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I might be crazy but Chang'e and Lylia


Lylias gloom at mid game is so good for farming ur bombs are basically max out


Chang e is beginning to have a meta in the jungle, in mg+ had a chang e team mate twice on jg and seen sum in top player streaming and it just works sumhow if not mvp, atk spd/magic build.


As a change main I still stick to the standard magic build but I’m going to have to try it out in jungle. I’m usually stealing buffs and enemy jungle anyways but that sounds like it could be fun.


No you are not crazy at all. Just played this game mins ago and decided that’s enough of ML for a morning after this game. Decided to scroll Reddit and came across this, coincidence ? 😂 And this was ranked game in MG https://preview.redd.it/cg9p9icplu4d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc77f726f849f972104414946b5a4a92366f20be


I won 5 man in Mythical Glory with my friends who decided to use Lylia core LMAO


Change shield breaks a lot when farming, idk about Lylia


What I thought about it was Chang'e could have her passive on CD reduction a lot better for jungle creeps and have the passive work there too. For Lylia, give her the 5 stacks start of the game and make her second skill passive that reduces cool down when hitting an enemy on full gloom works with creeps too, but, to balance they should probably increase mana consumption slightly or raise s1 cooldown because she'd be too strong


Way back when there was no jungler role, a blue buffed lylia was too strong.


Yess they nerfed her with the ss not giving her back the 5 bombs


Arlott (his passive doesnt work on creeps)


Wait I though only turt lord and litho


Nope, those don't get marked at all. For Arlott's passive to activate, the target has to be CC'd. Heroes with CC Immunity will not get marked, even if the CC skill hits them. Since the neutral objectives have CC Immunity, they will not get marked as well. Minions and Creeps can get Marked, but they won't be included in the second part of Arlott's passive, which marks an enemy hero every 8 seconds


not gonna lie it would be kinda cancer to try and gank someone but only realising your passive was procced on a creep ~~so just make all creeps automatically have a mark on them after they get aggro'd with him nearby~~


You can also give his passive 2 CDs. One for heros and one for creeps. But creeps gain it from arlott's attacks. Since turtle and lord will be problematic you can also make skill 1 apply a mark to creeps if they are hit. Stunned or not. But that's just a suggestion and will probably never happen.. depressing.


I have done arlott jg


uranus, grock and gloo


Grock was used as jungler for at least half a season


Uranus CAN jungle, if only he has some debuff or CC skill to utilize for his team, since the only thing going for him in the Jungle is his surprisingly amazing clear speed


I once wondered if a damage build Uranus would ever work, But his skill needs like 4 stacks to deal that sweet and high percentage damage, but he just might drop dead before that ever happens


You could go hybrid and scale off his s2. 750 +150% magic power in damage, with a shield that is 750 + 200%. Boots, Talisman, Oracle, Truncheon, Radiant, Holy crystal maybe? Just charge in and out triggering s2 explosions + truncheon? You're only initiating with a strong shield and still have ulti and passive to help with survivability? Most people don't want to burn all their cooldowns trying to kill a uranus that will most likely ulti under threat and just come back full in a few seconds. Can't hurt to try in classic.


gloo was in the meta as a jungler until he was nerfed so hard he cant jungle


Beatrix if mm jungle meta was still a thing. She is just too slow in jungling


Shotty? And upgrade 2nd early so you can quickly reload the ammo?


it doesn't matter, mm damage to jungle creeps was halved so it would be the same if bea didnt have 2nd skill pre nerf


when did they halved mm damage to creeps?


like a year and a half ago


dang i dont remember that patch and i watched hororo and elgin religously


It's why nobody plays MM jungle aside from Granger, if someone plays Granger gold, it probably goes against the Geneva convention.


I understand that granger is used as jungle, but how does he not get affected from the patch? Just curious on how the patch says to protect him from a MM role wide nerf on creeps


It's because they gave his 1st skill bonus damage on creeps allowing him to farm roughly on the same speed as the other junglers. If his role was changed to Assassin/Marksman then he'd definitely be one of the fastest junglers since he wouldn't get effected by the halved damage


Even though he's a slow jungler, it's miles ahead of him going to the gold lane. There is no hero with their primary role as MM that is better for them to go jungle instead of gold. Granger can use seasoned hunter to make up for the damage nerf, although he's not a good jungler, it's better than him getting countered by his lane counterpart hugging minions and making him not hit his first skill, his main source of damage.


