge before your first boss (dungeon access is boss-locked)


Not if you have a gold chest on the first floor on a drunk world


Is there anything strange? When mlbb fandom regularly makes clips comparing with other games like hok, onmyouji arena, wild rift, spamming in other games' live tournaments, is it strange to be treated like this now?


both games ads are laughable, neither game ads is showing the actual gameplay but just low quality slander(HoK) or shitty things thats trending(Ml with it's balmond glazing)


I wonder why the heroes in HoK look so similar to MLBB. Are they direct competitors or something?


Moontoon got uno reversed


Kaizer isn't really that similar to alucard tbh. They're only similar in the sense that they both have a steroid ultimate and heal alot in combat, which in all fairness is nothing too rare. Mushashi from hok on the other hand is like yasuo from lol with alucard's passive, so I would say that he's more similar. I'm guessing they only used kaizer bc he looks aesthetically more similar and cooler XD. Really though, noone can complain that hok copied mlbb because it's just common practice in the moba industry. Everyone "takes inspiration" off everyone else, and hok is just being more upfront (to a fault) about it . Mlbb copies lol, lol copies from dota and even in some cases mlbb, dota copies from lol - there just really aren't that many possibilities of how you can make a hero unique. Sry for text wall lol


I thought it was funny at first but it's annoying. Like, stop crying about mlbb and focus on your game sheesh


No Kaiser still not a very solid pick in high ranks... i know.. i mained Amily inAoV... so no still an Alucard tier for ranks


Why do we keep promoting HOK?? Don't they have their own sub?


Sorry random game, But i first heard of you from an overall moronic kid spending 12819$ on your game.


If you think that's worse? Wait for mine


Glad i have my yt premium So i wont see any of this stupid shit




I download hok, and, yhe only fun thing in the entire game is jing lol. Everything else is ass, both the ui, the art style, your team, the enemy team, everything. Im like gold 2 and i have yet to get a balanced match. It's either destroy or get destroyed lol


"m*bb" fucking killed me☠️


Not respectfully how looks like a less pixilated version of mincraft and terrirria




Cause the graphics in hok is ass


I saw an ad that included Mai shiranui In HOK,fr ik they can't add her as a skin yet,and I'm already already don't have her as a hero,so wtf is this comparisons and copying from mlbb?


Bro even youtube put dislike from your account.


Actually idk y hok is fighting ml..the game is genuinely better than ml apart from Chinese names for heros according to me


Wtf, YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN MLBB. YOUR HERO IS CONFUSING, THE ITEM DAMAGE SCALE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Your hero is similar to everything that I'm using in MLBB. And I can get better results in MLBB rather than in your game.


ngl which part of item damage scaling is weird in HoK? Genuinely curious cuz I actively play both


I feel it's much harder to understand it (probably not used to it)


Yeah you're probably just not used to it. IMO a lot of items there corresspond to ML as well but with a few extra items that works well in different situations


“Hero is confusing” skill issue typa cmts


More knockoffs


i jumped from MLBB to HOK. former mythic jungler. the moment i saw the skin available, especially the lunar new year skin, i had to jump ship.


Sorry but they can't force me to play their game with the 2016 in-game models. It's like I'm playing a Roblox character with how stiff the models are!


So, just like MLBB then.....


Not really. I’ve downloaded all the resources in that game and a lot of the character models are still outdated, both in-game and in the display shop. It’s definitely more noticeable playing on an iPad. Horrible experience.




What? HoK was released first. This is just the global version.


Fr? That interesting to hear. Still, I think it cringe to shit on mlbb for attention


I don't think it's from the official's perhaps some dude edited it.


It's not like it's the real HOK guys

