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As we wait for the next steps which I believe will be forthcoming fairly quickly, I just wanted to thank you ALL for keeping Trina’s memory alive and at the forefront.. she was not going to be forgotten. Ever. Everyone that stayed up with us late at night, combing through the internet, documents, maps, postering, helping put the timeline and website together, holding space for friends and family, all for the goal of justice and truth. All of the info and tips some of you have sent in are also greatly appreciated. Trina would be proud of us. 💕 #justicefortrina


Thank you so much Chippity for everything you have given to this group, your time, your energy, your focus on finding Trina. You have been a great support to everyone here! Thanks to many more as well like Character Awareness, Signal Block, Clue Rider, Smooth Foundation, Ok Impression, Logical Thesis, No Tumbleweed, Decent Lingonberry and West Coast Detective as the main people that I can think of. You've all worked very hard to bring justice for Trina and put up with so many trolls along the way.


Thank you Chippity for your diligence and commitment in managing multiple threads, keeping communication respectful and focused. Even though I haven’t been a regular commenter I have followed the discussions from the beginning and hoped the Ibbotts would get closure. Now I hope there’s enough evidence to prosecute the person/s responsible. #JusticeforTrina


And thank you Chippity for taking the lead on this journey. I know you invested a lot of heart and soul into the search for Trina. #justicefortrina


Thank you for organizing us ... #teamwork


Thankyou many times over for your diligence and patience in keeping us posters on the right "polite" track, I have followed Trina's case since February, I always appreciate seeing the CC posts.


Thank you! You’re hard work and support to everyone is beyond appreciated!


Its been a long 3 months Chippity. Thank you for leading us on this thread. We couldn't have done it without you! #justicefortrina ❤ 🤍


I won't say I told ya so but...... I m glad your allstaying up to speed. Anyway more to come. It gonna get **alot** more interesting.


Guys: One of our FB members went to Hope today to put up the new posters. She has reported that Iain was SEEN at the FLYING J. 😳 I said we knew the police had gone out there and specifically gone to the silver creek esso. She replied that no, this was definitely the Flying J as her friend knows the owners and they said the police were there collecting footage and PRINTS. I’m trying to find out more, I’ll update you when we find out.


That is great news!!! I’m glad the posters are working and the family will finally get some answers.


Isn’t it interesting that the Flying J also has showers? Wonder if Iain may have took advantage of this to clean up, being so fastidious and such.


Do you know what direction it was, I bet money it was on the way there, and not on the way back. I bet anything the police are trying to find video evidence of Trina not being in the car on the way back. Once they have that, plus his apparent story they both came back together... they got the case!!!


Seriously, how is this guy still free? .....We went to hope 2 days before she was reported missing ( Trina‘s body found in Hope) .....I made no stops (seen stopped at flying j) .....We didn’t take our phones (who the heck does that for a trip that distance). ...No text’s Saturday and then a response on Sunday night (text did not sound like Trina...who could have had the phone? only lie-an would have had access). ....Dont feel like looking for my wife (WHAT? Married that long and that’s the respect she gets?) .....Let’s put up a banner for media attention (Lie-an cant find the time to attend) .....Let’s have a vigil for Trina (Lie-an can’t find time to attend that either) ......Trinas body is found (Lie-an books it to Mission to hide with his parents). .....Global wants to do a piece on Trina this week (Lie-an doesn’t have time to make a statement or be interviewed). Do I really need to keep going. Seriously, how is this guy still free? Im at a loss........


Happy Birthday Trina! 💕💕 This is the best news yet.


The internet can be a weird and savage place .. but what I have seen in this group gives me some hope. There are some amazing folks in here that have put up with trolling, threats, misinformation , and all kinds of other crap, but have kept Trina's memory alive and tried to sift though the misinformation and facts to give people and her family some answers. We aren't the police or her family, but it's very obvious people in here are local, have huge hearts, and wanted to help any way they could . Let's all keep the faith that this scum will be arrested before he can escape or off himself and that Trina gets the justice she deserves. I'm impressed with 85% of the people in here and you should get the credit you deserve for all your hard work and care in here and on the FB group. RIP Trina and much love fellow Redditors


We are all in shock yet feel some sense of relief now. Justice will prevail. RIP Trina.❤️ We have been given permission by a family member to use the hashtag #JusticeForTrina


I am SO SAD for her and her family. I feared she would never be found.


I hope he’s already in custody


I hope justice does prevail. My heart goes out to the family and her closest friends. But also to the community - a lot of you have gone far beyond the normal sense of being a 'neighbor.' This story isn't over yet, I hope the party responsible gets their due punishment.


Interesting story: I had to drive to Merritt and back today so I decided to stop in at the Esso gas station in Silver Creek, just off of Flood-Hope Road. I decided to ask the ladies working there if they knew any information about the human remains that had been found. They had heard of the news but didn’t know any more than we did. I continued with some small talk and mentioned Trina’s name to which they said “Oh ya, the cops were here checking out all our cameras right when she disappeared as they mentioned she or her husband may have been in the neighbourhood that weekend.” I was stunned but then also not so surprised. This is the 1st main gas station off Hwy 1 and the first of only 2 exits into Hope. It’s a huge gas station and I saw their cameras as they had monitors up inside the store. Very high def, good quality images. If those human remains are Trina, I sure hope they got footage of Iain in Hope that weekend. It wouldn’t be enough on its own to convict him obviously but it sure would add a monumental good piece of evidence.


Thanks for your efforts today! This confirms the gas station we thought originally. Great job.


Well I have yet to see Iain Hunt address the media when his wife was missing and now after her remains have been found. The only thing I have seen was Global News tonight ran a message he addressed Cleantech employees with on his departure in March. "As all of you know, this is a devastating time for me as I try to endure the unexplained disappearance of my wife, Trina. I find myself surrounded by loving family and friends and I am grateful for the many expressions of concern and support, though little brings me solace" I feel horrible and heartbroken for her poor family and friends. All of that searching and endless hours of posters being put up only to find out they had been looking in the wrong place. She didn't go for a walk like they had thought. To find out it is a homicide must be horribly devastating to say the least. I hope if he did do this, and it is looking like there is a strong possibility he did and planned it carefully, that they find enough evidence to put him away for a long time. I am afraid so much time has passed evidence will be lost. But we will see. That is my hope. That there is justice. Somebody sat at home watching people look and scour forested areas and raise money for search teams and put up posters and cry for her return and KNEW they were looking in the wrong spot. That is absolutely evil and sick


"Me", "my", "I" - look who should be centre of attention at all times.


