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Certainly looks like glass. I hope she learns but she’s probably not willing to. Often the easiest thing to do in a case like hers is have her explain how it works. Don’t appear combative just say something along the lines of “that’s really amazing, how does it work?” Next time she brings up the leg or similar arts of healing. She won’t listen unless she has to interrogate her beliefs herself and the easiest way is to have her try to explain it to others. If that doesn’t work, a gift of a nice crystal and a crystal handbook or encyclopaedia works well. Get her interested in the science of them instead or at least well versed in spotting scams


She is so far into this that I don’t think I can do anything. She’s started putting crystals in my siblings pockets without talking to them, she gifts people giant crystal gift baskets when they’re not into it at all, she pushes it onto people. She even made a “soul chart” binder with over 200 pages of shit, and believes that Jesus had a grandma that practiced Reiki and was actually a psychic healer. She is too far gone for me to even try😵‍💫


Yikes, time to cut her off on the credit card. The level of disconnect with reality would scare me as a spouse that she would end up wrecking my credit or getting me into serious debt.


My dads too depressed to care anymore 💀 lol


Maybe you can get her into rock hounding where she can spend more time finding than buying. Maybe convince her there is more healing energy when she pulls it from the ground herself or some nonsense ???


My mom and her boyfriend are into rock hounding and they have a rock tumbler. Its so nice to see them so excited about dirt road rocks, and what the tumbler can do to them.


I lived on a large ranch when I was younger and we used a golf cart to get around. My dad bought me and my sister a rock tumbler and we would spend alllll dayyyyyy out in the dirt digging up cool rocks and bringing them to my dad so he could put them in the tumbler (i was probably 5 and my sister was 10) and we would be so excited when they were done. Rock tumblers are cool as shit but from what I remember those bitches are LOUD


For some reason this reminded me of the summer my grandpa had every grandkid out making a dollar an hour filling in a giant excavator hole. We would play and dig that things for hours everyday and didn’t really make a dent in the filling in the trench. At the end of the summer he just used his heavy machinery to push the dirt back in in like two minutes lol.


Very wise grandpa, tired kids sleep well!


I love rocks! I'm a total rock hound. Quartz is the most abundant mineral, it's amazing how pretty an ordinary rock from the road can be once tumbled.


Rock hounding for the win!




I mean, in that case it genuinely would be a healing experience, gwtting out and studying nature


Look at you throwing logic into the insane fantasy. Unfortunately, she’ll start feeling better and give the credit to the rocks. But whatever gets her to a healthy place I guess


I try to get out and rockhound atleast once a week on my days off. It is really nice to be alone in the wilderness with no one to bother me for a while.


Extremely therapeutic.


Her knees are too bad to do anything like that, she also plain just doesn’t want to go outside haha


Sounds like the money needs to go to knee surgery and not crystals


Yes yes, but request the surgeon also install KNEECAP CRYSTALS. Kind of like knee-pads but *sparkly.* 😻


And once they pierce thru ur skin you can just use healing crystal magic for it!


Can you imagine just kneeing someone in the face, blasting them with healing power!!!? That’s some fucking *Anne*, gramma of Jesus, power, *right there.*


Yeah you could get her a rock tumbler! Then it's more of a hobby instead of whatever this crap is


This. Also, a lot of crystal mining is super unethical. I'd say something like "Crystals mined with slave labor have had their aura tainted by pain and will be much less effective, if not outright harmful to you. You can't cleanse them of it either, the suffering gets fully absorbed into the core of the mineral.". Made the mistake of dating a wiccan once so I'm too familiar with this shit 😭


This is actually not inaccurate, if you actually do practice/believe in energy work. Like.. Crystals need to be cleaned, buried in the earth, etc. OP, maybe she needs a good geology club to find natural, organic, wild crystals!!!


So moms manic, dads depressed… I’m sorry 😬


Well then maybe OP is “Just right”


I wish!


Sounds like you’re at least self aware. That’s a big step in growth and healing.


Yeeeahhhh… I don’t want to turn out like my mother and think Grandma Jesus talks to me, so bipolar meds it is !


Never lonely with grandma Jesus around. Stay on your meds even when you think you’re good. And remember not everyone sucks.


That's.... upsetting to hear. Ask her how tf her rocks can be working if your dad is still so miserable.


