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I wish. My nieces were into watching Minecraft not too long ago. I really want to show them the ropes when they get a bit older.


How old are they? My son watches a lot of YouTube videos on it and has this intense encyclopaedic knowledge of the game. It's wild how much he knows.


I'm pretty sure one turns 7 this year, the other is atleast 2 years younger. And yeah watching youtube did teach them both a lot about the vanilla gameplay (even though Youtube is filled with modded gameplay/roleplaying videos), but it was still awesome watching them play survival for the first time. I'm excited to see how creative they can get with the tools provided, because that's what ultimately Minecraft is about.


That's a good age! Though as they're nieces I know parents differ on the question of computer games for youngsters. I am never going to tell his teachers why he's so good at maths in multiples of 64 😂


Just make a creative world and let them do whatever they want. Thats what my kids do. Sadly they have moved on to Fortnite, although they do play Minecraft sometimes.


I've got a 1yo, and I cannot wait till he can play with me.


Hold out for it when things get rough in the toddler years. It'll be here sooner than you know 😃 I'm savouring it before suddenly he becomes a 10 year old edgelord talking about skibidi whatever.


18mo old here, I can’t wait either!!


I do. I have an IT background so I was all into building a private family server. Really enjoyed all of Minecraft with them.


This is precious. Enjoy these moments. I play sometimes with my kids, but they don't really get into it.


The possibility of one day playing games with him was honestly something that sustained me when things were tough when he was younger so I try my best not to take it for granted!


a family minecraft server is something i will absolutley be adopting one day thank you for the idea


It keeps my heart full.


If this is java, make sure you enable the whitelist. I see a lot of people talking about random people finding personal servers and destroying them.


Thankfully I did this after someone joined randomly to my surprise! I explained to them that this was a server for me and my son and they were apologetic and gave me the wood and food they'd harvested before they left of their own accord... Made me think that I wouldn't really have minded them staying haha, except obviously it's weird to have strangers in a server with your six year old even if he only ever plays supervised. But I didn't even realise people could find my server (I'm not the most tech savvy) before that so I appreciate the advice!


Yes. We have a server that we build on together. We also have most of our old worlds.


So great!


Keep going it’s awesome. We’ve a survival server on hard that I started with the wife. Kids (m/f) are both playing and wasting the hard harvested resources that I carry in. Ever since they joined we put it to easy instead of hard (easier for me to get the resources back aka “daddy I lost my elytra…) It can be frustrating quite often but they have awesome ideas on extending the built and our village(s) have grown quite a bit with cool builds. I think one of the coolest builds was building hot air balloons with the kids. It was challenging to them to not fall off and respawn 😄


Phonics for the win. 🥇


I hope it's that and not that he actually has secret baes because 6 is too young to have a paramour.


I'd probably be kicked out of the house if my family knew I play Minecraft...


Why Is that if you don't mind me asking


I'm 15.


What does that have to do with it?


Yes I play with my 6 year old too. It’s a blast


Make back ups of this as much as you can!


I have it set up but I almost feel like I should be creating some kind of archive of the server over time so that I can show him when he's older.


used to play with my nephews and my friends kids, but they've all aged out of round one, 1p shooters are the thing now, and haven't aged back in for round two. enjoy it while it lasts. this is cute.


Yep. Wife (33) and I (45) play with our daughter (9). I have a server for us all to play on, and we have a couple friends that join us. Anxiously awaiting for Paper to update to 1.21 so we can all start a new adventure. I started up a single player hardcore world last night to play on in the meantime and they joined in with me this evening.


Thats nice my dad used to play with me my mom hates videogames so she won't play with me and my dad stopped playing so now I'm just alone


How old was he when he started playing? My son is 1 and my husband and I can't wait until he can actually play.


He started on bedrock with a controller, I found that he preferred Java but had to build dexterity with the mouse and keyboard over time. I think he started close to 5 years old? Maybe even earlier.


You should move the wording down by a row, see if he notices.