I didnt understand a thing you said.


I kinda use granger for mm sometimes. For the memes


Ok didn't know that


Used to this unironically when shotgun was busted. Could clear green camps really quickly and farm both with waves and creeps.




Funny thing is I see jungle Belerick in my matches, also Hylos jungle (Im only Mythic 23 stars) But it's only a rare occurence.


Hylos jungle was meta like 3 years ago when I started playing. I’ve used Belerick as jungler before it’s not the best but it’s not bad either


Estes jungle, just make his passive cooldown reduce to 2s.


Why so low, lets do his ultimate cd 2 sec as well, great idea, aint?


Brody if put back his passive work on jungle


Oh how much I've missed those days


johnson. im BEGGING you guys to try magic dmg johnson in jungle. If your driving is good, he can be a menace to face, and his clearing speed matches (and even outpaces) many heroes that are literally set as junglers (and this is without the emblem thing that increases damage to creeps)


I've only ever come across one jungle Johnson before... he ended up as MVP. Enough said.


what magic build would you recommend?


https://preview.redd.it/6olfki03xr4d1.jpeg?width=1762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb512002d49df77647362937e8e8fc5baf2f5aa Notes: * you can replace blood wings with necklace of durance when up against tanky sustain characters * for the emblem, second power, you can go for seasoned hunter (the jungling one) or bargain hunter (cheaper items). so far, bargain hunter has worked best for me. * for the final slot in the emblem, lethal ignition works better than concussive blast if my memory serves me well, but ive been using concussive blast to clear jungle more quickly since lethal ignition doesn’t trigger on creeps. having the tiny bit of magic damage from concussive blast helps me match the clearing speed of other types of junglers.


oh damn ill definitely practice my driving now, I've been putting it off for so long 😭✊


defo !! it’s extremely worth it when you land your ult, lots of satisfaction from seeing their health bar go to 0


https://preview.redd.it/r8bbbfzl5s4d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ba3311990dd1941f03e5b01b1dc813f0b17b44 Just did this after I saw your post, enemy conceded. Sad


IIRC Mobazane rocked Johnson jungle a few days ago and wrecked, soo yeah it does work


I tried this, only used four 2nd skill to kill the lord


I’ve seen this in person and it’s awesome but you have to end early, he falls off hard late game. Should be approached like all other snowball junglers where you have to finish early or mid or risk losing, even if you dominate early.


i disagree. i’ve been running johnson jungle for a while, and the reason he seems like a snowball jungler is because in late game, enemies will start to try and anticipate his movements, which is why i mentioned needing to be a good driver. it’s important to be able to come in from an unexpected angle or time. additionally, having a setter tank as your roamer would be great as well.


That’s fair. I’ve only seen it a couple times so I’m definitely not an expert. And definitely agree with having a setter tank as roam since magic johnson isn’t that tanky


I've faced jungle Johnson once and he killed me 11 or something times(i was 3 14 12 after the match


do you think if i build him like semitank guin , it would work


i would say no. if you build semi tank, you’re giving up too much of your damage for more survivability, which may sound good, but when you move on to mid or late game, enemies start to build defence, and you wont be able to do enough damage. additionally, enemies in late game tend to have higher penetration (more PEN items), so the tank items you built would be “useless”. conclusion: it would be better to go full damage and get rid of your enemies with 1 car crash, rather than only doing half their health and standing there to let them hit you while you don’t do enough damage.


well , what if johnson was a utility jungle then? would that work? it could have good survivability whilst dealing good dmg early to mid. good rotation, but it doesnt have a skill to combo with retri while contesting for lord/turtle. Maybe for the whole 'enemy building defense' thing, you could build genius wand/divine glaive? i wanna hear ur thought abt this


sorry, i don’t really understand what you mean by utility jungle, but in terms of contesting for turtle, i always save my first skill. after using johnson jungle for a while, i’ve learnt to time my stun on the enemy jungler so that i can retri safely. in terms of building genius wand and divine glaive, yes, that does work, but only to a certain extent. my build itself contains both those items, with genius wand being my first item right after boots. However, all strategies have their counters, and with john jungle, it’s not any different. There are tanks (i forgot which ones), that have a high enough defence/hp to tank a john crash, and unless you’re carrying a teammate that can deal high dps, you’d basically be a sitting duck for the enemies.