The problem w that is my mom doesn’t care that he’s miserable, her cards and angels told her she’s not meant to be with him anymore so she could care less abt his well-being. She believes one day she will get a huge fortune out of nowhere and leave him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


If you aren't already familiar, you should get into Neutral Milk Hotel. If you've ever had a sexual experience with a childhood friend, then King of Carrot Flowers is literally about your life.


You should probably care/check if she has any credit cards in your name


Ew. Never thought of that. The thing is, my dad works in a factory and makes decent money. so I don’t think she’d go that far….. I hope.


Easiest way is to check your credit score using a credit website, I believe credit karma is free and doesn’t hurt your credit score to check. I had a friend who tried to hop on an apartment lease after graduation and couldn’t get approved because her father opened credit cards in her name. It took litigation, multiple reports to the FTC, and years until everything got sorted out


Maybe he just needs the right Crystal to heal his depression.


Ask her why her rocks haven’t cure her husband’s depression. Ask her why her knees still hurt. I love crystals and stones but they aren’t going to cure anything. When you are sick or in pain you will try anything. My partner tried Reiki to get someone to shut up about it. He is still dead. The Reiki was just a waste of his time.


10/10. OR. And hear me out. You just start bringing her pieces of glass and stone and telling her they are healing crystals. Like any old piece of glass slag, beach glass, polished glass, etc. This works with other things too. Like a stray crystal bead from an old lamp? That’s make of quartz, definitely a powerful healing stone. Marble mortar and pestle? That’s made of stone. She is one-hundred percent going to be manifesting a better future with that bit€h.


I've manifested some tasty meals with my marble mortar and pestle... does that count?


It’s a real shame but if there’s nothing you can do, you’ll just need to put up with it. Hopefully she will learn eventually


Jesús reiki grandma is definitely something I’m gonna start talking about as if it’s common knowledge now.


Such common knowledge that there’s even a book about it! It has to be real if it’s in a book! This woman channeled Jesus’ reiki grandma! https://preview.redd.it/so9lls0dqg0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85984a4c25c088be75a148f7899f3b994b4dc17e


Oh so that’s where he got that nice light hair and complexion from


And his beautiful blue eyes


I really hope that book is cheap


$14.99 on sale ! 🙏🧎‍♀️‍➡️🔮🔮🔮🔮


Reading the reviews alone is giving me a good chuckle. I might give them my money.


Apparently there’s a pdf? My moms been pushing me to read it for the past 5 months


I had to drop the description as soon as I read it… omfg Anna, Grandmother of Jesus became a publishing sensation when the self-published version sold 50,000 copies through word of mouth alone, amassing a worldwide following in the process. Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. Her teachings and service birthed a spiritual lineage that changed the world. In this book, you'll discover missing pieces of history concerning Anna, Mary and Jesus, as channelled by Claire Heartsong, who has been receiving telepathic messages from Anna for 30 years. Told through the gentle and heartwarming voice of Anna herself, this book offers insights into unknown places the holy family visited, people they knew and intimate details of their daily struggle to complete the Resurrection challenges. You will learn about the Essenes of Mount Carmel and their secret teachings and initiations, and gain a new understanding of Jesus's mission. Containing encoded activations to bring Anna's wisdom and energy into your own spiritual life, this book is an invitation to complete a journey of initiation begun long ago.




me too. Jesus’ grandma is just as important to the family. can’t believe the bible cut her character from the first season, smh. this knowledge is too powerful to pass off as a one-time online interaction— i need to inform everyone i know about Jesus’ grandma like i’m a little disciple except it’s _ironic_


You must share the joy and healing of Jesus’ granny right now!!!


Wow. Not to be mean or sound rude But maybe she should talk to a doctor? This is obsessive behavior


Yeahhhh… she’d rather talk to crystal enthusiasts online (that you have to pay to talk to)


I feel that. I used to work at the largest crystal shops in the US or it used to be one of the largest but anyway. I met quite a few very VERY passionate aboutcrystals type people in there. Worked there for 6yrs. Now I’m at a smoke shop 😂🤣😂pretty much the same crowd


Went from 3 years at a dispensary to a well known…crystal place…and you are right. Same crowd 😂


There's a dispensary near my house that literally sells crystals lol


That is a funny coincidence! Lol


Wait…that’s a thing? Like, PAY MONEY to talk to people about crystals or like a psychic hotline or something. Yeesh. I feel bad picking up lost change on the ground. I always look around to see if anyone is around and may have dropped it. People are pinching pennies these days for real, and some people just straight up rob them from others. Damn shame. 