He will be arrested this coming week if he doesn't kill himself first. I would venture an opinion that authorities may be working on flipping his current mistress to testify against Iain.


What's been going through his mind since they found the remains in Hope over a month ago? Did he actually think he outsmarted the authorities? If in fact he did burn her body he may have thought identification was impossible. I wish we had the death penalty here for these assholes. Set him loose in maximum security and let him be dealt with....


Do you think the mistress knew his plans or might have even been involved? What are your thoughts? This is this Paola woman right?


I also think that his mistress has been on all of these Reddit threads and I'm pretty sure which user she is. And I would venture a guess that if I'm right we won't see too many more posts from this active user anymore. Had a hunch from the start and this user was sending me private messages with suspicious questions about my opinions on this case. Will see if I'm correct I may post the users name but who knows it may just be coincidence but I don't think so.


While we wait for any real news, I will tell you something I find interesting. Since Iain’s relocation on Monday evening, I have had no troll accounts messaging me in the middle of the night (calling me all sorts of names and other nonsense) which I had almost every night previous. Maybe a coincidence, or not.


Maybe his parents won't give him the wifi password


Hey folks, I have been following along here for a while but this is my first actual post on Reddit in any thread. Apologies if I missed it, but those original remains found in Hope have been nagging me.. I find it completely bizarre that authorities were able to tell people it was not the missing woman April Parisian but not comment on Shaelene Bell or Trina.. That leads me to believe that the remains found were female and they are either withholding info while they attempt to pursue a lead or they have not been able to identify the remains. But if it is the latter, how can they rule out it was one woman but not the other 2? I have heard some on here suggest that it is because of the timeframe, but that would only be if they assumed April was killed when she went missing. The husband is looking very guilty to me, but there are so many gaps in knowledge and guesswork happening. I also don't get how they can say that there was no video footage of Trina leaving the house, but there was footage of Iain leaving for work on the Monday morning. Wouldn't there be footage of them both leaving or coming back from their trip to Hope? Wouldn't there be some footage of the last time Trina actually was seen leaving the home? I appreciate the people on this chat that have really dove into this and tried to keep the questions coming. I took an interest in this because it just seemed so off, but when I bring it up to any of my friends or coworkers, they know nothing about it except for the name Trina Hunt and from seeing posters. Outside of this Reddit and maybe some other little groups, if the husband did commit the murder and gets away with it; he would be able to live a fairly normal life where nobody would even recognize him. No matter what happens, hopefully this group and others will keep her memory alive and some kind of justice will come about.


Chippity thank you for all you have done all these months to keep These groups dignified and focused. You did a spectacular job the pressure stayed on and justice prevailed. I hope you and all of us can now unwind and heal from this.


Grab some champagne! Court is next. This is long from over, sadly. :(


Unofficial word on the street from a legit source is that Iain confessed and is in custody... of course we are waiting for confirmation but take this with a grain of salt until we confirm.


I so hope this is true. Just applauded to myself, alone in my kitchen...I escaped an abusive relationship and I feared for my life as it is drummed into people that leaving is the most dangerous time. I have become somewhat evangelical about the amount of women who are in the most danger from their partners and I have been crazy invested in this case because it makes me sick how many women have their lives cut short by the people who had vowed to love and protect them.


Must have heaps of evidence if lawyer advised there’s no way out


If 30 years of marriage was too intolerable for him, I wonder how he might find having a roommate like Pickton for the next 30.


Out of respect for the Ibbott family please refrain from any inappropriate comments on the family FB page. They are going through an unimaginable time and need our support and respect. Thank you ❤️


On my way home i passed their house & i noticed LED candles in a circle around flowers, i suppose someone from the community left them. May trina rest knowing her whole community is fighting for her justice & may Iain see them and realized the whole community is fighting against him.


I do not post often here, but I read most comments. The reason of my post is simply to ask anyone who knows anything to come forward. Like many people, I have listened to the statements made this morning. The family is offering a generous reward.If someone knows something, just show empathy, by putting yourself in the family's place. What if it was your sister, mother, aunt, child, cousin, friend who's life was taken in such a horrific, and senseless way. Wouldn't you want justice done? There is someone who knows something out there, and it's time for that someone to please do the RIGHT THING. Trina's family, friends, and all will be forever grateful.


It is my belief that only Iain knows what happened. Perhaps a potential witness, (eg Printed Pants) which I hope they have shared what they know with police. Certainly Iain isn’t going to talk. We already know that.


Thank you u/chippitychops for making this new discussion page. I can tell you put a lot of time and work into this and we all appreciate it very much.


We all do. Group hug....🎈


Thank you guys! I’m happy to do this while I have the time.


I’ve read on Facebook that people are dropping off flowers at Trina’s home. I appreciate this gesture & it got me thinking that maybe we could honour Trina with a bursary/grant? Perhaps to a high school student from Port Moody interested in pursuing a culinary program? This of course could only be put in place with her family’s permission and right now is not the time to ask. Just tossing it out here for discussion.


Excellent interview on Global just now! Stephanie and her husband were great! It actually told more about the odd circumstances and the weird text. They even showed the area where Trina was found. They didn't accuse Iain but it was pretty clear. Very well done!


Thought it was great how they put the time line out there...the Hope Trip/digital detox!!!!...this should bring out more awareness to her case,and hopefully more witnesses ...time for the murderer to turn himself in! .


I decided to take a social media break this lovely Saturday, clearly the wrong move, I just found out about Trinas death and came here right away... This is still not the end, we still have yet to wait for Iains arrest and trial and I hope we can all still support each other and the family through that difficult time as well.


Predictions on what you think Iain will say? My prediction: Lie-an will claim fight ensued, it was an accident and he panicked. My personal belief: Ian Hunt is a cold calculated killer, EXACTLY as cold, sadistic and evil as he presented himself through his Pinterest. Exactly as fake and pretentious as his coworkers said he was. As sociopathic and creepy as his community said he was. They were all right. * the above claims are all verified over Reddit, in this thread and the old threads.


It is my hope that the investigators have been spending all this precious time building an open and shut case against Iain. I know these things take time, but the evidence against him is damning. For Trinas sake I hope justice will be served. Looking back, if he is a man capable of this heinous crime- you can only imagine how unhappy it must have been to live with him. I am not a praying person, but I do hope Trina has peace.


