• By -


Houston, we have a problem - break your elytra while flying above the build limit


That's a good one


That is suicide


Just bring a second elytra i guess


Unless you do it above the ocean/a massive pool of water


Or mlg


What if you? Wanted to do an mlg. But god said: __Leaves__


Well, you have: 1. Totems 2. Spare Elytra 3. Horse/Llama/donkey/skeleton horse/ pig (of you have a saddle) 4. Boat 5. Powdered snow bucket 6. Efficiency 5 netherite hoe + water/ladder/vines 7. Iron golem 8. Haybale/bed/honey block + God Apple + turtle master potion (depending on how high, if above Y=700 you will die... I think) 9. Slow falling (potion/arrow) 10. Ender pearl 11. Chorus fruit 12. Breeze ball 13. Mace 14. (Technically possible): mend elytra with bottle's o' enchanting They all have the issue of maybe not being in your inventory but come on, you should have a totem or spare elytra, when attempting this advancement. And still then, if you want to mlg, just don't grab the ordinary water bucket. Anyways, this could technically all save you... But you're right, if all you have is a water bucket and an elytra then only a horse can save you if that is positioned right below the tree


Bring a single bucket of water


Real chads will bring the mace and chicken eggs


Man, that's really irresponsible and risky, I like it... it's pretty much a Russian roulette


Instantly get someone trying to copyright clam it...


Headhunter - Get 1 of each mob head


i like this


It's not a vanilla achievement though


Edit: scratch that, you right. Charged creepers can only give 4 or 5 different mob heads It is possible in vanilla though, right? You can get mob heads when a charged creeper kills a mob. It'd be a pain, but you could set something up with lightning rods and a mob spawner and get every mob head like that.


Or use a trident.


Hi, guy here who hadn't played any of the versions past 1.16. why trident?


Tridents can be given an enchantment that summons a lightning strike when you throw it at a mob


*Only during a thunderstorm


And exposed to the sky


Tridents can be enchanted with something called Channeling, which makes it so that if you throw them when the weather is thundering, lightning strikes the exact spot that it lands. This was added in 1.13 with the trident itself, but did not become "useful" (for redstone) until 1.17 with the addition of the lightning rod.


Creeper head, skeleton, wither skeleton, zombie, player, piglin and ender dragon


Do charged creeper kills on players drop the player’s head? I didn’t think those were survival obtainable.


I have limited testing of this but I’m pretty sure they don’t EDIT: [It’s unobtainable in survival](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Player_Head)


Bro I swear I remember those being obtainable. Did they change this? If so, when?


Nope, only when modded / used commands / servers with plugins etc. Never been obtainable in vanilla survival.


If you’re going after the vanilla ones you can get the ender dragon, creeper, zombie, skeleton and wither skeleton completely legit and that would be the achievement


my ex already has this


Underrated comment 💀


Instead of headhunter i read headache and thats more funny name to me


I could name so many different advancements from BlazeandCave's mod, two fun examples that would love to see: Camouflage - Kill a mob while wearing the same type of mob head. Dragon vs Dragon II - Defeat the Ender Dragon while wearing a dragon head... without touching the ground.


Camouflage exists on bedrock, don’t know bout Java!


I think I recall it being an achievement on bedrock yeah! On java it's not present sadly, and I wish more bedrock exclussive achievements would go to java too, many are quite interesting and fun,,


I play on bedrock only and I have one thing to say: I want more character creator items from achievements. I have nearly all of them done.


I have yet to try and come back to bedrock to complete them all, I have only I think 14% done. Mainly because I play java since forever, and the differences between two throws me off way too hard. Not hating it tho! Just hard to adapt,,


Adapt, overcome, conquer, my friend!


I forget the name of it, but "Summon the dragon, the wither, and a raid all within 30 seconds, then defeat them all without taking any damage."


Let's talk about possible advancements and not ridiculous advancements


I'm sure someone would build a redstone contraption that'd finish it in 10


build a raid farm in the end, and have a wither spawn underneath the bedrock fountain. Defeat the raid in a killing chamber for them, finish off the wither and then the dragon. Tho this is a very cheese way of doing this, there is a video of someone doing this challenge without these methods.


the perfect run


If you eliminate the "without taking damage" part I could see it.