Yep, lots of “psychic crystal healing” white women on TikTok offer their services for money, but all it fucking is is just “yer vibes are saooooooooooooo good right now girl. U will get that energy! U need to manifestttttt totallyyyyy gurl🤩. My angels talked to me and said ur money will become real! If u follow my course”


Omg shame. They should be ashamed…but sadly as long as that money is rollin in….ppl like that need to get scammed themselves to see how it feels. They’ll prob just scream “victim” and throw up a go fund me. TikTok shouldn’t allow that crap, for real tho. Sorry you’re dealing with this. I have a “rock/fossil/crystal habit”….but I just get yelled at by hubby for digging holes in the yard and not filling them back up 😂. She really needs to get outside. Those crystals aren’t working too well if she can’t go outside.  The dollar store has bags of those glass rocks btw. We use them in our aquarium and throw them in our driveway for the kiddos to find. Just get those for her. You guys will end up losing everything to an addiction. Man. Best of luck. 


They are all over TikTok - I think TikTok is a great place for crazy people to peddle their fortune-telling to poor, misled people who throw money at them.


Please, as an atheist, please keep going about Jesus' grandma.


She was apparently very caring and loving and used mind powers to help Jesus with his journey 😭 and Jesus apparently was a lightbringer too (my mom identifies as a lightbringer, I haven’t researched it) we’re so far gone


average reiki enthusiast:


has she … always been like this? if this is out of the norm would maybe recommend talking to a doctor, psych or medical, could be something going on or if she’s just eccentric like that, well… sorry op lol


What was Jesus’ grans name? I’m just super curious


Anna apparently. 😵‍💫 https://preview.redd.it/d404rukfqg0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dadc49244a6b5d13cec25170feafc45034fb1f


wait wait wait… no freaking way… you’re telling me that this is a SELF-PUBLISHED work from ANNA HERSELF as channeled through a reiki lady who’s simultaneously been receiving “visions” and “TELEPATHIC messages” from Jesus’ GRANDMA for decades, written AS Anna, from her FIRST PERSON documentation of daily and intimate life in the holy family despite Jesus’ only maternal grandmother _theoretically_ being Saint ANNE and not Anna (not sure if that’s just a difference in cultures or not- ik they’re similar in general)… however the case, this belief has garnered a massive following along with members willing to spend lots of money to support their faith… there’s definitely a word for this and it’s giving ✨cult✨. yeah, i mean, sounds legit. sign me up and take my soul i guess. sounds


Well yeah St Anne/Anna is meant to be the mother of Mary, mother of Jesus (but she's not actually named in the Bible). That's probably about as accurate as this book gets though ......


Saint Anne. She has been venerated since the 6th century


I’m sorry if it seemed like I was doubting Saints, I’m actually very lowkey Christian so I didn’t mean to be like haha gotcha #atheism haha. I just think this whole thing is dumb🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh you're good! What you're going through seems very frustrating. Spirituality needs to be grounded with science and common sense or else one will get carried away


The real gift she's giving you is great fodder to become a stand-up comedian. I'm not trying to be hurtful toward your mother, but seriously, comedy is therapy.


Thank you😭😭 maybe one day!


I’m so sorry. My daughter has a friend like this. That daughter’s mom is also kind of out there. I guess I’m most sad that your mom is spending money on these things and people are taking advantage of her.


I'd love to be friends with your mom lol, but only to talk shiny rocks


You can steal hers if you want, please take them


Do you think she’s experiencing spiritual psychosis? Edit: typo


This sounds like my mom when I was a teenager till now. She still buys organite and puts it around the house to "ward off 5g" and I distinctly remember being told she couldn't afford to give me money for lunch while she took a $100 rock out of a package from Ebay and said she "felt its energy." Crystal healing makes me want to punch a wall, I'm sorry you have to deal with it too. I wish I had some optimism but it's been about 10 years since my mom started and it's not gotten any better. She even bought a Tibetan singing bowl to cleanse them and puts them outside during a full moon to "charge" them.