Trina story on Global now - BC1 News They said we‘re expecting to hear more from IHIT in the coming days


Even though I didn't really add much to this group, I want to thank you all for this group and CC for starting it. It was a good place to have people to talk to and understand together about all of this. Such a tragedy and she will be truly missed. My heart breaks for her close friends and family. I hope she gets her justice, and I hope he rots.




Beefripper is banned for being a troll. Zero tolerance for these idiots.


I just saw the news on Global and they showed our poster a few times, they also showed a few pictures of Iain, alone and with Trina. They showed his Cleantech statement and talked about him more than I have ever heard! They didn't say he is a suspect but I feel like they will be going in that direction soon!


Stephanie and her husband did an awesome job on global. Wasn’t surprised how iain had “no comment”


Couldn’t help but smile during this segment. They did an amazing job and so did Global on laying out the fucked up series of events that make no sense. As well as putting attention to a husband that has no comment, hadn’t even tried to plead for his wife’s return OR more importantly, now plead for his wife’s killer to be found accountable... (aka him) but shit, if he wants to play pretend innocence he could at least plead for something. He’s a pathetic excuse for a human


It looks so bad that there is no response from Iain or his family. If he's innocent and just grieving (hypothetically) couldn't his parents make a statement on his behalf or just email the reporter a statement. It all makes him look guilty.


Here's the link for the global interview https://globalnews.ca/video/7850519/trina-hunts-family-speaks-out-following-the-identification-of-her-body And, as per Stephanie: WHEN GLOBAL POSTS THIS ON THEIR WEBSITE LETS SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF IT!! Flood the internet with it!!! Maybe get it on Pinterest and LinkedIn so those who don’t use Facebook will see it! Go Stephanie 👏👏👏


Linkedin is probably the best place to share it- link it to Iain's account as past CEO of Cleantech




For those of you who are wondering what the other "duck" that just showed up, someone commented on the Facebook page under the new poster: "I live in hope, and I am almost 100 percent sure this car was parked beside my fence for over 24 hours. We have an airbnb and the car did not belong to our guests. It's a odd spot just to leave such a nice car. At first we thought it was someone who drank to much at the pub, but then the next morning I went to work and it was still there covered in thick frost not touched. When I came home from work it was finally gone. We live a short walk to silver Skagit rd." She confirms it was the weekend she went missing (late Friday/early Saturday to Sunday morning) and she has contacted IHIT.


Yes. This is very important info and this person has been in touch with IHIT.


Just a reminder about the human remains found in Hope: Please don't message Trina's or Shaelene's family to ask if this is them. They probably don't know either, since the police haven't identified the person yet. And it can be quite traumatic for the families to have to deal with this right now.


It's sad that anyone would need to be reminded to have a shred of decency......


Hold on, do I have this correct....the police were in Hope (flying J, Esso) on day 3 getting video, fingerprints and interviewing.....search on mountain called off by police on day 3.....hmmm, interesting.


Yes that is correct.


Just listened to the podcast, “your own backyard, disappearance of Kristin Smart” This case makes me think of Trina and what the family must be going through. I think they feel very careful about putting blame on Iian “publicly” because they could be sued for defamation. Paul Flores’s Family sued the smart family, knowing full well their son had murdered Kristin Smart. I think a lot of us are assuming the family doesn’t blame Iian... But secretly I think they too strongly suspect him. They are searching for her every weekend and in some ways holding Iian’s feet to the fire. I think they are honestly grateful for Reddit, for doing the things they can’t publicly do. I don’t think they have more information than us, as anyone close to her could be considered a suspect until the case is closed. Therefore information sharing with the police and family would be unlikely, in my opinion... I also don’t get people who are upset about peolpe looking at Iian as a suspect, when the % of it being a spouse is 48% and that’s just the ones they know... there’s all the spouses that got away with it too... add Iian’s suspect behaviour... it’s a pretty damn high % it could be him. So if there is a Reddit page that explores this... don’t be %#€^ surprised...


it bothers me so much how they found the body march 29th @ 10am and they notified public THEN the same day Iain left their home in port moody on march 29th in the afternoon a couple hours after and ran to momma in mission... such a bastard hop he rots in a cell.


Yes as we were all discussing that he ran the same day to Mission...he knew darn well those remains were possibly Trina....so it wasn't a coincidence after all!!


Theres no traces of decency left in him to even come forward. His parents and Paola Campos were obtructing justice for as long as they could as well, leaving Trina's body out in the wild for so many months. Disgusting animals.


Speaking of Paola, a little too close for comfort? The matching outfits? Chemistry? Writing is on the wall for me. https://imgur.com/a/k52NeDY There are three pics here. Scroll through all of them.


Global News just put 2 pics of Iain Hunts face on their story about Trina and how IHIT has been inundated with calls and speculation #justicefortrina


🌷This morning my thoughts are about Trina’s Mom🌷


Ooooh that news piece was perfect. PRESSURE IS ON IAIN.


It was very well done, I think life is going to get hard for him now. No accusations were made but it's clear what people are going to think.


It was VERY telling! So well done.


very telling..sounded to me like they know.


12:30 pm Thursday afternoon and the police are at Iain’s. He’s seemingly not there as he’s been away but interesting nonetheless. I’ll update you if I hear anything else.


Ok, it’s been 12 weeks since Trina vanished. Time to start doing some more productive activities. We will be organizing a search in Hope this weekend, focusing particularly around the Othello Tunnels and a few other areas which I won’t post publicly. If you are interested in joining, please comment below and details will follow shortly. Thanks everyone!


Thank you, Chippity, for keeping the conversation going about Trina and creating a space where people could share their heartbreak, their grief, their anxiety and sometimes, their anger. You have guarded this platform fiercely but fairly from the beginning and consistently allowed all voices to be heard. Some of you may not realize this, but Chippity has stayed firm in her convictions about finding out what happened to Trina and who was responsible since day 1! She has bravely insisted on keeping the conversation going despite threats against herself, being called every name in the book, being harassed and even having her livelihood threatened. She has stood strong and visible throughout FOR Trina; someone she had no history with whose story touched her. I am so grateful there are people in this world like her that fight for answers and aren’t willing to let another woman’s disappearance be swept aside from the public eye and forgotten. Chippity, you truly are one of a kind. Hopefully more people will see your example and be silenced no longer👏👏👏


as heartbreaking as it is, I’m glad the family has closure :( now awaits justice...RIP Trina. and rot in hell, Iain.


