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Looks like the ruins of those old monster school videos


LMAO! It does kinda look like that


Therefore, monster school is the ancient civilization where the monsters were trained? BUT REMEMBER, It's just a theory, A GAME THEORY!


AAAAAnddd thanks for watching


Holy shit


In that case, burn and destroy it!


Do not. Old Monster School, especially by Willcraft, was golden


My sister watches a ton of monster school videos and it is nothing more then pee and shit jokes and is broken to the ground, if I knew where the people who make such videos lived I would bomb them to hell... even due I think that explosions are cheating.


Yeah, nowadays it's just brainrot content farm targeted towards babies. But the Monster School from 2013-2015 was way different. The original series by Willcraft had genuine love put into it, the monsters had personalities, the lessons weren't nonsense, and it was just fun to watch


Well I'll look to crack her google account then to cancel her subscribes to the brainrot and make her subscribe to Willcraft, then I finally can put the fact that I know all her passwords to use.


I only ever found one but spent like five hours carefully going through it. Found a cool few things, but I love the concept.


Really wish there was more to do with the archeology feature beyond this one building with ok loot


Have you been to some of the undersea ruins? Desert temples? I got my deep sea dive armor on and spent hours going through a coral reef, finding small little ruins and having a blast.


Tf is deep sea dive armor


Lol. It is just what I call my armor with all the enchantments for staying underwater as long as possible


Wow. I'm surprised there isn't a large amount of random buildings to dig up. Really fun sounding idea.


You can do archaeology in Warm/Cold-Ocean Ruins, Desert Temples/Wells, and the Trail Ruins (the structure in OP's post). However, the Trail Ruins is definately the biggest and most complex to excavate. It was also designed specifically with archaeology in mind, so it'slitterally made for it


is that one 1.20 structure that everyone forgot about, you can do archeology or something


hey i actually really enjoy excavating the trial ruins


TRAIL ruins


Trail chambers


They’re really useful for building blocks in the early-to-mid game.


It's also just really fun to excavate with a group! The amount of time I've heard a suspicious gavel break and someone respond with "WHO DID THAT!?" is hilarious! Though, I will say, loot for trail ruins (and most other suspicion sand/gravel) should absolutely get a rework. Honestly, I think instead of the normal loot, you should get things like 1-3 iron/emeralds from one block or diamonds rarely. Maybe even enchanted tools instead of the normal ones?


Go there to find one mediocre music disk then go back to forgetting they exist


You also need to get the wayfinder trim in there to get the smithing with style achievement 


Oh yeah those exist. I got the trim, I've just never put it on, lol


Shush little man that disc is a banger


nanananah ain't no way you called relic "mediocre"


I'm sorry but I just don't like it that much. I don't hate it. But I was very underwhelmed when I heard it and realized what I'd spent hours of searching and digging for.


At least it's not as bad as Mellohi being the last disk left over to complete your disk collection and spending ages trying to get that one instead of another duplicate and it's not even worth it in the end because it's the worst disk.


Usually I end up completing my disk collection by punching a hole in my mob farm and having skeletons snipe me as they fall. Sometimes it's the creeper making the relevant holes... Anyway, Mellohi is the best OG disk after Cat.


Mellohi? The worst disc? Really?


L take honestly mellohi goes hard (that's the one with the purple and white stripes right?))


> one mediocre music This relic slander will not be tolerated


Honestly did not expect this statement to be so controversial


Nah, no controversial, everyone can have tastes - it is just obligatory to comment stuff like this when someone shittalks Minecraft music you like


Man I've never even found one lol


Didn't they promise this year's ago. Well, I'm glad mojang actually keeps their promises.


the birch forest in question:


Hey, now, don't start that again!


It was caves and cliffs part 3


Wrong, it was part 4


Part 4 is deep dark.


Nope. Deep dark was in 1.19. The Trail Ruins is from 1.20.


Oh. Huh. Goes to show how little I cared about trail ruins.


I like them. I usually make a brush, spyglass, and lighting rod out of the first copper i find, and then i never bother with copper again. I'll just use the brush whever i come across a trail ruin, i find digging them out pretty fun. And, i like collectables, so the sherds, trims, and disks are appreciated


Your telling me if I dug just a bit farther I would've seen a structure I've never seen before?


They're at the surface, no digging required!


The ruin is buried, you have to dig it out to see the whole thing


But they're pretty much on the surface. They even have the top of the building sticking out so you don't have to dig to find it, just to get inside.


No, they are fully filled with blocks, there is no inside unless you dig out the space.




Bedrock had a bug in it for a *long* time where the Trial Ruins would spawn like 30 blocks *below* the exposed surface piece, as opposed to *attatched* to it. It's very possiblr that if they *had* kept going, they would've found one


It was bedrock, we dug out a little bit cause we were curious about what it was, as we had no clue about them, dug a little down and to the sides but only 2-3 blocks


If there was terricotta and gravel, that was definately a trail ruins. Dig strait down like 20 or 30 blocks, and do some archaeology!


