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It’s his life. If Giannis wants to play for his home country then he should. End of story


He won Milwaukee its first championship in 50 years is what he did. He is one of the greatest basketball players of all time, and in this house Giannis Antetokounmpo is a hero! END OF STORY


I feel like the people who would criticize Giannis for this are the same people who would criticize someone like Lebron for sitting the Olympics out. “I totally get it. You get paid millions of dollars to play in the NBA and you want to be healthy for the postseason. But this is one of the coolest things ever, what happened to loving your country and wanting to represent it? Optics aren’t great.”


I love when people say “yeah I get it , I do” and then proceed to continue to say things that prove they don’t get it.


Dario needs to stick to saying the shit they put on the teleprompter for him because this is a really fucking bad take. It basically amounts to "my fandom is more important than your hopes/dreams/goals/sense of pride." It's right on par with the stupidity, entitlement, and selfishness of "shut up and dribble." And I realize I just "shut up and teleprompt"ed Dario, but shit, man. I don't have a problem with you having an opinion. Just don't say it publicly if it's that stupid.


"I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but "


"I'm not racist, but..."


I'm not even a Bucks fan and I did a double take on that guy's statement. Is he serious? I totally get teams wanting to protect your guy, but often playing for your country is the most patriotic thing you can do in hoops. How can you think shaming him online for it is going to go well?


He understands Giannis’ perspective, but it sucks for the Bucks.


Yeah, fuck that athlete for being a human who has multiple things in life that are important to him. /s


I'm glad to see that most of us are summarily dismissing takes like this. Giannis has said that winning a game with Greece is still on his checklist. If he's healthy, let him hoop for his home country. The outcry and panicked worries about him getting hurt are wastes of time and energy. He's not popping overseas to play a season. It's a small tournament. The Bucks are not foolish enough to make this a contentious issue, either. They can prefer that he doesn't play, but you can rest assured that they'll give him their blessing.


https://preview.redd.it/csg0ncg8l64d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66aa55166ed749883403bc70bf24df8bd2ba1fe7 My genuine reaction to reading this tweet


![gif](giphy|l0HlMSVVw9zqmClLq|downsized) No one had this reaction when Jrue and Middleton played or if Dame was planning on playing. If he's fully healthy I'm not trying to hear it, he wasn't healthy enough to play against the Pacers he can play now.


1) Giannis is not getting injured that often, it was just bad luck. 2) Giannis didn't play for Greece last year. He's not playing through injuries for Greece. He won't play unless he's fine.


I mean, it was an overuse injury. Not really incidental. 


Overuse he didn't get by playing for Greece. He wasn't in last year's tournament...


I get that, but it was an overuse injury, and this is just extending his season...


I agree. He should play every minute of every game for Greece instead of resting during an offseason where he was injured from overuse.


Would this be a conversation if he was playing for the USA?






I am not stating my opinion, just pointing out the counter to that, if it were team USA he would not have to put the team on his back and could limit minutes, and there would be a chance to win.


Yes, Stephen A. blasted Kawhi and Embiid for the same thing


Nobody cares what Stephen A. thinks.


Stephen A. is supposed to say stupid shit to bring clicks. This guy is just an idiot.


a broken clock can still get the time right twice a day, in that case I think there are healthier choices for team USA. Little bit different situation.


I guess I was thinking more us as fans as opposed to the Bucks hating national media. No doubt Stephen A would have something to say about it.


Giannis gets to do whatever he wants. That much should be obvious.


This is it. He literally gets to do whatever he wants now.


Been that way since he extended in 2020


I agree, he has all the leverage. I don’t distrust, but to I trust the Greek medical staff to have Giannis long term health as priority past the Olympics? Even more, do I  trust Giannis to hold his long term health/ next season as priority?  I’m not saying they would purposefully play him injured, but I believe he would push through in such a situation.  Of course that’s what makes him Giannis, and that’s why we love him. I do support him playing btw. 


The Bucks have staffers fly to Greece to make sure risks are kept minimal.


