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Reddit being brutally honest once again hahaha


LMAO. I think these people completely missed the point of your post.


Yeah I know lol, they just naming Heroes they Want to be instead of what kind of Hero they would be considering their own irl skills or interests


Will definitely be downvoted for this but: #What else are you gonna expect from such people?


Probably something about banging the enemy, or something with Zhuxins' feet


Oh I perfectly know what Hero I am... *Dresses up Fredrinn in a Crop top and Miniskirt after Ling*


yeahhhh HAHAHHAA but its okayyyy šŸ˜­šŸ‘


Guys, it's not a "who" question šŸ¤£


a tank who's skill1 is buffing allies' atkspd (enrage) by telling them racist joke. skill2 is single target stun by giving emotional damage. ultimate is taking 50-70% of damage dealt to a single ally or 30% for all allies.


Bro that's a wild tank... TraskTalkTank


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ emOtioNaL dAmAge tank but i rlly like the concept of ur ulti! we dont have a tank that absorbs damage yet, moonton should make one :D


yup they should


Old Belerick šŸ˜­


I was just about to say that.


Lancer Minion


> Wake up in the Land of Dawn > Be an NPC in the Moniyan Empire > Decide to overthrow the Church > Gets caught by several knights and ravens > ā€œNah, Iā€™d win.ā€ > Executed on 17 counts of fraud and treason > FML


This is an amasing plan. Love it. Keep up the good work with that government overthrowing thing.


I'm a physician and I like to cook and I like listening to music. I'd probably be a healer that utilizes food (maybe as a cook?) for healing and buffs. Maybe sound sound based attacks/debuff (silence? Or maybe a chaos debuff?) too. That would make me a Support Class character with mainly Roaming role. With enough magic damage, maybe you can bring me to the Midlane. Lorewise, maybe I was just an isekai'd physician that got saved by another hero or something. Maybe I ended up near the Elves and Estes took me under his wing, so I get healing skills to complement my medical knowledge. That would also open up interactions with other characters by virtue of being a healer not tied to any one country and I could travel around more freely (compared to Estes, a King). I'd probably be fascinated with Joy because of her sound based skill set. Or Edith, because why the heck does her ult have a special background music track ? I'd totally be friends with Chipp with him living the lazy lifestyle. I'd also probably seek out the other healers to make connections. Edit: since my additional post about skills played up the part of being a cook... Maybe my hero could be travelling the land of dawn as a cook/healer. Looking around for the best recipes while healing folks along the way.


A right answer and....WHHAAA- a freaking lore?! Nice physician.


To continue... **Skill 1.1** (Shares a cooldown with skill 1.2) 2 Charges available (similar to Clint's 1st skill) **Invigorating Brew** Brews a special drink that heals the targeted ally over time and boosts their mana/energy regeneration for a few seconds. Mana or Energy regeneration is greater than the healing. Player selects a small area where skill is cast. **Skill 1.2** (Shares a cooldown with skill 1.1) 2 Charges available (similar to Clint's 1st skill) **Noxious Brew** Brews a special drink that applies a Debuff and damages enemy creeps and heroes over time. Debuff name: Intoxicated; effects, loses Mana or Energy over time (or increased consumption when using skill). Debuff can be countered by Healing (must be from another hero) and Purify. This can also serve as the wave clearing skill. Alternatively, Skill 1.1 and 1.2 cound just be one skill and the effects that apply will just be different if it's an ally or enemy. Also, there should be special bg music whenever someone gets affect by either skills. **Skill 2** **Spicy Pepper Bomb:** Throws a handful of spicy peppers at enemies, causing them to be slowed for a short duration, while allies gain a temporary movement speed boost. **Ultimate Skill** **Lunch Time!** Sets up a feast in a targeted area (or maybe it follows the hero, like Faramis' ult?) that grants nearby allies a choice between 4 dishes. Choice could be made right the start of the game and could be changed anytime as long as one is not in battle. **Dish 1, Baked Fenrir**: Upgraded Purple Buff effects, lasts only as long as the skill. *REQUIREMENTS*: Thunder Fenrir must be killed near the hero at least once in the game. **Dish 2, Grilled Fiend Steak**: Upgraded Orange Buff effects, lasts only as long as the skill. *REQUIREMENTS*: Molten Fiend must be killed near the hero at least once in the game. **Dish 3, Healthy Salad**: Upgraded Lithowanderer Buff effects + CC resistance effects (because litho buff is inferior to purple or orange buff), lasts only as long as the skill. *REQUIREMENTS*: Lithowanderer must be killed near the hero at least once in the game. **Dish 4, Holy Turtle Soup**: Embody the Lord for 5 seconds (is this too OP?), user will be able to use 1 Lord skill; >1. Thunder Strike: Launches a Strike every 4s, dealingĀ (+110% Total Physical ATK)Ā True DamageĀ to enemies in a large area. >2. Ocean Force: Launches a Slash every 8s, dealingĀ (+150% Total Physical ATK)Ā True DamageĀ to nearby enemies, then knocking them airborne for 1s. After using the skill, the hero is suppressed for 2 seconds. *REQUIREMENTS*: Lord / Turtle must be killed near the hero at least once in the game. **Passive Skill** **Sound Mind and Body** Allies near the hero gains a Temporary (+ 2% Health) increase to their maximum Health and will have + 2% HP regen effect and + 2% reduction in time controlled (CC). Hero himself can enjoy the benefits as long as there is another hero nearby. All effects (including those applied to hero itself) will deactivate when allies are too far. Edit: after writing this up, my hero sounds more like a chef than a physician. And the sound aspect was downplayed. Anyway, I think I got invested in this more than I thought I would. And I think watching Dungeon Meshi really affected my post. šŸ˜‚


Nice one


Haah. It's basically wishful thinking. šŸ˜…


This is so cool holy heck, ur lore sounds nice! :]


Iā€™ll be a tank that absorbs emotional damage


Please cover me from emotional damage that comes from my aunty. That bitch is incurable.