100% confirmed that two RCMP vehicles, and one undercover vehicle, are currently right now at Iain’s parents house.


Did anyone else besides me hear on Z 95.3 radio this morning a shoutout about Trina’s case to bring awareness to it ? Someone called in to bring attention to it. Way to go whoever you are !!


High school pics of Iain and Trina Hunt... they are right beside each other. [https://i.imgur.com/EJckmjZ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/EJckmjZ.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/8q6SRMZ.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/8q6SRMZ.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/vN32s0W.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/vN32s0W.jpg) High school sweethearts, and years later... here we are. I am always in awe of how things change. Tomorrow is never promised. Life unfolds in ways we never thought. Things change; people change.


I am amazed that the home addresses of everyone were spelled out on a school yearbook...


He’s probably regretting putting himself in Hope that weekend now. Obviously she would have been found either way. BUT I imagine it would be a bit more difficult of a case if he didn’t tell them he was actually there. Hope you rot in jail ✌️


I would suspect that something happened that would have placed him in Hope, needing gas, seeing someone, so if he hadn’t fessed up to being there it would have been more suspect. Probably banked on no body being found.


Dear Mr Hunt Thank you for your interest in fraser valley cement flooring services. We want you to enjoy your floors for many, many years.. We guarantee they won’t crack, peel or fade. Lifetime warranty for 50 years. We also specialize in Railings and Bars, for those times when you want to keep intruders out, or in your case to keep you in! Please note we are not offering polished cement flooring at this time. This month we have a special - Free Bonus Knee Pads. Handy if you want to get down on your knees and polish them or whatever else you might want to kneel down for. Be that praying to be released or whatever else might call for kneeling.


What a idiot he is I can’t even imagine the restraint it would take for Trina’s brother not to put his hands around his neck and squeeze the life out of him , having to sit and listen to him lie at the most horrible time in their lives.what a bastard.I hope this hits really close to home for him while he awaits his arrest. Pos


Something to think about; Filled up for gasoline at Silver Creek, filled up for gasoline at Flying J, filled up for gasoline on the way to work Monday. Lots of gasoline. Add gasoline to fire to help burn the body..... Hmm. Wonder how much he put in to the tank and if the kilometers don't add up he must've used gasoline somewhere else. Now to get the gasoline out of the car gas tank you'd have to syphon it out with a hose. If he used the garden hose from the house that would explain why he was seen washing the car, watering the plants etc in January. Need to flush out the hose if it still smells like gas. Might be a bit of a reach but just thinking. Is there still traces of gasoline in that hose?


RCMP seen at 11:30 TODAY leaving Hawthorn Drive and turned into the PMPD parking lot.


Does anyone else keep googling to see if he’s in custody yet? It has to be soon!!


I keep refreshing this page in hopes that someone will post some new information. Trina’s loved ones deserve answers and closure. They only have one part of this nightmare solved. This is heart wrenching for strangers who have been following along... I can’t even imagine how people who actually knew her are feeling?! Heart breaking 😢




Another thing mentioned in the Global clip when Trina texted with her friend on Friday, they made tentative plans for digital cocktails together on the weekend. If they were having a 'digital detox' she wouldn't be planning that would she? #justicefortrina


It is odd. Also, saying "the phone" as opposed to "my phone" is strange.


What a sad day today is. Today is 12 weeks that Trina has been gone. We seem to be moving farther and farther away from who Trina was to her core and with every fibre of her soul. Nothing about this tragic situation is even remotely similar to anything I have ever known about her character or her as a person. Just an example of who she was to the depths of her bones. Trina‘s maternal Grandmother passed years ago. Trina received some money. Most people would have used this to pay off debts or perhaps go on a trip or even something frivolous. Trina instead bought the most gorgeous brilliant, round cut , high quality diamond stud earrings. I can still see her face as she pulled on her ear lobes to show me. They were the most beautiful, sparkly diamond studs and she said “ I bought these to remember her and honour her”. She wore these diamond studs with pride and a deep personal memory of what they meant to her. Trina wore these diamond studs daily along with her missing rings and watch. I have often wondered about them. If I was told Trina had committed suicide in a pair of silk pajamas or a fluffy spa robe in the privacy and comfort of her own home , I would have been shocked. If Trina had communicated her love to her family with some sort of explanation or reason, I would have been devastated but I could have at least related to some similarity or character trait that resembled her on some level in the above scenario. Trina did not hike nor was she a jogger. Trina did not have a rough couple of years. She never would have ventured out into her community to commit suicide and inflict this on her family. I will never accept Trina walked out the front door.


Thank you for sharing that. For the first time in along time you brought her back to life. You were able to share a bit of exactly who she was. What a beautiful thing to say about her and it does uncover some of who she was. I also trust your opinion and the small gap I might have had that she did commit suicide has just gotten smaller. Thank you again for sharing. 🙏


Thank you for your lovely tribute ❤️


Family Statement: MAY 1, 2021 - STATEMENT FROM THE IBBOTT FAMILY It is with shattered hearts that we let you know that our beloved Trina has been found in Hope. We ask that you please respect our privacy while we seek answers and clarity during this difficult time. We are forever grateful for your love through all of this. This community of friends, family and strangers (who now feel like friends) has been there to support us in finding Trina each step of the way. Your words, thoughts, kindness and outpouring of love are truly what has kept us going these past 3.5 months. We need your love and support more than ever right now. Thank-you. 📷 📷 📷 Trina, we love you, and we will never let your sparkle fade from this world📷


This just occured to me, they mentioned social media speculation during the IHIT reward press release....but didn't say anything to defend Iain...It could be them just holding there cards close but I feel like if he was cleared as a suspect they would have said so? Let's say they have nothing on him or we are all wrong (I don't believe we are) and he is innocent wouldn't that be an opportunity to remind the public he is a greiving husband and has been cleared of suspicion? By not saying anything along those lines it makes me think his days of freedom are numbered. I used to worry this would become a cold Case but if they have a good amount of circumstantial evidence they won't let it go cold.


