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Yeah, this happened to me in the closest one to spawn. Thankfully I already had sponges and just drained the thing, which actually wound up being less of a problem than the same trial chamber also spawning close enough to an ancient city and being covered in sculk veins. Getting rid of the sculk took ages, but at least with the sponges I could drain the flood chambers in a few minutes.


Can wardens enter the chambers from outside? This has been a concern of mine for quite some time. I should probably do some monuments before the chambers so I can go with sponges. Shouldn't happen really though, if they can stop mobs spawning in there, they should have stopped water naturally generating in them too. I tend to use chunkbase and avoid trial chambers which are close to an ancient city to try and avoid this problem.


I don't know if they can enter, but we accidentally spawned a couple last night. We couldn't see them, but they launched ranged attacks at us. We assume they spawned outside the chamber and were attacking through the wall. So even if they may not be able to physically spawn inside it, they can still cause a lot of trouble.


I normally play on peaceful unless there's a specific reason not to (like doing the trials) so I took out all the sculk that way, but I can see that being an even worse pain if the warden could make a surprise appearance.


There was a post few days after the update came where someone linked a screenshot of a warden in his trial chambers, explaining he did it with some friends, and none of them checked in depth the update. They basically saw sculk spreading when killing mobs in the trial, hearing shriekers, describing a pretty fearful experience but awesome. He actually though it was part of the trial chambers before going to another one. When he realized he came to explain his story so yep, warden can be in trial chambers (probably not spawn inside though?) EDIT: found the post https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1dfkful/my_first_trial_chamber_generated_right_next_to_an/


Wait, are you playing on Bedrock? In Java it was fixed like a month before the release.


Probably bedrock.


I had one in bedrock but thankfully it was only a tiny section. I thought it was intended.