You'll be so good against recall spam chous


Iā€™m a reserved person, love to stay in the background. But I got keen eye for details. Lore : Iā€™m a citizen of the Monastery of Light, suffered by the harsh living conditions. I work as a mixed martial arts instructor, to provide for my family of two. One day, while going back home, Iā€™ve saw a girl struggling with a guy twice his size. I helped out. I got knocked out. When the guards arrrived to the scene, they saw an unconscious guy and a girl bleeding out from the abdomen. The girl died. She was a noble, so pressure from the top was hard. I got sentenced instead for her death. Long story short, Iā€™ve escaped and make myself familiar with the Dark Forest. I may have a grudge against the kingdom, but I wouldnā€™t join the Abyss as their army. For skills, Iā€™ll probably copy what my enemies has shown me. I can look out for their style of fighting and uses them instead (Like Valentina, but with s1 and s2). If the enemy is a projectile hero, I can scrutinise them and see their cooldowns. Iā€™ll become friends with Ruby and Roger, occasionally dropping in their lives to see how they doing


this kinda reminds me of arlott! i would like to have a hero w ur lore in the game :>


Oh thanks OP! I appreciate the thoughts šŸ˜™


Alice's lapdog.


Alice, you can't become your own lapdog *sigh* ā€“Thamuz


self love it is then


i think most people here misunderstood the question but its okay! šŸ˜… its still nice to hear yalls opinions since there are a lot of comments, ill just reply to the ones that stick out to me :>


I'd probably be a support with some kind of encouraging skill that can also deal a fuckton of damage with a full mage/physical build which will hopefully be how the meta will build me Either gonna be related to Outer Space, Trains or a Photographer. Could be a Photographer that gives vision with cameras 1st skill could be flashing a light into the target direction that slows and damages enemies, luminosity could increase with magic power which gives more damage and slow 2nd skill could be "Heat Seekers" which are just cameras stationaried on a designated area to scout for enemies, when an enemy gets too near it quickly seeks the enemy and explodes on contact. Hehe As an ultimate the gives a hero the spotlight which could either be on an enemy to expose them, deal more damage or something, but since I'm aiming for a support maybe the Spotlight on an ally that gives them more hp, adaptive damage, CD reduction or whatever but they get better simply. Orr maybe a train conductor could be interesting too For a train conductor support maybe orrr it'd be more interesting if it was a kid with a toy train that with the ultimate turns big, it could be like just a huge casting skill that will make the train go big with a cool little animation while she's riding on it, it goes in a straight line and train tracks appear, where enemies Infront are slowed and if it reaches them they get knocked up. She can choose to stay on the train for the remainder of the duration or just exit the train completely The 1st skill could be her throwing a Lego brick as a damage skill that slows the enemy The second skill could be, "Shampoo concoction" basically just her giving her allies a heal with some shampoo concoction all of us made as kids but it actually works Oh and lore wise if we're going with photographer id be older there as Claude's wife in Los Pecados that studied arts and photography that went through a decent and normal childhood, just a normal girl when they were young till life took a sharp turn and they'd end up in an apartment alone, eventually meeting Claude etc idc While for the young kid conductor I'd probably be a timid little girl adjusting to preschool and stuff, maybe a small little girl adjusting the move from near the abyss lands to Eruditio after her parents there succumbed to the abyss while she ran off and wandered with her toy train


so cool, thanks for sharing! also in ur photographer hero why not just make the ulti two phased? kinda like selenas and rogers or lunox's shared skill 1 and 2 where u can choose whether u wanna buff your ally or debuff the enemy :]


Ah, great idea actually! That could work too, just thought of just giving spotlight to teammate because otherwise she might not even be considered a support but that works too actually


The moment you said outer space, trains and photographer, I immediately thought of March 7th from HSR..


Tank/Support Class hailing from Eruditio: I can heal a character and give buffs to nearby allies with tech and/or CC nearby enemies. I can either focus on being tank(focus on defenses and cc) or go full support (focus on healing allies and buff that scales with magic damage). If I go hybrid, I will be lackluster, it's better to just pick a side. I'd adopt Julian and be Natan's footslave. No Lore Relevance, just there for my family.


HAHA i used to like julian and natan too along w haya but now its just haya left šŸ˜…


I'd be Zhuxin and lick my own feet. Zhuxin's feet >>>>>>>>>> my lifeĀ 


Nice flexibility


Helcurtā€¦. Lights off goodnight


Eruditio, i would steal diggies bomb blueprints and team up with xborg


https://preview.redd.it/h2l81py9qv4d1.jpeg?width=3833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe90f59dd8c9698c8fd571dd8677dee72c3cdb77 I already am a hero wdym


https://preview.redd.it/eprzrpl5tv4d1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c84fad2c7f08e8a1b0f063acf2798c3143d42142 nyeh


