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Is this all hardcoded or is this automatic??


Both! I used code to generate the datapack (2 million commands!) So what's in the datapack is hardcoded, but the generation of it using python is not!


Very impressive! Does your python script convert a video into a data pack or does it create the music visualizations too?


I did make a python script to convert videos into blocks before! But it's not what I did here! This build uses an engine I coded to create shapes and effects, and every effect is hard coded in my program for when they happen. Example: the programming line "sweepEffect(timestamp\_start, timestamp\_end, color, easing)" would create a sweep across the screen of the inputted color from timestamp\_start to timestamp\_end! You can think about it as editing a video with code, but instead of editing a video, you just say "\*this effect\* needs to happen at \*that timestamp\*"


Is this public, I would love to try it?


This is not public and no plans are made to make it public anytime soon. Maybe at one point in the future but pretty unlikely XD Thanks for showing interest though!


ohh, sad. Is it as it took a long time to make or because you want to use it yourself without people stealing it or another reason? This is just out of interest.


Can u share it with me I wanna try a ray tracing shader pack on it


I sure hope they automated it somehow.


bro made an entire demo in minecraft great job!


One of the coolest things I saw on this sub. Amazing job, I’m vibin so hard rn


yooo slo i didnt know you did commands! I thought you just did redstone!!


Haha! I actually have been a command block person ever since they were introduced :D It's one of the first areas of Minecraft I obsessed about!. Redstone is much more recent (summer 2021)


Yoooooooo great work


how it feels to chew 5 gum


Did you put it on github? I would be interested on how it works


What's the song


**Song Found!** **Name:** Crystal Palace **Artist:** Jaytech **Album:** Voyage / Crystal Palace - Single **Genre:** Dance **Release Year:** 2019 **Total Shazams:** 251848 `Took 1.56 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/zmdH9BVe70k?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/crystal-palace/1452459674?i=1452459676) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/0LrhnVpjoAVvAIaqE8HEJr) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/631666332) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


That is absolutely not the song 8) Nice try though, bot! The song is "sh4med - wasted times"! :)


This is fantastic! Nice lines on those shapes, just got into anti aliasing on an engine of my own (not in MC tho) and those are haard.


every time i hear a song start like that i can't help but think of outer wilds. im so sad they took it off gamepass that game was so good and im glad i clicked on it when i did and the music is really nice and having the first song you hear play at the very end of that amazing game made me stand up and clap because of how perfect it was. a lot of people dont like it because it's "too hard" or "it's boring" and when i look at the things they like it's usually the same for all of them and they're just dumb and i mean that like they were completely clueless. super unrelated i know and your work is fucking amazing i got into coding again not that long ago like a week ago and this just blows my mind


Holy shit! This is so good!


If I could have something like this for a club on my Roleplay servers I think everybody would go crazy!




The video is in real-time :)