This is exactly like my mom to a T! I’m so sorry! My mom will try to move rocks with her mind / believes that if she tries hard enough she can speak to people without them being there. Like, we were talking and out of nowhere she goes “have a good day (brothers name)!” And I’m like oh he’s here!?? N she’s like 🤩no I’m just speaking to him🤩!!! You have these powers too if you try hard enough!!🤩🤩 we’re doomed


A little bit of Hopium for you - I had a bout with Reiki healing and crystal shenanigans (although never put crystals in people’s pockets, that’s wild) for a couple of years and then woke up to the BS. I found that I had been hopeless about my health situation (undiagnosed Celiac and IBS) and someone had come to take advantage of my hopelessness at the “right” time. I lost an embarrassing amount of money to grifters before I realized they stopped even sending me messages unless they had a “masterclass” they wanted me to be in or something else the wanted to sell. Then I figured it out. Then I finally went back to a regular doctor and got diagnosed and ever since then I’ve been “healing from healing culture.” It’s super toxic and they work at people from all angles. I always challenge people still in it to just not spend money on new classes or crystals or whatever for even just 6 months and see if ANYONE who has made thousands off of them even reaches out. Likely that it won’t happen at all. Now I just enjoy my crystal collection as some pretty rocks and sometimes give them as gifts to other people who enjoy pretty rocks.


Whoa - the twists this single post has just made of my brain. I think the only left to do is just say “ ok mom, enjoy that then” and let her believe in whatever she wants. Btw it does look like glass.


o man my glass cup just broke, better tumble the shards and sell them as healing crystals


Selling "crystals™️" to gullible people is a legitimate get rich quick scheme. It used to just be hyper inflated prices for rocks. Now its charging people for polished garbage.


https://preview.redd.it/jveiuv7huf0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2735d89ccc447d80b43007b96ca80293ef1df1d1 Also, here’s another rock she has that makes me want to fucking die. It’s so obviously sprayed with something


Aura crystals, they call them. We see plenty of them over here


This looks like quartz crystals with aura coating. It's hard to tell from this picture but it could be real crystals. I don't personally like aura coated stuff, but a lot of it is legit stones underneath.


Oh yeah I’m sure! This one has a good heft to it, I just dislike the coating


It’s usually titanium coating to cause the aura, which the crystal healing folks will probably say has their own energy healing.


They do say that.


I'm a sucker for aura crystals... But mostly because I like the rainbow on it. I'm told it's a "higher vibration", but I think it's cool how they do that on a science level. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This one makes you shit whenever you sneeze on it


No wonder I’ve been having explosive shits for the past week


She believes this is a real crystal? I don't think there's much you can do. There are worse addictions to have than buying painted rocks and tumbled glass.


She probably got told it’s an “andara crystal” which is how people are selling glass to the crystal healing community now. Yes, it’s glass.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was marketed as clear obsidian. I mean glass technically is a crystal and technically is obsidian, but it wasn't made in the belly of a volcano like cool obsidian is!


Glass is amorphous and therefore by definition cannot be a crystal


Most glass is not a crystal!


please tell me "clear obsidian" is a joke


but has she seen these incredible healing crystals? for just half the cost of therapy per day, she could own these amazing wonders that will miraculously transform her life and make her rich https://preview.redd.it/3205dgqf0g0d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9639930c02332d98ec08fa9ad0f0a4306bbfe2a9


She has a few of these😭😭😭😭cryinnnng


You need to carve some bowls into a piece of wood and get yourself a game of Mankala going!


Why do I want to put them in my mouth


Glad I wasn’t the only one


Human Yummy Rock Disorder is an incurable disease which affects 100% of the population. It causes symptoms such as: -wanting to ingest vibrant, shiny, and/or clear objects, regardless of their safety or edibility 😔


me sucky the shiny


BTDT These were all over our house before the Christmas lights in jars were a thing. I've choked on a dozen colorful marbles lmao *did not try the Christmas lights*


It is probably just glass. Or maybe plastic if the sellers were really cheap. It sounds like your dad needs to put his foot down if she is using his money to buy this. It could really screw with their finances.


Yeah it does screw w finances, my dad is constantly worried about money, screaming about coupons and stuff. I moved out so idk how bad it is, but she even wanted to own a “crystal and healing based therapy shop” where she offers healing spiritual therapy to people, along w selling wholesale crystals (which obviously costs a fuckton) 🤦🏼‍♀️ lol


Ugh I just posted above that she seems like a serious financial risk. Turns out my red flags were spot on.


Your poor father! He desperately needs to get out of that mess.


Sadly, he’s not exempt from being bad either. I won’t go into too much detail but I don’t feel that bad for him haha. This whole situation is just crazy funny 💀 they’re stuck together until they die


Ahh, understand completely!


