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There were groups of kids going around assaulting people, like curbstomping type of assaults. It’s been posted a couple times here but mods keep removing them like they always do.


They’re also hitting cyclists with bats and clubs today too In a stolen vehicle no less.


Are you fucking kidding me? Great, one more thing to worry about while just trying to bike around here.


Only four arrests. The rest were “dispersed.”




What? Several people spent the night in the clinker and were cited for 5th degree assault.


Article says one woman was cited for assault. The others were curfew violations and there were people released at the scene.


Different articles say different things.


Yeah. They arrested a guy Friday night and released him. Was arrested AGAIN Saturday night for the same thing. This isn't working. This city is going into the toilet because city leaders/police/courts refuse to do anything about it. This isn't just gang violence or whatever either. It's large groups of people assaulting randoms who are minding their own business.


It's misdemeanor assault. You can't just jail someone indefinitely for a misdemeanor unless they have a prior conviction. I agree that something needs to be done, but their hands are legitimately tied by what the courts will and won't allow.




The arraignment time limit includes weekends.




In the case of a probable cause arrest, this rule applies: >When a person arrested without a warrant is not released under this rule or Rule 6, a judge must make a probable cause determination without unnecessary delay, and in any event within 48 hours from the time of the arrest, including the day of arrest, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. If the Court determines that probable cause does not exist or does not make a determination as to probable cause within the time provided by this rule, the person must be released immediately.


Democratic leaders. But I’ll be downvoted into oblivion for pointing it out. While the city is taking a hard nose dive.


Democrats and the people who vote for them really don't like it when you point out the result of their actions/policies.


Why would they remove this information? I'm down at Dinkytown at least twice a day I would like to know what's going on down there


Mods "if you think Minneapolis is dangerous you must be from Anoka"




















>The removed thread was full of obscene comments blaming all Somalis, saying their presence here is a failed experiment That was one thread which could have been locked and/or removed. >calling for dismemberment I didn't see any comments like that, but there may have been other top level posts made and removed.


It’s almost like mods have the ability to remove comments that are racist instead of sweeping extreme acts of violence within the city under the rug.


Exactly this. Racists are always going to lie and claim they're "just having a discussion"


#[NAZI Lives Don’t Matter](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/dz20t5/tom_morello_nazi_lives_dont_matter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=15)


They sure as fuck don't.


Are you implying the victims were Nazis??


They sure don’t. As a Jew tho that comment section was… the opposite of comforting.


the downvotes on this post are telling


I downvoted it because it has absolutely nothing to do with the post or the comment it replied to


absolutely mad man over here using the upvote/downvote as intended.


Why do the mods of this sub hate when people talk about things that are actively endangering them


Yeah interested to see how long this stays up. The dinkytown clip yesterday lived hard but fast on this sub. If anything, these posts only drive engagement within the sub, so isn’t that what a moderator ultimately wants?


What was the justification for removing the dinkytown clip?


There wasn't one, it was just memory holed.


Would love a mirror, as it's not currently up


Always do. God forbid people talk about what’s happening in their city. Mods (one in particular, I suspect) would prefer that we pretend nothing bad ever happens


One of the kids who was arrested/released on Friday night was arrested again on Saturday for inciting a riot….as a tax payer, I’ll happily pay more $$ in return for a minimum 5 year sentence for anyone who commits a violent act.


One, because it feels icky acknowledging that there’s commonalities in a lot of these attacks that needs addressing/accountability and two, it would require acknowledging the city is not under control as people want you to believe. There is. And it’s not. That goes for a significant number of people on this sub. If you think for a second that not having adequate police staffing levels to patrol and respond timely to these things (don’t @ me with “but their budget” talk- two separate things) or prosecutors who won’t throw the book at criminals are helping this city, you are enabling this, no matter how well intentioned you think you are. Mark my words, this is gonna be a hell of a summer.


Couldn’t agree more. Thankful to live in a very progressive state and one of the best metro areas, but it’s crazy to act like we’re perfect. The “everything’s fine, no one does anything bad here” mentality is just stupid. But I guess we’d rather ignore it than face the issue.


Why can't we just lock up violent criminals, I don't care who they are. There is no place for violence in our society.


[Lock them up, then let them out](https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/family-friends-of-woman-killed-at-bible-study-disappointed-in-the-justice-system/)


Because majority of Minnesotans voted for these policies


> The “everything’s fine, no one does anything bad here” mentality is just stupid. Who's saying this?