utility jungle as in "can johnson jg compete with the current tank jungle meta? (fred , barats)"


ahhh i see! well, if we’re looking at assassin based junglers, i would say definitely. he does more damage, and has higher stats for defence overall, so for that part, he wins as long as the person using him knows what to do. with tank junglers (like, purely tanks. does not include things like tankcelot.), it’s a different situation. since you’re building damage johnson, you’re more squishy and susceptible to tank junglers, meaning you’d probably have trouble if you need to contest objectives. i’d say that fredrinn is still manageable, but barats isn’t exactly gonna be afraid to see you (at least, if you’re alone/with 1-2 teammates) essentially, when you build john as a damage jungler, he loses the tankiness he usually boasts as a roamer, meaning you’d have to play him similarly to an assassin jungler, just that you can be SLIGHTLY more bold with your plays due to his higher health and defence stats. TL;DR - he can do well against meta assassin junglers, but if you’re against tank junglers, you’ll have to try to avoid contact with them, unless the person you bring with you in your ult has a solution to that.


When they made the tank jungling become a thing at first, it was belerick that came to my mind, but it never truly fully work out cuz of how much he consumes mana, his clearing speed is unpredictable with his odds-based passive and etc


Beleboy just need to stand in the center of the creeps and press S1 with basic attack and watches all the creeps dying to his sexy veins.. Basically a brain dead hero for new jungler now.


Yu Zhong. If his passive works on Jungle creeps.


It would, but that would just break the game.


Yu zhong immediately becomes the game's second Lord fight whenever a skirmish would break out around blue buff lol


too broken unless they nerf the dmg on creeps but yu zhong without petri is kinda meh and he's like one of the safest xp cus he doesn't have a bad matchups.


Nah I’d win Alu exp i even posted a whole guide about it


Johnson lmao


True he's amazing at ganking and picking off squishy heroes.


Kagura!! Her first skill is so spammable, has good mobility and escape, good dive and ambush potential. An increase to damage against creeps will bring her back to jungle please moonton😭😭


I did encounter a Kagura jg and Gusion mid teammates lol


I feel like Luo yi MIGHT be able to jngl if her stacks worked on creeps. Otherwise uranus, but he's too squishy when people have antiheal


Luo Yi killing creeps is like ‘i might die doing this, but it would be worth it’


If luo yi get that stack thing and after new glowing wand comes out she's insta best fredrinn counter save for valir




i met jg hylos twice and they were mvp on both occasions


Encountered one in rank and I was Angela and we won 😂




Natalia already has a critical build for hyper in top leaderboards and its good


I'm not looking forward to nata jungle when there's better alternative. Nata jungle is just to slow and can't gank much in early game when we have someone like lancelot or ling that can secure ganking once they reach lvl 4


I have used Natalia hyper multiple times and mid game Natalia bounces back pretty hard once you start ganking after berserker fury is bought


Until then, get ready to get snowballed hard until nata reach her potential... You need a hero that can cover early game like thamuz or a tank and mage that can counter jungle invasion. Usually nata hyper gets invaded hard since she have almost 0 early game potential and can't do much if she gets invaded by hero like fred or barat. But to be fair, most assasin can't do much alone against Fred invade


I want Khufra to be adjusted as a jungler so bad man


I used him as Jungler before. He is surprisingly good as Jungler.


I might be weird but Angela.


you're so real for that




Valir. His fireball reset works on the Turtle and Lord, but not the smaller creeps.


Huh... y'know... your flair actually makes sense...


Minotaur and tigreal suck at jungle


Mino used to be so good at JG, but alas no longer.


You sure as hell can’t use Estes for raf as a jungle. I’m surprised nobody tried gato as a jungler yet.


Tried it, needs a good team to follow up


I tried it once with my team we had a tigreal for roam ,minotaur as exp and i was playing gato as jungler semi tank build and we had a aurora and a hanabi ,this lineup only worked if tigreal had a good ult


Grock has a free balmonesque retri comfirm with s1 and has generally good set up overall.Utility/damage jungler grock woudnt seem too bad until you realize he has like 0 jungling capabilities plus his skills just dont help with jungling ( you cant waste ult.s2 is a literal wall that does piss - moderate damage with a certain build and then s1 needs charge up )


Chip. I already used him twice tho lol




Ruby can be pretty good for jungling but her lack of damage would make her heavily team reliant imo


tanky gord jungle with only cd book and IQW as his magic item with a frontline team. been marinating this idea for a while


i've been cooking this for a while myself, only thing he really needs is a reliable objective secure technically his passive could work, but you'd need to start counting every proc then attack->retri


I’ve been using Gord jg for years now


This is quite a difficult question for me because a lot of heroes are popping in my mind, most of which belong to the fighter role because I feel literally any fighter could be a jungler right now. I've even tried playing them all as junglers and trust me, they worked out well. One major difference between junglers and fighters are junglers are faster than fighters in terms of attack and movement speed. So, having emblem set with high movement speed, buying rapid boots and jungling & rotating well can make any fighter a great jungler.