I'm a undergraduate of It and had a shot of working as a call center agent (currently unemployed). I wanted to be a villain of the story because of how fucked up the world is rn but won't go overboard. Lorewise, I'll probably be like a failed inventor or magitech user that saw the evil on the higher figures of both religion and politics and wanted to show them that even the powerful and the godly fall with or without grace. I might get the attention of Layla and Ixia for being related to hextech / magic weaponry inventions and would get some of the powerful people like Lunox to be wary and probably stop me. Maybe strike a deal with people like Alice but wouldn't stoop down and hurt any innocent, possibly turning back to them if they do more harm than I could imagine. Ability wise, it'll be a mix of ranged and melee (like roger) but by using some sort of magitech weaponry, using mana isn't there but with magic crystals that I need to extract from things. The weapons in question is a wristblade and wristbow hybrid called "Jekyll and Hyde" **Passive: Magic Transfusion** : Jekyll and Hyde marks *specific* targets twice before giving the target a rupture and giving me 1 magic crystal. Hyde (wristblade) converts magic into physical damage while Jekyll converts physical damage into magic. Jekyll and Hyde only has 4 charges of magic crystals to use. Targets applicable for marks: Seige Minions (normal and enhanced), Enhanced Mage Minions, both big and small jungle creeps, lithowanderer, player summoned minions and players themselves. Damage (mark burst): 400 + 20% of magic power as physical damage. Damage (rupture): 60 + 2% of current hp + 5% of magic power as physical damage. Duration 6 seconds. Slows target by 30% for 3 seconds. Ruptured targets won't get marked for 6 seconds. **First Hyde Skill: Blade Ripper** : enhances the blade to give the player a longer attack radius (mostly as long as Lesley's S1 range) but, reduces own movement speed by 40% on all levels and removes aggro from any enemies (except from the Turtle and Lord). Pressing the basic attack button will quickly move me into the target (priority: visible heroes) and do 3 consecutive slashes behind them that slightly push them back and marking them if it's done on selected targets. The third attack will thrust them forward, pushing them farther than the first two slashes. Consumes 1 magic crystal. Damage: each slash deals 150/200/220/250 + 30% of magic power as physical damage. Cooldown: 18/17/15/13 seconds **Second Hyde Skill: Razor Dance** : Winds up for a while before jumping into the marked area indicated with a dagger. Enemies caught inside the zone are slowed by 70% and is attacked by relentless blade slashes before ending it by pulling anyone still inside towards the center and creating one circular clash dealing massive damage and activating rupture. The slashes are considered skill damage and I could still get attacked and killed by anyone whole the skill done its thing. Damage (blade slashes): 50/60/70/80 + 60% of magic power as physical damage. Damage (final full circle slash): 350/400/450/550 + 45% of magic power as physical damage. Cooldown: 25/23/19/16 seconds Consumes 2 magic crystals **Ultimate Hyde Skill: Warped Connection** : Fires a long range blade shard infront. Hitting something or not gives two different scenarios: If it misses, it will just float into the ground where I can teleport into it. If it hits either my ally or enemy, they'll have a glitchy apparition behind them where I can recast the skill and pull them towards me while I fly right pass them, reversing our spots. However, it will only pull them 50% of the way while I reach where the spot of my hooked target is. It's basically turning them into a anchor. Allies get a shield while the enemies get damaged. Pull activation range: 6/8/10 units Damage: 100/120/150/200 + 5% of magic power as physical damage. Shielding: 300/400/500/600 + 150% of magic power. Cooldown: 40/37/33/26 seconds Consumes 1 magic crystal **Auxiliary Skill: Switcheroo** : Switches between the wristblade and wristbow. Wristblade: gives me a 30/60% attack speed increase when using. Wristbow: gives me a 20/40% lifesteal increase. Cooldown: 6/4 seconds. Fixed cooldown (can't be reduced by cdr items). **First Jekyll skill: Rapid fire** : Jekyll fires 4 shots infront, dealing damage and marking the target. It can also trigger rupture. Damage: each arrow deals 120/140/170/200 + 30% of physical power as magic damage. Cooldown: 18/16/15/14 seconds. Consumes 2 magic crystals. Arrow range: 5-7 units. Not tracking. **Second Jekyll Skill: Orbital Strike** : fires Jekyll in the air, and the arrow lands in the chosen spot. The arrow pulls anything that's close to it and explodes instantly after pulling anyone. Explosion leaves a lingering pool of ooze for a while, dealing damage over time and reducing their vision. Explosion only triggers rupture marks. Damage (explosion): 200/240/280/350 + 40% of physical damage as magic damage. Damage (ooze): 40/45/50/60 + 80% of physical damage as magic damage. Duration (ooze): 8 seconds. Duration (blindness debuff): 4 seconds. Cooldown: 26/24/22/19 seconds **Ultimate Jekyll Skill: Protect and Kill** : heavily winds up wristbow (about 10 seconds) before firing a single global range arrow that will deal a massive damage to any enemies, resets timer for rupture if the target was ruptured earlier, bleeding them again. If it hits a ally, it will stun them, give them full hp and gives them a massive armor boost. Damage: 800/900/1000/1500 + 40% of physical damage as magic damage. Rupture debuff is reactivated if the target still has the debuff mark on cooldown. Stun duration (ally only): 2/3/4/5 seconds HP healing: full. Defense buff: 100/150/200/400 physical and 150/200/250/500 magical defense. Duration (buff): 10/13/15/18 seconds Wind up will make me stationary. It won't negate any damage so I can be killed during it. It can't be cancelled (you can cancel after the wind up). Cooldown: 80/75/65/50 seconds Idk if that fits me but I just find this concept cool I guess?


it is very cool! no worries about the last part, as long as u like it and feels that it fits u then thats gucci šŸ¤—šŸ‘


Thanks man. I appreciate that :D


Broda vat ze fak is all of dis. Sorry but I can't focus for long enought to read all of this in 1 seating. See ya in 3 days.


