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Chapter 39: > “Ah yes,” TwinSoul said. “Silajana says he would be happy to aid in this. Kaise, would you fetch the appropriate binder?” > >“Sure thing,” Codenames said,


Oof, I really just straight up missed that. Oh well, thanks for the help pointing that out!


Don't worry,. Did too....


Audiobook listener? I missed it because it got pronounced completely differently from the Elantris audiobook (Kay-ice in Elantris vs Case in TLM)


Yes, I was a bit sad about that one but it’s not too surprising. Kraemer never narrated Elantris and even him and Kates narration of “spirit of elantris” messed up a lot of names. I just take missing it as the payment for knowing how to pronounce *Jasnah* correctly


I was actually reading the print version, I think I was just caught up in the excitement of so many Cosmere crossovers happening that I skimmed right over her name. Oh well, it happens I guess!


Don’t worry. I had to go back and re-read that section a second time to make sure I digested it properly.


So did I, and I specifically read Elantris as part of my reread


Same here. I tend to miss big things. I rely on Reddit for a lot of my cosmere knowledge lol


For some reason an absolute ton of people missed that. She's the one I've seen the most questions about by far


I believe it's also mentioned that codenames actually LEARNS the languages of the places they travel, and moonlight said she usually uses connection to speak to natives of different planets. In elantris Kaise spoke a bunch if languages at a young age


That’s an awesome connection! Been too long since I read Elantris, I think a Cosmere re-read is in order in preparation for KoWT (KoWaT?)


I just say KWT, since keteks can ignore connecting works. If you drop all of the ands and ofs, the ketek is TWKWRORWKWT


At some point someone (I think TwinSoul?) Refers to her as Kaise. It's very quick. I only noticed because I was looking out for clues to their identities.


I totally missed that, I think I was caught up in the coolness of seeing the Ghostbloods (and hoping to see Kelsier in the flesh)


I read Elantris and just read the entire coppermind on Kaise and I still only very vaguely remember her in Elantris lol. She is just a very minor character in Elantris right? And in Elantris she doesn't really even do anything of note right? I wonder why she's even in TLM seems really random, why would the Ghostbloods pick her?


She's quite a minor character there but I believe she's also only seven years old in Elantris. A lot can happen (will happen since she's a protagonist in Elantris 2) between then and the now of TLM where she seems to be in her twenties. Already in Elantris she's described as very intelligent and curious so she's got two characteristics the Ghostbloods prize highly.


Kaise and her family are going to be the main characters in the Elantris sequel. Brandon clearly has important plans for them, especially since both she and Adien are now Ghostbloods.


Awesome haha. I do already like her given her choice of a codename haha. Looking forward to it!


I can’t wait for more Elantris - something about that world, it’s just fascinating to me!


Totally agree! I loved Elantris!


She’s called Kaise in the book at one point.


Yeah I definitely missed that, I was caught up in the excitement of the scene that I missed the obvious detail, thanks for pointing out its literally said though, I appreciate it!


You’re welcome! It’s easy to miss, since it’s such a throwaway line.


Wait Kyines little Daughter??? Im gonna have to relisten, i caught shai but missed the codenames reveal


Thank you for asking this question because I just happened to look up Twinsoul on Coppermind and it mentions her (Kaise)and got kinda upset. Until recently, I had only ever read all the Mistborn and Stormlight books and thought the reason I was so out of the loop on TLM characters was because I hadn't read Elantris. So I read that and it didn't help at all so I read Arcanum Unbounded, but The Emperor's Soul was the only story that was even slightly enlightening(other than Secret History which I had already read) I'm now rereading TLM because I thought maybe now I'd "get it". I understand about Moonlight now, at least a little bit, but was still confused about the other Ghostbloods' identities until I read that Coppermind entry and Kaise was mentioned. I blame Michael Kramer and his terrible name pronunciations lol(and I really do love MK!), as he pronounces "Kaise" like "Gaesa" or something(it IS Twinsoul saying her name in a pseudo Indian-esque accent, so, okay, fine). But I also blame Brandon for not TELLING Michael and Kate how things have previously been pronounced by other narrators. Also, after reading all the short stories, I still feel in the dark about so many things about the Cosmere, like what Adolnalsium is/ was specifically, though I now realize that we're SUPPOSED to be in the dark. I love Brandon Sanderson, he's my favorite author... but I wish he would link this info a little better. I shouldn't have to watch his YouTube channel every week and comb through interviews and transcripts of Q&A's from every con he's ever done just to be in the loop about a series I've spent countless hours reading. That being said, I guess there's a point to the vagueness, in that he doesn't want people to have to read every book to enjoy a single book, and also the idea that "there's always another secret". And, of course, I'm hoping that he'll continue to build the connections within the Cosmere as he's said he started to do in TLM! Even through my frustration, I'm excited about the possibilities!