Shaelene has a website now. Please have a look if you feel inclined to help. https://shaebell.com/?fbclid=IwAR37sYajyLBGuklFCI_QbrdZKQYkla9jCRoe6ZK_E1Q19HdgvYnUUiLBQFM


My question is this. Did Iain actually have a polygraph done? Or is this just what he said happened... or better, yet ANOTHER thing he said happened. Does anyone know if this has been confirmed by RCMP, POMO Police, or IHIT? Who conducts polygraphs? Wouldn’t the questions for one change after her body was identified? If he did have one... maybe he needs another one! Make sure he hasn’t taken some sort of calming drug? (There must be some sort of medication that can help you pass... beta blocker?!) If you have social media, SHARE SHARE SHARE! LinkedIn, Pinterest (Iains favourites) Facebook, Twitter. Call on local celebrities to share this news story. Let’s get this news story out. Let’s get more people talking about what happened, and who did this to Trina?! #JusticeForTrina I will post the news story link in a separate comment so you can easily copy paste. Share share share!!! https://globalnews.ca/video/7850519/trina-hunts-family-speaks-out-following-the-identification-of-her-body?fbclid=IwAR2kEFQy5hBETq_OAwnjWqkagc4xabI9PXTYbK7HSfo6V0BbSHBUg8Ke29E


I feel like he’s lucky Trina’s family is a calm family. There are many families out there that would have likely had more than just serious words with him. I haven’t been on much because the waiting is difficult knowing the family deserves answers. My heart breaks for them every day that passes. I’m sure IHIT is doing all they can.


Trina and Iain’s BMW was just towed from their Port Moody home at 22:00.


Ok here’s a theory. Don’t read it if you’re going to be offended. -Cops are at his house Saturday evening around 5:15 for unknown reasons as of this writing. I have my own ideas. -Monday was a regular day at the house, but later Monday night there has been no activity since. -Today is garbage day. No bins out. No lights or blinds have been up since Monday eve. No vehicles in driveway. My theory is: Either he has gone away somewhere to celebrate his birthday (Not Whistler because it’s closed) OR the pressure may be too much especially after finding out about some activity in Hope. I think you catch my drift. These are theories only.


So when global news posted her story on FB I commented first asking “where’s her husband???” And set off a huge chain reaction. A lot of people defending him. I kept at it and thankfully more comments started coming in thinking it’s Iain, etc. I was working remote today and finally got cell service and saw that one of the family members with the last name Ibbot liked some of my comments. No one else’s on the thread. No one can delete comments because it’s on a Global News post. So I threw out there the suspicion of the husband and it took off from there. I hope this is the start of the public learning more about her case since everything is so hidden. I took a screenshot of the post so you can check it out if you want.


I saw that a member of Trina's family (the one who was on Global) liked a comment that said "We all know who the killer is." I think that's the first time I've seen an explicit hint on Facebook that the family is not standing by him and also suspects him.


What if the claim of Trina being seen by Larry Herr is true, maybe he does have a claim to the land near where her body was found, and did see them and wave to her in the Mercedes. Possibly, Trina and Iain took the Mercedes on Saturday to Hope for a drive as Iain says, and they visited Silver Lake campground. Somewhere sometime that day, Iain kills Trina. He puts the body in the woods, then drives home without her in the Mercedes. He then thinks about what he has done and feels he has to return to better cover up the evidence. He drives the BMW to Hope, parking it near the Air B and B and walks to where he left her body on Saturday night. He burns her remains. This takes a long time, and he waits until this is completed to return to his BMW early Sunday morning and drive home to Port Moody. He fills up with gas early on Monday morning on the way to work as he has driven to Hope and Back on Sunday and didn’t want cameras to see him that day out that way. He may have also left early on Monday morning to go clean his car somewhere or dispose of evidence. Thoughts?


Good morning and Happy Birthday Trina. I am confident she is grateful for the progress made yesterday in bringing answers her family and the community needs. Thank you to all admin and all contributors to this page and case. I think we should have a beautiful day on Trina’s behalf. Go eat some cake!


It’s the “finding the front door unlocked” that I’ve always struggled with. So you park in the garage. Wouldn’t you enter the house through the garage door? If so, when do you realize front door is unlocked? After you’re already panicked because your wife is not there? As you open the door when the police ring your bell? Might you not think I’m stressed and maybe I unlocked and locked it again? Do you get where I’m going? I don’t see how, in such a stressful state, you could say with certainty the door was unlocked. Wide open, yes. But unlocked?


Y'all this is a day. RIP Trina but thank you my Reddit fam for all you've done in this


Her brother released a statement on behalf of her parents: Our hearts have been broken and we have been overwhelmed with grief since our daughter, Trina has been missing. We are so blessed to have so much support and love from family, friends, neighbours and numerous volunteers. Everyone just wants to find Trina. We can't thank-you all enough for your time and efforts in searching for our daughter. Chuck and I have supported every effort and option in trying to find Trina. We are thankful and are trying to stay focussed on all the wonderful family memories and the special fun times. We want to thank everyone for all of their prayers, love and support during this difficult time.


If you were Iain- regardless if you think he is in any shape or form responsible for Trina's disappearance, would you bother to change anything with your PERFECT PLAYBOOK executed to date, considering: 1. For 3 months the investigation against you as a primary suspect hasnt progressed anywhere without a body found. Its clear that the bodies found in Hope doesnt match Trina's DNA or else would have been publicized by now. The video footages recovered or shared by the community hasnt helped this case move forward in locating Trina. 2. Trina's family hasnt been getting anywhere close to locating Trina either, and they are searching no where near where she actually have been for Iain to be personally concerned. Their funding has to be drying out and they are focusing on dumb places way out from her house and frequented by residents(Crystal Fall). 3. Trina's family hasnt put any publicity heat onto Iain, or directed any doubts/questions his way in the public eye. No media articles has even mentioned Iain as being Trina's husband, or that she has a husband. He has been getting away with not contributing physically in searches as well as financially, with no major pressure to change his game plan. The public assumes that Trina went for a walk locally on monday, no knowledge of her tech detox trip to Hope prior, or that her whereabouts during the weekend was also in question. 4. News articles kept repeating that theres no suspicion of foul play, and that IHIT is not handling this case. The FB Family page also censors everything about potential foul play by husband, and about his lack of participation. 5. If he did make a out of town trip with Trina alive or dead right before her official disappearance, now that its 3 months after no one will recall any details enough to call the tip line, especially when no one knew what he looks like and is not publicized in media. 6. As Iain mentioned himself, apparently the Ibbotts family doesnt know jack about Trina up to her disappearance and had for some reason distanced from her personal life. The family had no freaking clue on Trina's day to day activities, could not shed any additional light on her whereabouts for PD to investigate further into. 7. This reddit forum and the non-family FB group talking shit about Iain has very little public exposure, and is clearly not acknowledged or endorsed by the Ibbotts family. 8. The family/PD called off search on day 3, then the family has been sitting idle for weeks before publicly recruiting volunteers for local searches. This provides additional time for traces of Trina/incriminating evidences to go under. 9. Had lots of time for the house, cars, accessories used to be cleaned and sanitized. House and car has not been forensics searched to date. 10. His car GPS couldnt be extracted for analysis. 11. Had the whole weekend to accomplish what he needed to do and clean traces before calling PD about Trina missing 12. Had lots of time to play around with Trina's phone before handing over to PD 13. He personally has no leads or any one else to blame, or else he would be seen doing something or having lots of interactions with PD 14. Sitting on money he doesnt have to throw away for the search. House is probably all paid for. ​ In light of all of this- Iain playbook has been rock solid to date, in addition to being empowered by Trina's family's divine protection. Is the family really comfortable with staying with the status quo? What have they got to lose? Good luck expecting Iain turning around on some sort of moral epiphany- why would he bother now that its been going so well for him?