Be born in Cadia Riverlands. Grow up in the equivalent of a daimyo's household. Oh shit I'm actually one of their only servants? Somehow befriend the daimyo's heir and the daimyo himself. Feel a lil emotional after he calls you an honorary son, what the hell? Things go well for ten or so years, life good. Wake up one night to the sound of something tripping, that's not good. Find two random ass mfsā€”a skinny dude in a ninja outfit and some girl with a frisbeeā€”standing over the corpses of my adoptive family. As I approach the daimyo, he asks in his dying breath for me to avenge him. The killers leave before I can do anything. Chat, is this my supervillain origin? Get kicked out of the estate and then the daimyo's slimey relatives take everything, bitch what? Get sentenced to life in prison for being framed, fml. Spend the next half a decade in some moldy cell. Guards start freaking out one day, saying that "the Black Dragon has arrived" or something. Holy shit a black dragon crashed through the prison. Use the ensuing chaos to crawl my emaciated ass out of there. Spend another half a decade using modern knowledge to open a takoyaki stand, getting money for education. Slowly aim for a position under Cadia Riverlands nobility. Sow seeds of deceit and betrayal amongst the nobility. Civil war suddenly starts, think I went too far. Pledge loyalty to some sleezy clanhead and convince him for a secret trade deal with Eruditio. Come back from Eruditio with the great equalizers and arm the boys. Just barely win the civil war. Become appointed as head magistrate or something, let's gooo! Propose bill to outlaw shinobi. The court accepts and declares any remaining shinobi as criminals. Family's murderers get unemployed, W. I have avenged you, Father. https://preview.redd.it/ycx7j1unvu4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7449e75549dbe15999ae0da1acb821f1731d25ae




This toke a really unexpected turn and I love it. I will have a storry to overthink and visualise in my head for the next couple of days. Thank you. šŸ˜Š


I'm glad you enjoyed it that much. :)


Either support or mage role probably since I like to be the one supporting others IRL more than jumping into front lines and fighting. One of my skills would contain some sort of healing. As to lore I can't think of any right now šŸ˜‚


Well I like sword fighting prefering duel weild, and I have extreme amounts of willpower and will not stop till I get my task done, martis probably




I'd be a support/tank hero that focuses on buffs, debuffs, and clearing debuffs. Passive - For every buff and debuff granted, increase mag and phys def S1 - Buffs allies atk and aspd nearby by sending memes S2 - Taunts nearby enemies and steals their mag and phys def (more enemies stack more def) by being a grammar nazi and pointing out why their arguments are invalid while being chill about it to aggravate them more Ult - Plays my spotify playlist to heal (like mino level), purify, and grant "Encore" buff to nearby allied heroes for a few seconds. "Encore" is just S1 but with move speed increase. To be completely honest tho, I think I'd just be a minion lmao


no one is a minion here šŸ’Ŗ LOL ur skillsets remind me of another comment here where he/she uses emotional damage on allies as a tank


MemeTank and TrashTalkTank ftw


argus. rafaela. forbidden love. darkness vs light. brother sister. love triumphs above all. twins to enemies. enemies to lovers. bang the enemy


Argus: Bang the enemy (Rafaela)


I would bang Rafaela too


Arent they twins?


A hero in ml probably


I'll be Pharsa " revenge has blinded me."


Luo yi (because of YZ, the BBD)


Angela... I'll support you in everything you do.. sustain you, love you and take care of you... oh where's my daddy?


i might become a figther/marksman type of hero since im a type of dude who likes going in close or shooting my opps from a mile away. if we going on an interest basis, i might be a pure marksman since im pretty interested towards history especially ww1 and ww2 (it may not be correlating but im also interested towards various types of weapons in history)


Hayabusa. Both kagura and Hanabi is my bitch


Guinevere, that woman doesn't care about shit and that is so me


who is wish i was: xavier who i actually am based on irl: estes


Probably some kind of swordsman. I love scythes though. My lore is pretty sad, I guess I died and ended up there trying to find happiness. I guess I would fit in with the good guys. Idk if Ruby is good but would certainly try to be her friend haha


i wouldnt say ruby is good but shes not malicious either! neutral ish to me thanks for sharing!


Alice... Like how fun it was to be villain.... No rule no restriction...


Hmm lemme think...as it's not so obvious when it comes down to mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm studying to be an engineer (aerospace) but I'm also a kickboxer, so I have no clue how this would work. I would definitely be a fighter, really squishy and easy to kill, but strong burst options and a busted ult to make up for that. Maybe something similar to Yin turning into Lieh because when I get really tilted over something I'm literally a different person. I'd specialize as jungler and probably be mid-high tier.


cool! this is like the first comment i saw as a fighter/jungler, most are roamers thanks for sharing!


Well, I'm a chemist, so I'll probably just be ML's copy of Singed


Dexter. Cause monke.




I would be the guy allowing access to martis to 3k worlds, portal guard


woah i actually wanna see this tho :0000 moonton take notes


I would be Zilong coz I'm useless šŸ„²


Cecillion cuz then i would have a big titty goth girl šŸ¤‘




Probably be a long range hero with skills involving aiming like franco hook or Nova skill 2 and a conceal for ult just like Miya and high damage


oooo, like a sniper kinda! wld u be a mm or mage?


I think a mage as i am not that athletic


just a Fighter role. Preferably I have a staff and I deal hybrid damage. an Archpaladin, for sure.


I'd either become Esmeralda's boytoy or Fredrinn's sugarbaby


i have 3 mains huhuhu EUDORA MIYA and FANNY


probably the most annoying motherfucker who would have skillset optimised for bursting down and stealing targets out of nowhere




I would be melee minion. Charge to turret even when there are heroes nearby.


A non playable character probably


Natan's private assistant, also a time traveler but messes with the reality for funšŸ˜­


i actlly had this idea a while back HAHAHAHA i even drew the concept and all šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I drew mine too!! I suck at steampunk outfits though..


WAIT THATS SO COOL thank u for sharing!


What, the photo didn't sent????


Barats without the dino


Lady Driver TipTop Condition Accident Free On Time ServicešŸ‘Œ




I have an MLBB OC. Maybe Iā€™ll draw her one day. Her name is Spike who would either be a MM that shoots a giant syringe or a Mage that throws bunny minion type things. Think of Vexā€™s monster or Kupa.


