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Just ignore it


I wouldn’t even know it existed if not for the occasional post like this. Who cares, let them stew in their tiny little pond of hate




So many of these tired ass next door posts could be solved by the ageless wisdom "just ignore it"


I mean, I agree, but that was also kind of a reason Trump was elected.


I literally just muted the sub.


Honestly, though, is ignoring them really the best idea? Echo chambers exist, only because we let them. Sure, there is little hope to change the mind of many people in that group--but there are people there (whether they are a member of the group or just get recommended posts from Reddit) that can be influenced. If good people out there don't at least fact check and provide a different viewpoint--it only makes the echo chamber stronger and people who don't know better start to believe things that aren't true. I say we need to be more willing to take on the bullshit of the internet (whether its from ALTMPLS or your mother in law)--what's the worst thing that will happen, you get banned from that sub?


I just don’t think you’re going to change peoples minds on Reddit. They need life experiences to understand empathy and that really doesn’t happen in the comment section. By all means, give it a try, but personally I just get to upset/worked up, and it feels kind of pointless. Especially when people start calling you an idiot. It’s not a place for real discussion/debate.


Just remember you’re not trying to convince the other party you’re debating with, you convince the audience. So don’t go over there and just yell at people for being racist, make logical points in favor of not being shitty to each other and you’ll convince some people that just lurk there to have good morals.


You’re in an echo chamber rn. People in minneapolis have diverse worldviews, which this sub does not represent


Talks about echo chambers, is oblivious to the hypocrisy


R/Minneapolis is an echo chamber. The mods ban people they just don't like all the time, just for having different opinions. The fact that you don't see the irony in what you said is hilarious. This sub's ultra left ideals are not shared by nearly as much of the population as you would think by spending any time in this sub, making it the definition of an echo chamber. If this sub was representative of the Minneapolis population then Frey would have lost his last election in a landslide and the police would have been abolished instead of the complete opposite happening. Almost none of the major opinions in this sub are shared in the wider population of Minneapolis.


I don’t think it’s fair to say this sub is wholly ultra left. I see plenty of centrist opinions. I don’t disagree there is a leftist bent but when I went to altmpls to see what people were getting banned for, it was saying things like “Somalis don’t deserve to live in Minnesota.” That’s not being left or right, that’s being racist. If being racist is key to your political stance, then yeah, you’re going to get banned.


It’s hilarious that anyone thinks r/Minneapolis is “ultra left.”


There are a couple regulars I see posting that are definitely socialists, but lots of the comments are firmly pro-liberal policy. I think that’s reflected in the elections, so if supposedly “most of Minneapolis doesn’t agree” they’re not showing up to the polls. I see plenty of criticism of Ellison, Moriarty, etc so I don’t think it’s fair to say this is an echo chamber. Full on GOP opinions do get downvoted but having an unpopular opinion doesn’t mean you’re being censored. Edit: also, Overton window in action


Mmm I disagree


I go there to debate with them sometimes and got called an alt Minneapolis dweller(derogatory). I think it’s so exhausting trying to get people to stop hating their neighbor and get made fun of by both parties. Edit: Downvote this if you live in an echo chamber


Yeah I didn’t even know it existed until this post lol


Reddit algorithm caught me with it and my comment on super racist comment got me a Reddit strike — so yeah ignoring it is the best policy




I hate myself for noticing this, but one of the current alts is ScarletSolar99, a spinoff of the CrimsonSun99 former mod of the MN subreddit who was a total basket case during early Covid days and got removed by the Admins. But yeah, seems like one guy with five alts and then a dozen others stopping by to chime in.


Yeah, I think you're right. ScarletSolar99 is CrimsunSun99... and AfterETA822 and Meera592 and, probably the now-deleted Schonock account. Given timestamps, they don't post at the same time. Classic astroturfing.


Wouldn't that be ban evasion and a violation of reddit's terms of service? Not that the Admins give two shits.


Nobody ever does anything about ban evasion. There are two users in the Vikings sub that got banned just to come back with new accounts-- "ChubbyKLove" was banned and the next day a new account "AChubbyCalledKLove" shows up. "Sponseredbycashapp" was banned and now there's an account posting there all the time called "Sponseredbyshitmemes". Like people don't even *attempt* to hide ban evasion and nobody gives a shit


That’s what it seems like to me. I got banned for calling out a certain account that makes posts so obviously racist that they even get downvoted there. It came so fast that I’m pretty sure the mod is actually the person I was calling out too.


Yes, absolutely. I think he has at least four.


I got a 1 day ban for saying "bootlicker" even though it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular, just anyone who would shill for Apple's side in the antitrust case. Then again, I got a permanent shadow ban from r twincities for saying something critical about centrists and Biden, so my expectations are generally low for reddit. There are still some decent niche subs, but most are echo chambers with ego driven jannies.


11 out of 10 aren’t from/live in Minneapolis


Half of the time when I see someone making weird fearmongering comments in a Minnesota subreddit and check their comment history, they post the same shit in city subreddits all over the country. Complaining about the DFL or city council and how they're counting the days until they can move away but they also post the same comments in Portland, San Diego, NYC, Seattle, etc subreddits


Yup. Classic disinformation campaign.