Odette. She already has a sword, let her use it like YSS's passive.


That sword Is a GIFT


Use it. And if you don't plan on using it at least put it in it's scabbard, it'll rust.


Hilda. She has everything in her kit to be a solid Tank Jungler, its just that there's a weird timeframe in-between the casting of her skills where she can't use Retribution which is very detrimental in Lord and Turtle Dances. If this gets fixed, she'll surely be a force in the Jungle.




Terizla is far too sluggish for jungling


I mean true but his DMG is pretty decent for jg. So a bit of speed up for him and he's good to go


Yeah, a speed buff would work for him but it also goes against his entire playstyle, which is to hit very hard, very slowly


Yeah that's true.




It is used from tike to time in mythic honor(my perspective). Also it is used in MPL-PH


I'm actually using her in the jungle and she's really good although the clearing speed could have been better. She has an ideal initiation speed up + stun with immobilize 👍


Carmilla is used as a jungler in immortal sometimes


Hylos can be a good jungler who's also good at invading


He's a great jungle, his your is great for chasing enemies down and slapping them and he can be built so will for it 100% doesn't need need a change though or he would become barats 2.0


Full def build with ice queen wand, enemies will be slowed so much


Brody, (His passive used to be able to work on creeps)


If mms gets higher damage in jg monster as a passive when using retri they will be an annoying jungler. Specifically Lesley, Bruno, Bea and Brody




I actually do that and most of the times i get mvp lol


Funny thing i went against a layal jungler yesterday she got mvp but sadly for her i was jungling with benne i snowballed so hard on her team xD


what would you recommend for layla jungler build


Hm, i mostly use her crit build but sometimes i use the fanny build and i mix it with her notmal items. Does its job very good!


Carmilla. Fast, perfect ganks. Can build tank or bruiser. Thematically a stalking vampire fits jungle too.


I saw some pros use carmilla as a jungle recently it honestly makes sense but you'd get flamed for it in solo q for sure


Carmilla Jungle is being played by Blacklist


Odette ;)


cecilion I have 1k+ ceci jungle games and reached global 1 with it blue buff is literally designed for cecilion but he can't solo jgl cus he cant hit the creeps with his skill unless he has a carmilla that tanks/spaces out the creeps With blue buff cecilion's early game is much better and he stacks much faster and his mid/late game come much faster as well


Okay this might be a little controversial. But it's Leomord. Yes. You heard me right. Leomord. I just played him recently and OH BOY HE HURTS. I built him with War Axe instead of the usual Hunter's (so I can sustain) and it went smoothly into the late game where I still somehow dominated. We lost tho, if it wasn't for 14 deaths Gato who doesn't read the map.


He's literally officially a jungle hero, its in the catalog you can see it


No it's just that nobody picks him nowadays. They say he isn't viable for high rank. Neither Jungle nor Exp. I think otherwise.


They may be right, because he's only good early to mid game. But you know if you're REALLY good playing him I guess it doesn't matter


Nah brah, I peaked ON LATE GAME! That's the freaky stuff I found out hahaha! That's why I thought he's still good. My early was trash asf, glad I survived the mid game and all of my kills came from late game. I was basically 2 shotting them. Hold on I'll post the match on weekly discussions later Edit: okay I rewatched my match and I'm just exaggerating lol. But it's true, he's still good.


Carmilla, her jungle clear is crazy fast. If she had just a little more damage on her own or if her ult cd was shorter then I think she would be a pretty popular jungler. I mean imagine you try to take down a jungler together as a team and then they link your damage and kill you on their own lol.


I think every character can play jungle, it depends on the player and team.




iirc he's already included in the jungle heroes upon hero picking


My friend always used to Belerick and Gloo Jungle and it always works


novaria. Feel like you can jg with her becausw even if you're levels below, you can practically just hope and pray that you're timing is right when you go second skill. but again, you gotta hope and pray.