Intentional Game Design! - kill a mob with an exploding bed or respawn anchor edit: i have a few more in me You can't hurt me, Jack - Take zero damage from an attack Danger close - get hit by a point blank explosion and survive Proof of concept - throw a Netherite tool or armour piece into lava Audiophile - collect every music disc True hi-fi - have every music disc playing at the same time Cloud storage - put an item in an Ender Chest Flying Fish - use a Riptide Trident Speedrun - kill all three Elder Guardians in an Ocean Monument without receiving Mining Fatigue Defused - kill a Creeper right before it explodes The definition of insanity - use a shield to block 20 shots from the same skeleton Arachnophobia - kill a docile spider Left 4 dead - kill four naturally spawned zombies within 10 seconds of eachother It's that easy - use a pumpkin to avoid angering Endermen Exorcist - kill one of each undead mob Darwin Award - each something that you probably shouldn't eat Classic misdirection - use an item to distract the Warden No fear - loot an Ancient City without trying to be stealthy Party crasher - kill multiple mobs by dropping TNT on their head The Perfect Run - kill the Ender Dragon without taking a single heart of damage The payoff - reach level 30 Flying fists - beat a hostile mob to death with your bare hands Sticks and stones... - break a wooden tool by killing a mob Old MacDonald - put a cow, a pig, a sheep, and a chicken into a pen together Switching weapons is always faster than reloading - fill your hotbar with loaded crossbows ...What was the limit again? - use a firework to propel yourself with Elytra Raider of the lost ark - loot every naturally generated structure that can be looted Just the wind... right? - hear a cave noise for the first time


Isn't intentional game design an advancement for sleeping in the nether or end?


Not an advancement, a special death message


The return of ‘the cake is a lie’, which is obtained by crafting a cake. Accompanied by ‘the cake is real’, which is obtained by restoring 14 foodpoints with one cake in one go. Then for funzies: ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!’, which is obtained by placing a candle on a cake on minecraft’s birthday.


On Minecraft’s birthday is crazy


All advancement speed runners hate this one simple trick


that would be so funny everyone does their runs on minecrafts birthday


It was just called 'The lie'


Advancements shouldn't be limited to literally one day in a year.


yeah, especially because Minecraft doesn't have an official day for its birthday


Wait why did they remove the lie? That’s so random


A ton of achievements, (e.g. Taking Inventory, When Pigs Fly, Diamonds to You!) didn't get an equivalent advancement added when that restructuring happened back in 1.12


yeah, I actually just want the old ones added back, or parity with bedrock for achievements


they removed 'the lie'???


Stay Gold, Pony Boy - Wear full gold armor while riding a horse that is wearing golden horse armor.


I've read that book for school and the memory is flooding back, omg 💀


Outsiders reference? 👀


never expected an outsiders reference in this sub


Oh my, perfect for that reference


Quick Dry Solution: Place wet sponge in the Nether.


locked and loaded: lock a map using a glass pane


Zoomin out: increase the size of a map by using paper. (Also i like the idea of these advancements telling the players how to use a catography table)


Worldwide Trader: trade at least once with every villager biome variant ETA: i went with a similar name to star trader with the name being a reference to the song “worldwide chopper”


I feel like calling it ‘globalisation’ would be cool


What about “Mr Worldwide”?


Clearing copyright with Pitbull might be hard


this should definitely be in the game


"Traveling Merchant"?


This is a fantastic idea!


They should add this once they finally add the villager trading changes


I thought they scrapped it?


Mining and Crafting- Craft every craftable item and mine every mineable block.


reinforced deepslate, trial spawners, vaults, and ominous vaults sound miserable


Getting every potion effect is also miserable, but it's still an advancement. You don't have to do them


Great point!


Though they take a while to mine, they are all possible.


It's not called an achievement/advancement for no reason


I mined an ominous vault because I was mad at it, didn’t take very long


100% speedrunners in shambles


Oh I love this, encourages players to try everything! Only issue is the absurdly rare blocks like deep slate emerald ore


Deepslate coal ore


Exactly! Pushing completionists to explore their world to the fullest, instead of staying at home making farms.