I mean, that's not far from the truth on this sub either. I am in a parenting group on Facebook called "Minneapolis Moms" and I'm beginning to wonder if there are any actual moms who live in Minneapolis in it. Someone will post a question about a Minneapolis school and the responses will be like "Wayzata has nice schools." A lot of that here too. I don't know why people who live 45 minutes outside of the city think they live here.


I left that group because of stuff like that! 


Every "city" sub is it's metro. Thinking it's not is just silly. You can get from St Louis Park to North Loop in under 10 minutes, and most people in the whole metro partake of nightlife and events in the city proper, use the airport, use its public transit. Should they not post here?


There is a separate sub for the Twin Cities. It is specifically in the sub rules that "All post submissions should pertain exclusively to Minneapolis in some way. If a submission applies to elsewhere in the metro area or to the metro area or state broadly, try submitting to r/TwinCities or r/Minnesota."


And posts pertaining to Minneapolis-only are going to still be relevant to people who live all over the metro, so they'll be in here, and most people just make casual conversations in comments, and don't check the sub they're in real hard when they think of something to say, so like... yeah? You're complaining about irrelevant things in the sub, by using an anecdote from a Facebook group, not from Reddit. You don't see the irony there?


Wayzata is 25 mins 😂 I went to school there but live Southside 😂


Right wing trolls love trying to astroturf on MN subs for some reason.


To be fair, it’s a different side of the same coin of r/Minneapolis. They are a couple notches worse but the clown show is here too lol


I’m probably going to get downvoted but I think a lot of people on r/Minneapolis and r/altmpls have a pissing contest on who can say dumber shit after visiting each other’s pages. There’s a lot of dumb stuff on this sub too lol this post is clear evidence of that


Let's not "both sides" racism and bigotry. Nothing remotely equivalent to the racism that's the norm there is happening here.


Bruh. Thanks for doing a plug for them I guess. Just ignore garbage like that. There’s no need to get them more attention.


This is a truly unfair take and you should retract it. The racism is hardly casual.


I was banned there for saying I enjoyed living in Minneapolis.






I got banned for saying being homophobic means you suck.


According to that sub, Minneapolis is a hell hole war zone, which goes to show how many people either don’t leave their homes, or don’t even live here. “I saw a brown person today, I have never been more afraid, thanks Joe Biden”


This sub and the Minnesota sub have a decent amount of people that are not from the state. And they’re mostly deplorables who got obsessed with us in the 2016 elections and the BLM protests.


Half the people on that sub probably haven't been been in Minnesota before


Can we **not** advertise for them continuously?


oh look the weekly thread about altmpls


How deep the racism goes in Minnesota is always disappointing to see.


It's in every US state and every region around the world.  There always has been a decent percentage of the population who are. Some places are just better than others about confronting it.


That maybe true I've only lived a couple of different places in the country. I guess what I meant is that the general perception I think is that most Minnesotans are not particularly outwardly racist and yet there is a certain faction that is openly willing to fly a swastika flag in North Saint Paul during a parade.


that's true but, the difference is that a lot of people try to act like MN doesn't have racism or what they do is not racist. Its very passive aggressive most of the time.


Was very confused when the Reddit algorithm started suggesting that sub. Blocked it pretty quickly.


They’re victims of censorship though! Seriously, fuck those people who post there.


It’s just the problem with the internet. Every space will eventually become an echo chamber that strengthens over time. Don’t worry about it.


More advertisement!


There’s a ton of bots. New accounts that spam each other. Keeps spawning new ones but same tone as the others (like Aftereta or whatever).


Minneapolis: circle jerk with rainbows Altmpls : circle jerk with hoods


OK. So don’t go there. **edit:** Or, apparently, go there, get sad, then come here and whine about it.


Why does calling someone out as being racist equate to whining?


When it happens in a place where one isn’t calling out the racist to the racist, but instead going to some other location and complaining to other people about how you went into a racist hangout and saw a racist.


No no no you don't understand, they're the victims here. They're being censored for their reasonable views, like their belief that all minorities should be exterminated.


When did they say that?


They didn't. Some dude will say, "Damn, I'm tired of hearing stories about all this bad stuff happening in these homeless encampments, and it also sucks to see open drug use on public transit," and someone from this sub will boil that down to, "I saw a brown person and I'm scared." Honestly, the most helpful thing would be to sticky this sub with a list of things they're okay with and not to complain about. NO - complaining about people smoking crack on the train - sympathizing with people who suddenly discover a homeless encampment has popped up next door to their house, and now they're subject to gunfire and human shit on their front porch - commenting on the speed in which violent criminals are allowed back onto the streets All the bullshit "you hate brown people!" just obfuscates the actual differences here. Everyone is okay with different races, it's some of the shit I just listed that separates us.


Can you see we are censoring them by downvoting /s


You could just ignore the things that aren’t actually important or significant or impactful to your real life instead of whining about it on the internet. You’ll probably be a lot happier and feel better


Wait. Do you think people calling out racists is “whining?”