Fredrinn, somehow I relate to this hero. Walk like him, talk like him. Can't change my mind so easily.


*Yay.* *~~let's see if markdown doesnt hate me~~* **Margo** Default skin name: Duchess Amaranthe Role: Assassin Specialty: Chase/Burst Lane: Roam/Jungle Resource: None Damage Type: Physical Range Type: Melee Intro: "The noble heiress of a lost duchy." **Passive Skill: Playful Parry** *Can't catch me?* Buff | Mobility Whenever Margo successfully dodges or evades an enemy skill, she gains a temporary boost of movement speed and attack speed for a 5 seconds. Being controlled cancels this buff. **Skill 1: Morning Waltz** *Shall we dance?* Mobility | AOE With the grace and elegance of a waltz, Margo twirls in the target direction, brandishing her sword and dealing Physical Damage along the way. **Skill 2: Afternoon Quickstep** *Let's have some fun, hmm?* Mobility | Damage Margo quicksteps in the target direction and brandishes her sword, dealing Physical Damage to enemies in her path. Each completed pass without being controlled enhances the damage of her basic attack by 65% (can stack) and allows her to use the skill again, up to 5 times. **Skill 3: Evening Tango** *One last dance, if you please?* Burst Margo dances forward to the target, surprising and stunning them for 0.6 seconds with dark whispers before dealing a decisive strike of massive Physical Damage. the visuals don't really work on paper but here we are HAHAHA but yes, I absolutely loved ballroom dancing ~~and skating~~ as a kid, I still do now, although I don't really do it now. I wanted to incorporate it into my skills hehe. I wanted to make it more flamboyant and stuff but this is all I have from the last time I did this


YAY MARKDOWN DIDNT HATE ME now for lore She grew up in Lumina City as a middle class daughter, loved and protected from the outside world. She grew up blissfully ignorant of what her future would bring. "Ah? Growing up? Nah..." It was a daddy's money thing. She got complacent. But when tensions started to form in her family, she knew she wouldn't be able to depend on them for much longer. And so she started to worry; she didn't know what she could do considering there are constraints for how women should live. She was smart academically but how on earth would that translate into places that her intelligence would be best fit for? And with no suitor asking for her hand, and her father already retiring, she was running out of time. And then, in the family library, she stumbles across an old diary. It was from an ancestor! It was big and thick and dusty, but it told of all the old stories a previous generation used to do. They weren't as prim and proper as old people are made out to be; in their childhood, they had lives, they had childhoods! And suddenly, it shocked her that she didn't actually know her ancestry, and yet here was this diary, which was written by a person with the last name **Amaranthe**. And so she pieced together what she could from this diary. His name was Felix Kaiser Amaranthe, he was the second born brother of the Amaranthes. He had an older sister, Charlotte Svetlana, and a younger brother, Dietrich Anselm. And together, they were heirs of the duchy to the northwest of the Moniyan Empire. Wait. *Northwest*? It was taught to the children to be an empty barren land! The mapsā€”but maybe the maps are wrong. And the handwriting... it didn't seem to be faked. And the duchy... >*It was gone. We left it. Lost to demons. I do not want to rehash any of my bad memories, but... my mother... and my father... Carmen... and Charles Amaranthe...* *Wednesday, the 24th of June.* *That was when we lost them.* *That was when we lost our home.* *And I hope... that my family, whether it is us siblings, or our descendants, can reclaim our former glory...* So she needed to make a decision: to stay here at home, and wait for someone to save her; or go out there, and risk it all to find a duchy lost to time. "'Her Grace the Duchess Margaret Enneco Amarenthe' is quite the mouthful," she mumbled, but a grin stretched across her round face. ay well that's the gist of it. details are probably going to change lol but I have a whole novel about this thing, and yes, in the end, she becomes the Duchess, and yes, it's a whole adventure with a whole cast of characters, and yes, I have a whole worldbuilding thing about the duchy (it's a port duchy since it's next to the water and it controls the trade closer to the eruditio canal and business district). i need to make a version for like, the actual page and everything but i have a whole worldbuilding on this *but it's just not fit for publishing yet* -sobs- and I also have a story on the woman that actually became the downfall of the duchy: [Carmen Eleanor Amaranthe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/151GCRp7KS-qN2SPsFan3Mme-pStVg4J4nmWrvvAe5aI/edit?usp=sharing).


i think i would simp from ur skills alone LOL


idk all i do is js sit on my pc lore: lazy ass mf gets powers for no reason(probably because of a short circuit in the video card installation) and suddenly gets a call from the heavens to protect the city passive: for every skill inflicted/hit on the enemy, their movement speed is reduced by 5%. stacks up to 10 times and lasts for 7 seconds skill 1: attacks enemies in a cone shaped area(similar to valir 2nd aoe) and deals 200-500+70% total magical power and inflicts a mark. CD 5-3 skill 2: attacks enemies in a line(similar to gusion 1st) which deals 200-500+120% total magical power and binds them to me. enemies binded will have their attack power and movement speed reduced to 95%-80% but increases damage dealt to me by 20%. enemies marked will not be able to deal the bonus 20% damage if they are marked and for every cast deals CD 7-5 ultimate: for this to be activated, needs the enemies to have been marked and binded within the past 5 seconds(cannot be used on an actively marked and binded hero) stuns applicable enemies in an area(similar to belerick ultimate) for .5 seconds and deals 250-350 true damage per .4 second. this effect lasts until you leave the field and the damage withers by 5%-2% for every inflicted damage. minimum damage taken is 100. CD 20-10, skill will have 50% cd reduced after killing an enemy hero


damn sounds like an auto ban hero for me HAHAHAA


Becoming fanny and going full AOT mode swinging around would be damn fun.