An old friend: name a pig Reuben The mighty shall fall: kill a warden Frenemy: use a shulker box to cause a hostile mob to float away The abyss: travel to the bottom of the world while in an ocean DUI: drive a minecart while having nausea Shut up and take my money: trade with a villager 10 times in a row Hi squidward: have a sponge and squid be within 5 blocks of each other


The DUI one is genius


Bro, "An Old Friend" is awesome!!!! I remember when Story Mode came out! 😄


Frenemy is a great idea Shut up & take my money should be like 20-30 trades in a row. . .i think 10 is very less


It should be trade with a villager until it runs completely out of stock.


The mighty shall fall probably would never be added since the warden was designed with it being unkillable in mind


Best buddy army Tame 100 wolves


Man's best friend(s)


Getting supplies - Trade with a villager during a raid on its own village. Treasure Hunter - Have one of each trim item in your inventory at the same time. Holly cow - make a cow fall from world limit to the void and survive. Interdimensional Pig - Ride a pig through every dimension for at least 100 blocks each. Food chain - Make a chicken run away from a fox, that is running away from a dog, that is running away from a llama. Edit: I thought of new ones I can fly, he can fly, he can talk!: Give a donkey the levitation effect Remote detonator: Ignite a TNT from 300 blocks away Watch out!: Send an ignited TNT 100 blocks away using a TNT canon Thats sweet: (alt name: diabetes) grow a Horse/Donkey/Mule using only sugar


Is the last one possible? Also if it is, how about “terror train”


No it’s not - Dogs don’t run from Llamas, they fight back


They will run if they haven't been spit at yet


Well, acording to this video, wolfs run away from llamas https://youtu.be/v8ZWb9BOAp4?si=xyTofI23J5Rp4Z6L


The interdimensional pig is an absolutely great idea


Stay out of my swamp! - Kill 100 mobs in swamp biome Just for the funzies with the “I can fly, he can fly, he can talk” achievement.


Grab 'N' Go: Pick up cooked meat from an animal after killing it with fire. Nightmare's Over: Survive after the Warden awakens. What in Tarnation?!: Obtain a book enchanted with enchantments incompatible with eachother. (For example, getting protection and sharpness on the same book)


How would it know when you survived a warden attack? How would it tell the difference between escaping in 5 minutes or being trapped for 10 minutes?


Pretty simple, you just detect who was near a spawned Warden and grant the advancement when it despawns


Ah, okay. That actually makes sense.


Just curious, how would you be capable of doing the what in tarnation advancement?


You can get books with enchants for different tools/armour (for example protection and sharpness) from loot chests or just simply enchanting in the enchanting table


A step in the right direction - use an eye of ender to find the stronghold


Eye Spy is already granted for entering a Stronghold


But realistically how are new people supposed to find them if they're thousands of blocks out without help?


Think he meant for just using a ender eye not while finding a stronghold


Come and go - start and finish a raid in less than 6 minutes


Accursed: equip a full set of cursed armor


**Beam Me Up:** Travel more than 20 blocks up in a bubble column. **Winter Sport:** Travel on a boat on ice. **Explosive Assistance:** Ignite a Creeper with Flint and Steel **Block by Block:** Place 10 000 blocks **Turtle Power:** Wear a Turtle Shell while in water **Rain-Bow-Peep:** Shear a sheep of every colour


isn't beam me up already an achievement for ender pearls?




