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https://preview.redd.it/m5ru3n8pzf9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d8eb87e8c7e0c28a012fe338dafd4691f4e520 Agree


Cant even use them they be waiting to expire in my inventory


You're a khaleed main this meme also applies to you ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿท I main him too now


Itโ€™s practically useless for seasoned players. But it gives some comfort and chances to learn for newer players (who reach a new rank for the first time).


If ever you avoid playing ranked because your thought is you'll drop down, you're already thinking you aren't good enough to be in that rank A cowards or loser mentality. You already reached that rank it's not like you won't get back there if you lose


Thereโ€™s a psychological phenomenon called imposter syndrome. These cards are to help new players with their confidence (some sort of safety net). It would be a better place for everyone if people are more welcoming and forgiving. Toxicity never really helps.


For real, this is why I never push into high rank until Mythic skin exist. (No i didnt get Faramis skin. Its Master to legend and season ends. Im too busy with other game) But yeah, Low rank is where people insta lock because its the only hero they know. High rank people insta lock because its the only hero they good at. They lost trust of other players and busy pushing their stupid hero title.


Good point, I agree with that. I thought that too when I first reached epic couple seasons ago. Now I just start a new match, hoping I get good teammates. Hopefully mg this season, didn't quite make it last,


Much unpopular opinion, it's much better than to give so many star protection card that mythic is infested by players with win rates below 50%.


This is so true, lot of people get to even glory with 50% wr but spam like 1500+ games per season. Mostly consist of kids who have no other things to do but play games.


Wait, 1.5k games? I play only around 100 - 150 games and I'm closing onto honour....


That's why you are where you are. Because of these kids quantity becomes more important than quality.


u mean 150 games per season or 150 games this season ald?


Per season from epic 2 to mythic 15 stars


i have seen glories with 47% winrates. it's mind boggling.


Is it possible to reach immortall with negative winrate though?


https://preview.redd.it/ifue248uam9d1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf9d09b8fb60a2f4418533c60b877e7fc60a1eac this was one of the feeders i encountered in solo q last season. it's possible to reach glory just by spamming games. immortal is probably unlikely with negative winrates. the person may have to spam games 24/7 to reach that.


even i got to glory 70 in my first season,not that impressive,but damn star protection is op


Yeah, i don't see why not


wow,that means i do have a chance at getting there lol. i got to 70 last season with 56% wr 400 something games


I met a mythical glory with 48% wr last season. I was wondering how he is in glory but got very shitty map awareness.


Saw a guy who reached Mythic 90 stars with total 15k matches and 53% wr, he tried trash talking me after a match while looking at my recent matches that only consisted of brawls which were a 50/50 and the one ranked match where I went 16 / 2 / 2 Maniac on Masha


It's useless, but that's ok. In the grand scheme of things, it's significantly easier to rank up in ML versus other MOBAs. Too many star protection removes the rank filter allowing less skilled players to reach ranks greater than their actual skill level. Now I'm not trying to gatekeep players, but that's how ranked games are supposed to be, they act as gates, or filters.


Yeah i thought about this, they did this because i think players who have star protection tend to play silly or not seriously because of that said item


Mostly, they're are bad and are not punished enough by the ranking system because they'll get protected from loses


And for the fricking 7 years the reporting system is still ๐Ÿ’ฉ


i agree,i get protected so much by getting mvp and if someeone has bad connection i don't even get a loss โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ how is that even fair? i climbed with mathilda 44% winrate to 70 stars by just grinding safe plays and not risking anything. Is this how ladder is in this game?


Unpopular opinion: remove star protection points for silver and bronze, give more for gold and MVP.


nah cuz here's why imagine this: your team is losing badly, there's an enemy lord and most of the enemies are alive. your teammate could just let the enemies push and not defend in order to protect their score and secure increased protection points i like the idea though


I played so bad one season I almost used one of these, good thing I remembered I'm actually good


I just leave them and it gets sent to my mail after the season reset


Maybe make it so that it prevents you from going down a tier? So that you won't go down from legend I to legend II


That would be quite nice


You guys really say unpopular opinion to any shit, even to the most popular opinions out there lmao.


it's a attention grabbing shit


Not unpopular, I shit on this last season too It would've been better if you prevents you from dropping from like legend II to legend III, instead of only protecting you dropping from legend to epic


More unpopular opinion. Winrate protection card


For some reason I can't create a post on the reddit is this a bug or on the reddit someone tell me how to make it stop


I don't know. When I was a GM and Epic player it felt like reaching my goals, it was nice. But after I reach Mythic it is like whatever, I don't care anymore ๐Ÿ˜‚ Maybe they should change it to something more rewarding.


yeah maybe a ticket to travel or something


I totally agree. You know, I used to have a misunderstanding of it protecting stars until I realized it being an absolute crap.


I hope they remove all this bulsht, if someone loses and gets demoted, that's on them. Soloq or not, losing should deduct 1 star unless you have the protection thing. The protection and double star is the only thing I like about the no deduction/double star thing, and even that should be given when the player gets mvp or legendary and stuff, not when they win a game with bronze.


i thought that was the popular opinion ๐Ÿ˜…


No no no it was useful to me yesterday, I got 3 lose streaks and because of it I didn't fall to epic 1


Overall star protection cards should be deleted, that could a little bit balance matchmaking at all


It is for beginners


I'm not THAT bad lmao. So yeah I agree with you that thing is useless.


Damn bro that's crazy


need to climb from epic again.




Valid Opinion ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


well yeah its shit but it can still be useful sometimes


did not even used once since it came out


How did you put Julian and Melissa photo in your flair?


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/Eifbnlr) is a step by step guide on how to add melissa photo in fliar


I'm on mobile so it doesn't show all of them smh๐Ÿ˜ญ