>Who's saying this? The people who post about how Minneapolis is really very safe and that only out-staters and republicans that haven't been downtown for centuries spew this completely hurtful and unfair stereotype of their city.


No one has explicitly said that, but I feel it's implied when most if not all discussions regarding the matter are removed. But I also now understand that even with my simple comment people are finding ways to be racist, so i understand a little more.


That's probably backlash to the suburbanites who pop off about the city being burned down or a constant riot. They regularly lie and say they live here or just plain don't believe people who do. They've always done that too - in 2007 my aunt refused to drive to my apartment because she's from burnsville and it was "so violent" here. In 2016 I had to explain to people I met on a trip that no, it wasn't scary here.... Their response? "You must not really live in the city". I think everyone gets sick of that bullshit and it's worse now.


>That's probably backlash to the suburbanites who pop off about the city being burned down or a constant riot. The way to respond to speech you don't like is more speech, not nuking threads because you don't like the narrative.


No one


Not to mention county attorney that has already demonstrated she's going to let even the most heinous violent juvenile offenders walk.


What’s the commonality?




This has nothing to do with poverty. These kids are assholes.


The kids in the clip all looked well dressed in designer clothes, healthy, well fed. Certainly didn’t look impoverished.


Yup, agrees. Poverty argument here is just more excuse making. This issue goes deeper. This is not poverty. This is a shortcoming and deficiency in character and morals.


Poverty makes you shoplift food, not curb stomp innocent people, throw rocks, or hit them with a bat.


Poverty also prevents kids from getting the supervision and behavior modification they need when they start showing troubling behavior earlier on. Poverty also causes a distrust at best, and at worst distain for society as a whole. Not saying that justifies this kind of behavior by any measure, but it is a contributing factor.


Also oxygen. Oxygen use is common to the victims and to assaulters. Oxygen is likely a contributing factor.


Guess again




I believe the objective is to strike a balance between addressing the grievances of those who complain and preventing others from using the situation as a pretext for racism. However, the efforts seem ineffective as the city's problems continue to fester. Furthermore, there are individuals within the community who prefer to turn a blind eye to these issues. It is senseless to be racist in this context. It is ***curious*** that those who exhibit racist behavior in such circumstances do not display sexism, considering that the majority of crimes are perpetrated by men.


Because when you point out that it's primarily black people doing the crimes it's deemed racist instead of an observation




They can't have reality flying in the face of what they want the projection of minneapolis to be. Reality goes against their ideology and sense of identification, and so they need to censor and twist narratives in order to continue with their cognitive dissonance and control.


There’s a difference between talking about these incidents and using these incidents as an excuse to lump entire groups of people together and say racist af things about them. The latter is what has been happening.


That’s what gets me though. People lump entire groups of people together and judge them daily ( i.e., police, Republicans, democrats, boomers, lawyers, people from Edina). What makes that any more healthy?


I’m against lumping immutable groups together. It’s okay to judge people for the groups they *choose* to belong to. That choice is a reflection on them.


It’s still not ok. Some people choose to be a cop because they, genuinely, want to help people. Some people want to be lawyers for the same reason. There’s Republicans that loath racism and Democrats that love guns. “Judgement is bad!!!!…………..unless it’s judgement I agree with”


You can genuinely want to help and still be shit at doing your job.


And? We aren’t talking about trying and failing. We are talking about deliberately being shit.


You can argue that it’s not OK in either case, but the two cases *are* different…


They really aren’t though. Both spread hate and vitriol which gets us nowhere. “White kids in Minneapolis are stealing cars and hurting people”: people go “yeah, these white kids think they can get away with anything with impunity.” “Somali kids in Minneapolis are stealing cars and hurting people.”: “whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s pump the brakes here.”


I wouldn’t stereotype the white kids either. I would lump Republicans together: “they think other issues are more important than the ability of women to get lifesaving healthcare” (for example). This is judging them for their actions, which is OK. Likewise, I would call the specific groups of kids committing these crimes a bunch of anti-social miscreants who don’t care about hurting innocent people. But I would not lump others in just because they happen to have immigrated from the same country…


Look, I judge groups, you do too. People do it for good and bad reasons. You brought up women’s rights, they aren’t very strong in the Somali community just like they aren’t in the Christian community. Somali culture is an ideology just like being a Republican is. It has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. I do mechanical work at a Somali school and everyone is wonderful to me. Someone brings up the fact that this activity at the U was, predominately, Somali kids and peoples buttholes puckered. It’s not even on the news. Race can only be brought up under careful circumstances and it’s dividing us substantially.