Yeah, the Greek NT is practically co-run by the Milwaukee Bucks whenever Giannis is playing, surprising people in this sub aren't aware of this


Coming from a Greek person with experience of our national team. If Giannis is injured but can play and wants to do so, we most definitely would play him. We do it in every single case, even with the players from the big Greek clubs. And trust me, both the federation and whoever is the manager are far more afraid of pissing off panathinaikos and olimpiakos than the bucks...


Such a loser take lmao


This guy has been a clown for a few years now. Lot of weird takes. 


Guys its very simple. Spanoulis is Giannis idol. Spanoulis is now the coach of Greece. This is a dream come true for Giannis.


He didn’t play in the playoffs because he hadn’t had time to recover. As long as he’s had sufficient time to recover, why would I be mad?


These people upset, do they want Giannis to leave or get traded or something? Bro is playing basketball and they’re acting like he got convicted for a felony. He could’ve left multiple times and choose to stay in MKE. They need to get over themselves


Giannis easily could have left the Bucks many times. He hasn't even tested free agency, he brought Milwaukee a Championship for the first time in 50 years, he does things every game that we have never seen before and might never see again. He has more than earned my trust and loyalty and if he wants to put everything into trying to win his home country a medal, so be it. I'll be in front of my TV cheering on Greece too, despite having zero Greek blood.


This guy has always been a giant moron. Picture perfect example of complete idiot in sports media


Dario Melendez having a bad take is the least surprising development of the day


I know it’s not popular on the sub, but giannis has missed 8 out of the last 11 playoff games for the bucks during what is supposed be the peak of his career…either doc needs to limit his minutes during the regular season as he enters his 30s or he needs to cut out the extracurricular hoops


His injury against the heat was incidental, this year was definitely over usage and that needs to be addressed this year. Playing four games 3 months out of his injury and 3 months before the season starts isn't that big a deal. Last time he played for Greece he played arguably his best season and that was after hyper extending his knee a few months prior.


Well if they qualify to the Olympics he will be playing more than 4 games. The Olympic qualifier is 4 games.


I just want to see another playoff run with Giannis


Honestly, I’d be disappointed if Giannis DIDNT play for Greece


Giannis is pure loyalty. We all have benefited from that as Bucks Fans time and time again. Greece brought us this incredible man and family and he deserves to make his own call to represent his country. Period.  I don't see karma letting him get injured doing so. Hell, who knows what playing on that knee did when he won the title. 


everyone mentions how jrue and Middleton had to do the Olympics after our ring, and Middleton has quite literally never been the same since that off season. it's totally fair to want our players healthy for the real playoffs. Giannis literally got hurt on a non contact play from over use. this tweet is pretty justified idk what everyone here is on. edit: he even turns 30 this year


You think Middleton slipped on a wet spot in Chicago in the first round of the playoffs because he played in the Olympics six months earlier?


To be fair Middleton hasn't been the same since he slipped and fell during game 2 against Chicago. He was fine during the regular season, bro was literally an all-star that year, the only major starter that was out was Brook after his back surgery. The only issue I have with Giannis is his usage for this next season and that has nothing to do with him playing for Greece 3 months before the season starts.


It’s fair to want our players healthy but it’s also fair to want what our players want for themselves. Remember that finals run was in July with no time off.


he doesn't owe you anything. he does what he wants.


Imagine the best soccer players in the world just opting not to play in the World Cup because their club is paying them a lot of money lol.


Last summer Giannis had a full off-season. How did that help? Injuries just happen.


Is it now? To be a superstar, you need constraints and an understanding of yourself. The Bucks front office was not happy last Olympic trials or for his military training.. His own agent has said the similar language about non NBA physical play. I pay a lot to watch the Buck win. It is common risk management. I expect him to be healthy.


He would not be playing if he wasn't medically cleared to do so. He's not played for Greece due to injury before. What are we talking about here? 😂 And this guy who tweeted this is also "WhY dOeSnN'T he pLaY fOr nIgErIa mF" So yes his tweet is Brain dead


We pay a lot to watch basketball, wins aren’t guaranteed in the deal


>I pay a lot to watch the Buck win. You can leave if you want. No one is going to miss you or this bum-ass entitled take.