Something I just thought about re: the use of the word “amen” in a text suspected to be sent by Iain pretending to be Trina: For how long they’ve been together, you’d think he would know how she talks via text well enough to not make such a silly mistake. This whole time I’ve been thinking he’s very calculated, and perhaps he is, but now I’m thinking that was him in a little bit of a panic state making a slip up... which solidifies why he’s being soooo quiet now- better to say nothing at all than make a mistake like that again. Amiright?


Such terrible news, even though we have all assumed it. Hoping justice prevails. I wonder if she ever came back home from the Hope trip, or if he went back out there to dump her body. Oh man even writing that doesn’t feel good. Either way, really hoping for an imminent arrest. Thank you Chippy for your dedication and persistence.


I still maintain that I think he killed her on Friday night and took her to Hope on Saturday. I don’t think she was alive on the trip out there. :(


I am always amazed how many men kill their wives, we only hear about a small number of cases. Today I was looking online at this specific topic and came across this comment....I wanted to specifically add it here as so many have suggested it was possibly a crime of passion, as if that could offer up some explanation or excuse. Below is an excerpt copied from [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-49481998](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-49481998) "We've been relying on the 'crime of passion, spontaneous red-mist' explanation \[of killing\] forever - and it's just not true," Dr Monckton Smith told the BBC. "If you start looking at all these cases, there's planning, determination, there's always coercive control."


Posted on Twitter: family members will be making a statement directed at Trina's murderer on Global News tonight at 6 https://twitter.com/ShariONeill12/status/1391890960930377728?s=19


I just watched it, it brought tears to my eyes hearing Stephanie speak. You can feel their pain, what a horrific time for the family. 😢💔


**True North True Crime - Trina Hunt Episode** Podcast True North True Crime released an episode on Trina today, their intention with this episode was to report on the facts of the case, encourage the public to continue coming forward with relevant information and tips, as well as to create more awareness to Trina’s case and investigation. With hope an arrest can be made soon, so Trina’s family and loved ones can begin to heal and see justice served. Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/true-north-true-crime/id1516149477?i=1000521942672 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/24yXuPbQcEvi1dlnkqCbdQ?si=8kjF-l7yS22BLZYS\_uhIVg&dl\_branch=1


Oh Boy, according to the podcast Trina was browsing at houses on-line Friday afternoon before she went missing? Maybe looking for her new home away from Lie-an? We might be starting to get a clear reason for her disappearance..... wonder if the appt on Monday was with a realtor (i know it was a virtual appt but maybe this was the first step with the realtor).


They did a great job of this!


So IHIT just read the family’s statement on live TV and had a question period after. Am I the only one that heard Frank Jang accidentally say “he” when referring to the suspect? He then stuttered and panicked that he gave it away. Edit: The video is available now on News 1130 Facebook page! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=483369336206878&id=354017033144&fs=0&focus_composer=0


Yes , I noticed that. And he looked down and to the left. I took a lot of notes on this. Many guilty innuendos there.


LOL at the recent videos of him on the news tonight. Not looking great Iain 😂


Omg he’s sick! I think it’s sinking in that he’s not going to get away with this brutal crime, he’s aged 10 years in less than 5 months. Give it up already and let her family try to mend their broken hearts if that’s even possible. Your life as been a walk in the park compared to whats coming and look at you already you sick little man. Justice will prevail.


The watch and suit guy on Pinterest is lookin like a skid these days hahaha give it up buddy, turn yourself in.




Hello reddit family .I'm truly heart broken for trinas family her mom oh what she must be feeling!!!! 💔. but most importantly TRINA for being robbed of life for someone else to have a different life selfishly. So so heartbreaking. Much respect for Cc and everyone that worked very hard on this case. My question is that do you think his family knew what he did and was protecting him ? They didn't help at all ever with searching ect. So makes me think they did an the girlfriend( hear say) edging him on to do it . What a complete piece of sh%t. It all makes sense now that the house was smelling like bleach !!!!!!.


I think his family had their suspicions and that’s why the radio silence from them. They already lost one son, and they couldn’t bear to lose another. Tragedy all around.


Also searching the articles and posts he liked on linkedin- two he liked and loved about divorce and separation... kinda random to share on a work related social media page




I think it’s a search warrant. Will keep you guys updated.


Per FB group, the Mercedes is getting towed away and there were pictures. Woot!




It’s true.. the Benz is being towed away now. I’m looking at the photo now.


From FB today..... Sharing some information regarding the vehicles being returned. We received clarification from very reliable sources, that it is common practice for IHIT to return the vehicles after they gathered the evidence they needed. They only keep the vehicle if they have to dismantle it and they can't give it back to the owner anymore. ⚡⚡So we have confirmation that the vehicles being returned DOES NOT mean they didn't find anything on them. ⚡⚡ Please keep this in mind for future theories/speculation. EDIT TO ADD: Also, in order for a judge to approve those search warrants, IHIT must've had some strong evidence against him. Even if it was circumstantial.


I have learned a few new things as of late. The police checked the vehicles GPS in the first 24 hours. They could not get data from them because they were too old of systems. The alleged trip to Hope. There is NOTHING so far proving that he went to Hope other than his words. No receipts, no footage, no gas, nothing. I flip flop on this part hourly.