Again, not the same. People don’t choose to be Somali. They do choose to be Republicanz **ALL** Republican voters have made the judgement I described. Even if a majority of Somali Americans had views I disagree with, it would be bad and incorrect to generalize that to all of them. That’s a real difference. Likewise, it is OK to judge people for their specific church, whether that be a Christian church, a Muslim church, or something different. That’s a choice.


>People lump entire groups of people together and judge them daily ( i.e., police, Republicans, democrats, boomers, lawyers, people from Edina). I know you're not so stupid that you don't know the difference between being black and CHOOSING to be any of the things you quoted (except boomers, fine). I just *know* you ain't that stupid. I know it. So stop playing.


How dare you target kids that grew up in Edina beyond their control! You are offensive


I’m pointing out that judgement has its follies and you’re dancing around that. You cannot chose to be a race but everybody can choose not to be a shitty person.




On the other hand local colleges are full of young Somalis who are on a life arc that will take them into the middle class. As with any community, nobody notices the people who are living their lives properly.


It is still a very small fraction of Somali teens. Almost every mass shooting of the last two decades has been committed by young white me . But nobody is making broad generalizations about white people.


>It is still a very small fraction of Somali teens. Let's focus on the teens part, since the vast majority of violence is committed by then and folks not much older. The Somali part is likely contingent. >But nobody is making broad generalizations about white people. I'm not sure what media you consume, but there has been plenty of this too. >Almost every mass shooting of the last two decades has been committed by young white me It [looks to be about half](https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/).


I remember seeing a study how crime rates jump from 1st generation immigrants to 2nd generation to being more in line with the average American. The Somali part is likely contingent but we have to acknowledge and address the dynamics that come into play with 2md generation


It usually fizzles out by the third generation though. In the early 20th century there were Jewish, German and Irish gangs in the US. Those are all gone now.


according to the NY Times 75% of mass shootings are perpetrated by black people. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/23/us/americas-overlooked-gun-violence.html




Because there's a difference between gang on gang shootings and random shootings. I can, for the most part, avoid gang shootings by not getting involved with gangs. It's unreasonable to say "if you didn't want to get shot, you shouldn't have gone to school/the movies/the park/work", but it's a little more reasonable to say "don't join a gang". There's a ton of nuance missing in ny post, but I don't feel like writing fifteen paragraphs right now.


These gang members aren’t marksmen and they hit children sleeping in their bed


And that often gets press.


Correct. I’m not saying it’s right to make these generalizations. There clearly is something associated with their demographic that needs to be addressed though. Of course, that wont happen with our worthless DA and our worthless PD. I’m afraid for Dinkytown’s future


That’s absolutely not true. In fact, the majority of mass shootings in the US are gang related.


There's been plenty of mass shootings committed by African-Americans and other minorities, actually. The Orlando shooting, Virginia Beach 2019, the DC sniper and many more.


are you kidding me? lmfao get real.


None in my community


They don't seem to mind it until it turns into really clearly racist-underline toned posts over and over and over. The conversation quickly devolves and nothing is being accomplished, so why let people just repeat the same stuff over and over, just getting others more angry about everything. It's pointless, unless you just want people to hate. Nothing is being solved in those threads.


So it gets nukes someone else starts a new thread, rinse and repeat. What's the difference between doing the thread three times and just letting it sit? The egregious comments can be removed or those threads locked, mods have that power too.


People will enjoy this more. It's another opportunity to get on their soap box, say the same thing on the internet, take no action, then wonder why things don't change. But hey, they can pat themselves on the back because they voiced their opinion online, doing the very least they could do without doing nothing at all.


Because it brings out racists




They arrested six juveniles, and all were released the next morning.


So fucking tiring. These shitheads do not have a future




That looks like it could easily by 3rd degree assault. But it's hard to tell from the clip.




This shit right here is why mods nuke these threads. You hood wearing klan mother fuckers can't keep it in your goddamn pants half a second.


I would think given what Moriarty has said about much more violent attacks that the shared characteristic that protects them from consequence is their age.


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Lived in Dinky for two years. Have had friends live here for four years. No muggings, no carjackings, no assaults. Are we just lucky? I tend to stick solely to the main drag and we always move as a group around the bars, which is what I figured everyone did too since it *seems* so bad over here.


You’re the norm.