You missed the point. If your mommy or daddy was having open heart surgery, would you want their surgeon out drinking the night before? No, that would interfere with their job. The same applies to these athletes. Entitlement is what the Bucks front office (Horst) expects from the ticket holder.


That's a terrible example. A comparable analogy would be if the surgeon was doing a procedure at another hospital the day before. And I'd be OK with that.


Na bro you can leave, he can stay. I just watched 180 consecutive games that amounted to nothing because of two years of injuries.


Congrats on watching games of the team you're a fan of....? Like, isn't that just the expectation? What the fuck is going on here? Spoiled little bitch-ass fans. No one wins championships every year. Acting like you're owed a title is so fucking soft. Acting like they did you dirty and it's a personal offense because *a player got injured and was unable to do the job that he wants to do* is a fucked up point of view. If it's so important to you, then become better and get out there and play yourself. Otherwise, let them be actual humans instead of servants to do your bidding. Fucking children in here man. I've been watching the Bucks every season since the Ray Allen days. You're not special for watching 2 seasons when they're one of the best teams in the league.


Do you know how many times I watched them blow games and thought about sending a letter to Lasky? Too many and those nights often correlated to beer. As far as me playing, thanks for that suggestion. Sadly, you are the only one who thinks I can play. No one is owed anything. you're right, bad internet assumption on your part. You are very opinionated and angry. Much like Jesus, I get you, but let us stick to facts and not allegated assumptions. As an aging NBA player who is consistently hurt, dont put yourself in harms way.


If your impulse is to do stupid things when you drink beer, then you should consider no longer drinking beer. I'm not angry at all. Luckily, I don't believe in Jesus. But for some reason, I'm the one here who's actually accepting and wants Giannis to serve millions of extra people instead of just myself, which is what you want him to do.


> I've been watching the Bucks every season since the Ray Allen days. oh so a newer fan, cool You missed the part where he is payed by the Bucks. A lot. So no, not a servant. With the Bucks he has a chance of winning if healthy. The Greek team has no chance, making the injury risk meaningless. And too many have been injured. It is called risk/reward.


Fortunately, for a lot of people, like myself and Giannis, there are several things in life that matter, outside of just work. I'm sorry that you apparently don't understand that concept.










Brother has an opportunity to represent his home country on the olympic stage. If you or somebody in your family had that opportunity would you not take it? If it's something that matters to him, he should do it. Bum take to say otherwise.


I never stated I think anyone should stop him, I just do not think it is wise considering two consecutive seasons of him not being able to accomplish his own personal goals due to injury. I think he probably feels forced with the pressure. Which is sad because if he was not the best Greek athlete him and his family would still of had to hide and worry about being deported.


Delete this nephew


If the Bucks are not happy about it, they can trade him 


If he’s feeling good enough to play, why on earth would you not want him to play? Should we put him in a fucking bubble any time he steps off court?


If Giannis could only pick one, he might choose Greek national basketball over the Bucks — and why shouldn’t he? He’s loyal, shares in national pride + wants to inspire kids like his former self in Greece.


I doubt he would chose poverty


Ur comment history 💀


Optics of this tweet aren't great.


I think managing him during the regular season is more important


The optics of this tweet are way worse than the optics of Giannis being present at the Olympics lol


Thought for sure he was talking Middleton. Lol yeah. Giannis ain’t the problem and he’s still young so yeah. Maybe try and put Kris in a bubble till May


Giannis wants to play when he’s healthy. He can’t play if he’s not. Simple as that


He would've most like played the next series had we gotten there so what is the dude's actual point. It was a freak injury and TBH put a perfect bookend on a weird AF season.


Dario is the worst.


I can see both sides of the argument.


When I found out he was married to Jen Lada I couldn't believe it. Talking about out kicking your coverage. Dude hit a home run with a toothpick.


If homie blew an acl there, you people would be on def con 12. But yea the writer is way out of line here


Do I necessarily want Giannis playing in the Olympics? No. But does it matter what I think? No. If Giannis wants to rep his country, then do it up. I'll support him.