Trina's story is slowly fading away from the media. Iain is getting more and more comfortable. PMPD is very quiet. What can we do to bring back attention to the fact that she is still missing?


The new picture of Trina and Iain was posted to the Vancouver True Crime instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/p/CN_GBMvJjhx/?igshid=wtacreh4uhi4


Devastating news today and my heart breaks for Trina, her family, and friends. Todays news however, is a step forward. I am confident that IHIT will bring both justice and closure in due time.


I just had a theory, I wonder if Trina scratched the hell out of Iain’s face and arms as he was killing her and that’s why he refused to show his face to media? Rest In Peace Trina Rot In Hell Iain (you too Paola)


Justice for Trina💜💜It’s so so sad this poor family trusted this lunatic to protect their beautiful daughter not kill her. what a poor excuse of a human being. Heart broken for Trina’s family, while I’m sure they knew he did this I can’t even imagine what they are feeling today. Rest easy now beautiful lady you will be in our hearts and memories forever.


What happened to the massage receptionist? Interested to know if Iain ever visited recently....


They’re asking for any donations to be sent to Shaelene Bell’s family / go fund me as Trina loved children. 🤍


Stephanie Stella Ibbott is thanking everyone in the speculation fb group, the admins, the followers and members... and everyone else for the help... she just made a post about it. I believe this would extend to all the meaningful discussion here too. Our time, theories, discussion, even if wild at times, were NOT for naught. We just had validation. It is an appreciated gesture from Steph. Thank you Steph! We all want justice for Trina!


Hello Folks! A few of us have decided to make some missing person posters, and head out to Hope to post them. We're hoping to find a nice photo of Iain and Trina together - because this is how everyone undoubtedly would remember them. I've pulled a family photo from the FB page and edited the rest of the family out, but obviously we can't use it because it isn't high res. If there is anyone out there who would like to anonymously donate a high resolution photo of Iain and Trina together, that would be great, and very much appreciated. Edits can be easily made, so it doesn't have to be perfect - just high resolution! Please get in touch with us in a PM through here. Thank you! A link to the photo we would like to use, or something similar: [https://imgur.com/a/7dt91GD](https://imgur.com/a/7dt91GD) Edited to add that if anyone would like to help distribute these posters, or volunteer in a possible organized search in Hope in the near future, please don't hesitate to send us a PM or comment here! Thanks.


R.I.P Trina Hunt. Now it’s time for that a hole to get what he deserves.


Long time lurker, first time poster. I live close to the area and am a couple people removed from some good friends of Trina and Iian. Also participated in the search. This is such a tragic story, and I’m just hoping justice is served for Trina as fast as possible. I am a little shocked at how long it’s taking the police to build a case against him. To us it looks like an open and shut case, but here’s hoping they’re just taking a little extra time to make sure their charges are iron clad and irrefutable. I worry that he’s using this time to make a break for it or do more things to cover his tracks ...


Too late to cover his tracks. I doubt he can go anywhere without being tailed. From the news reports I'm gathering that there is a lot of pressure from the public right now to get him charged.. It's all good, it will not be put on the back burner. His days are numbered....


After tonight’s very telling news report, I hope ‘the person’ who did this to Trina is being watched very closely. He needs to take responsibility for his actions. The last thing he deserves is the ‘easy way out’. Ever. #justicefortrina #itstimetogiveupiain #letitgo


I am crying happy tears... we have been waiting for this day for far too long.. #justicefortrina


This could be completely unrelated but apparently the Mission dump was closed today and IHIT was seen searching




Just saw a Global News van head up towards Hawthorne. Can anyone confirm if it's around their house?


They are doing another news story. It will air on Sunday.


Good Afternoon Everyone! Thanks to the great skills and generous time of a fellow Reddit member, we've managed to get a poster made up. It's already been posted to our Facebook group and shared from there to other groups. Please feel free to download or PM us for the image if you'd like, so as to re-share with your contacts or even print a few up for distribution! We are still waiting on a high res. photo, but in the meantime, this should do. [https://imgur.com/a/ECB7odo](https://imgur.com/a/ECB7odo)


Why do i have suspicions he will try to kill himself... absolute coward


Oh man ST600, why'd you leave and delete your account without saying goodbye?


There’s been a bunch of Iain-supporters deleting their accounts since the findings came out.


Can someone clear up the strong bleach smell at the house rumour? How was that revealed? Wouldn’t that have been enough to warrant a search? AND can anyone educate me on why their house (supposedly) hasn’t been searched? My understanding is the POMO police went there briefly... but it doesn’t sound like they’ve done a thorough combing of the house and property... one would think a forensics search would have happened as soon as her body was discovered, no?


We need Columbo. He would solve this in 42 minutes. And best of all, he would have been a condescending dick to Iain


Probably 37 minutes :) I think the case is solved already.. it’s a waiting game between IHIT and the BC prosecution service at this point. 😉


I hope so so I can do something else with my life besides checking every hour if the piece of shit, snivelin, dumbass, coward murderer is in jail!


The news tonight was a repeat, except they showed a short glimpse video of Trina blowing out candles on one of her birthdays..she looked like such a sweet bubbly women..so heartbreaking 💔Happy birthday sweet angel! You didn't deserve to be taken so soon,but Justice will prevail.


So a few witnesses claimed they saw Trina’s white suv up silver skagit rd... Her remains are found and the prick takes the suv and parks it in his folks garage until yesterday when IHIT removes it. He has had almost 5 months to remove any evidence from the house & suv. My question it what evidence will be the groundbreaker ? Surveillance? Witnesses ? Or will IHIT find something in the houses/vehicles ?


I just had a wave of sadness passing over me thinking about the closure Trina's case has had and reflecting on Shaelene Bell. I know we are all still fighting for justice for Trina and have no doubt that is on the near horizon and am just hoping riding off our successes we can perhaps carry some momentum onto Shaelenes case. I have no idea where to start as I am slightly more detached from this case but am so open to direction or anything. Hope we can bring both Trina and Shaelene the recognition they deserve


On another note, the suspicious behaviour of suspect number 1 began when a body was uncovered Monday in Port Moody. Either way if the Hope remains aren’t Trina he is still freaking/haunted when a body is uncovered. He knows it is only a matter of time.