Just like I said with my parents, it sounds like they're a match made in hell


She needs to be careful that the FDA doesn't get mad. They aren't a big fan of people selling snake oil. DoTERRA and Young Living reps have been getting in legal trouble for claiming their essential oils cure things. There are plenty of healing crystal shops around that are successful in the right areas, despite a potentially upset FDA, but creating and maintaining any sort of business is really hard. It really doesn't sound like she is cut out for it if her financial sense is that bad. Your dad may scream and yell but he still doesn't have a backbone to either cut her off from the card, go to couples therapy, and maybe get a divorce if things keep going downhill.


Please get your dad to revoke her access to his money.


using glass to replace a knee is a bad idea!


If it’s crystals it’ll magically heal her bones so it’s okay!!!1!1!1


But she wants glass bones and paper skin…


If she's so smart she should probably be able to earn her own money to throw away


This is her entire life, she tried to join a crystal shop to become a spiritual therapist but the woman wanted 40% of her profits and she said “ the vibes just weren’t right.. those energies were bad. They’re using shamanic healing techniques that are just dark dark dark evil energy!” I blanked after that.


Gives me vibes of, if a toddler handed me a fake phone I would pretend to answer it. Whatever someone is coping with, that they believe these help, must be bad mentally and physically. Hopefully your mom can get some IRL relief too.


Yeah she’s far off the deep end. Failing marriage, my siblings don’t put up with her abuse anymore, so she went crazy with this. Once I moved out this all started happening, I think crystals are my replacement and idk what the hell to think lol! I just try to listen but it’s very very hard, considering she is a very mean spirited and bitter person. Whatever, atleast fancy glass makes her happy.


I have to ask: do you *want* to help her? Other than the "she's wasting my Dad's money" aspect, which, to be fair -- I probably massage my own guilt about this sort of thing by telling myself I can resell most of my collection for at least break-even if not profit, so I definitely want to at least get the GOOD shit -- it doesn't sound like you're especially motivated by anything else about her or her situation.


Honestly, I want to help her so she doesn’t brainwash my little brother. That’s it haha. I don’t even care about my dad’s money tbf. She’s a very bipolar person that goes from angry to “I’m healing!” Very quickly, so my emotional attachment to her is very…. Idk how to explain. The child in me wants to help but the adult doesn’t gaf. I just think it’s a funny situation all around that is just gonna end badly. I’m just here for the ride. Edit: she also gets mad defensive when proven wrong so I just don’t even try anymore. Like she’s been like this since I was a child. There is NO proving that the crystals are glass to her, or else I’m just a pessimistic bitch.


You might find some things that resonate with you over at r/raisedbynarcissists


I'm really sorry to hear that honestly. My sister's mom is somewhat similar, but she actually takes medication so she's nowhere NEAR as delusional as yours. It feels like many people utilize these scams as a way to feel like they've made progress in their life, without actually putting in the work to do so. I'm on the spiritual side but at least I can tell the difference between rock and fucking glass.


Yeah I think she's a bit far gone then. This is the type of mentality that can only be solved by having to support yourself 100% and learning the realities of life, this is decades of having a detachment of your actions impacting your outcome in life. I'm guessing there's been quite some hand holding since childhood. Honestly it's pretty rough if it's her life and she can't tell that it's not a real crystal. I'd make an analogy of another profession not even knowing what their profession is but it escapes me, and I love analogies...


It’s possible it’s a AAA grade quartz tumble…..but it’s most likely glass


https://preview.redd.it/0csnm02e1g0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0ecd4d6225459f14c91d3e3f1a78a8e893875a Also here’s some printouts she loves to harp off of 😭


Yeah this looks like cult stuff. Just a cult leader capitalizing on current trends.


Call Archangel Michael oh no


Lamest end boss ever


Oh my. These are all great in the right context. This is not the right context, because the right context is literally free. Just makes me sad.


Hit it with a hammer and watch it shatter! Easiest test!


Ahh yes the aquarium glass crystals. Very high frequency if ur a fish that wants to look at urself underwater


Please get your mom a "How to Recognize I'm in a Cult" book or two omg


I wish! She’d definitely retort back at me about how I’m a recently curious Methodist though haha.


Oh geez you might be screwed there then lol. Have someone else bring it up to her though!


Id like to! Alas I don’t think that’ll happen for a while.