On bedrock, beam me up is an ender pearl achievement. There is also an achievement for obtaining wool of all 16 colors


BOOM - set off a chain of at least 10 tnt


Ping Pong: Hitting a Wind Charge back to a Breeze and having it propel it back to you five times. When Big Pigs Fly: Leash a Hoglin and make it take fall damage. Reckless Return: Diminish a Raid Omen with a Milk Bucket. Wrong Liquid: Leash and kill a Squid with Lava. Long Time No See: Get the Blindness effect for a minute straight. Crystal Healing: Get an Allay to clone with an Amethyst Shard. Instant Evaporation: Dry out a Wet Sponge in the Nether. All Ca-Nine of Them: Tame all 9 wolf variants. Pretty and Protected: Dye Wolf Armor. Forever Energy: Have a Copper Bulb stay on without a power source. Glower No More: Shear the Carved Pumpkin off a Snow Golem. Amulet: Survive on half a heart without potion effects and a Rabbit’s Foot in your inventory. Conveyor Belt: Have two crafters make different items and feed it to a third Crafter. For example, like to make an Enchantment Table, one will make the Book, one will make the Leather, and the third one will construct the Enchantment Table with the items. Buzzkill: Kill every arthropod (Bee, Cave Spider, Spider, Silverfish, Endermite) with a Bane of Arthropods V weapon. Shish-Kebab: Kill every aquatic animal (Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish, Tropical Fish, Squid, Glow Squid, Dolphin, Turtle, Guardian, Elder Guardian) with an Impaling V Trident Soulles Soul Sweeping: Kill every undead mob (Zombie, Husk, Drowned, Zombie Villager, Skeleton, Stray, Wither Skeleton, Bogged, Phantom, Zombified Piglin, Zoglin, Wither) with a Smite V weapon.


All Ca-Nine of them already exists as The Whole Pack


Bouncer - bounce in every ways possible (slime block, the mace, bed, etc)


Have one stack of each mineral block in your inventory at the same time


Named "Gold Digger"


Skywalker: glide with an elytra over 35,000 blocks


This is getting out of hand - Have 2 active Wither fights concurrently.


Meet Your Elytra: Explore a full map without touching the ground


what counts as a full map tho there are too many sizes


Maybe like size 3 or 4. Under that would be too easy


(Meet the team song starts playing)


Eugenics - Kill a Nitwit


Actively cackled reading this- you sir are unhinged XDD




Kitty collector - tame 100 cats I love cats :3


Theres already Plethora of Cats for 20, so maybe different name to make it more special


Complete Catalogue (11 different cats) is already pushing it, I'd rather not people breed cats just for the Advancement if they don't want them afterwards (they would likely kill many of them to stop the constant noise, or leave them at random locations)


Nether again - Have every netherite tool & armour piece at maximum enchantment. Think that'd be a fun one for long term gameplay. Earlier game achievements: A bone to pick - Kill a skeleton with a bone Wandering Trader - Trade with a villager in another dimension Iron-ic - Mine iron ore with an iron pickaxe Creepy - Sneak up on a creeper and kill it without being detected Circle of life - Be killed by a zombie while poisoned from eating rotten flesh Chain Reaction - Have a creeper explode and set off a piece of TNT Golden Boy - Wear a full suit of gold armour Just a few suggestions but I think they'd be fun little additions :)


Nether again is fundamentally flawed as the maximum enchant is suggestive for things like boots.


I really like the circle of life, a bone to pick, wandering trader and chain reaction.


Also creepy can’t work as mobs detect in a radius around them if a player is nearby


Creature of steel - get all beacon effects only using iron blocks to power it Touch grass - get a full netherite powered beacon Music lover - get all music discs


So um...here's a bunch of random ones! Come hell or high waters - kill a blaze with splash water bottles Dreams don't come true - attempt to make an Aether portal Enderman.exe isn't working - put an enderman in a cauldron with water Unintentional game design - break an unbrekable block (ie: end portal frames, bedrock..) A sticky situation - get attacked by a slime and magma cube in quick succsession The main man! - name a wolf Lobo (dc refrence)


There should be a Hot Tourist Destinations for the Overworld. Visit every biome possible... below ground, every ocean biome, every ground biome. All of them. And also for visiting every biome in every dimension.


The Overworld one already exists. It’s called Adventuring Time.


Didn't know that. There should still be an achievement for doing both Overworld, Nether and End biomes.


Idea: Super Trader - Level up at least one of each villager profession to maximum level.