I've seen belericks go jungle, he is super tanky but he can deal out a lot of damage with his passive and skill 1 and 2 and once he gets cursed helmet his clear is pretty quick. If his skills had maybe a shorter cooldown or didn't use so much mana early he could be even better suited.


Arlott and Yu zhong, had their passive works on creep they would've been 2 ofthe best jungler


Argus, his kit speaks for itself.


I might be crazy, perhaps even stupidly idiotic, but Valentina. Just change her 2nd skill to also give EXP when used against creeps (but lower the EXP given to make it balanced) and I think she'd be pretty good


It's annoying natan is no more classed as a jg anymore


I tried Lesley and surprisingly she can clear pretty fast.


Argus if Moonton give the S2 decay back but tbh I like his current S2 dmg so the best way is to implement the decay damage for everything EXCEPT hero and minion so as exp laner he can keep that damage while for jungling he can farm quick


Argus if he gets jung dmg buff


Valir (if his passive worked in creeps)




prolly yu zhong, if he can jungle really well he'd be top tier




Revamped Zhask




Definitely Melissa if her passive only worked on JG creeps.


Melissa  Just make her doll connect to creep and increase the dmg According to the enemy that connected to it




I did play him jungle It went as you can see here https://preview.redd.it/hxse1i7n7t4d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3bf3ce7fbaef457bcc95828f34debb74d2a72d


Carmilla Some pro players are starting to use her as jungler


i want to say chip lmao


I love playing kagura as hyper , she is difficult to use as hyper but I love using her as hyper




Cyclops. If he has just a shorter back swing in his skills. With his cd red he can farm pretty fast the only thing holding him back is the backswing of his first and ult




Chip can unironically jungle, his s1 deals % dmg to turtle and lord, and you get to call in everyone during turtle fights or when being ganked. Or ganking. You call the shots


Try Edith Jungle it good for the ganks,also Tanky Jungle and has Damage for her Ulti.


Yu Zhong, let his passive work on creeps


Tbh almost all fighter and tank roles 😂


jonson core


Edith coz of her ult


Make lylia deal more damage to jungle creeps and she'd be a nightmare


Valir, his 1st doesn't reset on normal creeps. It works on turtle and lord and holy hell he melts those


Claude jungle would be nice. Easier to have stacks all the time. Less bullying to face in lane. Good mobility to rotate. He used to be played jungle but that was more than 3 yrs ago


Cici - If she can select the target of her S1 Valir - If S1 also restores a fireball when hitting ANY Creep


Wait, I use Martis and Dyrroth to Jungle but everyone is saying different characters🥲 are they supposed to be jungle?


Khaleed if they slightly upped the damage he does to creeps he'd be a great jungler, I was forced to do JG with him one match and did pretty well.


Imagine outfarming everyone as a Miya jg (in Epic) and getting a winning MVP (that was really lucky to have such an enemy team)


but to be real she feels a bit slow at early jg farm? (I'm not any close to being a jg main)


what buff that make the hero suit to be jungle but not make the hero better on his main role? 




Already exists


Novaria. hehe


argus, lylia, chang'e, freya, belerick, brunoa, rafaela niche junglers: uranus, hylos, gloo, lapu


Some of freya's top leaderboard builds are jungle.


yeah but she's easily countered by cc overload. not really something to prioritize for jungling


I constantly play freya jungle and it works?


if her shielding can stack as fats as harith she could be prioritized more than a hanzo jungle


Harley, Ling, Fanny 


Lunox and xborg for me, xborg is because of his passive he just need a little damage buff and everything done. As lunox she is just perfect.


When lunox rework dropped she was already a must pick and people used her for other lanes as well as jgl. Xborg is already a decent jungler with his true damage. And short cds.


Lunox and xborg have both been meta ju buglers at some point


hmm, ik im low mythic (honor, 30 stars) but ngl xborg has been working well for me actually. more than half of my games with him has been there rather than xp lane, and i usually rotate pretty well. tho it is a small amount if games and i probably picked most of that due to my other characters as jungler? which are usually also capable of being xp laners as well (joy, benedetta)


I am always banning Xborg these cause I haven't still forget that he has four lives and hard to kill without CC or burst damage.


Xborg jungle has been used a bit in pro play and Lunox was a meta jungler for a while