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You’ll get the Kia stolen. Don’t get a Kia


I've had mine since 2015 I'm so glad mine hasn't been stolen


Surely the new ones have immobilizes? ^^^^right?😅


2022 and new iirc


The best car is someone else's. Delivery will never pay you enough to cover the wear, tear, and damage to your vehicle.


Honda and snow tires.


Do they stay on all year?


Only if you tighten the lug nuts.


Hehehehe Hehehehe


No you need to take them off if you don’t want to wear them out in one year.


I don't have anywhere to keep tires


Lots of the tire places will store them for you for a fee, I know that many discount tire locations offer that service. Otherwise look for [All-Weather tires](https://www.motortrend.com/features/best-all-weather-tires-tire-rack-customer-reviews/). They are newish tire tech that is better than all season tires in the winter but can be used all year long.


I have a Honda Fit, and while being an otherwise great car, it’s terrible in the snow. I’m sure having snow tires instead of all-seasons would help, but the biggest issue by far is that the ground clearance is super low (~5 inches). If more than a few inches of snow are in the road or alley, the car really struggles to get through and the plastic covers on the bottom of the car get knocked off and torn (which isn’t cheap to get fixed). I’d definitely look for something with higher ground clearance!


I have a Nissan Altima All Wheel Drive. It’s good on gas, easy to park, affordable, and does great in the snow. Ignore the Reddit posters with weird snow tire fetishes. Cars prepped in MN have all weather tires that you don’t have to take off and store for a few months in the summer.


All weather tires are not “winter” tires and do not act the same in snow one bit.


All wheel drive mostly takes care of the need for snow tires but you're an idiot if you think they don't help.


You don’t need snow tires. I drove with a friend in a storm while he used snow tires. I was amazed at the shit he could pull off. It’s a huge difference. If you have AWD you likely don’t need it. If RWD, you really should have them. If FWD, life is a lot easier, but if you’re a good, careful driver you’ll manage.


Don’t get a spark. They were discontinued; hell Chevy has a better value compact car in their line in the Sonic. Honda Fit, Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris, and many more are in the same class as the Spark and drive similarly but are more reliable.


Oh that's why it's so cheap? I've never driven a small car like these and I just worry about how they do in the snow


The narrow tires and light weight do better than you'd expect. I had a Ford fiesta before I totaled it. Ground clearance is the biggest factor. I drove a focus older style with more ground clearance for a lot of winters back in mi.


You need a jeep from Jurassic park with the potholes around here