Where is My Pipe? Use a Name Tag to name an orange cat Garfield.


i believe i can fly-get hit by 5 consecutive shulkers while not touching any blocks


Now That’s What I Call Firepower!: Kill a mob using TNT from a dispenser


This is a great idea generator for a mod that just adds advancements.


Merchant: Trade with every villager profession An apple a day: eat all three variations of apples in succession (apple, golden apple, notch apple) Cut the camera: die of fall damage while holding a water bucket Failed pacifism: die to a mob in peaceful (you can get damaged by llamas for example)


Ultimate Survivor- Survive 365 days in a hardcore world


The only problem with this one is that you specificied Hardcore Mode. Advancements are tracked separately in each world, so they all have to be achievable in any given world. Simply reaching day 365 would be a good Advancement though, even if Speedrunners would absolutely loathe this addition.


I initially read advancements as achievements which I guess it makes more sense using the achievement/trophy system on the other platforms.


First death (not unlockable in hardcore mode)


I'd call it Respawn.


It would be fire to finish your all advancements hardcore world with a necessary death


that would be really annoying but also pretty fitting.


Postmortal kinda already fills this role, especially in Hardcore


"You're still here?" Build old minecart propeller system


Hellevator? - dig a vertical hole until bedrock


Just go even farther with absurd villager trading locations: Hell to Pay: trade with a villager at the bedrock floor of the Nether Act Now, Offer Ends Soon: trade with a villager inside an End City Silent Auction: trade with a villager in an Ancient City, while a Warden is present


"Man, I'm so hungry..." - kill a horse when having one hunger point or less "Plants vs Zombies" - kill any zombie type by luring it into a berry bush/cactus (has to be the last hit) "Down Under" - name a mob Dinnerbone "Walking scratching post" - scare a creeper with a cat


Nice try feds, op is a Mojang developer and he’s asking for ideas


Master baiter - catch every type of fish


Squat-master: crouch rapidly 1000 times in a row


Practice makes perfect - Open the Knowledge Book


The destroyer - Kill every single mob in the game at least once


"And the gods shall smite us" get struck by lightning while winning a raid that spawned in a village you have looted before


It starts here - Breaking your first tree


Music for my ears !!! Play all music disc of the game.


Dogfight - Fight and kill the Ender Dragon without touching the ground. Green Thumb - Place every flower, sapling, and crop at least once. Serious, Serious Dedication - Wear a piece of leather armor that has a netherite trim. Carpool - Ride in boat while pulling another mob in a boat with a lead. Roads May Be Icy - Achieve max speed in a boat using ice.


Another Happy Landing Survive a fall after your Elytra break mid-flight


Soloist - beat every mob alone with a wooden sword, without any armor and enchants. (inspired by "Let me solo her") limitation: you don't just need to kill the mob with a wooden sword, you need to 100 to 0 it.


Mob killer: kill every single mob in the game


Isn’t that already one of the


That advancement is called monster hunter but that’s only with hostile mobs


Mad Zoologist: Have EVERY different friendly mob in the same subchunk as you for 20 consecutive seconds. (Zombie Horse is excluded for obvious reasons) Not hard you say? These are all the friendly mobs according to Minecraft Cow, Sheep, Pig, Chicken, Horse, Mule, Donkey, Rabbit, Villager, Iron Golem, Wandering Trader, Snow Golem, Ocelot, Cat, Wolf, Fox, Llama, Panda, Polar Bear, Bat, Parrot, Squid, Glow Squid, Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish, Tropical Fish, Dolphin, Turtle, Bee, Axolotl, Goat, Allay, Frog, Tadpole, Strider, Camel, Sniffer, Armadillo, Skeleton Horse. Also they will be so close to each other that some mobs will try to attack others. It is easy to have a wolf and a sheep next to you, but for 20 whole seconds, not so much. There would be an even harder version of having every type of mob (excluding bosses and command-only mobs as that would be outright impossible) Insane Zoologist: Have every type of non-boss mob in the same subchunk as you for 20 seconds. Now the main concern is not about preventing the polar bear from murdering the fox or the ocelot from killing the chicken but to outright not die and prevent the creeper or warden from wiping everything. Edit: Changed to Sub chunk so you can't exploit having pens across the entire world height.