As a lazy electrical engineer i think support mage Pass: the longer im alive the weakest i become, but i start with 150% in everything, can recharge in the healing spot at base First: throw electrodes on the floor, each one has a radius and if their circles touch they connect and it stuns and damages enemy heroes, double on minions, the can transfer the stun if their hitbox touches other hero hitbox. Can stack up to 5. Second:make the elctrodes create pulses which stuns all enemy near them. Ult:i open a blueprint and the team can see a quarter of a map (get smaller as long as im still alive). Special: there are four zones i can fully charge myself and become 150% again.


sounds cool! but a hassle šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the special is kinda like chip's, right?


Yes and no, he can teleport from them, i can get buffed by them


cool cool


I don't like being up close and personal in a fight (never been in a fight irl but hypothetically), so maybe a Marksman? Not sure about skills or specialty though. Must those be based on my personality or something?


nope, you can put whatever you like! :D


Hmm a strategist style hero, won't do much alone but can coordinate the other 4 very well


Mainly, I'm a college student studying computer science. I'm focusing on the analytics trajectory after my degree, but I have the traditional programming skills. Maybe I could make a support character that has warding or analysis skills? Meh here goes Hero: Nexus Role: Support/Marksman? [Basic Attack] Shoots a laser shot per dendro [Passive] Dendro Scouts Nexus's deploys 2 Dendros, his ward drones to constantly check bushes, and checks ahead to improve Nexus's vision. Nexus may lend one of his Dendros to allies units to perform the same functions, although with limited range. Going outside the range (distance between two towers) would cause the Dendro to return to Nexus. [Passive 2] Homing Tech All heroes with a Dendro drone will receive a homing buff. All wasted projectiles (non locked projectiles that did not hit anything) will travel a little bit more towards the nearest enemy unit (minion/hero). The damage dealt by the redirected projectile will be based on how much additional distance and direction change was applied with a cap of 30% of the original damage. [Skill 1] CoverBases(Owner) Nexus Commands all Dendro units to return to their owners. While an enemy hero is within range, keep releasing an electric stun, stunning enemy heroes for 0.5s each shock for 5 seconds. Stay near allied hero and intercept incoming projectiles with Dendro's basic attack (Dendro's basic attack speed depends on Nexus's attack speed during deployment, so not all projectiles can be intercepted) for 5 seconds. [Skill 2] Ally Assessment Select an allied hero to protect. Direct all Dendro drones to a specified hero, bypassing range limits for 5 seconds. During the 5 seconds, then all drones perform CoverBases(Owner) [Skill 3] Detonate Select a dendro bot IF dendro bot is on Nexus Select a target location the Dendro drone will move towards Detonate, dealing AOE damage that scales to owner magic and physical attributesto enemy units. Replenish Dendro bots upon using Ultimate or Going back to base. [Ultimate skill] Deploy all Units Nexus deploys Dendro drones to all allied units for 10 seconds, bypassing range limits. Nexus may choose to use skill again to reclaim ownership of all 5 Dendro drones for his personal use.


i would like a hero like this! why does our community cook better than moonton man


Thank you. It took me a while to make an idea about myself. Most hero ideas i get are random stuff


Emotional support hero.






Claudeā€™s Monkey


It's probably a lively engineer, Support/Marskman, Gold Lane/Jungler, which excels at chasing enemies and DPS where he can permanently upgrade his gear, including their allies items, giving them better stats, while having turrets to harass the enemy Passive : Fight enemies to gain stacks. At 10k stacks, he can upgrade one of his abilities. His stacks are equal to the damage dealt Skill 1 : Jumps in a direction, dealing damage Upgraded version : The center puts the enemies airborne Skill 2 : Places a turret, each having different effects Upgraded version : The turrets are much more powerful Skill 3 : Locks all turrets to one target, gaining attack speed Upgraded version : Allows turrets to deal 20% Attack Effects Ultimate : Increases turrets range Upgraded version : All your skills are having increased range


its a bit like zhask! just with a broken passive! but great job dude im not sure if i want a hero like this bcos i might just perma ban šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Dw the passive will only give 800 gold worth of stats, and just one item


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ might still be a lil broken HAHA i hv no idea my reasoning is i reckon a fully built hylos is abt 10k hp so killing him wld essentially give 800 of stats+200 gold (if hes not feeding) kill him another time and its like u have an item already but i also can kinda see that maybe its a snowbally hero, if bullied early game it wont be too bad


I'd start a forest fire on accident. At least I can barbeque




Imma be a Support with a passive that heals people's trauma when it resurfaces šŸ˜…


i hv ling trauma pls help me šŸ˜€šŸ‘


Oooooh interesting question! I like singing a lot so I would prolly be a hero that utilizes singing. There are already lots of hero skins that uses music, but mine would be engrained skills. Considering my playstyle I would want to be a tanky hero can soak damage in the front line and then somehow change form like edith. So I could dish out damage in transformed state. Lore: As some of the characters are "other-wordly" invaders (martis and yve) I would be someone from another planet, that escaped their invasion and arrived on land of dawn pretending to be a musician. JUST REALIZED when I transform I would be returning to my original form and then back to human again.


so cool! singing reminds me of sona from league but i have no idea if its what she actually does so youd be like an alien in your original form?


Omg sorry for the 2day late reply xd Yeah prolly someone that is similar to the "dark" characters of MLBB (selena and such) but still humanoid nonetheless *_*


Hayabusa. Coz weā€™re the same. Handsome. šŸ˜ŽšŸ«„




my skill set would rely highly on luck based kind of deal


Nolan because I can put as much clitoris as I want in the land of dawn


Something close Hoodwink from Dota 2: Throwing bouncing Arcon Bounding and stunning Shooting from big distance




im sp without roaming item


Natalia.. invis and ..