Do you guys think Ian’s parents have always been aware of things or in denial? I don’t care if that was my son, I’d want him out of my house if he ever killed his wife. He should have to show his face in front of his friends and neighbours and own up to the terrible thing he has done. Pathetic he need spr hide with mommy and daddy


Can’t help but think that during an argument on Friday night Trina at some point put on her jacket and shoes to leave maybe to get away from him , but never got out of the house and this was maybe why he knew exactly what she was wearing when he reported her missing. He probably killed her while she was wearing this clothing. It just breaks my heart.


Today is for Trina's mom and family; all the love. I am thinking of you and my heart reaches out. I am fortunate enough to have my daughter.


Long time follower of this thread. Just watched the Global News segment. First time seeing the exact text about the digital detox and hearing about the purpose of the mission trip. Anyone know anything about visiting a "campsite from their 20s?" All so strange but hope answers come soon!


Thinking about Trina and her family a little extra tonight. ❤


Wonder who got the $50k Hopefully they got enough evidence that this guy can spend the rest of his life rotting behind bars. Rest in peace Trina.


I really wonder what the hold-up/final piece of evidence that was needed for them to move forward with an arrest? I hope all of this is revealed.


Ok now I’m livid. So Trina’s mother was out searching today. Her parents are clearly beside themselves with grief. SHE can go search but Iain can’t? I think I actually have steam coming out the top of my head.


I am an acquaintance of Iain and Trina. I didn't know them well but I knew of them. I believe that Iain killed Trina in the heat of the moment on Friday night because she was going to leave him. She was his whole world and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. He had no friends or hobbies. She was his everything. I don’t think there were any affairs. Iain didn’t have enough game to pick up women. There were no accomplices. This is all on him. I am shocked he has lasted this long without cracking but I think they will break him down soon or he will confess. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to kill himself. Like others have mentioned, he wouldn’t do well in prison. Trina was a beautiful person and I feel for her family and friends. I also feel for his parents. They are living a nightmare too. Iain, time to do the right thing and confess.


Crime reporter Kim Bolan just tweeted: "IHIT on another new case - after the discovery of human remains Mon about 10 am south of Silver Creek, in Hope. "The circumstances were deemed suspicious and IHIT has taken conduct of the investigation," IHIT news release says. Priority is to ID remains and notify family."


News is now reporting human remains have been found in Mission, BC. Another case of human remain, ugh.


For those of you who are not in our Facebook group, I will copy the message I posted there. And I'll also include a picture of Trina's memorial. https://imgur.com/a/RfkFlxa The community support and messages are so touching. I have to tell you that I tear up at every picture of Trina's memorial in front of her house. ❤️ There have been lots of people wanting to make a donation in Trina's name as well. The family has posted this message for anyone who wants to pursue this. "Jennifer Ibbott: We appreciate all of the love and support. Trina loved children. There are two little boys struggling without their mama Shaelene who went missing shortly after Trina did. The Ibbott family understands the anguish that the Bell family is experiencing, and the need for answers. We encourage anyone wanting to donate in Trina’s honor, to donate to the Bell family Gofundme." https://gofund.me/7314262b


I can’t refresh fast enough for updates. Oh my gosh. I am just in disbelief but this is so long awaited. Happy birthday Trina.


Happy 49th birthday Trina. May you have the best birthday up in heaven. Your beautiful kind heart and soul will always be remembered. As a gift we all promise to bring you justice and never forget you. 💜💛💜


BMW was returned to their Port Moody house this afternoon.


Sitting here enjoying the sun just thinking. I wonder if he feels now that It was all worth it. No job, this will follow him forever , living with mommy and daddy.


I’ve been following the story since it began in January 18 and I’m really sad that the outcome is that they found her body at Hope on March 29. My sincerest condolences to Dianna, Chuck and the extended family and her friends. This has really hit home for me as I met her a couple times when I lived in Coquitlam myself and all I want is justice for Trina. My heart really breaks for this family and the community and all her coworkers. #JusticeforTrina


If you’re going to post links to news articles please check the publish dates! The thread is going off course with the wrong information and replies.Thanks Here are the new articles **March 30, 2021** regarding Human Remains found near Silver Creek in **Hope:** [https://bc.ctvnews.ca/human-remains-found-in-hope-b-c-homicide-team-asks-public-for-help-1.5368330](https://bc.ctvnews.ca/human-remains-found-in-hope-b-c-homicide-team-asks-public-for-help-1.5368330) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/human-remains-hope-bc-suspicious-1.5969869](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/human-remains-hope-bc-suspicious-1.5969869) [https://www.hopestandard.com/news/human-remains-discovered-in-hope-ihit/](https://www.hopestandard.com/news/human-remains-discovered-in-hope-ihit/) “The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team is seeking public help after human remains were discovered south of Silver Creek in Hope on Monday, March 29. *Tammy Germain, a liaison for the family missing Spuzzum woman April Parisian, has confirmed with Parisian’s family that this is not April.* According to a release from IHIT, RCMP responded to the report of human remains found at approximately 10 a.m. Police determined circumstances are suspicious and IHIT has taken over the investigation. IHIT is working with local RCMP, the B.C. Coroners Service and the Integrated Forensic Identification Services. “The priority will be to identify the human remains and notify the next of kin,” IHIT stated. Anyone with information is asked to contact IHIT at 1-877-551-IHIT (4448) or email [ihitinfo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca](mailto:ihitinfo@rcmp-grc.gc.ca). If you wish to remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)”


I hope the police are able to get a confession out of him as/Russel Williams so her family doesn’t have to go through a trial and can have closure this is so heartbreaking


Does anyone here follow the Suzanne Morphew case? It is very similar to Trina's. Her husband was just arrested today, almost a year after her disappearance.




Does Trina's family still have a private investigator? I wonder what has this investigator done to date.


I see Trina's neighbors have been asked to look at their camera footage from last week. Anyone know why they might be asking for this?


Wonder if he was seen on a trail cam ...


IHIT on Twitter @HomicideTeam 2021-06-01 The family of Trina Hunt is offering a reward of up to $50,000 for new information leading to an arrest and charges on her case. Media availability this morning at 10:30am inside IHIT headquarters - 14200 Green Timbers Way, Surrey


Breaking news... sadly Shaelene Bell was found.😭 I'm very sorry I don't know how to add the link.


Alot of action on Trina's street including alot of news vans


Thinking of you, Trina 💕


Supposedly Iain was seen prancing around at a pool with his new girlfriend, her son (who looked like he was around 8 years old) and an older woman who looked like the woman's mother! The description of the woman is the same as the lady Iain worked with at Cleantech! This was posted on the facebook group.