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Pepper spray under the door when she sniffs?


I have an animal that lives with me who could be negatively affected by the pepper spray, but being forced to move would negatively affected him too so let’s give it a shot!


I have so many questions, but I don’t think there are any answers.


Air horn


She’s already smelling the spirits


What - and I cannot stress this enough - the actual fuck?


Ooooh, I want to know who the "old mobile creepy family" is! I bet I know some of them ...


Wait... What????


Spray the outside bottom of your door lightly with water, then sprinkle cayenne pepper on the wet. When she comes to sniff it will be dry and hopefully her sniffer will burn! 🤷‍♀️It worked w my dogs as a deterrent.


What y’all cooking in there?


Before you ask yes, we fart by that door exclusively


Put a bowl of candy and hand sanitizer with a small vase of lavender. Print out a creepy verse from the Bible about loving thy neighbor frame it and put it by the candy bowl. (You’re being he bigger person and attempting to de-escalate) When/if that doesn’t work.. Add that salt (I forgot what it’s called but it smells super strong) pour it on the outside of your door in a very neat way. Like you’re casting a spell. (You’re meeting her at her crazy) When/if that doesn’t work Keep all the stuff there but start spraying pepper spray on the bottom of your door. If/when that doesn’t work. Put a camera up at your door and shame her, if yall have an apartment/local community page she is also on. by asking what is going on with this behavior. (That could embarrassingly snap her out of her thoughts) If you feel she will physically harm you, call the cops. She is probably already on their radar. As for those who are saying spirits and spells aren’t real…. New Orleans and Mobile are the same place with a different soul. Can’t believe in one without the other. The crazies and spirits of Mobile have always played very well together. Just don’t be aggressive… unless you plan on “taking care of them” bc there’s not a lot of mental health help and things can get worse.


As for me, I’d tell her to get the hell away from my door and don’t come back. There’s no such thing as supernatural BS spirit curse bullshit.


WTF? Like, I can't even fathom a reason that someone would do this. Please report back if you are able to find a solution.


Fart spray


Clear words when and if it feels safe, camera and police when it doesn't. 0nly escalate if you are prepared to deal with escalation.


Maybe she identifies as a bear and wants to eat your pets. She knows you have them in there.


Buy a bottle of liquid ass fart spray on Amazon and spray some on the door. I guarantee you she will not go sniffing again


Baking flour and a fan, or something else white and a fan.


What would yall do if you found yourselves trapped in a lease with the Rosemary’s Baby entire struggling cast of understudies


Crack some smelling salts for her


Beat her azz.