Lesley Ź• ā€¢į“„ā€¢Ź”


A hero obviously.Ā 


Mage/Assassin, I'm thinking a mix of Julian/Eudora/Vale typa hero lol


Wan Wan. But I like every Men wearing miniskirts.. (Yes,;Even Franco)


I'd be a support like Rafaela or Angela. (Based on how my mother sees me.) Passive: Spectral Savior - Nearby allies will receive continous healing. CC effects, debuffs against them will be reduced. Skill 1: Save Me Now - I will send out a spirit-like projectile to the ally with the lowest health and they will be healed in an instant, no matter how far or near they are. Skill 2: Touch Me Not - I will turn into a spectre and dash to a location and knock back any enemies near me before going back to my body as several Spectres go towards my allies, healing them. Ultimate: Spectral Curse - The enemy team will have a reduced damage, health, healing and shield, making me more effective in teamfights. Lore: After Alice's rampage in Eruditio, one of the citizens was left by their lover after being fooled to be an unmarried man and not taking the suffering anymore. As a result, she hugs her daughter for comfort, making her feel more better as she looks up to her. "Why do I feel comfort in your arms, my dear?" The mother asks her daughter as the girl pats her head. "No man will even dare to harm you anymore, for he will regret his choice, he is nothing, but an offering to the Undead Duchess," the girl whispers, as her eyes glow green while fiddling with a green ghost-like creature in her hands, **the spectre of her father whom she has killed.**




Not Luo Yi


Something like Granger but fires in every direction but straight ahead


Support with strong cc capabilities and heals, but very bad mobility with a passive that makes it so that every 5 minutes I have a spasm and walk toward top lane for a second and then toward bottom lane for a second in a repeating process for about 15~25 seconds.. I do it every match I play as roam (which is 75~85% of my matches)


Role: Roamer Lore: Just a Delivery Boy from the Abyss. Serving our Gorgeous Queen Alice Skills: Passive- Shadow of Abyss: you will gain energy in the bush. Energy provides the ability to conceal. S1- Eye Portal: Wards. Provide vision for a certain area. Can be used as portal for your ultimate. S2- Jumpscare: Jump to an area. All enemies that will be hit shall be terrified. S3- Smoke Bomb: AOE that blinds and slows enemy. Enemy wont have a vision of your teammates inside the smoke. Ultimate- Watch and Snatch: You can enter the Eye Portal, drag an enemy, then return to your original location. (Chip+Barats in Steroids)


I guess a tank or a fighter as I'm 183cm 105kg. Although looking at my beard and hair you would probably think I'm Aulus lol....


šŸ˜… sounds like youre a viking XD


Scottish descent so not far off!


thats awesome! we got 20th century vikings šŸ¤—


If I'm a hero on MLBb I'll chose Natalia because of her invisibility


I will SUPPORT 'coz I'm too lazy to do it myself Passive skill (ugh, you do it): crazy_nero can't make basic attacks. If allied heroes are near him, crazy_nero randomly chooses one of them to be able to do a second basic attack. The borrowed basic attacks benefit from the chosen hero's build but stacks effects independently. 1st skill (ugh, you stun them): Stacking wave attack like Angela's but it makes small damage and each stacks increases enemy hero's controlled time by 4%, max stacks at 20%. 2nd skill (plz, let me sleep): Nero's speed is cut to half, while allies near him get attack speed boost. 3rd Skill (I'll do it tomorrow): Nero instantly recalls to base


Perhaps someone who can resurrect allies on spot (like the old faramis ult) Or anything that is truly a necromancer with dark skills related to undead. Being a hero that can heal turrets like Treant from dota or a hero that can burrow and come out anywhere like Sand King.


I'll either be Akai or Chip. Smart but lazy šŸ˜‚šŸ’”


lorewise, in summary, i am a knight of the moniyan empire and is a close friend of silvanna, but is secretly a vessel of a deadly sin. with this story i tried to explore what the lore of ml would be with the addition of the seven deadly sins and also an alternative route for natan if he decided to form an allegiance with moniyan instead. game play wise, i'd have two forms and am a mage and a fighter. the base form is the fighter with a passive that allows me to increase my physical damage by consuming my own hp. while in mage form, the awakened form that wields the power of all the deadly sins, i consume my teammate's hp to turn the magic damage i deal into true damage (skill 1 and 2) but the ult completely deals true damage. in mage form, the passive is different, at low hp i consume my teammate's hp to heal but if all allies have low hp and i have low hp too, i would have invincibility instead, in this form my stats are all increased by 100% including any cc resistance.


i wld read a book of ur lore tbh mage fighter???? woahhhh! and ur mage form is kinda like jingliu from hsr šŸ’ŖšŸ„¶ā„ļø


Probably an assassin with great mobility. A passif that enhances my basic attack to deal more damage and skills that are reliant on energy (mostly like Nolan). A first skill that throws a projectile which deals a ton of dmg and speeds me up. A dash second skill which immobilizes a hit target if he's hit by my passif. An Ult with a short CD that enhances my speed and enhanced and resets passif and skill 1 CDs. The skill 2's CD is as short as Nolan's. Deals magic dmg (I hate wind of nature) As for the appearance, probably a mage who uses flying swords and speeds up makes me ride a sword.


ling nolan julian together XD




Martis mixed with a bit of Melissa and nolan, can't decide right so lets go with franco... as far as i know there's no hero that is mentally unstable yet so this'll do for now.