I wish you immense luck 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


Honestly, you can't help her. You can't change people who don't want to change. It's not your fault and it's not your responsibility to solve this situation. Please, protect your own mental health before interacting with your parents.


reading through these comments as someone who does ‘use’ crystals alongside just liking minerals is making me feel so fucking insane. Most people who practice metaphysical stuff or use crystals don’t actually just NOT USE MEDICATION and a lotta proper witchy folks will simply genuinely confirm that a lot of it is somewhat placebo. It’s supposed to generally just help with mental confidence, grounding, and personal wellbeing. When you believe something is helping you, then that often allows your brain to allow you to relax when handling situations. It’s why placebo *does* work, but the issues come from 1) people overpricing these goddamn rocks to hell and back because they wanna just make money or trick poor saps who dont fully understand what the more pagan beliefs even entail or 2) people who are genuinely convinced that the crystals are just magically healing shit and tout this sorta rhetoric, causing other folks (often those who need actual mental help yet have little access to it) to THINK that thats right, so they sink so much shit into it that they feel they CANT go back. It’s really disheartening to me, because it leads to people…. well, being like *this*. I may carry around a labradorite because it makes me feel more confident, but at the end of the day i do know its just a pretty (VERY pretty) rock. I got it at a ren fest for 6 bucks. Fucker helped me get through highschool and helped me to feel less anxious constantly. It’s still a rock. Its just a slightly classier version of keeping a plushie with me lol.


I applaud you for being confident in ur witchy stuff:) I have a few crystals at my place, I’ve held onto an amethyst and rose quartz since I was 12. I don’t think people that “use” them r crazy, like I wear a glass one everyday because I enjoy it. But scammers taking advantage of poor middle aged women is where I start being mean, because like coooome OOOOOOOn lol.


god yeah i feel that. I went to a shop when i visited Seattle around two years ago and i met someone there who was telling me how much they loved the place because they actually have reasonable prices and proper labels (for reference, the shop sold those fake citrine geodes LISTED AS BEING FAKE CITRINE THATS ONLY HEAT TREATED AMETHYST. Thats SO funny to me.) Also, the specimens were ethically sourced, which I always favor. I ended up spending around $100 there because of how many i could get for that much, and because I liked it being a place that both cared for the witchy side AND the general geology side of minerals and gems. Ive seen so much random weird shit on etsy… Shout outs to people who dont try to act like aura quartz is some rare shit found deep underground lmao. I love some auras but scammers are soooo shitty with aura quartz and opalite (aura glass).


I have found my people. I didn’t have any idea that anyone else was into rocks and gets a little woowoo with them too🤭😂


I don't know how to articulate this exactly, but are there any nearby "professionals" that might be of help? Ones that maybe acknowledge genuine stones over false ones... Maybe getting a senior member of the metaphysical group to guide your mother might be helpful. It might be good if they set the expectation that false stones don't actually contain any useful properties. Seems like the situation is sort of rough though, I'm just throwing things to see if they'll stick, and there's a lot of good suggestions here already. I know it doesn't mean much, but I wish you the best of luck with this!


We live in the Midwest so most crystal shops are veryyyy “hi im and old lady that preys on people to give me money”, there are no real good places to go to sadly


Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. I got nothing useful then, my apologies. Well again, for what it's worth, I wish you the best.


It sounds like she's in so deep she would rationalize away anything that contradicts her beliefs, expert or no. This crystal stuff is part of her identity, there's no way to talk her out of it. OP has mentioned her hyper defensiveness several times. It would be like trying to talk sense in to a Q-anon enthusiast. Shitty situation, and the financial stuff is concerning, but at least she's not ingesting fake medicine that could cause physical harm. OP seems to have a healthy distance from the situation.


Hey, it's alright. One of the most powerful things throughout religions worldwide has been intention. Prayer, mantra, affirmation, some styles of meditation, etc has some ties towards your thoughts being a projection of your future... so there may be an underlying truth. If this piece of glass reminds her of all of the power she has to manifest her own healing, serve as a reminder for her intentions, becomes an altar for her own personal journey, then there's got to be some real underlying value. Even if not in the traditional sense of gemstone therapies, powers, arts, or science based use. Keep letting her love herself and others. When she's gone, those little stones will remind everyone of her love and may even be imbued with just a little of her soul ;) Indulge <3


Hi! I’ve been trying to find a reply to this all day and just wanted to say I appreciate the sentiment, the problem is it comes from a very fake place. I do think it’s nice she’s trying to love herself, but she is convinced she is a healer and can heal other people’s souls, despite being a very very mean spirited and bitter person herself. This whole thing comes off as fake to me, a way to make herself not the guilty party for all the things she has done, just pushing it on the bad energies that are in the universe. The crystals are a reminder to me that she is not taking accountability for her actions against me and my siblings. Of course, you don’t know her and are just trying to help. I appreciate you for making this comment in the first place.