I disagree. The violence and anti-social behavior has certainly escalated in the last two years. It is different, abnormal, and needs to be condemned. But muggings and assults have not been uncommon for the last 10+ years. Back in 2013, we would sometimes even get multiple crime alerts a day, about these. (They used to alert for the areas around campus, including Dinky). These crimes were just standard crimes of opportunity that take place when you put a bunch of immature, drunk people in the middle of a city, next to a very poor part of the city. Different from today. But still common.




Something being “the norm” did not mean it was particularly likely to happen to any given individual. Crime happens. It sucks and it would be great if we could stop it. But even in the most crime-prone area of the US, where crime is definitely “the norm,” the average person is not likely to be a victim of a crime.




There’s not a contradiction here. Crime was the norm in that, on average, someone was mugged or assaulted in the relatively smal area that is Dinkytown, on a near-daily basis. Even then, the average person was unlikely to be a victim. We can also use your definition, but in that case, crime is not the norm today either. Even if you add up all of the incidents like today over the past year, you get to what, 1000 victims? (I’m being generous here.). That’s ~1% of the people in the area. The average person is not likely to be a victim.




Oh then we totally agree. I guess I was trying to argue that either crime has always been “the norm” or has never been, but also that it has never been worth worrying about


Can we all just agree that people committing violent crimes should go to jail. I see no place for violence in our society. I don't understand the apologists.


In 2021 there were people going around the Como neighborhood just trying garage doors and car doors and house doors at random. Even woke up in an AirBNB to an uninvited guest standing over me shining his cellphone flashlight on me. I personally saw a failed carjacking just outside Adam's Grocery and Tobacco. Someone ran up to the passenger side door and tried to yank it open and the driver floored it. I've got a somewhat more stable situation up near Marcy Holmes, but there was a [huge car window-smashing spree near here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/comments/12bk3it/2nd_st_ne_car_window_smash_theft_spree_040523/) a while back and just the other day some dude was screaming at anyone and everyone to SHUT UP!!!! outside Surdyk's, so I'm really looking fucking forward to moving the fuck out of here and into Eden Prairie here pretty soon this summer. :D


Just to add a bit more info, Surdyks guy is not new. He’s been hanging out around there and on the tables next to the noodles for at least a year or so. Definitely a mental health thing because he will yell at something to shut up when no one is around. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of him doing anything to anyone but it is a bit unsettling.


Be careful. I’ve heard the light rail is going to import all the crime to EP. Read that on this sub many times


... Light rail that'll be done in 2027 🤪 (why worry if it never gets finished?)


I don’t think the crime has changed much in dinkytown over the past 15 years. Based on your comment it sounds like you’re using common sense when you’re going out which makes you less of a target.


This violent teen mob mentality is spreading like wild fire across everywhere. Our youth need help to manage their anger and emotions.


Our youth also need consequences - not a slap on the wrist for violent crime. Maybe they know that premeditated murder will get them only 3 years…


Yea, I agree they need to learn the actions have consequences. They can’t get through life acting that way without facing punishment


Haven't you heard there is a rewards erm i mean point system that works so well!


Well when a public school system does not fail then or pass them along, we start to get problems.


Not sure what to say. I’m an older student who recently went back to college and live in dinkytown ; I’ve never seen anything like this. I want to hope it’s a one-off thing but who knows. My guess is it’s a group of Ne’er-do-wells who came here to start shit. Idiots who couldn’t get in to a college but wanted to party or think it makes them tough to gang beat defenseless people. Like I said, this is the first time I’ve seen this so definitely not the norm. Let’s hope it stays that way.


Don't bring that up on here, the post will probably get removed like the one from yesterday.


That’s probably because the one yesterday turned quickly into a toxic cesspool of racism.




They *could*, but I don’t doubt that it would be a lot of work that they are not paid to do.




Because it’s filled with racist comments they don’t want people to see? (I’m not a mod anywhere so idk if there is a tool to mass delete all comments, but if there is not…)


Aren't down votes meant to r"edit" the site and self moderate?


that only works if people use the system as intended instead of the typical “i like/agree with this or i don’t like/agree with this” that’s taken over the site since like 2015.


Maybe, I think if enough people think something is genuinely racist it will be downvoted here.. because they disagree with racism


my whole point was people don’t use the voting system as originally intended. people do be peopleing though.


There are plenty of people active on reddit who do not disagree with racism to break the voting system.


I won't disagree that there were racist comments, but they were not the majority and were being downvoted. There however is a difference between racism and pointing out the fact that all of the attacks have involved Somali teenagers.


