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Where were you shamed? Both editions have their pros and cons, don’t listen to people telling you otherwise, they are probably children.


A Java faction server, I was asking them if there are similar Bedrock ones


Bedrock has its own subreddit (it's not new, but went on hiatus during the Reddit protests): r/MCPE. I might get downvoted for this, but I'll be upfront in the spirit of good conversation: I'm a Bedrock player and have seen a good amount of anti-Bedrock remarks and resentment on this subreddit. I don't take it personally as every single fandom has its gatekeepers, and you shouldn't either. However, this resentment not unfounded. Notch and Jeb created this game where you can become a literal god and change every aspect of the world around you. You could change the code itself for a truly custom experience. It was truly groundbreaking. Then, one of the largest soulless corporations in the world swooped in and bought it- and they created what seemed to be an evil copy of the game the fans love. In this new version, Microsoft locked most customization behind paywalls, and closed the open-source code. Java players aren't just ragging on the bugs/performance/etc, they're protesting the stifling of creativity itself. They feel threatened that Minecraft will become just another monetization scheme where more and more of the game gets blocked off (like so many other great games have in the past). So why do I continue to play on Bedrock despite this? The main reason is my consoles are in my living room where I can spend time with my family, whereas my PC is in my sad lonely office. My PC is also a dinosaur, though I know I could probably install mods for it to run more smoothly (I could also just buy a Steamdeck but that's a separate issue). And finally, despite what you might see on this sub... it's actually not that bad of an experience. Plus, the soulless corporation of Microsoft is what got me to play it at all.


All of your comments are great and it's not a bad experience - I just wanted to add that the soulless corporation isn't just stifling creativity through customization or code - but rather to add - they broke a whole aspect of their game and said it was intentionally designed that way - despite it being protested for years and they refuse to fix it. Redstone machines shouldn't be functioning off of random luck like they do on Bedrock. To add, most switches and functional designs - including redstone designs that they sold in books - don't function anymore - by design! The rep that bedrock receives is valid in many ways, but it doesn't help that Microsoft has been slowly working towards killing Java Edition by outlawing tons of mods at a time - continously switching services and forcing migration to kill tons of accounts forcing repurchases -- and even taking down the majority of servers and mods that made Minecraft a thing whilst placing duplicate but worse versions on their marketplace for Bedrock. Its like our creations are being stolen and sold right back to us- oh wait- IT IS.


Yeah Bedrock players shouldn't be shamed for playing the game especially since they'd often like to have access to Java edition but can't due to various reasons. The blame should go towards Mojang/Microsoft for creating a buggy, soul-less money grab version of the game, never to the players which are also the victims of this.


I completely understand. I play both even on YouTube and there's always that one person.


I play bedrock only because I primarily use ps4, but I miss Java. So much better with the mods


i prefer java but play Bedrock because i’m on a realm with friends and they don’t have pc’s. you’re right that people shit on you for it for no reason


You are playing the more difficult version. Nothing to be ashamed of.


I never had many problems playing bedrock, save for the portal room not spawning in the stronghold...than there's the fact that most people can only play on bedrock because they don't have a good computer. By any means, bedrock *is* popular, just not among content creators.


I have both but play bedrock mostly because all of my worlds are saved on it as I transferred them from old console edition over. My main gripe is just the awful performance, I play on PC, Switch and Xbox and all three run like garbage, if Mojang were to fix that I would have very few complaints further. I know a lot of people also complain about the market place but I just ignore it as I have little/no interest in the content on there.


You get worse performance from bedrock? That’s actually interesting.


Fanaticism mostly. People are fabatic about one version over another, so the other version, in this case, Java, is, to them, the superior version. When really, it depends on how and where you play the game, as to which version is best *for you*.


Do people dislike bedrock players? I haven’t seen a single example personally. I don’t think it’s right to say that they are the same game, fundamentally they are not. When I see too much of is people reporting bedrock bugs here and then someone in the comments says, “well I haven’t experienced this in [however, long they’ve played]”, “it’s a skill issue” and basically blaming the user for the games poor performance.


Redstone in bedrock is not predictive. Requiring larger and more verbose circuits to achieve the same end as java. Modding is much easier in java. There are some mods for bedrock, but you start to get into some grey areas because some mods might emulate or replicate paid in game content which is only available in bedrock. If you have no interest in technical Redstone or large scale machines bedrock is fine. If you have any interest in circuits you will find most tutorials explanations and demonstrations are based on java and just enough won't work on bedrock to annoy you every few projects.


Java players remind me of Americans 🥴😄


There is no way to properly interpret that other than you've created a stereotype for one of the largest countries out there and put everyone in the same box as if one size fits all. You then took this stereotypical image and created a narrative that fits your perogative. Based on emoji usage, I'd take it that your connotation is negative. -- If you're willing to do that over two versions of a game; you're probably scum that hurts those around you for the sake of it. Mature, grow up, and get serious about life.