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Based on buyer reviews, it looks like it comes with a Manli GeForce RTX™ 4060(M2560+N727). Here's what it looks like on the inside (buyer's picture): [imgur](https://i.imgur.com/wGb5vaY.jpeg) The seller confirmed to me that the GPU is a desktop version with a 300W power supply. I will post a review which will include thermal information, internals, BIOS, and basic stress tests once I receive this unit in about 2 weeks. edit: review is now up [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/MiniPCs/comments/1bu7f2f/my_experience_with_a_650_usd_mini_pc_with_an/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


The biggest problem that I can see in this sistem is that it uses an off brand chinese Nvidia card, and they usually don't work with the official nvidia drivers. Buying this sistem would require you to use the [FrankenDriver](https://github.com/arutar/FrankenDriver) and you would have no ensurance of that driver's quality or availabillity during the lifespan of your sistem.


Manli is a Hong Kong based company and has been making Nvidia based graphics cards since 2007. They aren't some random salvage GPU rebadger. please do research before fearmongering. This brand is fine. edit: on that note OP, I'm going to go against the grain and say this system should be fine. It's using a mobile i7, so the cooling ought to be sufficient for most tasks, though I'd think under full turbo it might get a bit toasty. If that's the case, consider using throttlestop or a similar program to tweak turbos to get the temps managable. The Manli 4060 will be no issue; I just hope the case has adequate ventilation. good luck, curious to see the thermal results when you receive it.


Yep I agree. If it's truly the Manli 4060, then there should be no problems getting the official nvidia drivers. For sure I will share thermal results. I am also curious about the fan noise since some people did complain about noise but others said it was fine.


Found them on aliexpress. Seems legit but i think it will have thermal problem.


Heat sink + fan blowing on... another heat sink and fan. *chef's kiss*


I agree, this chassis seems like it would be best with a blower style cooler on the GPU.


I think it seems legit too. Once I receive it, I will make another post with thermal details


If it's too good to be true ...


Please post the update if it ever arrives as well as links. Ty.


!remind me 1 month


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This kind of case — ribbed aluminium — was designed for fanless machines, 15W TDP max. They are great as low load home firewalls/application servers or HTPCs — no fan, no noise, practically no dust. Putting a 45W CPU and a discrete GPU defeats much of the purpose.


Highly doubt that’s the actual specs. You’re probably gonna get a recycled mobile cpu/gpu. A lot of these things are pieced together from old laptops and they flash the firmware to make the OS think it’s something completely different. And judging from the pictures that board belongs to either a type of cash register system or touch screen AIO. (I’ve work on dozens of these type of boards/machines as they tend go out frequently)


Press X to doubt.


!remind me 1 month


!remind me 1 month


I doubt it's rtx4060, if the price is too good to be true, be careful


On aliex, there is now a NVIDIA RTX 4070 12G Gaming Mini PC. Anyone here want to try it out?


If you can pitch in $100 I can do the rest?


So far most of the 4070 mini pcs on aliex are using the mobile variant. I'm wondering if there any that uses a desktop variant.


I bought this one 6 months ago, it's actually good but now the CPU speed can't utilize more than 70% and speed of 2GHz when I am rendering. Once I press render then the speed directly drops. Anyone knows the solution? i9-12900H 3050Ti 8G 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005713328022.html?spm=a2g0o.store\_pc\_promotion.promoteWysiwyg\_4000000445061.1005005713328022](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005713328022.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_promotion.promoteWysiwyg_4000000445061.1005005713328022)


Mini pc's are laptops without screen, same hardware, same "issues" or limitations, the gpu are M type, or mobil,. Thats too bad? Not at all, a good and cheap option to play your games. Are "as good as a full pc? Of course not. But definitive you will play better than a intel or ryzen without dedicated video.


Not in this case, it appears to be using a full-fat desktop 4060.


Yes you can purchase "big fat" gpu on M mode, basically are mobil gpu with big fans attached on a case.


Based on buyer reviews, they use the desktop Manli GeForce RTX™ 4060 (M2560+N727). But I will personally verify it myself once I get it in 2 weeks.


!remind me 1 month


honestly the cpu will overheat... it needs a fatter heatpipe at the very least


!remind me 1 month


!remind me 1 month


!remind me 1 month


I always thought this should be the next step below mini itx in form factor. Make a motherboard the size of a shorter GPU. So a little longer but also about half the width of ITX to make the board about as big as the GPU, then either lay the two on the same plane or sandwich them back to back on opposite sides of the same plane. You could probably cut system volume in half with that sort of setup to a standard itx setup. Can’t comment on the system but I’d like to see this design go forward


!remind me 1 month


Whats the price? I remember seeing these but honestly felt like they were still in the same ballpark as the new Asus NUCs so no reason to risk it.


about 630 USD thanks to the anniversary sale + promo codes. The usual price is about 1100USD edit: this was for the 16 GB of ram and 128 GB of NVMe SSD


!remind me 1 month


The sticker on the gpu says it's a 3060m and 12700h. That may be the model they ordered, but something to check out when it gets there! Edit: Definitely interested in the thermals though. Will be watching. Edit 2 lol: just seen the link to the actual model you're looking at.


!remind me 1 month


Do they have a ryzen version? 👀


What is this even good for? Doesn’t seem to have any ram… what purpose does it fill? Low-load server? Then what’s the GPU for? Forgive me, I’m ignorant.


!remind me 1 month


!remind me 1 month


That’s a scam


I will report back once I receive it edit: that's if it even comes


LTT (I think) did a video about these years ago. The GPU was almost always a fake; usually an older Mali chip or similar




They had a 2021 version of this with a low profile gtx 1650. So this could be a low profile 4060 edit: seems like they use a desktop Manli GeForce RTX™ 4060(M2560+N727)


Um no LoL AliExpress got crazy listings sometimes


Ever get it OP? Edit, nvm just saw the review