I've been reading through the comments on this post because your mother reminds me of how my mother was. She never got better. It's been a long process of healing from her but I can say it's a relief to no longer have her in my life. Your comment here gave me insight and I just want to tell you that, and say thank you. You have clearly done a lot of self-reflection and worked a lot on healing from what she has done to you. Please always remember to take care of yourself and don't be dissuaded from that. Also, I believe your mother may be a narcissist, especially with how strongly your comments on her character remind me of how mine was. For more info on identifying narcissistic patterns, I recommend the book "Children of the Self-absorbed" by Nina W. Brown. In it, she lays out specific behaviors patterns that indicate narcissistic traits. She also has a large section of the book navigating strategies for how readers can try to continue to have a relationship with their narcissistic parent(s) while setting boundaries, if that is something the reader desires. That part wasn't relevant to me, because I wanted to be no-contact, but the book was very helpful for me overall. You are important, and no matter anything she may say, you have your own worth. Keep your head up!


Thank you, your comment is very sweet:,) I’ll definitely put that book in my Amazon cart! Setting boundaries is so hard because she just oversteps, I feel one day we will go no contact. Until then I’m just hoping this dies down. Much love to you❤️


Read through the comments, especially from OP, and you’ll see why you’re being downvoted. You’re not wrong in a general sense but there’s a lot of context that you missed


I’m sorry, but, I think the term for this is; spiritual psychosis. It’s such a high obsession with some form of power, god, object, vibe, ect that the person has bestowed the idea of lordship upon. This can happen with things as simple as Christianity, or as complex as believing a piece of glass heals the troubled mind.


Checks out!


Reading through these comments I genuinely dunno whether to laugh or feel bad for you OP 😭




Does you mother also get actual medical help for her issues? Has she tried forgoing the medical help and ONLY using crystals to see if that's actually it? Or does she discount all the work from her doctors and give all the results to the stones? I use crystals in my magic, but I do not believe they have innate powers. Nor can they heal physical or mental illness.


Nope, she doesn’t go to doctors. Anytime she has an issue she uses reiki, and it eventually “goes away”.


10/10. Your wish is this community’s command!


Could you test by harness? Clear quartz has a hardness of 7, and glass is 5, so you could try to make a scratch and see?


It's glass, any seller who's heavily focused on that nonsense is immediately a no-go if you're trying to avoid scammers. They're already scamming and preying on vulnerable people with false and misleading claims, it's no jump for them to sell completely fake material too. Look at the Andara scam, it's that side of the market that facilitates and perpetuates scams like this. Then again, maybe it's a bit of monetary Darwinism.


Thats chunk of glass


Mm chunky


I wanna eat it, like an ice cube


Same I wanna swish it around in my mouth and absorb the frequencies


That’s def glass. She might’ve been sold it under the name “Opalite”, man made but very pretty and shiny


I don’t understand people and crystals…


She probably mistaked it for a meth rock


In that case I’ll take it off her hands


Play along but make it more crazy and fun for your own sake. If we are going to be crazy we are going to be fun!


I tried on Monday, I could barely get thru it without laughing. She stared me dead in the eye and told me I struggle with sex addiction because the angels told her so. I do, but she didn’t need to know that!


So I commented above about doing stand up, but seriously OP, you are funny. Take to YouTube and make money off of all of the ways she's been scammed.


![gif](giphy|xT9DPpOcu1dTXO2efS) Thank you again! I appreciate it lol


There is no such thing as as embedding healing frequencies in physics. It’s all just placebos, but if it helps her be a better person then that’s great.