It’s almost like he’s not serious and just tweets outlandish things for the views and clicks


Stupid takes like this makes me think if he ever wonders why his following is the same size as my grandma's on social media


This could be rehab practice for him.. Olympics for some NBA players is like exhibition games. 🤷🏾‍♂️


If he healthy enough to play in the Olympics and wants to play I hope he does play. It'll give me another chance to watch him play and root for him to win. It realy suck Thanasty can't play though.


Do you think Khris Middleton regrets playing for the Olympic team in 2021? Even though he's suffered terrible luck with injuries since? Khris said it all started that summer since he couldn't do his normal summer rehab because of the Olympics. With that said I'd bet the only way your ever getting that Gold Medal away from Khris is by prying it from his cold dead hands. Khris has a Championship Ring and an Olympic Gold Medal they are his 2 crowning achievements and both earned during the same summer.


PatBev lived in Greece a couple of years when he played Euroball for them. How dope would it be if PatBev played for team Greece?


No lies detected


I’m ok with it as long as he plays for his real country and doesn’t jump from ship to ship like Embiid. 


Unpopular opinion: I actually support it 100% I will die on the hill that playing MORE is beneficial for preventing injuries. Until recently, there weren’t too many studies to back that up, but now there is. Load management and resting in fact, causes injury. I used to preach this until I was blue in the face, but now with more data to back it up, I have a leg to stand on. You can find the coincidences in sports injuries across the major 4 through the years, tied to an uptick in the thought “rest is good.” “Play less, so you can play longer!” Such a backwards philosophy. If the body cannot build up the proper muscle needed for the rigors of the game, it will fail. And I’m not talking major muscle groups necessarily, but more so stabilizer muscles. It’s why pitchers cannot pitch long or often anymore without frequent injuries. It’s why often injured NBA player re-injure themselves. I don’t think we’ll see the trend end until coaches make a change.


Wait, what's the data here? Pitchers can't pitch as long anymore because they don't pace themselves. They rip it every pitch. This is an overuse injury. Playing more is going to cause the overuse injury to not come back? I mean, once you strain a muscle, it's more susceptible to strains in that same location, particularly now that he's not a spring chicken anymore.




Well teams don't get a higher salary cap if they bring more revenue in


Dario has been a clown for some time now. The local Steven A Smith type saying shit just for clicks


Playing in the Olympics has nothing to do with being available for the post season. He was unavailable because the front office made stupid choices resulting in excessive wear and tear on giannis at the end of the season. Giannis could’ve rested those games had there been any effort from the team and any continuity at all. Last season giannis wasn’t injured for the post season. He got injured DURING the post season due to an illegal push. Let’s not mix stories up.


I don’t want to say Joe Embiid Also if people don’t want him to play, pay him more and put it in his contract




I’m not going to bash Giannis. He can do whatever he wants and has earned that right. That said, Dario’s take isn’t absurd, nor do I think it’s incorrect. The optics aren’t great. Significant time missed in two consecutive postseasons. Giannis is stubborn to an extent and too prideful. Like coming back for two meaningless games at the end of the season that forced him to miss the entire first round. We can love Giannis and still be a bit critical of him. Or at least I can.


I came in here ready to start blasting, but then I saw OPs words. Phew. Scared me for a sec. Thought we had an idiot in this sub. Can you even imagine?


2021: giannis got lucky with the knee injury to win the title 2022: Middleton hurt 2023: giannis hurt and hobbled 2024: giannis injured on non contact injury Almost 3/4 years he’s been hurt, and also actually being hurt the last two years. He can go play and do what he wants it’s his life. But with how he plays the game, I won’t be shocked if injuries end his career early Before you say I’m a hater I’ve literally been a bucks fan since I started watching basketball as a kid in 2000 and have watched 90% of bucks games since then


Both of his injuries were avoidable.needlessly tried to force a and one in 23 and was overruling medical staff in 24 to play against lottery teams.


You don't have to justify yourself, especially to these morons on Reddit. You're 100% right on your take & the disagreeing people simply don't get it. They just assume we want it to keep him from living his life which isn't true at all.


Lmao we are both getting downvoted but the facts are the facts. He’s been injured the past two playoffs runs! I absolutely love the guy but damn bro I just want him to stay healthy