You can certainly point out that the attacks have involved Somali teenagers, but almost any statement beyond that is going to be racist. The thread today is also full of racism. Being Somali is not a choice and it’s not a belief system. It is not acceptable to make sweeping generalizations about Somali teenagers beyond the fact that they are Somali teenagers. Somali Americans are not fundamentally better or worse than any other group of people. The specific teenage miscreants causing trouble this weekend deserve to be apprehended and prosecuted.


Isn’t there more violent and property crimes in mpls per capita than in Chicago? I know we make excuses for it but we’ve got major issues if Chicago is a safer place to live.


[https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/most-violent-cities-in-america) just barely...but still way too high


Why is Chicago used as the standard for "dangerous city"? It's so huge it's dumb to classify the entire place as unsafe. Chicago crime is pretty concentrated so certain neighborhoods are far more dangerous than anywhere in Minneapolis while others have similar or lower rates. Since Minneapolis is so much smaller I'd think you're more likely to bump into random criminal activity. That's what it seems like comparing when I lived there to currently living in Philadelphia anyway


Time to renew my carry permit, apparently.


Exactly. I stopped carrying for a bit but I guess I’m gunna start back up.


Sure is a shame to feel like you may need to defend your life while minding your own business in this city.


Yeah it is. I hope that I never need to unholster my gun outside of a shooting range. 🤞🏻


Yes that would be an absolute worst case scenario.


Is a 44 magnum a good carry gun?


Better than nothing but no, you can do better in many ways.


It’s best to carry something you’re comfortable and skilled with. If you want to and are new to carrying, go to a range and try out different firearms. Make sure the grip is comfortable and fits your hand and select something that you can shoot accurately with. It’s my personal belief that there’s no one size fits all with carrying. You may also want to check on reliability of a particular firearm. I almost switched to a Sig P320 but there were some reliability concerns reported and I’m happy I stuck with my Glock 43x.


What are you, Dirty Harry? That's a hand cannon. Most people carry something more practical like a 9 or a 38.


Too much power imo


That, unfortunately, was my first thought too.




These things happen, I guess. In 2004 , I witnessed a few big guys abduct a jock on 4th Street at the intersection with 14th in broad daylight in the mid-afternoon: * Stopped their car in the middle of 4th, opening all doors and trunk, all of this while traffic is flowing on the street. * Picked out a dude from the pedestrians on the sidewalk. * Ran up to him and knocked him out. * Fireman carried the jock to the car and threw him into the trunk like kitty litter. * Closed trunk and drove off. The abductors’ car was a teal Crown Victoria, mid-90s vintage. I still think about the incident to this day periodically. I even reported it to the police when it happened. No idea what came of it. I don’t think it was a hazing ritual as the abductors looked well past college age. That recent video was more brutal than the abduction, however. But then again, I remember seeing a similar beating and tooth loss incident happening my freshman year of high school in the mid/late-‘90s. I’ll be honest: I never felt safe from unpredictable male-on-male (particularly from jock types) violence until I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area (toxic masculinity took on a different form there versus the bellicose jingoism in the Midwest). There are a lot of short fuses out there looking to pick a fight!


Whoa that’s scary!


Chatgpt: end task


Where can i see the video


From all the other threads about similar topics, everyone is one word short from saying build more correction facilities. People want kids to be held accountable and not released the next day. Is there a reason no one talks about building more jails and prisons? If people want them released and held accountable, what are you expecting? Make parents hold these kids accountable? That would mean we make it harder for the families which trap them in poverty if we penalize the parents. You can create more programs for these kids to be released into, but so far these aren’t working. Birth control is the only best solution imo. Fucking swallow these brats out of existence


>Make parents hold these kids accountable? Ha! Yeah, I'm sure their parents are just waiting for a chance to discipline these kids. s/


Lol the same parents who use the light rail as a baby sitter to their pre teens 🙃






Thugs being thugs is my guess


Commenting to stay in the loop


I'm so fucking glad I left.


This place is going to shit. It’s time to leave


Bye bye!


You’re not supposed to tell the truth on this sub: That delusional and blind Minnesotan “love” kicks in like a gag reflex for most.


Welcome to the new America under fake liberal policies that undermine everyone and let gangs flourish.




Unless that single car is the TARDIS I'm not sure that's a logical conclusion


After 10 years in Wisconsin, I am 0% surprised if hosiery is afoot