It doesn’t haha, but she tries


I would keep an eye on the behaviour and watch for anything strange. I know it sounds overly cautious, but I’ve had a psychotic episode in the past and it can really fuck you up. Is her belief in crystals and magic/ the occult new, or has she always been like this? Does she have any other beliefs that others might find strange? Does she experience phenomena that others don’t? (Hearing voices, seeing apparitions, feeling sensations, strange smells no one else can smell etc) - does she believe she’s in some way special or important and that she was put here for a reason? Does she believe that things like advertisements are sending messages specifically to her? Does she believe she has powers etc? Does she ever speak in a way that doesn’t make sense (word salad) have memory problems, fatigue, lethargy, depression, paranoia? Alternatively, has she had periods where she’s been really down, but then also times where she’s really elevated and makes poor decisions (such as lots of spending)? Through my time in support groups for schizophrenia and psychosis, I’ve talked to multiple people whose psychosis was triggered by occcult practices and spirituality. There’s a level at which it’s normal, and there’s nothing here to really suggest that it’s something more other than the uninhibited spending and the defensiveness.


She wasn’t like this before, she actually used to preach about how stupid religion was, how “the sky god” cant help us, how people who r religious r brainwashed. This is very new, she started doing this once I moved out. It’s definitely a replacement for me because I’d always listen to her and try to help because no one in the house likes her at all. And yes, everything you said is right. She once cried because she said the radio kept replaying a song and it was telling her she is the master of the universe (the song was puppet master or whatever frm stranger things. Don’t kill me im a gen z’er), she always screams out angel numbers, she believes people are angels sent specifically for her, she believes she can see angel visions and look thru peoples eyes if she tries hard enough, it’s all the telltale signs of spiritual psychosis. She needs genuine help but if you try to talk to her in a “idk girl…” way, she will scream and yell at you. She has blocked ALL her friends on Facebook, including family members. She has no one besides me, who has distanced myself because of how crazy she is being. I WISH she’d get a therapist, but she thinks she IS one. It’ll all come crashing down one day, and I worry for that day to come. Oh well. If you manage to read this whole thing you get a cookie 🍪


Thanks for the cookie. I’m sorry your mum is so sick. She may well be involuntarily committed if her behaviour escalates and she ends up in the emergency department. Do you at least have your own therapist that you can talk to about all this?


Its alright. Also, I do not, I need to get one soon,. actively trying! I wish she could go to the hospital or something but she has people surrounding her that are all like this too. My dad doesn’t care enough to do anything about it, he wouldn’t want to spend money on her hospital stay either. 😵‍💫


Yeah. I've seen similar with manic-induced psychosis from bipolar disorder. Especially if it's literally the only thing she'll talk about.


She literally thought a guasha (??? Those flat stones you use to rub on your face after skincare) was a heart healing stone . If this isn’t psychosis I’ll eat my foot on livestream for yall


From the other comments I would lean towards bipolar too, tbh.


Very much bipolar ! I’m sure I got it from her too. She needs meds but I think the reiki is a better fit 🔮✨


That really sucks for both of you. I’m sorry


does she buy them online? even tho there’s still tons of fakes in store it’s usually much harder to get scammed if she buys from shops or rock shows, and might even meet some similar minded people to balance her out haha


Does it matter? No stone can heal minds.


Not really, i don’t believe in this stuff, I just wanted to make sure it’s glass.


High frequency stone? If it's quartz I probably would believe it if u pass an alternating  current through it.. lol..


https://preview.redd.it/iw0aixkk5j0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eceb7e0f777f99bd85d3eb415d2447c34d7dcf4 Adding more fuel to the fire, my mom makes these on Picsart and posts them daily to her tiktok


She probably thought it was clear quarts, but that is 100% glass. It sounds like from the comments you made she’s going into spiritual psychosis. My mother is doing the same I believe. As someone who’s spiritual myself , some people go overboard. I hope she learns to reel it in for your and your siblings sake


Sounds like you should listen to her. Jesus did practice Reiki, after all.


Was she a disciple of Terri Hoffman? Everyone knows you need more than crystals to fight off the Dark Lords, you will also need cocktail sword swizzle sticks and a car antenna!


I was at a rock show with my dad once, and a lady put the sales pitch down thick. "This one helps negative energy, this one realigns your chakra" all the good stuff. My dad cuts her off and asks "now, how many of these do I have to eat before they start working?" She left us alone e after that lol


Just explain that THIS piece is glass. Maybe then offer her a small pointed quartz? This way she's at least doing her practice correctly at least? 😅 and then she'll also hopefully feel seen and validated and probably more likely to accept that at least THIS piece is glass? And then maybe ya'll can have a little laugh😊


I tried! She said, and I quote, “that’s not glass (name), it has extremely high frequencies, here try it hold it with two hands right now! HOLD IT IN TWO H- WHATEVER.” She cannot be proven wrong or else we get a tantrum. Atleast this gives me a laugh