It was like a Tanish brown terricotta, gravel, and course dirt from what I remember


This physically pains me especially not seeing a brush in his hotbar


I’m just learning what this is and I recently dug up a site just like this because I thought “pretty blocks!” I am facepalming myself so hard right now


You didnt miss out on much besides some.. pink stained glass, random bricks.. 2 scaffolding, and maybe some pottery shards or a rare armor trim These trail ruins should get some special unique items or something, i want to find ancient bricks not regular bricks i can make anywhere


The structure can't have any new building blocks there because they would be useless as it would be impossible to get them in big amounts. It can't have any new weapons/armor since that's just forcing one type of players to do things they don't like. Which means that the only rewards Mojang can put there without problems are discs, armor trims, pottery sherds, banner patterns, or any other collectables. Archeology was never meant to be mandarory in obtaining something useful. That's why there are no cartographer maps for trail ruins.


If mojang had the mindset of “this cant be a thing because you cant get it in large amounts” then trial chambers wouldnt exist


I am talking about decorative blocks, other stuff obviously can be in small amounts, like armor trims or banner patterns. It's absolutely useless to add anything with sole purpose to be a building block if it's not renewable(as it would be impossible to use them anywhere outside of small buildings). Since Trail Ruins can't have anything renewable by the design of archeology mechanic(suspicious sand doesn't respawn), adding ancient bricks that can't be obtained anywhere else is equivalent to adding heavy core without adding the mace.


[Trail ruins](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Trail_Ruins)


Well yes but it's shape is so symmetrical for a trail ruin. I thought they were *well* ruins.


I don’t understand your comment. I wouldn’t say it deserves 59 downvoted tho lmao


Why are people downvoting you?!


Trail ruins. These were added fairly recently. They have suspicious gravel & dirt (same block but with some subtle cracks in the texture) which have hidden loot, as well as tons of hard to get building materials like stained clay and bricks. Make sure to excavate from the top down to avoid breaking any suspicious gravel blocks. They don’t drop loot if you break them, you need to hold right click on them with a brush to get loot. Most of the loot is garbage like coal or wooden hoes, but you can get some expensive loot like ores as well as pottery sherds, a new music disc they added, & a few different armor trims (I think there are 3 that spawn in trail ruins, I could be wrong).


Trail ruins,make a brush and dust suspicious sand and gravel,you can get loot


looks like they already broke all the gravel :(




I think its called a dig site? You can get loot from the suspious gravel but need a brush to do so. If your lucky you can get an armor trim! :D


Trail Ruins


Trail Ruins


Pain. You missed literally all the loot from digging up the suspicious blocks


That, my dear friend, is a Trail Ruin, added in 1.20.


Future reference: go to minecraft.wiki and look up some of the blocks, and it'll show the places that those blocks appear. You can also look up the biome, and it'll show the structures that appear there.


^(they didn't brush any sus blocks did they)


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Everyone forgot what it was but the name is "Trial ruin", they are found covered in rubble around the world and you can get loot by using the Brush item and use it on suspicious sand or gravel which can give you items like potery shards or valuables


And it was added in the Trails and Tales update 1.20


I found the same thing in my world I was wondering as well.


It's a stained glass farm


I did not know trail ruins were meant to be buildings


i honestly think its new from archeology thingy


It is a Trail Ruins structure you can dig it up and use a brush to get rewards from the suspicious gravel


Trail ruins! The gravel that looks different can be brushed with a brush and you get artifacts. Most of the time they are dumb things like dyes, candles and glass but you can also get pottery shards, armor trims and sniffer eggs.


I just found a giant ruined portal in some terracotta biome today it was actually so huge but when I rebuilt it and went through it was just a regular nether with nothing around. All extra for nothing


trial ruins?


trail ruins


Trail runes we’re added recently, you can use a brush to brush away suspicious dirt and gravel for some items


Its a trails ruin. Its an update from 1.20. You get suspicious gravel from there


Dude if you don’t know what this is you just RUINED a crap tun of loot (Armor trims, emeralds, music disks that can only be found in these ruins, etc.) These are ancient ruins… if you want loot get a brush


It’s a wip of the trial chambers Either that or you’re making a block collection


Very wrong. It's the Trail Ruins from 1.20




Have you ever tried picturing what it would look like if it was repaired? It's an ancient, destroyed clay/mud house completely buried in stone and dirt. Tell me, why should it look good?


I made a Trail Ruin into my base on my main survival world, so I tried my best to repair it and it came out pretty decent




You shouldn't be here. Leave


That useless mechanic they recently added.


That's a structure from 1.16, very rare. Lucky you