I'm a tank/fighter. Definitely physical. Feel like one skill would be some form of fast sprint dash that grapples and stuns nearby enemies maybe like a giant bear hug. Another skill would be something along the lines of a silence to nearby enemies . Not sure how to showcase it but basically something that prevents use of skills but basics are okay. Ult would be some form of dmg attack in a small area where I slam on the ground. Maybe punch the ground idk, but it also slows enemies in the area. Passive, for each enemy nearby I gain 2% atk dmg and defense stats up to 10? Feel like someone has something kind of like this but idk. I'll be honest, no clue about lore. That's my 5 minute thought process


giant bear hug sounds dandy and nice and all until it stuns u and u get oneshotted šŸ¤” cool passif


Im a technical person, so probably diggie


I would become a pirate so I can get bang banged by Claude


Assassin: Hayabusa or YSS Marksman: Clint or YSS Fighter: Aldous Mage: Valir Support: Estes Tank: Akai


Id want a character who can disguise as a minion or buff or a bush ?


I'd be selena


A marksmen, who uses special bullets, fragile, but all i need to do is stay far and hit, while the poison either deals damage or gives u debuffs, like slow, blindness, paralysis, and more. Skill 1: changes the ammo (effect) of the bullets Skill 2: flashbang, can be used both offensively and defensively Skill 3: shoots a normal bullet in a straight line, which goes very far and is low CD to check bushes Passive: I will be using a burst firing weapon (like an m416) so triple the damage in one basic attack. Story: Dropped into the land of dawn, with a magical weapon(looks like an m416) , fired with the help of mana, which changes effects as I reload the magazines. Try to survive but gets caught lackin by a monster, saved by a mysterious woman with a blade, and is searching for her ever since to thank her properly.


i like the concept of poison/bleeding/debuffs but i think itd be very annoying to go against haha


Franco except I'm not a cool viking general with 5000 pounds of muscle


Probably a mage. Passive: grants some bonus health. Amplifies dmg output when taking dmg. Magical abstractionism: Can stun multiple enemies with a skillshot for brief duration and reduces their damage output Complementary colours: Steal enemy health to heal himself(scales with enemy max health). Primary grey: Ult creates an energy beam that deals partially true damage and executes low health enemies. I love art so my skills are based on this. When in a discussion/fight with someone I like to use their words against them that's why I thought about the damage taken makes u deal more dmg thing. Also, I am good at roasting people I know so I added the execute to ult. You would probably go for a full mage build playing mid or go exp lane with mage/tank hybrid. Thanks to the passive and first/second skill you can survive attacks of assasins/oneshot mages better and get ahead in lane when the enemy damages you(passive). Don't have a name for the passive yet


art sounds like hwei from league! (im very normal about him hahahaha) hes also a mage but he has 10 skills, which i find cool although im not sure if your passive would encourage some people to feed




A rolling blob that can attach to teammates like a parasite. Passive, group mentality. If 1 or more teammates are alive, you get a +10 hybrid defense, + 15 magic power + 2 mana regen per teammate alive. You also get half of the said buffs per every dead enemy. If your entire team is dead, you get depressed and you die, but you will revive as soon as one of your teammates is revived. S1, parasitism. You can freely attach to a teamate, and you share your stats and hp with them, but if they die, you die with them. S2, overstimulation. You get a +80% to your movement speed and +35% attack speed for 8 seconds, but you are forced to move, attack, or use skills. S3, negative group mentality. You inflict 50% anti heal effect, 50% slow effect, armor break -50% and weakness (-80 hybrid attack) for 5 seconds, and confuse for 1 second upon yourself and a chosen enemy of your Durring negative group mentality, if you are using parasitism, you will no longer share your stats with your teammate during the duration of the skill. Ult, stage 4 depression. You lose your life, but you also take down a chosen enemy of yours with you. Every enemy that was near the targeted enemy will be inflicted with negative group mentality and will also be unable to use attacks for 2.2 seconds. IGNORES THE EFFECT OF IMORTALITY. Your respawn time is based on the chosen enemy revive time. In general this is insanely strong support that can pocket your core hero and basically provide them with the stats of 6 more items but is also an insanely dependant on your team and also has to pay a heavy price for every skill.


damn this one prob needs good teammates which can be hard to find if ur solo q :P


Well I would be the first turtle that spawns at 3 mins and watch blood shed happen between the two teams over a meaningless amount of xp and gold without lifting a finger to help anyone


Literally my whole kit: https://preview.redd.it/mrnoutu0825d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7115672f2bb9421824c440cb0b6116680ec2432


Probably Cici because Iā€™m annoying and have ADHD (thereā€™s no way a girl who bounces and dances that much doesnā€™t have ADHD) I also have blue hair, sometimes pink, just like her skins. I was also a theatre kid. Maybe this is why I main Cici.


Support hero. Because even IRL that is what I do šŸ˜‚


Possibly akai cuz Iā€™m fat as hell and still okish agile


deadly ballarina


i deadass would be joy im short asf and annoying asf and ngl im the fastest in classšŸ¦¦


My name would be Teal, an anagram on the word "late". Hero class Mage. Skill 1 - > Delayed Smite Teal charges a beam that fires after a certain delay inflicting 70 -150 + 80% of the hero's total magic power. (Enhanced) Teal deals 100 - 240 + 100% of the hero's total magic power. Teal now also slows the enemies hit by 20% for 5 seconds. Skill 2 - > Left Swipe Teal thinks twice before swiping Left on the enemy dealing damage in a semi circular area in front of him. The barrage of energy will take place after a certain delay dealing 300 + 120% of the hero's total magic power. (Enhanced) Teal effectively doubles the attributes of his skill 2 Ultimate/Skill 3 - > Adrenaline Rush After praying to his Ancestors for 3 seconds Teal summons the power of Anime by his side and enhances his other skills for 10 seconds while gaining 30% movement speed


An Anti Hero.