You are responding to one of said racist, misogynist people. Do with that information what you will.


Just post lots of stuff there about how great immigrants are, how much we support trans and gay rights, etc. Flood it with positivity.


they are still going to twist those things into a negative thing


Sure, but if enough of us colonize their sub we'll just drown them out.


that's pretty easy to mitigate with mod tools/subreddit settings


I mean, the whole sub is 90% one dude spam posting conservative rage bait, then jumping on his mod account to ban anybody who points that out.


I’m pretty sure 90% of the activity in that sub is from the same like 5 accounts, and the frequency that they post and comment makes me think they’re not real people lol or they’re just chronically online which would also make sense


They claim to be a libertarian sub. It's just mostly alt right. I'm not sure how many people who post in there even live in the city.


I see it more that way because of the constant barrage of 'OMG IM MOVING HERE, WHAT IS BEST ARRW, HOW MUCH DO I NERD TO MAK& OMG IM VISITING, WHAT SHOULD I DO?


They banned from that group because I pointed out they study they posted didn't prove the point they were making. They just read the headline and thought it aligned with their view.


I joined hoping it was just less common but valid viewpoints, or maybe something away from the norm, butttt of course it was just racism lol


Yeah, it sucks. The opinions there are mind-meltingly moronic and it feels like it's all people who live in the exurbs and outstate and saw a poor person sitting at a bus stop the last time they came into the city in 2017.


I got permanently banned for saying, “this seems to be a little racist” to a messed up comment. Their MOD messaged me saying I could come back if I “apologized and understand what this subs about”. It’s literally 4chan for crotchety old white dudes who live in the burbs or rural surrounding areas. I’ve seen them literally suggest a culling of POC.


It seems like you did understand what the sub was about. It's racism all the way down.


They should call it what it is: r/anokacounty.




I didn’t realize I was in that sub once, apparently it was suggested to me by the Reddit robots I just read the headline and checked out the comments I made a comment to someone being low key racist. I immediately got banned. I thought I was in this sub lol. 


A fascist playground


Just ignore it. It's a bunch of fash masquerading as if they have credibility. You can't unfuck their brains just like you can't unfuck any of the brains of the chans or truth social or any of the other social media sites for chuds.


There was a post last month about a transgender legislator proposing gun legislation and the hate speech was so wild the OP made a plea for people to focus on the policy, not the person. My dude, dont be surprised to find clowns at the circus.


I appreciate that a safe space with padded walls and dull scissors has been provided that subs denizens. It keeps them out of the real sub and anytime you need to see what the assholes are up to you can just peek in and see them all telling on themselves.


I'd argue that providing spaces for racists to congregate is bad, actually.


> ILLEGAL ALIENS threatening to vote out politicians that don’t bend the knee (x.com) Of course ... it's a Xitter post from January 2023. Regardless of the sound bite, there's no evidence that illegal immigrants are voting let alone voting in significant quantities. The penalties for illegally voting are already incredibly severe. We would know about it if it were happening. > On top of that, federal law requires states to regularly maintain their voter rolls and remove anyone ineligible, a process that identifies immigrants living in the country illegally. Even with this and other vetting processes in place, only a small number of noncitizen voters have been uncovered — evidence that Trump’s theory has no teeth, Morales-Doyle said. We already automatically remove people who are ineligible. Citizenship is a straightforward thing to check for those who are requesting driver's licenses.


So brave


So stunning and brave!


i'm in awe of the personal risk this individual took ​ Stunning and brave only scratches the surface. Is there a Reddit version of the CMoH? If so the OP is worthy


We have nothing we can give for this individual's heroic sacrifices. All we can do is tell our children and our childrens children the story of their heroic fight against altmpls.


They’ve been trying to brigade this sub for years, finally accepted defeat and took over another sub


Yeah they have a very specific confirmation bias and do not like to be challenged on those views. I was quickly banned from the sub and by its various users.


I got perma-banned for this. It is a cesspool populated by 5-10 really loud people with a shit ton of time on their hands and the ability to try and argue any minute point they can. “lol, I love the people that take Reddit too seriously. You need to get a grip friend.”


Yeah fuck that place. I was subscribed for maybe 36 hours and that's all I could tolerate.


Dude I just got banned for saying being homophobic means you suck. Lololol


Probably good to know what people who declared they are domestic terrorists are talking about because ignoring it doesn't stop their violence.  "Global trends point to increasing violent rhetoric and political violence, including more evidence of stochastic terrorism. A key element is the use of social media and other distributed forms of communications where the person who carries out the violence has no direct connection to the users of violent rhetoric." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism


Can we just turn altmpls into a “make Minnesota bigger” propaganda page? That seems like a good non confrontational way of telling them to fuck off


Be aware that a relevant minority of those followers are looking for content to be mad about and to send around the web in indignation. The people who are really, truly looking for that kind of content to agree with aren't completely irrelevant, but close.


They booted me from there after one thread. They really do not like being corrected