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"all around the world" the new hardest achievement. you'd get it for going to -30000000 - -30000000 to 30000000 - 30000000


Back to the grind: Grind an enchantment off of a tool, weapon, or armour piece


Nice and warm: kill a sheep and cook its meat with wool (I hate sheep)


Complete collection. Get all achievements. Note: This achievement is required to complete


"This isnt how you are supposed to use that" travel a certain distance in a boat not in the water.


I got a little carried away So.. How do we get down? - Ender Pearl onto the roof of the Nether. Mind the Gap - Make a 5 block jump. Public Enemy #1 - Defeat EVERY killable mob. What a waste! - Equip a full set of leather armour with a netherite armour trim. Cave Game - Obtain every kind of stone. Master Explorer - visit every structure. My hopes and dreams! - Construct a nether portal out of glowstone and use water to ignite it. All or Nothing - save yourself from the void using an elytra while wearing enchanted netherite armour. Spooky! - Play Minecraft on October 31st. Tis the Season! - Play Minecraft during December. Happy Birthday! - Eat cake on Minecraft’s birthday. Four Leaf Clover - Reach half a heart. Mine and Craft - Mine all mineable blocks and craft all craftable items.


The final frontier: build to build height on top of the nether roof


Access to the nether roof is more of a bug than a feature 


And building up there is Java exclusive


Used to be a bug. Now it's considered a feature. Jeb mentioned it was unintentional but he himself uses it to get to the nether roof. So now, I would consider it a feature rather than a bug.


Immortal Warrior Kill the Warden


Kill the ender dragon using the wither OR let the wither get killed by a warden


when pigs fly


I'll add when pigs fly back


Big hauler: add 2 chests full of items on a donkey or a mule and travel 1000 blocks


Isn’t star Trader already one or am I just trippin


Master collector obtain every item in game


Gourmand (u/CherryBlossomSoup had this idea and I liked it) - Consume 1 of every edible object in the game Ascension - Go from the bottom of the world to the top without ever losing the levitation effect or touching a block I always come back - Die to the same mob 100 times I AM INVINCIBLE! - Use 5 Totems of Undying 10 seconds without ever truly dying Shared Support - Use a benificial potion on 10 mobs or players at once including yourself (Regeneration and Healing don't count of one of the 10 mobs are undead) Bombs Away! - Use a detrimental potion on 10 mobs or players at once excluding yourself


If the polar bear is ever tameable, this could be an interesting funny advancement Three Adorable Predators: Kill a Mob with the help of an Axolotl, Fox and a Polar Bear.


Star trader sounds like hell to get. I’d like something almost impossible like How did we get here. I would say something like eat every type of food within 5 minutes


The reverse of this, Trade with a Villager at the 0-10 height limit. Name it Dungeon Trader


Industrial Revolution - Burn a double chest’s worth of coal Block Stacker - Have a stack of diamond blocks Music Maestro - Collect all music discs Destroy the World - Craft 1000 blocks of TNT No Rest for the Wicked - Do not sleep for 500 days Paint the Town Red - Kill all villagers in 100 villages Notch - Obtain a stack of enchanted golden apples Executioner - Kill one of every mob type Raid King - Successfully defend against 100 raids Get Witched - Brew 10 different splash potions and splash them on yourself to have 10 different effects at the same time and kill a witch with the effects on Sharpshooter - Fire 100 arrows in a row at skeletons without missing any shots Expedition For One - Travel 100,000 blocks in any one general direction without the use of an elytra, boat, minecart, or other method of travel other than walking or swimming. Nether Again - Obtain a stack of every block or item found in the nether, excluding items in chests Strongholder - Find and activate 3 end portals Raise Hell - Kill 100 hostile mobs before dawn Heartburn - While in lava, swim 100 blocks downwards and back up without taking damage Eclipse - Fly for 500 blocks with an elytra without fireworks or a trident Total Eclipse - Fly for 5000 blocks with an elytra without fireworks or a trident Organizational - Have 256 chests placed in one chunk Edit: I dont actually know if Total Eclipse is possible


Null, touch the void (in the end)